- Author: Adrienne J. Odasso Author Record # 120282
- Birthplace: Cleveland, Ohio, USA
- Birthdate: 20 December 1981
- Language: English
- Webpages: Goodreads, LiveJournal, othervoicespoetry.org
- Used These Alternate Names: A. J. Odasso, Adrienne Odasso
- Additional Biographical Data: Bio:Adrienne J. Odasso
- Author Tags: steampunk (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- The Dishonesty of Dreams (2014)
- In Every Place That I Am (2007)
- Lady of the Lake (2009)
- The Still Point of the Turning World (2012)
- Feet of Clay (2016) [only as by A. J. Odasso]
We Come Back Different (2018)
only appeared as:
- Serializations:
- We Come Back Different, Part I (2018) [as by A. J. Odasso]
- We Come Back Different, Part II (2018) [as by A. J. Odasso]
- Bradbury on Writing (2008)
- Death Would Like to Say (2008)
- Iconoclast (2008)
- Night Riding (2008)
- Push (2008)
- Where to Begin (2008)
- River Girl (2008)
- Journeying (2009)
- Queen of May (2009)
- Five Secret Selves (2009)
- The Monsters of Notre-Dame (2009)
- The Second Wife (2010)
The Ghosts of Moody St. (2010)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Ghosts of Moody Street (2011)
- What They Know (2010)
- Goldilocks, Twenty Years On (2010)
- Three Nightmares (2010) [only as by Adrienne Odasso]
- Martyrs' Tales (2010)
- The Hyacinth Girl (2010)
- Tell No Tales (2011)
- The Book of Drowned Things (2011)
- Persephone, Trapped (2012)
- Parallax (2012)
- Spell (2012)
- Returning Song (2012)
- What They Called Me (2012)
- Stone Ghost (2012) [only as by A. J. Odasso]
- Tables Turned (2012)
- You (and the Sea) (2012)
- Fairy Beekeeper (2012)
- Rigel (2013)
- Terce(t) (2013) [only as by A. J. Odasso]
- Shipwrecked (2013)
- Watershed (2013)
- Fallout (2013) [only as by A. J. Odasso]
- Ivy (2013)
Heaven & Earth (2013)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Heaven and Earth (2014)
- Queen of Cups (2014) [also as by A. J. Odasso]
- The Memory-Thief (2014) with Dominik Parisien
- Vow (2014) [only as by Adrienne Odasso]
- The Word for Love (2014)
- Orbital (2015)
- Skin and Paper (2015)
- Your Last Word on Earth (2015) [only as by A. J. Odasso]
- Bone-House (2015) [only as by A. J. Odasso]
- Poetry Set: Red Wire, Monsters, Slipknot (2015) [only as by A. J. Odasso]
- Transition Metal (2015) [only as by A. J. Odasso]
- Widening Gyre (2016) [only as by A. J. Odasso]
- XX/XY (2016) [only as by A. J. Odasso]
- The Woman and the Serpent (2016) [only as by A. J. Odasso]
- Tomorrow Never Comes (2016) [only as by A. J. Odasso]
- Jellyfish/Out of Water (2016) [only as by A. J. Odasso]
- Sargasso Sea (2016) [only as by A. J. Odasso]
- Ace of Spades (2016) [only as by A. J. Odasso]
- Nothing Goes Away (2016) [only as by A. J. Odasso]
- Radiant Things (2017) [only as by A. J. Odasso]
- The Devil in Boston (2017) [only as by A. J. Odasso]
- Origin Story (2017) [only as by A. J. Odasso]
- Keepsake (2021) [only as by A. J. Odasso]
- Our Queer Roundtable (2016) with Anna Anthropy and Rose Fox and Vanessa Rose Phin and Nisi Shawl and Cynthia Ward [only as by Anna Anthropy and Rose Fox and A. J. Odasso and Vanessa Rose Phin and Nisi Shawl and Cynthia Ward]
- An Introduction (and a Reminder) (2021) [only as by A. J. Odasso]
- Defining Speculative Poetry: A Conversation and Three Manifestos (2014) by Romie Stott (co-interviewed with Sonya Taaffe)
- Staff Stories (2020) by Vanessa Rose Phin
- Interview with AJ Odasso (2024) by Jean-Paul L. Garnier