Note: There are other authors with the same name: William Morrison (II)
- Author: William Morrison Author Record # 1246
- Legal Name: Samachson, Joseph
- Birthplace: Trenton, New Jersey, USA
- Birthdate: 13 October 1906
- Deathdate: 2 June 1980
- Language: English
- Webpages: SFE, Wikipedia-EN
- Used These Alternate Names:
Edmond Hamilton (in error), W. M., Уильям Моррисон?Uil'yam Morrison, William Morrisson, Joseph Samachson, Brett Sterling
Wil'yam Morrison - Author Tags: science fiction (3), aliens (2), Librivox (2), matter transmission (1), food (1), hunger (1), doctor (1), ipulpfiction (1), Merril01 (1), The Hunters (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Fiction Series
- Captain Future
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Worlds to Come (1943) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Variant: Worlds to Come (1943) [as by Brett Sterling]
Translation: Überfall aus fremder Dimension?Ueberfall aus fremder Dimension[German] (1961) [as by Brett Sterling]
- Translation: Invasion der Sverd [German] (1983) [as by Joseph Samachson]
- 17
The Tenth Planet (1969)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Captain Zukunfts letztes Abenteuer [German] (1963) [as by Brett Sterling]
- Variant: The Tenth Planet (1969) [as by Brett Sterling]
- Variant: Days of Creation (2017) [as by Edmond Hamilton (in error)]
- Serializations:
- Days of Creation (Complete Novel) (1944) [as by Brett Sterling]
- 14
Worlds to Come (1943) [SF]
only appeared as:
Two Worlds to Save (1942)
only appeared as:
- Serializations:
- Two Worlds to Save (Complete Novel) (1942)
The Gears of Time (1953)
only appeared as:
- Serializations:
- The Gears of Time (Complete Novel) (1953)
Mel Oliver and Space Rover on Mars (1954)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Mel Oliver naar Mars [Dutch] (1956)
- The Sly Bungerhop (2017)
Überfall aus fremder Dimension?Ueberfall aus fremder Dimension[German] (1961) [only as by Brett Sterling]
- The Hunters (2007)
- Divinity (2007)
- Runaway (2009)
- Dead Man's Planet (2009)
- A Feast of Demons (2010)
- The Model of a Judge (2010)
- Bedside Manner (2010)
- Shipping Clerk (2015)
- Weather on Mercury (2016)
- Picture Bride (2016)
- Spoken For (2016)
- The Addicts (2016)
Worlds to Come (2017)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Invasion der Sverd [German] (1983) [as by Joseph Samachson]
- Variant: Worlds to Come (2017) [as by Brett Sterling]
- Unwelcomed Visitor (2019)
- Monster (2020)
- Task of Kayin (2021)
- Messenger (2021)
- Forgotten Danger (2022)
- Hop O' My Thumb (2022)
- Date of Publication, 2083 A.D. (2023)
- No Star's Land (2024)
- Bad Medicine (1941)
- Plastic Pigskin Daze (1941)
- Crossroads of the Universe (1941)
Masters of Chance (1941)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dueños del azar [Spanish] (1947)
- The Barbarians (1941) [also as by William Morrisson]
- Undersea Snatch (1941)
- Christmas on Mars (1941)
- The Lion-Hearted (1942)
- The Man in the Moon (1942)
- The Treasure (1942)
- Forgotten Past (1943)
- Garments of Doom (1943)
- The Great Invasion (1943)
- The Invincible Wrestler (1943)
- The Wheezers (1943)
- The Monkey and the Typewriter (1943)
- Light in Darkness (1943)
- The Companions of Sirius (1943)
- They Picked a Sucker (1944)
- Get Your Extra Here! (1944)
- Free Land (1949)
- Skin Dupe (1949)
- Stars Over Santa Claus (1950)
- Hop O' My Thumb (1950)
- The Strangest Bedfellows (1950)
- Disappointment (1950)
The Sack (1950)
also appeared as:
Translation: Мешок?Meshok[Russian] (1959) [as byУильям Моррисон?Uil'yam Morrison]
Wil'yam Morrison -
Translation: Vreća?Vreca[Croatian] (1976)
- Translation: Il Sacco [Italian] (1985)
- The Ancient (1950)
- Star Slave (1951) with Harry Nix
- Monster (1951)
- Vermin (1951)
- The Cupids of Venus (1951)
- The Dark Dimension (1951)
- The Joker (1951)
The Addicts (1952)
also appeared as:
Translation: Les envoûtés?Les envoutes[French] (1956) [as by W. M.]
