- Author: T. C. McCarthy Author Record # 139463
- Language: English
- Webpages: SFE, tcmccarthy.com, Wikipedia-EN
- Additional Biographical Data: Bio:T. C. McCarthy
- Author Tags: military sf (4), alien invasion (1), cyborg (1), science fiction (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Fiction Series
- Subterrene War
- 1 Germline (2011)
- 2 Exogene (2012)
- 3 Chimera (2012)
- Germline (excerpt) (2011) [SF]
- Exogene (excerpt) (2011) [SF]
- Chimera (excerpt) (2012) [SF]
- Tyger
- 1 Tyger Burning (2019)
- 2 Tyger Bright (2021)
- The Legionnaires (2011)
- A People's Army (2012)
- Sunshine (2012)
- The Best Liar Ever (2010)
- The Legionnaires (2011)
- Private Exploration (2011)
- A People's Army (2012)
- Sunshine (2012)
- Seven Miles (2013)
- Black Butterfly (2014)
- Pathfinder (2015)
- Saracens (2015)
- Zip Ghost (2020)
- The Test (2021)
- Blue Kachina (2022)
- The Handyman (2022)
- It Takes Time to Grow (2024)
- Interview (Germline) (2011) by uncredited