- Author: John Edgar Browning Author Record # 147752
- Birthplace: Nashville, Tennessee, USA
- Birthdate: 14 October 1980
- Language: English
- Email: vampirology@live.com
- Webpages: buffalo.academia.edu, Goodreads, Wikipedia-EN
- Author Tags: zombies (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- Draculas, Vampires, and Other Undead Forms: Essays on Gender, Race, and Culture (2009) with Caroline Joan Picart
- Dracula in Visual Media: Film, Television, Comic Book and Electronic Game Appearances, 1921-2010 (2010) with Caroline Joan Picart
- Graphic Horror: Movie Monster Memories (2012)
- The Fantastic in Holocaust Literature and Film: Critical Perspectives (2014) with Judith B. Kerman
- Zombie Talk: Culture, History, Politics (2015) with David R. Castillo and David A. Reilly and David Schmid
- Apocalypse Nowadays (2009)
- Can You Murder a Dream? (2009)
- Impalements at Piccadilly Circus (2009)
- New Writers, New Horror (2010)
- The United States of the Undead (2010)
- Children of Bram and Poesy du Macabre (2012)
- Introduction: A Periodical Portrait of the "Author of Dracula" (2012)
Afterword (Powers of Darkness: The Lost Version of Dracula) (2016)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Epílogo (Los poderes de la oscuridad: La versión perdida de Drácula de Bram Stoker) [Spanish] (2017)
- Introduction (The King in Yellow) (2018)
- Blood in Electric Blue (2009) by Greg F. Gifune
- Children of Chaos (2009) by Greg F. Gifune
- Dracula the Un-Dead (2009) by Dacre Stoker and Ian Holt
- The Drowned Life (2009) by Jeffrey Ford
- And Now the Nightmare Begins: The Horror Zine (2010) by Jeani Rector
- Brains: A Zombie Memoir (2010) by Robin Becker
- The Gorelets Omnibus: Collected Poems, 2001-2011 (2012) by Michael A. Arnzen
- The Mammoth Book of Dracula (2012) by Stephen Jones