- Author: B. F. Watkinson Author Record # 15339
- Language: English
- Used These Alternate Names: Brenda Watkinson, Brenda F. Watkinson, Frances Watson
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Short Fiction
- A-Waiting 'till the Air Runs Out (1977) [only as by Frances Watson]
- Jasper's Hollow (1977) [only as by Brenda Watkinson]
- The Children's Hour (1977) [only as by Frances Watson]
- The Locked Saucer Mystery (1978)
- My Favorite Things (1978)
- The Morpheus Factor (1978)
- The Crossing (1978)
- Save the Savage! (1979)
- Black Things (1979)
- The Ghoul (1979)
- Ding-Dong Bell (1980)
- When Edward Comes (1980)
- Saviors (1980) [only as by Brenda F. Watkinson]
- A Realistic Goal (1981)
- When Once I Met a Green-Eyed Dragon (1981)
- The Cave of Nicodemus (1984) [only as by Brenda Watkinson]
- Jennifer's Island (1987)
- Devil in the Breadbox (1990) [only as by Brenda F. Watkinson]
- The Ballad of Thumpertree Mountain (1980) [only as by Brenda F. Watkinson]