- Author: Allen Ashley Author Record # 16449
- Birthplace: UK
- Language: English
- Webpages: allenashley.com, Facebook, SFE
- Used These Alternate Names: Allen A. Lucas
- Author Tags: horror (2), music (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- The Planet Suite (1996)
- Somnambulists (2004)
- Urban Fantastic (2006)
- Once and Future Cities (2009)
- Dreaming Spheres: Poems of the Solar System (2014) with Sarah Doyle
- Echoes from an Expired Earth (2020)
- BFS Story / BFS Monthly Story
- BFS Monthly Story - 2016 (2016)
- BFS Story - 2016 (2016)
- BFS Monthly Story - 2017 (2017)
- BFS Monthly Story - 2018 (2018)
- BFS Monthly Story - 2019 (2019)
- The Elastic Book of Numbers (2005)
- Subtle Edens: An Anthology of Slipstream Fiction (2008)
- Catastrophia (2010)
- Where Are We Going? (2012)
- Astrologica: Stories of the Zodiac (2013)
- Creeping Crawlers (2015)
- Sensorama (2015)
- Humanagerie (2018) with Sarah Doyle
- The Days of the Dodo (2006)
- Dead to the World (1982) [also as by Allen A. Lucas]
- Sequel (1989)
- Boat of Sighs (1990)
- My Wild Love (1992)
- The Ghoul (1992)
- Adam's Little Acre (1993)
- The Fern House (1993)
- Ride to Venus (1994)
- Snakebite (1994)
- The Horror Writer (1994)
- Set the Captives Free (1994)
- His Last Call (1994)
- Matthew Saint (1995)
- The Myth of Elvis Presley (1995)
- Theseus Rex (1995)
- State of the Ark (1996)
- Sugar Needles (1996)
- The Secret Life of Fairy Tales (1996)
- The Sixth Magician (1996)
- Gulliver's Return to Lilliput (1996)
- Oh Four (1996)
- A Life in Maps (1997)
- In Search of Guy Fawkes (1997)
- Par for the Course (1997)
- De'ath Lewis (1998)
- Notes Towards a Musical Breakdown (1998)
- The Gig in the Sky (1998)
- Barleycorn Wife (1999)
- The Beaten Track (1999)
- The Long Slow Coventry (1999)
- The Thin Man's Guide to Slipstream (humor) (1999)
- Queen of Clubs (1999)
- The Supply (1999)
- Life Under Water (2000)
- Somme-Nambula (2000)
- The Game (2000)
- Felicia and the Cheese and Onion (2000)
- Bridget Jones in Space (2001)
- Millennium TV Guide (2001) with Jason Gould
- Mor FOD (2001)
- Pumpkin Coach (2001)
The Downsize (2001)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Downsize (2001)
- Siberia (2001)
- Dreaming Windows (2001)
- Next to Godliness (2001)
- The Quiet House (2001) [also as by uncredited]
- Dead Dot Com (2002)
- Harry Pothole (2002)
- The Slot (2002)
- Harmonic Excursions (2002)
- The Locust People (2002)
- Dream Letters (2003)
- Rubik's Fruit (2003)
- Scarricrow (2004)
- The Blessed Damozel (2004)
- The Overwhelm (2004)
- Like a Slow Motion War (2004) with Andrew Hook [only as by uncredited]
- Crystal Ball (2004)
- Relocation Location Location (2004)
- Life and Trials (2004)
- The Saurian (2004)
- The Twilight (2004)
- Things Seen, Left (2004)
- Beggar's Relief (2004)
- Cash or Mystery (2004)
- Mermaids in a Snowstorm (2004) with Andrew Hook
- The Accidentalists (2004)
- Abattoir Girl (2005) with Andrew Hook
- War Haven (2005)
- Vitamin X (2005) with Andrew Hook
- Black Forest Manoeuvres (2005)
- Turbulent Times (2005)
- Dreamsheep (2006) with Tim Nickels
- Hey Grandma (2006)
- Petrified (2006)
- Xanadu Springs (2006) with Andrew Hook
- The Interlopers (2006)
- Listen to the Lion (2006)
- Playing Statues (2006)
- Professor Clork and the Love Darts (2006)
- Styx and Stones (2006)
- The Ideas Mountain (2006)
- The Wonderful World of Walt (2006)
- There is Nothing Left to Write (2006)
- Murdoch Celeste (2007)
- The Perils of Pentavir (2007)
- D-Leb (2007)
- And I, the Footman (2007)
- Beholders (2008)
- Canoe Boy (2008)
- Miss Treat (2008) with Andrew Hook
