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Fiction Series
- Bajki robotów (Robots' Fables)
Bajka o maszynie cyfrowej, co ze smokiem walczyła?Bajka o maszynie cyfrowej, co ze smokiem walczyla(1963) [SF] also appeared as:
Translation: Istoria calculatorului numeric care a luptat împotriva balaurului?Istoria calculatorului numeric care a luptat impotriva balaurului[Romanian] (1966) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Von der Rechenmaschine, die mit dem Drachen kämpfte?Von der Rechenmaschine, die mit dem Drachen kaempfte[German] (1968) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Von der Rechenmaschine, die mit dem Drachen kämpfte?Von der Rechenmaschine, die mit dem Drachen kaempfte[German] (1968)
- Translation: The Computer That Fought a Dragon [English] (1970) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Der Kampf des Computers mit dem Drachen [German] (1972) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Das Märchen von der Rechenmaschine, die gegen den Drachen kämpfte?Das Maerchen von der Rechenmaschine, die gegen den Drachen kaempfte[German] (1973)
Translation: Conte de la machine à calculer qui combattit le dragon?Conte de la machine a calculer qui combattit le dragon[French] (1973) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: De Computer die een Draak Bevocht [Dutch] (1976) [as by Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Povestea computerului care s-a luptat cu balaurul [Romanian] (1976)
- Translation: Bajka o kompjutoru koji se borio sa zmajem [Croatian] (1976)
- Translation: Tale of the Computer That Fought a Dragon [English] (1977) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Tale of the Computer That Fought a Dragon [English] (1977) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Bajka o računalu koje se borilo protiv zmaja?Bajka o racunalu koje se borilo protiv zmaja[Croatian] (2020)
Bajka o Królu Murdasie (1964) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Das Märchen vom König Murdas?Das Maerchen vom Koenig Murdas[German] (1971)
- Translation: Povestea regelui Murdas [Romanian] (1976)
- Translation: The Tale of King Gnuff [English] (1977) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Conte du Roi Trognace [French] (1981) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Bajka o kralju Murdasu [Croatian] (2020)
Bajki robotów (1964) [C]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Contes inoxydables [French] (1981) [as by Stanislas Lem]
Translation: Robotermärchen?Robotermaerchen[German] (1982)
- Translation: The Three Electroknights [English] (2018) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Bajke o robotima [Croatian] (2020)
Biała śmierć?Biala smierc(1964) [SF] also appeared as:
Translation: Der Weiße Tod?Der Weisse Tod[German] (1973)
Translation: Moartea albă?Moartea alba[Romanian] (1976)
- Translation: The White Death [English] (1977) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: La mort blanche [French] (1979) [as by Stanislas Lem]
Translation: Der weiße Tod?Der weisse Tod[German] (1980) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Bijela smrt [Croatian] (2020)
Doradcy króla Hydropsa?Doradcy krola Hydropsa(1964) [SF] also appeared as:
Translation: König Hydrops Ratgeber?Koenig Hydrops Ratgeber[German] (1969)
Translation: Die Räte des Königs Hydrops?Die Raete des Koenigs Hydrops[German] (1973)
- Translation: Consilierii regelui Hidrops [Romanian] (1976)
- Translation: The Advisers of King Hydrops [English] (1977) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Съветниците на цар Хидропс?Savetnitsite na tsar Hidrops[Bulgarian] (1979) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Les conseillers du Roi Hydrogue [French] (1981) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Savjetnici kralja Hidropsa [Croatian] (2020)
Dwa potwory (1964) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Zwei Ungeheuer [German] (1973)
Translation: Cei doi monștri?Cei doi monstri[Romanian] (1976)
- Translation: Two Monsters [English] (1977) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Les deux monstres [French] (1981) [as by Stanislas Lem]
Translation: Dva čudovišta?Dva cudovista[Croatian] (2020)
Jak Erg Samowzbudnik Bladawca pokonał?Jak Erg Samowzbudnik Bladawca pokonal(1964) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Wie Erg der Selbsterreger den Blasser besiegte [German] (1969)
Translation: Erg Selbsterreg überwindet den Bleichling?Erg Selbsterreg ueberwindet den Bleichling[German] (1973) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Erg Selbsterreg überwindet den Bleichling?Erg Selbsterreg ueberwindet den Bleichling[German] (1973)
