- Author: James H. Beard Author Record # 12788
- Language: English
- Used These Alternate Names: Philip James
- Author Tags: fantasy (2), science fiction (1), witches (1)
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Short Fiction
- Five Fathoms of Pearls (1939)
Carillon of Skulls (1941)
Lester del Rey
also appeared as:
- Variant: Carillon of Skulls (1941) [as by Philip James]
- Translation: Carillón de cráneos [Spanish] (1979) [as by Lester del Rey]
- The Jumper (1942) with Theodore Sturgeon [only as by Theodore Sturgeon]
The Hag Sčleen (1942)
Theodore Sturgeon
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Hag Séleen (1942) [as by Theodore Sturgeon]
- Variant: The Hag Séleen (1942)
- Translation: Die Hex' Seleen [German] (1968) [as by Theodore Sturgeon]
Translation: La sorcičre du marais?La sorciere du marais[French] (1971) [as by Theodore Sturgeon]
- Translation: Die Hexe Sčleen [German] (1980)
The Bones (1943)
Theodore Sturgeon
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Bones (1943) [as by Theodore Sturgeon]
- Translation: Les ossements [French] (1978) [as by Theodore Sturgeon]
Translation: Unfalltod mit Verzögerung?Unfalltod mit Verzoegerung[German] (1982) [as by Theodore Sturgeon]
- The Dawn of Reason (1939)