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Fiction Series
- Bilder aus der Zukunft
Bis zum Nullpunkt des Seins (1871) [SF]
only appeared as:
Variant: Bis zum Nullpunkt des Seins (1871)
[as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
- Translation: Pictures Out of the Future [English] (1890)
- Translation: To the Absolute Zero of Existence [English] (2008)
Variant: Bis zum Nullpunkt des Seins (1871)
[as by
Eine Erziehungsanstalt im Jahre 3877 (1878) [SF]
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Gegen das Weltgesetz (1878) [SF]
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Bilder aus der Zukunft (1878) [C]
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Bis zum Nullpunkt des Seins (1871) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Schlangenmoos (1884) [only as by L. Velatus]
Auf zwei Planeten (1897)
also appeared as:
Variant: Auf zwei Planeten (1897)
[as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
- Variant: Angriff vom Mars (1958)
- Translation: Two Planets [English] (1971)
Variant: Auf zwei Planeten (1897)
[as by
Homchen: Ein Tiermärchen aus der oberen Kreide?Homchen: Ein Tiermaerchen aus der oberen Kreide(1902) only appeared as:
Variant: Homchen (1902)
[as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Variant: Homchen: Ein Tiermärchen aus der oberen Kreide?Homchen: Ein Tiermaerchen aus der oberen Kreide(1902) [as byKurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Translation: В тумане тысячелетий?V tumane tysyacheletiy[Russian] (1993) [as byКурт Лассвиц?Kurt Lassvits]
Variant: Homchen (1902)
[as by
Aspira: Der Roman einer Wolke (1905)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Sternentau: Die Pflanze vom Neptunsmond (1909)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Seifenblasen: Moderne Märchen?Seifenblasen: Moderne Maerchen(1890) [only as byKurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Nie und immer: Neue Märchen (1902)
only appeared as:
Variant: Nie und immer: Neue Märchen (1902) [O]
[as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Variant: Nie und immer: Neue Märchen (1902) [O]
[as by
Traumkristalle: Neue Märchen?Traumkristalle: Neue Maerchen(1902) [only as byKurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Bis zum Nullpunkt des Seins (1979)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Traumkristalle (1981)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Traumkristalle (1982)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Homchen und andere Erzählungen (1986)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Gedichte und Erzählungen: Gedichte, Scherzlieder, Humoresken und sonstige Erzählungen aus den Jahren 1869 – 1910?Gedichte und Erzaehlungen: Gedichte, Scherzlieder, Humoresken und sonstige Erzaehlungen aus den Jahren 1869 – 1910(2008) [only as byKurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Prost: Der Faust-Tragödie (-n)ter Teil (1882)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
- Geschichte der Atomistik vom Mittelalter bis Newton
- 1
Die Erneuerung der Korpuskulartheorie (1890)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
- 2
Höhepunkt und Verfall der Korpuskulartheorie des 17. Jahrhunderts (1890)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
- 1
Die Erneuerung der Korpuskulartheorie (1890)
[only as by
- Über Tropfen, Atomistik und Kritizismus
- 1
Über Tropfen, welche an festen Körpern hängen und der Schwerkraft unterworfen sind (1873)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
- 2
Atomistik und Kriticismus: Ein Beitrag zur erkenntnistheoretischen Grundlegung der Physik (1878)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
- 1
Über Tropfen, welche an festen Körpern hängen und der Schwerkraft unterworfen sind (1873)
[only as by
Natur und Mensch (1878)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Die Lehre Kants von der Idealität des Raumes und der Zeit, im Zusammenhange mit seiner Kritik des Erkennens allgemeinverständlich dargestellt (1883)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Gustav Theodor Fechner (1896)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Wirklichkeiten: Beiträge zum Weltverständnis (1900)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Religion und Naturwissenschaft: Ein Vortrag (1904)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Was ist Kultur? Ein Vortrag (1906)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Seelen und Ziele: Beiträge zum Selbstverständnis (1908)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Vom Tropfen, der die Welt sehn wollte (1877)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Apoikis (1882)
only appeared as:
Variant: Apoikis (1882)
[as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
- Translation: Apoikis [English] (2008)
Variant: Apoikis (1882)
[as by
Prost: Der Faust-Tragödie (-n)ter Teil (1882)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
A priori (1884)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Musen und Weise (1885)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Psychotomie (1885)
only appeared as:
Variant: Psychotomie (1890)
[as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
- Translation: Psychotomy [English] (1955)
Variant: Psychotomie (1890)
[as by
Der Traumfabrikant (1886)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Frauenaugen (1886)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Auf der Seifenblase (1887)
only appeared as:
Variant: Auf der Seifenblase (1887)
[as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
- Translation: Surface de la bulle [French] (1980)
- Translation: Sur la bulle de savon [French] (1980) [as by Kurd Laszwitz]
- Translation: Mjehur od sapunice [Croatian] (1980)
- Translation: A szappanbuborékon [Hungarian] (1985)
Variant: Auf der Seifenblase (1887)
[as by
Selbstbiographische Studien: Prolegomena zur Einleitung in den Versuch jeder Selbstbiographie (1887)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Aladdins Wunderlampe (1888)
only appeared as:
Variant: Aladdins Wunderlampe (1888)
[as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Variant: Aladins Wunderlampe (1890)
[as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
- Translation: Aladdin's Lamp [English] (1953)
Variant: Aladdins Wunderlampe (1888)
[as by
Mirax (1888)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Stäubchen?Staeubchen(1889) [only as byKurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Aus dem Tagebuche einer Ameise (1890)
only appeared as:
Variant: Aus dem Tagebuch einer Ameise (1890)
[as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Variant: Aus dem Tagebuche einer Ameise (1890)
[as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Variant: Aus dem Tagebuch einer Ameise (1890)
[as by
Tröpfchen?Troepfchen(1890) [only as byKurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Tröpfchen (excerpt) (1890)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Nach Chicago: (Eine Preiskonkurrenz) (1892)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Prinzessin Jaja! (1892)
only appeared as:
Variant: Prinzessin Jaja! (1892)
[as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Variant: Prinzessin Jaja (1981)
[as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Variant: Prinzessin Jaja! (1892)
[as by