Translation: Cum l-a înfrînt Erg reanimatorul pe Față palidă?Cum l-a infrint Erg reanimatorul pe Fata palida[Romanian] (1976)
- Translation: How Erg the Self-Inducting Slew a Paleface [English] (1977) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Comment Erg l'automorphe terrassa le blêmard?Comment Erg l'automorphe terrassa le blemard[French] (1981) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Kako je Erg Samoinduktor savladao Bljedolikoga [Croatian] (2020)
Jak Mikromił i Gigacyan ucieczkę mgławic wszczęli?Jak Mikromil i Gigacyan ucieczke mglawic wszczeli(1964) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Wie Mikromil und Gigacjan die Flucht der Nebelflecken einleiteten [German] (1969)
Translation: Wie Winzlieb und Gigelanz die Nebelflucht auslösten?Wie Winzlieb und Gigelanz die Nebelflucht ausloesten[German] (1973)
Translation: Cum Micromil și Gigațian au pus pe fugă nebuloasele?Cum Micromil si Gigatian au pus pe fuga nebuloasele[Romanian] (1976)
- Translation: How Microx and Gigant Made the Universe Expand [English] (1977) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Comment Microphile et Gigatien suscitèrent la fuite des nébuleuses?Comment Microphile et Gigatien susciterent la fuite des nebuleuses[French] (1981) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Kako su Mikromil i Gigantin izazvali ekspanziju svemira [Croatian] (2020)
Król Globares i mędrcy?Krol Globares i medrcy(1964) [SF] also appeared as:
Translation: König Globares und die Weisen?Koenig Globares und die Weisen[German] (1973)
Translation: Regele Globares și înțelepții?Regele Globares si inteleptii[Romanian] (1976)
- Translation: King Globares and the Sages [English] (1977) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Le roi Globares et les sages [French] (1981) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Kralj Globares i mudraci [Croatian] (2020)
Przyjaciel Automateusza (1964) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Freund des Automatthias [German] (1973)
- Translation: Prietenul lui Automatei [Romanian] (1976)
- Translation: Automatthew's Friend [English] (1977) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: L'ami d'Automathieu [French] (1981) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Automatijin prijatelj [Croatian] (2020)
Skarby króla Biskalara (1964) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: König Biskalars Schätze?Koenig Biskalars Schaetze[German] (1969)
Translation: Die Schätze des Königs Biskalar?Die Schaetze des Koenigs Biskalar[German] (1973)
Translation: Les trésors du Roi Biscalare?Les tresors du Roi Biscalare[French] (1981) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Blago kralja Biskalara [Croatian] (2020)
Trzej elektrycerze (1964) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cei trei electrocavaleri [Romanian] (1965) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Die drei Elektritter [German] (1969)
- Translation: Drei Elektritter [German] (1973)
- Translation: Cei trei electrocavaleri [Romanian] (1976)
- Translation: The Three Electroknights [English] (1977) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Les trois électribuns?Les trois electribuns[French] (1981) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Tri elektroviteza [Croatian] (2020)
Uranowe uszy (1964) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Uranohren [German] (1969)
- Translation: Die Uranohren [German] (1973)
- Translation: Urechile de uraniu [Romanian] (1976)
- Translation: Uranium Earpieces [English] (1977) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Les oreilles d'uranium [French] (1981) [as by Stanislas Lem]
Translation: Uranove uši?Uranove usi[Croatian] (2020)
Z dzieła cyfrotikon, czyli o dewijacyach, superfiksacyach a waryacyach serdecznych: o Królewiczu Ferrycym i Królewnie Krystali?Z dziela cyfrotikon, czyli o dewijacyach, superfiksacyach a waryacyach serdecznych: o Krolewiczu Ferrycym i Krolewnie Krystali(1965) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Le Prince Ferrycy et la Princesse Cristal [French] (1968) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Aus dem Werk: Zifferotikon das ist: Von Ab- oder Irrschweiferey, Versteiffung & Thorheit des Herzens [German] (1973)
Translation: Zifferotikon das ist: Von Ab- oder Irrschweiferey, Versteiffung & Thorheit des Herzens: Von dem Königssohn Ferrenz und der Prinzessin Kristalla?Zifferotikon das ist: Von Ab- oder Irrschweiferey, Versteiffung & Thorheit des Herzens: Von dem Koenigssohn Ferrenz und der Prinzessin Kristalla[German] (1973)
