- Author: Ruth Berman Author Record # 11616
- Legal Name: Berman, Ruth Amelia
- Birthplace: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
- Birthdate: 15 November 1942
- Language: English
- Webpages: en.memory-alpha.org, Fancyclopedia 3, ruthberman.co.network, tc.umn.edu, Wikipedia-EN, zinewiki.com
- Additional Biographical Data: Bio:Ruth Berman
- Author Tags: fantasy (2), recursive sf (NESFA index) (1), dragons (1), second person (1), motel (1), horror (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- Autumn World (2002) with Margaret Howes and Deborah K. Jones and Tess Meara Kolney and Joan Marie Verba [only as by Ruth Berman and Margaret Howes and Deborah K. Jones and Tess Meara and Joan Marie Verba]
- Bradamant's Quest (2011)
- Dunkiton Press
- Dunkiton Press - 1999 (1999)
- Dunkiton Press - 2000 (2000)
- Dunkiton Press - 2001 (2001)
- Dunkiton Press - 2002 (2002)
- Dunkiton Press - 2003 (2003)
- Dunkiton Press - 2004 (2004)
- Dunkiton Press - 2005 (2005)
- Dunkiton Press - 2006 (2006)
- Dunkiton Press - 2007 (2007)
- Dunkiton Press - 2008 (2008)
- Dunkiton Press - 2009 (2009)
- Dunkiton Press - 2013 (2013)
- Oz Universe
- Oz
- Sherlock Holmes in Oz (1971)
- Gloma: (The Wishing Horse of Oz) (1979) [POEM]
- Emerald Holidays (1997) [POEM]
- Oz
- Star Trek Universe
- 1 Star Trek: The Original Series
- Star Trek: Bantam Books
- Star Trek: The New Voyages
The Face on the Barroom Floor (1976)
Eleanor Arnason
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Gesicht auf dem Barboden [German] (1977)
- Visit to a Weird Planet Revisited (1976)
The Face on the Barroom Floor (1976)
Eleanor Arnason
also appeared as:
- Star Trek: The New Voyages
- Star Trek: Bantam Books
- 1 Star Trek: The Original Series
- The Fangitive (1968)
- Ptolemaic Hijack (1971)
- 3-OK (1972)
- Stretch of Time (1972)
- Lakewood Cemetery (1974)
- A Board in the Other Direction (1974)
- Draconian Inheritance (1976)
To Ceremark (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nach Ceremark [German] (1985)
- Dragon Sunday (1979)
- In Spring a Livelier Iris (1979)
What I Did During My Park Vacation (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Alles zurück ins Paradies [German] (1984)
- The Ones Who Pickaback Away from Omelets (1982)
- Apartment Haunt (1982)
- Marilyn and the King (1983)
- Shell Game (1984)
- Witch Gretel (1985)
- The Death of Gawaine (1985)
- Sunbloom Achilles (1986)
- Boomp (1986)
- In a Season of Calm Weather (1986)
- Paul Bunyan and the Moon (1987)
- Professor and Colonel (1987)
- Far from the Dragons of Deimos (1989)
- How to Tell Time Travelers (1989)
- The Dancing Princes (1989)
- Alder-Woman (1992)
- The Dragon's Skin (1992)
- Stones by the Water (1998)
- The Buried Sword (2004)
- Computative Oak (1971)
- Small Limericks (Amra V2n64, October 1975) (1975)
- The Little Green Men Send an Ambassador to Earth (1976)
- A Map For Ruth Plumly Thompson: 1891—1976 (1977)
- Immigrant to Desert-World (1977)
- Low Grav-I-Tee (1977)
- Niobe: A Century After (1977)
- Two Poems in Memory of J. R. R. Tolkien (1978)
- The Phoenix (1979)
- A Map for Ruth Plumly Thompson (1981)
- Al Hodge (Captain Video) (1982)
- Winter Persephone (1983)
- Limestone and Coral (1986)
- Dark Planet Colony (1986)
- Assuming an Afterlife and Other Worlds (1986)
- Open-Ended Universe (1986)
- Further Planets (1986)
- The Glass Cat (1987)
- Magic Trick (1987)
- Daniel Dragonslayer (1988)
- Grey Garden Planet (1988)
- Had I Approached My Discovery in a More Noble Spirit (1988)
- Candle-Castles (1988)
- The Sorrel Nag Remembers (1989)
- Cloud Manufactory (1989)
- Dorothy and the Sequels (1989)
- Sphinx' Game (1990)
- The Legend of the Man-Mountain (1990)
