- Author: Lori Ann White Author Record # 12576
- Language: English
- Webpages: home.pacbell.net
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Short Fiction
- Gracious Hostess (1987)
- Old Mickey Flip Had a Marvelous Ship (1987)
- All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth (1988)
- Strange Attractors (1989)
- Dead Girls Can't Say No (1991)
- Sex with an Alien (2001)
Target Audience (2002)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Audiencia blanco [Spanish] (2004)
- Mixed Signals (2003) with Ken Wharton
- Heart of Glass (2003)
- Silver Land (2004)
- Flatland, Flatterland, Spaceland: An Education in Three Books (2006)
- Domesticated Bliss (2008)
- Prophetic Dreams (1989)
- A Forest Child's Prayer (1990)
- Advice from an Old Hand, to a Young Man Shipping Out (1990)
- Eulogy for a Crew Member of the Heaven's Gate (1990)
- The History of Cosmology (2005)
- SF Writing Groups: Ohio, Oregon, Utah (1988) with M. Shayne Bell and Kenneth Schulze
- One Thousand Words About Frank Wu (2003)
- Tim Burton's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (movie review) (2005)
- Betting on the LHC: The Large Hadron Collider and the Future of Physics (2010)
- Divine Intervention (2001) by Ken Wharton
- Empty Cities of the Full Moon (2002) by Howard V. Hendrix
- Impact Parameter and Other Quantum Realities (2002) by Geoffrey A. Landis
- Across the Nightingale Floor (2003) by Lian Hearn
- Clade (2004) by Mark Budz
- The Healer (2005) by Michael Blumlein
- Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions (2006) by Edwin A. Abbott
- Flatterland: Like Flatland, Only More So (2006) by Ian Stewart
- Spaceland (2006) by Rudy Rucker
- Interview: Lisa Goldstein (2003) with Lisa Goldstein