- Translation: Prince Ferrix and Princess Crystal [English] (1974) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Prince Ferrix and the Princess Crystal [English] (1974) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Povestea Prințului Ferrițiu și a Prințesei Cristala?Povestea Printului Ferritiu si a Printesei Cristala[Romanian] (1976)
- Translation: Over Prins Ferritius en Prinses Kristalla [Dutch] (1978) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Le Prince Ferrice et la Princesse Cristalie [French] (1981) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Dal "Cyberoticon" ovvero Storie di deviazioni, superfissazioni e aberrazioni del cuore: Il Principe Ferrix e la Principessa Cristallo [Italian] (1995) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Robotermärchen?Robotermaerchen[German] (1969) [C]
Robotermärchen?Robotermaerchen[German] (1973) [C]
- Ciberiada [Romanian] (1976) [C]
Zagadka (1993) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Das Rätsel?Das Raetsel[German] (1981) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: An Enigma [English] (2021)
- Cyberiada (The Cyberiad)
Jak ocalał świat?Jak ocalal swiat(1964) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: How the World Was Saved [English] (1974) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Cum a fost salvată lumea?Cum a fost salvata lumea[Romanian] (1976)
Translation: Hur världen räddades?Hur vaerlden räddades[Swedish] (1979)
- Translation: Die Rettung der Welt [German] (1979)
- Translation: Die Rettung der Welt [German] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Comment le monde échappa à la ruine?Comment le monde echappa a la ruine[French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Wie die Welt noch einmal davonkam [German] (1983)
- Translation: Come salvammo il mondo [Italian] (1995) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Kako je opstao svijet [Croatian] (2020)
Maszyna Trurla (1964) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Trurls Maschine [German] (1969)
- Translation: Trurl's Machine [English] (1974) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Mașina lui Trurl?Masina lui Trurl[Romanian] (1976)
- Translation: Trurls maskin [Swedish] (1979)
- Translation: La machine de Trurl [French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Trurlova naprava [Croatian] (1981) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Trurlova naprava [Serbian] (1983) [as by Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: La macchina di Trurl [Italian] (1995) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Turlov stroj [Croatian] (2020)
Wielkie ianie (1964) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: A Good Hiding [English] (1963) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Die Tracht Prügel?Die Tracht Pruegel[German] (1969)
- Translation: A Good Shellacking [English] (1974) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Marea chelfăneală?Marea chelfaneala[Romanian] (1976)
- Translation: Ett kok stryk [Swedish] (1979)
Translation: La grande rossée?La grande rossee[French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Una buona battitura [Italian] (1995) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Veliko lemanje [Croatian] (2020)
Altruizyna, czyli opowieść prawdziwa o tym, jak pustelnik Dobrycy Kosmos uszczęśliwić zapragnął i co z tego wynikło?Altruizyna, czyli opowiesc prawdziwa o tym, jak pustelnik Dobrycy Kosmos uszczesliwic zapragnal i co z tego wyniklo(1965) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Altruizine [English] (1974) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Altruizine, or A True Account of How Bonhomius the Hermetic Hermit Tried to Bring About Universal Happiness, and What Came of It [English] (1974) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Altruisin eller den sanna berättelsen om hur eremiten Godmund önskade lyckliggöra Kosmos och vad som därav följde?Altruisin eller den sanna beraettelsen om hur eremiten Godmund oenskade lyckliggoera Kosmos och vad som daerav foeljde[Swedish] (1979)
Translation: L'altruizine ou l'histoire véridique de l'ermite Bonnas lequel voulut faire le bonheur de l'univers et ce qui s'ensuivit?L'altruizine ou l'histoire veridique de l'ermite Bonnas lequel voulut faire le bonheur de l'univers et ce qui s'ensuivit[French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