- Today We Were Astronauts (2008)
- Shirts (2009)
- Waving, Not Drowning (2009)
- The Spaces in Our Lives (2009)
- The Pamela Faction (2009)
- Catherine My Lionheart (2009)
- Slow Planes (2010)
- Ticker (2010)
- Flights of Fancy (2010)
- Sweet Jurassica and Ammonite Jack (2010) with Tim Nickels
- Christ the Painter (2011)
- The Beauty Factor (2011)
- In the House of Answers (2011)
- Waifs and Strays (2011)
- Swings and Roundabouts (2011)
- Young Ladies, Beware! (2011)
- In the Margins (2012)
- Faerie Mails (2012)
- The Box People (2012)
- Dead Simon and his Secret Astronautics (2012)
- The Key to Harry (2013) with Douglas Thompson
- Kill Your Gods (2013)
- On the Level (2013)
- King Ted (2013)
- Snow Crime (2013)
- Old Sheets for Dirty Jobs (2014)
- The Eden Paradigm (2014) with Madeleine Beresford
- Creeping Blue (2014)
- Haunting Melody (2014)
- In Search of Mammoths (2014)
- Life on the Rocks (2014)
- Now We Are Ten (2014)
- Josephine Knows Who (2015)
- Her Hands of Plastic, Her Heart Mechanical (2015)
- Dreamers of the Deluge (2015)
- Rathfern's Menagerie (2016)
- A Reverie of Time (2016)
- Natural History (2016)
- Security Tagged (2017)
- Deposition of the Witch (2017)
- Strange Lights (2017)
- Star Gazer (2017)
- Keep Falling On My Head (2017)
- Not (2017)
- Winning Smile (2017)
- Bound for Glory (2018)
- The Ghost Train (2018)
- Ring of Confidence (2018)
- Be My Valentine (2018)
- Take Us To Your Leader (2018)
- Under (2018)
- In and Out Of (2018)
- Temporal (2019)
- Myths of Sisyphus (2019)
- The Rule of Three (2019)
- London Stockholm Lockdown (2020)
- Taking Tusk Mountain (2020)
- The Pain Barrier (2020)
- The Fleeting Glimpse (2021)
- Orpheus in the Upper World (2021)
- Social Spectacles (2021)
- Some Things Drift Apart (2022)
- Do Not Exceed Stated Dose (2022)
- In Beauty Sleeping (2023)
- Journey to the Centre of the Onion (2023)
- The Phobos Box (2023)
- The House Next Door to the House on the Borderland (1982) [only as by Allen A. Lucas]
- H. P. Lovecraft's Loathly Eldritch Band (1990)
- The Moon Bog (1990)
- Lovebite (1996)
- Beauty Sleep (2000)
- Variations on Muhammad Ali (2001)
- Colour Pictures (2010)
- TWTMC (2010)
- Sometimes (2011)
- Ten Things We're Going to Have to Live Without After the Apocalypse (2011)
- Hot Rock (2011)
- Sweet Venus, The Crucible (2011)
- Bad Vibrations (2011)
- On the Night Bus (2012)
- Snowball Poems (2014)
- Social Snowball (2014)
- How to Make a Monster Cake (2014)
- A Paranormal Romance (2014)
- My Stepsisters (2014)
- The Shadow Cabinet (2015)
- Ice Dragons (2015)
- Kosimo the Conjuror (2015)
- I Still Survive (2016)
- How to Spot a Modern Witch (2017)
- Aliens Come in Threes (2017)
- Ten Things You Need to Know About My Imaginary Friend (2017)
- Casualty of War (2018)
- Sea Sons (2018)
- Cellar Song (2019)
- Cinema Scope (2019)
- Ariadne on Naxos (pg) (2020)
- Because a Tree (2020)
- Camelot Triangle (2020)
- Day Surgery (2020)
- Dream Ships (2020)
- First (2020)
- Future Isn't (2020)
- Greetings from the British Countryside (2020)
- Here in the London Hinterland (2020)
- Jesus Is on the Internet (2020)
- My Father Said to Me (2020)
- Poles Apart (2020)
- Pub Crawl (2020)
- Stevie's Superstitious (2020)
- Thames Astronautics (2020)
- The End of the World Orgy (2020)
- The Lady Loves (2020)
- The Teatime Tarzan (2020)
- There Was the War That Was (2020)
- They Drive by Night (2020)
- Where Do They Go? (2020)
- That Was the War That Was (2020)
- The Tower of Forgetfulness (2020)
- Death of a Duke (2022)
- Candles (2023)
- Goodbye - and Thanks for the SF (1986) [only as by Allen A. Lucas]
- Letter (Fantasy Tales, Spring 1989) (1989)
