- Author: Attila Boros Author Record # 145765
- Legal Name: Boros, Attila
- Birthplace: Budapest, Hungary
- Birthdate: 18 May 1971
- Language: Hungarian
- Email: boros@borosattila.com
- Webpages: web.archive.org, Wikipedia-HU
- Used These Alternate Names: Boros Attila
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Cover Art
A Birodalom örökösei?A Birodalom orokosei(1991) [only as by Boros Attila]
A Birodalom oeroekoesei -
Gyűrűkúra?Gyurukura(1991) [only as by Boros Attila]
Gyuueruuekuura -
A boldogság kék szörnyetege?A boldogsag kek szornyetege(1992) [only as by Boros Attila]
A boldogsaag keek szoernyetege - A pokol légiói (1992) [only as by Boros Attila]
A végső pont?A vegso pont(1992) [only as by Boros Attila]
A veegsooe pont - Észak lángjai (1992) [only as by Boros Attila]
- Linn varázslója (1992) [only as by Boros Attila]
Útikalauz Elmélkedések a Föld és az űr titkairól?Utikalauz Elmelkedesek a Fold es az ur titkairol(1992) with László Gál [only as by Boros Attila and László Gál]
Uutikalauz Elmeelkedeesek a Foeld ees az uuer titkairool -
Ghouzm gyöngyei?Ghouzm gyongyei(1994) [only as by Boros Attila]
Ghouzm gyoengyei -
A zöld úrnő?A zold urno(1995) [only as by Boros Attila]
A zoeld uurnooe - Die Löwin von Neetha [German] (1995)
- Thalionmels Opfer [German] (1995)
- Túan der Wanderer [German] (1995)
- Asse hoch! [German] (1996)
- Asse und Joker [German] (1996)
- Der Sohn des Bannsängers [German] (1996)
- Die Entführung der Musik [German] (1996)
- Drén fivérek (1996) [only as by Boros Attila]
- Schlechte Karten [German] (1996)
- Vier Asse [German] (1996)
- Das Killerding [German] (1996)
- Asse im Einsatz [German] (1997)
- Das Science Fiction Jahr Ausgabe 1997 [German] (1997)
- Die Einhornpirsch [German] (1997)
- Wilde Joker [German] (1997)
- Meamones Auge [German] (1997)
- Die Clans von Stratos [German] (1998)
- Konzert für Sirenen und Serotonin [German] (1998)
- Nur Tote kennen Jokertown [German] (1998)
- Die letzten Bastionen [German] (1998)
Die Haarteppichknüpfer?Die Haarteppichknuepfer[German] (1998)
- Der Metrognom [German] (1998)
- Das Herz eines Helden [German] (1998)
- Die Vergangenheit der Zukunft [German] (1998)
- Ein As in der Hinterhand [German] (1999)
- Terror und Dr. Tachyon [German] (1999)
- Meamones Auge [German] (1997)
- Song for a Dragon [English] (1998)