Translation: Altruizin oder Der wahre Bericht darüber, wie der Eremit Bonhomius das universelle Glück im Kosmos schaffen wollte, und was dabei herauskam?Altruizin oder Der wahre Bericht darueber, wie der Eremit Bonhomius das universelle Glueck im Kosmos schaffen wollte, und was dabei herauskam[German] (1983)
Translation: Altruizina sau povestea adevărată a sihastrului Bunițius care a vrut să fericească cosmosul, și ce a ieșit din asta?Altruizina sau povestea adevarata a sihastrului Bunițius care a vrut sa fericeasca cosmosul, si ce a iesit din asta[Romanian] (1994)
- Translation: L'Altruizina ovvero Come Bonhommius, l'Eremita Ermetico, cercò di imporre la felicità universale e le conseguenze del suo atto [Italian] (1995) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Altruicina, o una historia verdadera donde se cuenta cómo el ermitaño Bonifacio quiso hacer feliz al Cosmos y (...) [Spanish] (2005) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Bajka o trzech maszynach opowiadających króla Genialona?Bajka o trzech maszynach opowiadajacych krola Genialona(1965) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Conte du roi Genalion et des trois machines qui racontent des histoires [French] (1968) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Tale of the Three Storytelling Machines of King Genius [English] (1974) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Fabel van de drie vertelmachines van Koning Genialon [Dutch] (1978) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Sagan om kung Genialons tre berättande maskiner?Sagan om kung Genialons tre beraettande maskiner[Swedish] (1979)
Translation: Histoire des trois machines à raconter du roi Genialain?Histoire des trois machines a raconter du roi Genialain[French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: The History of Zipperupus [English] (1981) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Die Geschichte von den drei geschichtenerzählenden Maschinen des Königs Genius?Die Geschichte von den drei geschichtenerzaehlenden Maschinen des Koenigs Genius[German] (1983)
Translation: Basmul despre cele trei mașini povestitoare ale regelui Genialon?Basmul despre cele trei masini povestitoare ale regelui Genialon[Romanian] (1994)
- Translation: Cuentos de las tres máquinas fabulistas del rey Genialón [Spanish] (2005) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Cyberiada (1965) [C]
also appeared as:
Translation: Cybériade?Cyberiade[French] (1968) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: The Cyberiad: Fables for the Cybernetic Age [English] (1974) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Cyberiaden [Swedish] (1979)
- Translation: Kosmisch Avontuur [Dutch] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: La cybériade?La cyberiade[French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Kyberiade: Fabeln zum kybernetischen Zeitalter [German] (1983)
- Translation: Wie die Welt noch einmal davonkam: Der Kyberiade erster Teil [German] (1985)
Translation: Altruizin und andere kybernetische Beglückungen: Der Kyberiade zweiter Teil?Altruizin und andere kybernetische Beglueckungen: Der Kyberiade zweiter Teil[German] (1985)
- Translation: Cyberiade [Italian] (1995) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Ciberiada [Spanish] (2005) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Wyprawa czwarta, czyli o tym, jak Trurl kobietron zastosował, królewicza Pantarktyka od mąk miłosnych chcąc zbawić, i jak potem do użycia dzieciomiotu przyszło?Wyprawa czwarta, czyli o tym, jak Trurl kobietron zastosowal, krolewicza Pantarktyka od mak milosnych chcac zbawic, i jak potem do uzycia dzieciomiotu przyszlo(1965) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Quatrième expédition [French] (1968) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Quatrième expédition ou comment Trurl appliqua le féminitrône, afin de délivrer le prince Pantarktik de ses peines amoureuses, et comment on arriva à utiliser le canon à nourrissons. [French] (1968) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: The Fourth Sally, or How Trurl Built a Femfatalatron to Save Prince Pantagoon from the Pangs of Love, and How Later He Resorted to a Cannonade of Babies [English] (1974) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Expediția a patra sau cum a pus Trurl în funcțiune feminotronul, vrând să-l izbăvească pe prințul Pantarcticus de chinurile dragostei, și cum a fost apoi nevoit să folosească pruncaruncătorul?Expeditia a patra sau cum a pus Trurl in functiune feminotronul, vrand sa-l izbaveasca pe printul Pantarcticus de chinurile dragostei, si cum a fost apoi nevoit sa foloseasca pruncaruncatorul[Romanian] (1976)