- Translation: Les drogués [French] (1980)
- Asylum (1952)
- The Luckiest Man Alive! (1952)
Shipping Clerk (1952)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Point de transit [French] (1955)
- Translation: O vagabundo [Portuguese] (1967)
Translation: Commis expéditionnaire?Commis expeditionnaire[French] (1974)
- Translation: O despachante [Portuguese] (1984)
- New Universe (1952)
- Temptation (1952)
- Dragon Army (1952)
Runaway (1952)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'évasion difficile [French] (1955)
- Translation: Der Flüchtling [German] (1965)
- Translation: La fugue [French] (1974)
- Scent of Danger (1952) with Harry Nix
- Revenge (1952)
Country Doctor (1953)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Médecin de campagne [French] (1961)
- Translation: Dottore di Marte [Italian] (1966)
Translation: «Коровий доктор»?«Koroviy doktor»[Russian] (1969) [as byУильям Моррисон?Uil'yam Morrison]
Wil'yam Morrison - Translation: Medico Di Campagna [Italian] (1972)
- Translation: Der Landarzt [German] (1976)
- Translation: Médico do interior [Portuguese] (1979)
- Forgotten Danger (1953)
- The Hunters (1953)
- Divinity (1953)
- The Haters (1953)
- Long Life to You, Albert! (1953)
- Task of Kayin (1953)
The Weather on Mercury (1953)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'arme secrète [French] (1956)
- Date of Publication, 2083 A.D. (1953)
The Model of a Judge (1953)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Un juge modèle [French] (1954)
- Translation: Il giudice modello [Italian] (1954)
- Translation: Un juez ejemplar [Spanish] (1963)
- Translation: Un giudice modello [Italian] (1987)
- Translation: Az ideális bíró [Hungarian] (1988)
G'rilla (1954)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le Go'ille [French] (1956)
- Split Personality (1954)
Playground (1954)
also appeared as:
Translation: Un coin rêvé pour les vacances?Un coin reve pour les vacances[French] (1954)
The Inner Worlds (1954)
also appeared as:
Translation: Les mondes intérieurs?Les mondes interieurs[French] (1954)
- Translation: Mondi interiori [Italian] (1955)
Bedside Manner (1954)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le docteur fait du charme [French] (1954)
- Heads You Lose (1954)
Messenger (1954)
also appeared as:
- Translation: O mensageiro [Portuguese] (2023) [as by Joseph Samachson]
- No Star's Land (1954)
There Ought to Be a Lore (1954)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le dicton qui manquait [French] (1955)
Music of the Sphere (1954)
also appeared as:
Translation: Gammes à tous les étages?Gammes a tous les etages[French] (1955)
- Translation: Música de la esfera [Spanish] (1956)
- Unwelcomed Visitor (1954)
- Battleground (1954)
The Ardent Soul (1954)
also appeared as:
Translation: Un tempérament de feu?Un temperament de feu[French] (1957)
Dead Man's Planet (1955)
also appeared as:
Translation: La planète de l'homme mort?La planete de l'homme mort[French] (1958)
- Translation: Il pianeta dell'uomo morto [Italian] (1960)
- Dark Destiny (1955)
- The Hollywood Habit (1955)
- Hiding Place (1955)
Picture Bride (1955)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Amoureux d'une image [French] (1956)
- Translation: Mariage intertemporel [French] (1976)
Spoken For (1955)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le survivant [French] (1955)
- The Head Hunters (1956) with Frederik Pohl
- Star Slugger (1956)
The Sly Bungerhop (1957)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Glissoire transtemporelle [French] (1958)
- Translation: Le mauvais bouton [French] (1976)
Stepping Stone (1957)
Frederik Pohl
also appeared as:
- Translation: Une situation d'avenir [French] (1961)
A Feast of Demons (1958)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les démons sont lachés [French] (1958)
- Translation: Demonien kapina [Finnish] (1958)
- Translation: Una festa di demoni [Italian] (1961)
- The Science Stage
- The Science Stage (F&SF, March 1957) (1957)
- The Science Stage (The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, May 1957) (1957)
- The Science Stage (The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, June 1957) (1957)
- The Science Stage (The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1957) (1957)
- The Science Stage (The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, November 1957) (1957)
- The Science Stage (The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, March 1958) (1958)
- The Science Stage (The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, May 1958) (1958)
- The Science Stage (The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, June 1958) (1958)
- The Science Stage (The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, July 1958) (1958)