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The Movement of Mountains (1987)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Bewegen der Berge [German] (1994)
- X, Y (1993)
- The Healer (2005)
- Longer (2019)
The Brains of Rats (1989)
also appeared as:
Translation: 器官切除?キカンセツジョ[Japanese] (1994) [as by
Kikan Setsujo
きかんせつじょマイケル・ブラムライン?Maikeru Burumurain]
- What the Doctor Ordered (2013)
- All I Ever Dreamed (2018)
- Thoreau's Microscope plus "Paul and Me" and "Fidelity" and "Know How, Can Do" and more (2018)
- Long (2023)
- Short (2023)
- The Roberts (2011)
Tissue Ablation and Variant Regeneration: A Case Report (1984)
also appeared as:
Translation: Ablation et multi-régénération tissulaires?Ablation et multi-regeneration tissulaires[French] (1985) [as by Michel Blumlein]
- Translation: Ablation et multirégénération tissulaires: compte-rendu sur un cas [French] (1985)
Translation: 器官切除と変異体再生?きかんせつじょとへんいたいさいせい[Japanese] (1994) [as by
Kikan Setsujo to Henitai Saisei
Kikan Setsujo to Hen'itai Saisei
Kikan Setsujo to Hen Itai Saiseiマイケル・ブラムライン?Maikeru Burumurain] -
Translation: Ablation et multigénération cellulaire : étude sur un cas?Ablation et multigeneration cellulaire : etude sur un cas[French] (2020)
The Brains of Rats (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Gehirne von Ratten [German] (1989)
Translation: ラットの脳?ラットののう[Japanese] (1994) [as by
Ratto no Nou
Ratto no Nōマイケル・ブラムライン?Maikeru Burumurain]
- Softcore (1987)
Drown Yourself (1988)
also appeared as:
Translation: Ersäuf dich!?Ersaeuf dich![German] (1990)
Translation: 溺れてしまえ?おぼれてしまえ[Japanese] (1994) [as by
Oborete Shimaeマイケル・ブラムライン?Maikeru Burumurain] - Translation: Affogarsi [Italian] (2001)
Interview with C. W. (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Interview mit C. W. [German] (1991)
Translation: CWとのインタビュー?CW to no Intabyuu[Japanese] (1994) [as by
CW to no Intabyūマイケル・ブラムライン?Maikeru Burumurain]
The Domino Master (1988)
also appeared as:
Translation: ドミノ・マスター?Domino Masutā[Japanese] (1994) [as by
Domino Masutaaマイケル・ブラムライン?Maikeru Burumurain]
The Promise of Warmth (1988)
also appeared as:
Translation: 暖かさの約束?あたたかさのやくそく[Japanese] (1994) [as by
Atatakasa no Yakusokuマイケル・ブラムライン?Maikeru Burumurain] - Translation: Das Versprechen von Wärme [German] (1996)
The Thing Itself (1988)
also appeared as:
- Translation: So wie es ist [German] (1990)
Translation: そのもの?Sono Mono[Japanese] (1994) [as byマイケル・ブラムライン?Maikeru Burumurain]
Bestseller (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Bestseller [German] (1992)
Translation: ベストセラー?Besutoserā[Japanese] (1994) [as by
Besutoseraaマイケル・ブラムライン?Maikeru Burumurain] - Translation: Bestseller [Polish] (1998)
Keeping House (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Haus [German] (1992)
- Translation: Domesticité [French] (1993)
Translation: 家事?かじ[Japanese] (1994) [as by
Kajiマイケル・ブラムライン?Maikeru Burumurain]
Shed His Grace (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sein bestes geben [German] (1994)
Translation: 華麗なる魅惑?かれいなるみわく[Japanese] (1994) [as by
Karei Naru Miwakuマイケル・ブラムライン?Maikeru Burumurain]
The Glitter and the Glamour (1989)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Glanz und Glamour [German] (1991)
Translation: 男の恩寵を捨てて?おとこのおんちょうをすてて[Japanese] (1994) [as by
Otoko no Onchuu wo Sutete
Otoko no Onchū wo Sutete
Otoko no Onchuu o Sutete
Otoko no Onchū o Suteteマイケル・ブラムライン?Maikeru Burumurain]
- Hymenoptera (1993)
- Bloom (1995)
- Snow in Dirt (1997)
- Paul and Me (1997)
- Revenge (1998)
Fidelity: A Primer (2000)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Fidelity (2000)
- Know How, Can Do (2001)
- Greedy for Kisses (2005)
- Strategy for Conflict Avoidance: Memo to the Commander-in-Chief (2006) also appeared as:
- Isostasy (2007)
- The Roberts (2008)
- The Big One (2008)
- California Burning (2009)
- Twenty-Two and You (2012)
- Bird Walks in New England (2012)
Success (2013)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Successo [Italian] (2015)
- Choose Poison, Choose Life (2016)
- Y(ou)r Q(ua)ntifi(e)d S(el)f (2018)
- No Fast Dancing (2023)
- Passenger (2023)
- Letter (Interzone #7) (1984)
- Hymenoptera (introduction) (2011)
- A Preface (Thoreau's Microscope) (2018)
- Thoreau's Microscope (2018)
- Stan's Kitchen (2020)
- Michael Blumlein (1984) by uncredited
- Author Spotlight: Michael Blumlein (2015) by Patrick J. Stephens
- "A Babe in the Woods" (2018) by Terry Bisson
Non-Genre Titles
Short Fiction
The Wet Suit (1989)
also appeared as:
Translation: ウェットスーツ?Uetto Sūtsu[Japanese] (1994) [as by
Uetto Suutsuマイケル・ブラムライン?Maikeru Burumurain]