- The Diamond in the Sky (1990)
- Before 3000° K (1990)
- Clock Eyed (1990)
- Pyrite Fossils (1990)
- The Legend of the Mannikin Gulliver and Brobdingnag (1990)
- The Singing Harp (1990)
- Griffin Gold (1991)
- The Real Moon (1992)
- Silicon Guests (1992)
- Alien Stamps (1993)
- Spacemail Correspondence (1993)
- Three Haiku (1993)
- Vengeance (1995)
- Recent Collections (1995)
- Brownies at Work (1995)
- On Webster Hill: Reflections on Rereading City (1996)
- The Mashgeakh Rejects the Dragon-Slayer (1996)
- Unicorn Shoot (1996)
- Time Trio (1997)
- The Boy in the Golden Atom (1998)
- Day Care Golems (1998)
- Gnome Holidays (1999)
- The Mannikin's Child (1999)
- Dark Constellations (1999)
- Silicon Trade Agreement (1999)
- Technoghosts (2000)
- Star Spears (2000)
- Designer Decorator Ghosts (2000)
- Pet Fossil (2000)
- 6683 Hollywood Boulevard Haiku (2000)
- Nightengale Woman (2000)
- The Turning of the Inland Tide (Kirk's Childhood) (2000)
- Gnome Footing (2001)
- Renting the Overgrown Grounds (2001)
- Weekend Cottage in the Woods (2001)
- They Moved While I Was Taking the Picture (2001)
- Darwin in Sunlight (2001)
- The Circle of the Sea (2001)
- Moods and Tenses (2002)
- The Kitsch Witch (2002)
- Taking the Unicorn to the King (2002)
- Planet Clones: Mars (2002)
- Moon-Dream (2002)
- Potherb Gardening (2002)
- Tubishvat Ghost Story (2003)
- New Lightning (2003)
- Planet Clones: Wet Venus (2003)
- Seating Chart (2004)
- TV Tea (2004)
- Romance Computer Game (2004)
- The Order of the Days (2004)
- Pocket Poltergeist (2004)
- Knowledge Of (2005)
- Werefir (2005)
- Grave Gifts (2005)
- The Shadow Maker (2005)
- A Handful of Time (2005)
- Wendy Waiting (2006)
- God Playing Dice (2007)
- Cat Spacesuit (2007)
- Alternate Astrology (2007)
- Orpheus Gives Directions to the Orphics (2007)
- Outlawing Big Cars (2007)
- The Angel Who Writes (2007)
- Dealing in Tarot (2007)
- Snow Angels (2008)
- Time Travel Time (2008)
- Cat Math (2008)
- Dreaming a Cartoon (2008)
- Regular Riders (2009)
- Doing Splits (2009)
- Windowshopping on the Streets of Dream (2009)
- DoT Acolytes (2010)
- Closed Shelves (2010)
- Kitchen Deities (2010)
- Martian Opal (2010)
- Affair (2010)
- Egg Protection (2010)
- A Dream of Simulacra (2010)
- Monster Love (2011)
- Being One with Your Broom (2011)
- Vampire Politics (2011)
- The Vampire's Wedding (2012)
- How Many (2013)
- Why We Get Viruses (2013)
- Gold Ring (2014)
- Witches' Checkout (2014)
Science Fiction (2014)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Science Fiction (with apologies to Marianne Moore's "Poetry") (2015)
- Spending Time (2015)
- Time Travel Vocabulary Problems (2015)
- The Fates Rebel (2015)
- Finding Aliens (2015)
- The Words of Mars (2015)
- Herschel Harmony (2015)
- Siren Song (2015)
- Venus Pyrites (2015)
- The Turvy Mirrors (2015)
- Dark Shuttle (2017)
- The Road to Long-Ago (2017)
- Spacemail Only (2017)
- The Invisible Man: An Emblematic Poem (2017)
- Elfin Godmothers (2017)
- Sunrise on the Flat Earth (2017)
- Explosion in the Time Factory (2018)
- Escaping the Ogre (2018)
- Casting Call: Oldsters (2019)
- Casting Call: Youngsters. (2020)
- The Riches of the Cloud Country (2020)
- Werewolves in Space (2022)
- Dragons Got Wings (2023)
- Elemental Scales (2024)
- Curiosities (essays)
- Locus Obituary
- L. A. Taylor (1996)
- Oz and Ends
- Oz and Ends (The Baum Bugle, Autumn 1965) (1965) with Bill Eubank and David L. Greene and Douglas G. Greene and Mrs. James Hart and Mrs. William Liehe and John C. Tower and Mrs. John C. Tower [only as by Ruth Berman and Bill Eubank and David Greene and Douglas Greene and Mrs. James Hart and Mrs. William Liehe and Mr. John C. Tower and Mrs. John C. Tower]
