- Author: Henry Szabranski Author Record # 163886
- Birthplace: Birmingham, Warwickshire, England, UK
- Language: English
- Webpages: Goodreads, WordPress
- Author Tags: angels (1), alien artifacts (1), science fiction (1), FTL travel (1)
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Short Fiction Series
- Skink and Percher
- 3 Angel Pattern (2020)
- Witch of the Weave (2019)
- Three Kisses
- Defenders of the Crystal Casket (2013)
- A Royal Breakfast (2013)
- The Mirror of Reason (2013)
- Amy's First (2011)
- Mortless (2012)
- The Bargain (2013)
- The Clay Farima (2013)
- The Key To El-Carim's Heart (2013)
- Within Without (2014)
- Kella Vector (2014)
- The Dragonmaster's Ghost (2014)
- The Edge of Magic (2014)
- Dance of the Splintered Hands (2015)
- In the Belly of the Angel (2016)
- The Osteomancer's Husband (2016)
- The Velna Valsis (2016)
- Against the Venom Tide (2016)
- Cast Down (2017)
- She Is Chosen (2018)
- The Veilonaut's Dream (2018)
- In the Maze of His Infinities (2018)
- Kill Switch (2018)
- On Ohab's Land (2019)