- Author: Diana Peterfreund Author Record # 139381
- Birthplace: Pennsylvania, USA
- Birthdate: 20 January 1979
- Language: English
- Webpages: dianapeterfreund.com, Goodreads, Wikipedia-EN
- Author Tags: juvenile sf (3), young-adult fantasy (2), unicorns (2), young-adult sf (2), retold classics (2), post-apocalyptic (2), genetic engineering (2), middle grades science fiction (1)
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Fiction Series
- Killer Unicorns
- 1 Rampant (2009)
- 2 Ascendant (2010)
- Errant (2010) [SF]
- The Care and Feeding of Your Baby Killer Unicorn (2010) [SF]
- Hammer of Artemis (2012) [SF]
- The Last of the Unicorn Hunters (2013) [SF]
- Omega City
- 1 Omega City (2015)
- 2 The Forbidden Fortress (2017)
- 3 Infinity Base (2018)
- Stars (Diana Peterfreund)
- 1 For Darkness Shows the Stars (2012)
- 2 Across a Star-Swept Sea (2013)
- Foundlings (2012)
- Burned Bright (2012)
- Stray Magic (2012)
- Huntress Sinister (2014)
- Playscape (2019)