- Fantasy Ratatouille (1990)
- The Thin Man's Guide to Slipstream (1994)
- Jack the Lady Killer (1994)
- The Laughing Monk (Dreams from the Strangers' Café, January 1996) (1996)
- Guest Editorial (Peeping Tom, April 1996) (1996)
- Introduction (Agra Aska) (1998)
- The Thin Man's Guide (1998)
- Editorial - What's Another Year? (Roadworks, Autumn 1999) (1999)
- Millennium Shopping List/Holiday Hot Spots (1999)
- The Dodo Has Landed (The Third Alternative, #18) (1999)
- The Dodo Has Landed (The Third Alternative, #19) (1999)
- The Dodo Has Landed (The Third Alternative, #20) (1999)
- The Dodo Has Landed (The Third Alternative, #21) (1999)
- Review of nongenre From Blue to Black by Joel Lane (2000)
- Review of the non-fiction work "Word Virus" by James Grauerholz and Ira Silverberg (2000)
- Review of the nongenre novel " The Spirit Death" by David Docherty (2000)
- Soapbox: Horror Masterclass (2000) with John V. Keogh
- The Dodo Has Landed (The Third Alternative, #22) (2000)
- The Dodo Has Landed (The Third Alternative, #23) (2000)
- The Dodo Has Landed (The Third Alternative, #24) (2000)
- The Dodo Has Landed (The Third Alternative, #25) (2000)
- Soapbox: Independent Press Quiz (2000)
- The Dodo Has Landed (The Third Alternative, #26) (2001)
- The Dodo Has Landed (The Third Alternative, Autumn 2001) (2001)
- The Dodo Has Landed (The Third Alternative, Autumn 2002) (2002)
- The Dodo Has Landed (The Third Alternative, Spring-July 31, 2002) (2002)
- Reclaiming the Master (2003)
- The Dodo Has Landed (The Third Alternative, Autumn 2003) (2003)
- The Dodo Has Landed (The Third Alternative, Spring 2003) (2003)
- The Dodo Has Landed (The Third Alternative, Summer 2003) (2003)
- The Dodo Has Landed (The Third Alternative, Winter 2003) (2003)
- Soapbox: Second Page Syndrome (2004)
- The Dodo Has Landed (The Third Alternative, Autumn 2004) (2004)
- The Dodo Has Landed (The Third Alternative, Spring 2004) (2004)
- The Dodo Has Landed (The Third Alternative, Summer 2004) (2004)
- The Dodo Has Landed (The Third Alternative, Winter 2004) (2004)
- The Dodo Has Landed (The Third Alternative, Spring 2005) (2005)
- The Dodo Has Landed (The Third Alternative, Summer 2005) (2005)
- While We Were Sleeping, Numbers Took Over the World (2005) with Tim Nickels
- Planet Dodo (Midnight Street, Winter 2006) (2006)
- Planet Dodo (Midnight Street, May-June 2007) (2007)
- Stark Choices (2009)
- Planet Dodo (Midnight Street, Autumn-Winter 2010) (2010)
- New Strictures of the Catastrophe (2011)
- Not For An Age (2011)
- Planet Dodo (Midnight Street, Spring-Summer 2011) (2011)
- Planet Dodo (Midnight Street, Autumn-Winter 2011) (2011)
- Are We Nearly There Yet (2012)
- Supernina Supernova [article on Nina Allan] (2012)
- Introduction: Written in the Stars (2013)
- Unlikely Inspirations (2014)
- Brothers in Arms (2014)
- Introduction: Hatched on a Leaf (2015)
- The BFS Short Story Competition 2014: Judge's Comments (2015)
- The BFS Short Story Competition 2015: Judge's Comments (2015)
- Don't Upset Your Editor (2016)
- Editorial (BFS Story, #1, 2016) (2016)
- Short Story Competition 2018: Judge's Notes on the Winning Stories (2019)
- Short Story Competition 2019: Judge's Notes on the Winning Stories (2019)
- Children of Wax: African Folk Tales (1990) by Alexander McCall Smith
- John Collier and Fredric Brown Went Quarrelling Through My Head (1990) by Jessica Amanda Salmonson
- The Gas (1995) by Charles Platt
- The Sooterkin (2000) by Tom Gilling
- Milo & I (2004) by Antony Mann
- Roadworks Feature—Allen Ashley (1999) by uncredited
- Catastrophia (2010) by Stephen Theaker