Der Schirm (1893)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Schiefe Gedanken (1899)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Schiefe Gedanken (excerpt) (1899)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Das Lächeln des Glücks (1900)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Der Gehirnspiegel (1900)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Der gefangene Blitz (1902)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Die drei Nägel (1902)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Die Fernschule (1902)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Die Frau von Feldbach (1902)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Die neue Welt (1902)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Jahrhundertmärchen (1902)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Morgentraum (1902)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Die Universalbibliothek (1904)
only appeared as:
Variant: Die Universalbibliothek (1904)
[as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
- Translation: The Universal Library [English] (1958)
- Translation: The Universal Library [English] (2017)
Variant: Die Universalbibliothek (1904)
[as by
Weihnachtsmärchen?Weihnachtsmaerchen(1904) [only as byKurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Das Gesetz (1905)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Der Gott der Veranda (1907)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Wie der Teufel den Professor holte (1907)
only appeared as:
Variant: Wie der Teufel den Professor holte (1907)
[as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
- Translation: When the Devil Took the Professor [English] (1953)
Translation: Cum l-a răpit diavolul pe profesor?Cum l-a rapit diavolul pe profesor[Romanian] (1975)
Variant: Wie der Teufel den Professor holte (1907)
[as by
Die Unbeseelten (1908)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Die Weltprojekte (1908)
[also as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Die entflohene Blume: Eine Geschichte vom Mars (1910)
only appeared as:
Variant: Die entflohene Blume (1910)
[as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Variant: Die entflohene Blume: Eine Geschichte vom Mars (1910)
[as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Variant: Die entflohene Blume (1910)
[as by
Das Wunder des Zeppelin (excerpt) (1919)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Auf dem Neptunsmond (1981)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Die gefangene Wolke (1981)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Unverwüstlich?Unverwuestlich(1878) [only as byKurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Die Lesende (1886)
only appeared as:
Variant: Epilog: Die Lesende (1890)
[as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Variant: Epilog: Die Lesende (1890)
[as by
Prolog (Seifenblasen) (1890)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Vorbemerkung (Bilder aus der Zukunft) (1879)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Vorrede zur dritten Auflage (Bilder aus der Zukunft) (1879)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Wie ist Irrtum möglich (1883)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Unsere Träume (1885)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Von der Mystik (1885)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Weltuntergang (1885)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Gerade und Krumm (1891)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Die Grenzen des Gefühls (1892)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Das Gesetz der Schwelle (1893)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Die Idee der Freiheit (1893)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Die Idee der Zweckmäßigkeit (1893)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Energie (1893)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Ins Inn're der Natur (1893)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Die Entdeckung des Gesetzes (1895)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Von der Weltseele zum Weltäther (1895)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Weltseele und Naturgesetz (1895)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Bewußtsein und Natur (1896)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Das Gesetz der Freiheit (1896)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Der sogenannte Parallelismus (1896)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Die Persönlichkeit (1896)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Gesetze und Ideen (1896)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Objektiv und Subjektiv (1896)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Religion und Gefühl (1896)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Religion und Moral (1896)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Kant und Schiller (1898)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Über Zukunftsträume?Ueber Zukunftstraeume(1899) [only as byKurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Anmerkungen (Wirklichkeiten) (1900)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Religion und Bekenntnis (1900)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Religion und Natur (1900)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Vorwort (Wirklichkeiten) (1900)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Der kritische Gedanke (1904)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Religion und Naturwissenschaft (1904)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Vom Rätsel der Zeit (1904)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Was ist Kultur? (1906)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Fühlen und Forschen (1907)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Das Schauen des Genius (1908)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Die Grundlagen der Biologie (1908)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Die Planetenseele (1908)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Die Zeichen der Kultur (1908)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Dinge, Seelen, Ziele (1908)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Ein Grundgesetz des Lebendigen (1908)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Instinkt und Leben (1908)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Kant und Goethe (1908)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Neue Räume (1908)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Schiller als Befreier (1908)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Seelenleben der Völker (1908)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Spiel und Instinkt (1908)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Tierseelen (1908)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Zwei Weltbeseeler (1908)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Unser Recht auf Bewohner anderer Welten (1910)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Das Schaffen des Dichters (excerpt) (1919)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Non-Genre Titles
Short Fiction
Der Scharfrichter oder Ein treues Herz: Neuester Sensations-Roman (1869)
[only as by Kurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
O Gott, wie man sich täuschen kann!?O Gott, wie man sich taeuschen kann!(1876) [only as byKurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Ein gefährlicher Hirsch?Ein gefaehrlicher Hirsch(1877) [only as byKurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]
Abgezählt?Abgezaehlt(1892) [only as byKurd Laßwitz?Kurd Lasswitz]