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- The Flaw in the Crystal (1912)
- The Tree of Heaven (1917)
Uncanny Stories (1923)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La scoperta dell'assoluto e altre storie del mistero [Italian] (2021)
- The Intercessor and Other Stories (1931)
- The Villa Désirée and Other Uncanny Stories (2008)
- If the Dead Knew: The Weird Fiction of May Sinclair (2020)
- The Collected Supernatural & Weird Fiction of May Sinclair (2022)
- The Flaw in the Crystal: And Other Uncanny Stories by May Sinclair (2023)
- The Villa Désirée (2019)
- L'intercessore [Italian] (2023)
The Intercessor (1911)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'intercesseur [French] (2000)
- Translation: L'intercessore [Italian] (2023)
The Flaw in the Crystal (1912)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'incrinatura nel cristallo [Italian] (2021)
- The Pin-Prick (1915)
- Portrait of My Uncle (1917)
- The Bambino (1920)
The Villa Désirée (1921)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La villa Désirée [French] (1939)
- Translation: Die Villa Desiréé [German] (1971)
- Translation: Die Villa Désirée [German] (1992)
- Translation: La villa Désirée [French] (1993)
The Token (1922)
also appeared as:
- Translation: L'Emblema [Italian] (2021)
- Heaven (1922)
The Victim (1922)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La vittima [Italian] (2021)
Where Their Fire Is Not Quenched (1922)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Donde su fuego nunca se apaga [Spanish] (1934)
- Translation: Wenn die Sehnsucht bleibt [German] (1974)
- Translation: Là où leur feu ne s'éteint pas [French] (1986)
- Translation: Dove il fuoco non è estinto [Italian] (2021)
The Nature of the Evidence (1923)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Natur des Beweises [German] (1978)
- Translation: Rosamund [French] (1998)
- Translation: La natura della prova [Italian] (2021)
If the Dead Knew (1923)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Se i morti sapessero [Italian] (2021)
The Finding of the Absolute (1923)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La scoperta dell'assoluto [Italian] (2021)
- Jones's Karma (1923)
- The Mahatma's Story (1924)
- "Khaki" (1930)
- The Pictures (1930)
- Fright (1920)