Note: There are other authors with the same name: Bill Warren (artist)
- Author: Bill Warren Author Record # 13584
- Legal Name: Warren, William Bond
- Birthplace: North Bend, Oregon, USA
- Birthdate: 26 April 1943
- Deathdate: 7 October 2016
- Language: English
- Webpages: Fancyclopedia 3,, SFE, Wikipedia-EN
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- Fandom Is a Way of Death (1984) with Allan Rothstein
- Keep Watching the Skies!
- Keep Watching the Skies! American Science Fiction Movies of the Fifties: Volume I, 1950-1957 (1982)
- Keep Watching the Skies! American Science Fiction Movies of the Fifties: Volume II, 1958-1962 (1986)
- Keep Watching the Skies! American Science Fiction Movies of the Fifties: The 21st Century Edition (2010)
- The Visitors (1950)
- Death is a Lonely Place (1968)
- Saturday's Child (1970)
- Fandom Is a Way of Death (1984) with Allan Rothstein
- The Lady Was a Vamp (1949)
- Sing a Son of Venus (1949)
- Martian Winds (1950)
- Locus Obituary
- Dave Fox (1986)
- Star Trek nonfiction
- David Warner: St. John Talbot (1989) with John Sayers
- Dark Star! (Scientifilm World)(PR#50) (1974) with Donald F. Glut and John Landis and Walt Liebscher and Mark McGee [only as by Donald F. Glut and John Landis and Walter Liebscher and Mark McGee and Bill Warren]
- Review of the nonfiction work "Boris Karloff and His Films" by Paul M. Jensen (1975)
- Review of the nonfiction work "The Jaws Log" by Carl Gottlieb (1975)
- Review of From the Hells Beneath the Hells by Robert E. Howard read by Ugo Toppo (1976)
- A Boy and His Dog (1976)
- Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter (1976)
- Flesh Gordon (1976)
- Glen and Randa (1976)
- Schlock (1976)
- Review of "A Coven of Witches Tales" told by Vincent Price (1976)
- Review of "Poems & Tales of Edgar Allan Poe" read by Basil Rathbone (1976)
- Review of Anthony Burgess reading selections from "A Clockwork Orange" (1976)
- Review of the nonfiction work "Lugosi: The Man Behind the Cape" by Robert Cremer (1976)
- Review of Leonard Nimoy's recording of The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells (1977)
- Review of the Forbidden Planet soundtrack recording by Louis and Bebe Barron (1977)
- Review of William Shatner's recording of Mimsy Were the Borogroves by Henry Kuttner (1977)
- Review of David McCollom's audio recording of The Dunwich Horror by H. P. Lovecraft (1977)
- Review of John Williams' score for Star Wars (1977)
- Star Wars (1977)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #24) (1978)
- Close Encounter of the Third Kind [Dutch] (1978)
- Sprocket to Me!!! SF, Fantasy and Horror Film News (Science Fiction Review #25) (1978)
- Sprocket to Me!!! SF, Fantasy and Horror Film News (Science Fiction Review #26) (1978)
- Sprocket to Me!!! SF, Fantasy and Horror Film News (Science Fiction Review #27) (1978)
- Moving Visions: SF, Fantasy and Horror Film News (Science Fiction Review #28) (1978)
- The Beast of Beachwood: Film Reviews and News (Science Fiction Review #29) (1979)
- The Beast of Beachwood: Film Reviews and News (Science Fiction Review #30) (1979)
- The Beast of Beachwood: Film Reviews and News (Science Fiction Review #31) (1979)
- Science Fiction Hotline (Galaxy, June-July 1979) (1979) with Elton T. Elliott [only as by Elton Elliott and Bill Warren]
- Science Fiction Hotline (Galaxy, September-October 1979) (1979) with Elton T. Elliott
- Warren's News & Reviews (Fantasy Newsletter No. 20) (1980)
- Warren's News & Reviews (Fantasy Newsletter No. 21) (1980)
- Warren's News & Reviews (Fantasy Newsletter No. 23) (1980)
- Warren's News & Reviews (Fantasy Newsletter No. 24) (1980)
- Warren's News & Reviews (Fantasy Newsletter No. 26) (1980)
- It's OK to Like the Star Trek Movie (1980)
- Warren's News & Reviews (Fantasy Newsletter No. 27) (1980)
- Warren's News and Reviews (Fantasy Newsletter No. 28) (1980)
- Warren's News and Reviews (Fantasy Newsletter No. 29) (1980)
- Warren's News & Reviews (Fantasy Newsletter No. 31) (1980)
- The Conan Film - A Status Report (1981)
- Warren's News & Reviews (Fantasy Newsletter No. 33) (1981)
- Warren's News & Reviews (Fantasy Newsletter #34) (1981)
- On Near-Future SF Films (1981)
- Warren's News & Reviews (Fantasy Newsletter #37) (1981)
- Warren's News & Reviews (1981)
- Warren's News & Reviews (Fantasy Newsletter No. 40) (1981)
- Warren's Film News & Reviews (Fantasy Newsletter, #42 November 1981) (1981)
- Futurefilm (Science Fiction Digest, January-February 1982) (1982)
