- Author: Victor Prezio Author Record # 116989
- Birthdate: 21 March 1924
- Deathdate: December 1976
- Language: English
- Webpages: comicartfans.com, crossgencomicsdatabase.wikia.com, Pinterest, PulpCovers.com, unobtainium13.com
- Used These Alternate Names: Vic Prezio
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Cover Art
Famous Monsters of Filmand, April 1966 (1966)
only appeared as:
- Interior Art: Famous Monsters of Filmand, April 1966 (cover) (2019) [as by Vic Prezio]
- The House of Many Worlds (1969)
Creepy, August 1969 (1969)
only appeared as:
- Interior Art: Creepy, August 1969 (cover) (2020) [as by Vic Prezio]
- Image of a Ghost (1973) [only as by Vic Prezio]
- The Craghold Crypt (1973)
- The House on Rainbow Leap (1973)
- The Apollo Fountain (1974) [only as by Vic Prezio]
- The House of Many Doors (1974) [only as by Vic Prezio]
- The White Ghost of Fenwick Hall (1974) [only as by Vic Prezio]
- The Tormented (1974) [only as by Vic Prezio]
- The Lily Pond (1974) [only as by Vic Prezio]
- Witches' Cove (1974) [only as by Vic Prezio]
- Shadows of Tomorrow (1974) [only as by Vic Prezio]
- The Prisoner of Malville Hall (1975) [only as by Vic Prezio]
- The Girl Who Didn't Die (1975) [only as by Vic Prezio]
- Lady of the Shadows (1975) [only as by Vic Prezio]
The Men in the Jungle (1977)
also appeared as:
Translation: Die imaginäre Größe?Die imaginaere Groesse[German] (1978)
- Der Kurier aus dem Jenseits [German] (1983)
Der Hai-Dämon?Der Hai-Daemon[German] (1984)
- Young Readers Science Fiction Stories (1957)
- Frankenstein #1 (cover) (1963) [only as by unknown]