- Oz and Ends (The Baum Bugle, Autumn 2016) (2016) with Karyl Carlson and David Moyer
- The Magic Picture
- The Oz Bookshelf
- The Oz Bookshelf (The Baum Bugle, Spring 1977) (1977) with John Fricke and Douglas G. Greene and Russell P. MacFall and Dick Martin
- My First Acquaintance with Oz (1957)
- Oz Abroad Again (1962)
- Gulliver in Oz (1964)
- The Insidious Dr. Conan of Baker Street (1965) with Dick Eney
- Jack Snow's Horror Stories (1967)
- Star Trek Bibliography (1967)
- Here an Orc, There an Ork (1969)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review, June 1970) (1970)
- Patterns of Unification in Sylvie & Bruno (1974)
- Some Thoughts on Trekkies (1974)
- The Unretiring Wizard (1974)
- Letter to The SFWA Forum #32, January 1974 (1974)
- Letter to SFWA Bulletin, October 1975 (1975)
- Letter (Nickelodeon #2) (1976)
- Letter to The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, October 1976 (1976)
- A Note on Baum/Oz Holdings at the University of Minnesota Library (1979)
- Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Market List, First Installment (1979) with Steve Sneyd
- Letter (Star*Line, March 1979) (1979)
- A Bibliography of Fantasy and Fantasy-Criticism in Four Leading Nineteenth-Century Periodicals (1981)
- Lurline's Source (1982)
- Letter (Asimov's, August 1982) (1982)
- Letter (The Baum Bugle, Winter 1986) (1986)
- Letter (The Baum Bugle, Autumn 1987) (1987)
- A Checklist of the Works of Jack Snow (1907-1956) (1988)
- More Dragons of Oz (1989)
- A Partial Checklist of Works by Ruth Plumly Thomspon from the Philadelphia Public Ledger (1991)
- Ledger Notes (1991)
- Ruth Plumly Thompson: A Checklist of Her Published Work (1991)
- Walt Disney's Return to Oz Character Merchandise Checklist (1992)
- Letter (Analog, June 1993) (1993)
- Mermaids of Oz (1994)
- If Ever a Wiz There Was (1995)
- Letter (The Baum Bugle, Winter 1996) (1996)
- The Wizard on the Road (1997)
- Frederick Richardson at the Daily News (1999)
- The Oz Bookshelf (The Baum Bugle, Spring 2001) (2001) with M. A. Berg and Angelica Carpenter and Sean P. Duffley and Michael O'Connor and Jimm Philips and Michael O. Riley
- The Oz Bookshelf (The Baum Bugle, Winter 2002) (2002) with J. L. Bell and Joe Bongiorno and Sean P. Duffley and Dee Michel and Michael O. Riley and Richard R. Rutter [only as by J. L. Bell and Ruth Berman and Joe Bongiorno and Sean P. Duffley and Dee Michel and Michael O. Riley and Dr. Richard R. Rutter]
- Preface (Sissajig and Other Surprises) (2003) with Douglas G. Greene
- Short-short SF Poetry (2003)
- Oz in the News (The Baum Bugle, Spring 2004) (2004) with Darrell Baker and M. A. Berg and Angelica Carpenter and Martin France and Clara M. Houck and Gayle Keefer and Steve Klein and Mildred Martin and David Maxine and Dee Michel and David Moyer and Marie G. Nolf and Richard R. Rutter and Carol Saterlee and James Whitcomb [only as by Darrell Baker and Margaret Berg and Ruth Berman and Angelica Carpenter and Martin France and Clara Houck and Gayle Keefer and Steve Klein and Mildred Martin and David Maxine and Dee Michel and David Moyer and Marie G. Nolf and Richard Rutter and Carol Saterlee and James Whitcomb]
- Humour in Eleanor Arnason's Ring of Hwarhath Stories (2004)
- Epistolary Intercourse #2 (2004) with Bob Leman
Oz and Ends (The Baum Bugle, Winter 2005) (2005)
J. L. Bell
Marc Berezin
Scott Cummings
Eric Gjovaag
Laura Gjovaag
Marcus Mébès
Dee Michel
Karen Owens
Сергей Сухинов?Sergei Sukhinovand Stephen J. Teller and Jim Whitcomb [only as by J. L. Bell and Marc Berezin and Ruth Berman and Scott Cummings and Eric Gjovaag and Laura Gjovaag and Marcus Mébès and Dee Michel and Karen Owens and Sergei Sukhinov and Stephen J. Teller and Jim Whitcomb]