- Warren's Film News & Reviews (Fantasy Newsletter, #45 February 1982) (1982)
- Futurefilm (Science Fiction Digest, May-June 1992) (1982)
- John Boorman's Excalibur (1982)
- 1980: The Year in Fantastic Films (1982)
- Futurefilm (Science Fiction Digest, September-October 1982) (1982)
- Warren's Film News and Reviews (1982)
- The Movies and Mr. King (1982)
- Fandom Is a Way of Death (1984) with Allan Rothstein
- Science Fiction Films of 1984 (1985)
- Science Fiction Films of 1985 (1986)
- Twilight Zone Review 1986: TV (1987)
- Science Fiction Movies of 1986 (1988)
- The Movies and Mr. King: Part II (1988)
- Science Fiction Movies of 1987 (1989)
- Video (Twilight Zone, April 1989) (1989)
- Database: Diana Muldaur: Prescription 'Enterprise' (1989)
- The Year of the Pratfall: SF Movies of 1988 (1990)
- Artman (1990)
- Year of the Bat: Science Fiction Movies of 1989 (1991)
- Princess of Darkness (1991)
- Science Fiction Movies of 1990: Spiders, Scissors, and Schwarzenegger (1992)
- Introduction to "The Clown at Midnight" (1995)
- Roger Corman (1996)
- King of All Media (1997)
- Science Fiction Films of 1996 (1998)
- Genre and Genesis: A Discussion of Science Fiction's Literary Role (2000) with David G. Hartwell and Jonathan Lethem and Gordon Van Gelder and George Zebrowski [only as by David Hartwell and Jonathan Lethem and Gordon Van Gelder and Bill Warren and George Zebrowski]
- The Truth About Sci-Fi Movies, Revealed at Last (2000)
- The Televisualizer: This Island Earth, Forbidden Planet, She (2007)
- Letter (File 770, December 2013) (2013)
- Ray Bradbury, Professional Writer (2013)
- Bill Warren (2019)
- Forrest J Ackerman (2019)
- Stress Pattern (1975) by Neal Barrett, Jr.
- Phantom of the Paradise (1975) by Bjarne Rostaing
- Young Frankenstein (1975) by Gilbert Pearlman
- The Count: The Life and Films of Bela "Dracula" Lugosi (1975) by Arthur Lennig
- Classics of the Horror Film (1975) by William K. Everson
- The Annotated Dracula (1975) by Bram Stoker and Leonard Wolf
- The Dracula Tape (1975) by Fred Saberhagen
- The Seal of Dracula (1975) by Barrie Pattison
- Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Man Who Created Tarzan (1976) by Irwin Porges
- Catastrophe: The End of the Cinema? (1976) by David Annan
- Ray Bradbury: The Martian Chronicles, read by Leonard Nimoy (1976) by Ray Bradbury
- The Intruders (1976) by Pat Montandon
- The Powers of Evil (1976) by Richard Cavendish
- Sherlock Holmes's War of the Worlds (1976) by Manly Wade Wellman and Wade Wellman
- Dear Boris: The Life of William Henry Pratt A.K.A. Boris Karloff (1976) by Cynthia Lindsay
- Living in Fear: A History of Horror in the Mass Media (1976) by Les Daniels
- Kings of the Bs (1976) by Todd McCarthy and Charles Flynn
- The Rats in the Walls (1976) by H. P. Lovecraft
- Pillar of Fire (1976) by Ray Bradbury
- The Ultimate Warrior (1976) by Bill S. Ballinger
- The Girl in the Hairy Paw: King Kong as Myth, Movie, and Monster (1976) by Harry Geduld and Ronald Gottesman
- The Mouse That Roared by & read by Leonard Wibberley (1976) by Leonard Wibberley
- I Am Not Spock (1976) by Leonard Nimoy
Japan Sinks (1976)
小松左京?Komatsu Sakyou
Komatsu Sakyō
Komatsu Sakyo - 'Salem's Lot (1976) by Stephen King
- Step Right Up! (1976) by William Castle
- Lizard Music (1976) by D. Manus Pinkwater
- Down the Yellow Brick Road: The Making of The Wizard of Oz (1977) by Doug McClelland
- Horror Films (1977) by R. H. W. Dillard
- Science Fiction Films (1977) by Thomas R. Atkins
- Monsters and Vampires (1977) by Alan Frank
- Julia (1977) by Peter Straub
- Science Fiction Movies (1977) by Philip Strick
- The Fabulous Fantasy Films (1977) by Jeff Rovin
- The Year of the Sex Olympics and Other TV Plays (1977) by Nigel Kneale
- Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Reads Cat Cradle (audio reading) (1978) by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
- Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Reads Slaughterhouse-Five (1978) by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
- Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Reads Welcome to the Monkey House (1978) by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
- Mick Garris: Story Editor of Amazing Stories (1986) with Mick Garris
- Roger Corman's Frankenstein Unbound, Part Two (1989) with Roger Corman
- Weird Tales Talks with David J. Schow (1990) with David J. Schow
- Scenic Art Supervisor (1991) with Michael Okuda
- Senior Illustrator (1991) with Rick Sternbach
- Costume Designer (1991) with Robert Blackman