- Author: Charles Derennes Author Record # 115345
- Legal Name: Derennes, Charles
- Birthplace: Villeneuve-sur-Lot, Lot-et-Garonne, France
- Birthdate: 4 August 1882
- Deathdate: 28 April 1930
- Language: French
- Webpages: National Library of France, SFE, Wikipedia-FR
- Used These Alternate Names:
Шарль Деренн?Sharl' Derenn
- Author Tags: science fiction (1), adventure (1)
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Le peuple du Pôle (1907)
also appeared as:
- Translation: The People of the Pole [English] (2008)
Белые дьяволы (Excerpt from Le peuple du Pôle)?Belyye d'yavoly[Russian] (2016) only appeared as:
Variant: Белые дьяволы?Belyye d'yavoly(2016) [as byШарль Деренн?Sharl' Derenn]
- Chez le libraire (1912)