- The Royal History of the Lost King (2005)
- Introduction (The Wonder Book: Stories, Pictures, Games, Puzzles, Hero Tales, Animal Lore, Plays, Fun and Fancy) (2006)
- Not to be Miff'd: Mapping Phreex and Mifkets/Mifkits (2006)
- A Denslow Dummy (2009)
- Entomolog y of a Woggle-Bug (2009)
- Matching the Fuddles: The Jigsaw Puzzle Craze Behind the 1910 Oz Book (2010)
- The Oz Bookshelf (The Baum Bugle, Winter 2010) (2010) with Ken Cope and Blair Frodelius and Marcus Mébès and Alan MacArthur Wise
- Oz and Ends (The Baum Bugle, Winter 2011) (2011) with Mark Burstein and Atticus Gannaway and Marcus Mébès and Cathy Ryan and Angelo Thomas
- Letter (Lofgeornost 103) (2011)
- Letter (Lofgeornost 104) (2011)
- Letter (Lofgeornost 107) (2012)
- In Memoriam: Ray Bradbury (2012) with Denise Dumars and Samantha Henderson and Sandra Kasturi and Deborah P. Kolodji and David C. Kopaska-Merkel and Marge Simon and David Lee Summers
- Letter (Lofgeornost 109) (2012)
- Letter (Lofgeornost 111) (2013)
- Letter (Lofgeornost 117) (2014)
- Baum's Spectrum of Pearls (2015)
- Letter (Lofgeornost 118) (2015)
- Afterword (The Prince of the Aquamarines) (2015)
- Letter (Lofgeornost 119) (2015)
- Letter (Lofgeornost 121) (2015)
- Letter (Lofgeornost 124) (2016)
- Letter (Lofgeornost 126) (2017)
- Letter (Lofgeornost 130) (2018)
- Letter (Lofgeornost 131) (2018)
- Letter (Lofgeornost 132) (2018)
- Letter (Lofgeornost 133) (2018)
- Letter (Lofgeornost 139) (2020)
- Flights of Fancy in Oz (2021)
- When Pigs Have Wings (2021)
- Letter (Lofgeornost 143) (2021)
- Oz on Twin City Stages (2022)
- Dunkton Press: A Checklist of Pamphlets (2023)
- Fun Flesh (1990)
- Photo: An Interview with Ursula K. Le Guin (1997)
- Among the Dolls (1976) by William Sleator
- And All Between (1976) by Zilpha Keatley Snyder
- Dragonfall 5 and the Royal Beast (1976) by Brian Earnshaw
- Knave of Dreams (1976) by Andre Norton
- The Purcell Papers (1976) by Sheridan LeFanu
- The Ghost Garden (1976) by Hila Feil
- The Magical Cupboard (1976) by Jane Louise Curry
- The Riddle-Master of Hed (1976) by Patricia A. McKillip
- The Purple Dragon and Other Fantasies (1977) by L. Frank Baum
- The Enchanted Island of Oz (1977) by Ruth Plumly Thompson
- The Starcrossed (1977) by Ben Bova
- For Maurice: Five Unlikely Stories (1977) by Vernon Lee
- L. Frank Baum: Queen Zixi of Ix (audio reading) (1978) by Ray Bolger
- The Incredible Umbrella (1979) by Marvin Kaye
- Born to Exile (1979) by Phyllis Eisenstein
- The Face in the Frost (1979) by John Bellairs
- Coriolanus, the Chariot! (1979) by Alan Yates
- Star Magicians (1979) by Anna Martin
- Star Peril (1979) by Anna Martin
- The Lightning Time (1979) by Gregory Maguire
- Maria Looney and the Remarkable Robot (1979) by Jerome Beatty, Jr.
- Buzzbugs (1979) by Bruce Carter
- Mouse Woman and the Muddleheads (1979) by Christie Harris
- Beauty (1979) by Robin McKinley
- The Man Who Rode His 10-Speed Bicycle to the Moon (1979) by Bernard Fischman
- The Magic Cave (1979) by Ruth Chew
- The Witch's Garden (1979) by Ruth Chew
- The Lair of the White Worm (1980) by Bram Stoker
- The Shakwa (1980) by Gene March
- The Unicorn with Silver Shoes (1999) by Ella Young
- American Fairy Tales: from Rip Van Winkle to the Rootabaga Stories (2001) by Neil Philip
- The Wizard of Quarks: A Fantasy of Particle Physics (2002) by Robert Gilmore
- The Pearl and the Pumpkin (2010) by Paul West (1871-1918) and W. W. Denslow
- Anniversary Recollections: Sixty Years in the Oz Club (2017) by uncredited (co-interviewed with Justin G. Schiller and Douglas G. Greene and David L. Greene)