- Translation: Vierde Tocht of Hoe Trurl de Femonistron Toepaste om Prins Pantiarctic van de Kwellingen der Liefde te Verlossen en hoe het Toen Kwam tot een Kinderkannonade [Dutch] (1978) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Fjärde resan eller hur Trurl tog till en femitron för att frälsa kronprins Pantarktis från kärlekens kval, och hur sedan en barnkastare kom till användning?Fjaerde resan eller hur Trurl tog till en femitron foer att fraelsa kronprins Pantarktis fran kaerlekens kval, och hur sedan en barnkastare kom till anvaendning[Swedish] (1979)
Translation: Quatrième croisade ou comment Trurl recourut au féminotron dans le but de délivrer le prince Pantarctique des tourments de l'amour et comment l'on en vint subséquemment à faire usage du lance-mômes?Quatrieme croisade ou comment Trurl recourut au feminotron dans le but de delivrer le prince Pantarctique des tourments de l'amour et comment l'on en vint subsequemment a faire usage du lance-momes[French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
Translation: Die vierte Reise oder Wie Trurl ein Femmefatalotron baute, um Prinz Bellamor von Liebesqualen zu erlösen, und wie es danach zum Babybombardement kam?Die vierte Reise oder Wie Trurl ein Femmefatalotron baute, um Prinz Bellamor von Liebesqualen zu erloesen, und wie es danach zum Babybombardement kam[German] (1983)
- Translation: La quarta fatica ovvero Come Trurl costruì un Femmefatalatrone per salvare il Principe Patagonzio dalle pene d'amore e come successivamente dovette ricorrere a un cannoneggiamento bamboccesco [Italian] (1995) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Expedición cuarta, o cómo Trurl se sirvió de un mujerotrón para liberar al príncipe Pantárctico de las torturas del amor [Spanish] (2005) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Wyprawa druga, czyli oferta króla Okrucyusza (1965) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Deuxième expédition ou l'offre du roi Okrucius [French] (1968) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: The Second Sally, or The Offer of King Krool [English] (1974) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Expediția a doua sau oferta regelui Ferocius?Expeditia a doua sau oferta regelui Ferocius[Romanian] (1976)
- Translation: Tweede Tocht of het Aanbod van Koning Wredius [Dutch] (1978) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Andra resan eller kung Grymmius anbud [Swedish] (1979)
Translation: Seconde croisade ou l'offre du roi férotien?Seconde croisade ou l'offre du roi ferotien[French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: The Second Sally [English] (1981) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Die zweite Reise oder König Grausams Angebot?Die zweite Reise oder Koenig Grausams Angebot[German] (1983)
- Translation: La seconda fatica ovvero Alla caccia di Re Krool [Italian] (1995) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Expedición segunda o la oferta del rey Cruelio [Spanish] (2005) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Wyprawa piąta A, czyli konsultacja Trurla?Wyprawa piata A, czyli konsultacja Trurla(1965) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Cinquième expédition A ou la consultation de Trurl [French] (1968) [as by Stanislas Lem]
Translation: A cincea expediție?A cincea expeditie[Romanian] (1971) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Fifth Sally (A), or Trurl's Prescription [English] (1974) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Fifth Sally(A), or Trurl's Prescription [English] (1974) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Expediția a cincea bis sau consultația lui Trurl?Expeditia a cincea bis sau consultatia lui Trurl[Romanian] (1976)
- Translation: Tocht Nummer 5A of het Advies van Trurl [Dutch] (1978) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Resa fem (A) eller Trurl som konsult [Swedish] (1979)
- Translation: Croisade No 5 bis ou la consultation de Trurl [French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
Translation: Die Reise Fünf A oder Wie man den berühmten Konstrukteur Trurl konsultierte?Die Reise Fuenf A oder Wie man den beruehmten Konstrukteur Trurl konsultierte[German] (1983)
- Translation: La quinta fatica bis ovvero L'ingiunzione di Trurl [Italian] (1995) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Expedición quinta A, o la consulta de Trurl [Spanish] (2005) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Wyprawa piąta, czyli o figlach króla Baleryona?Wyprawa piata, czyli o figlach krola Baleryona(1965) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Cinquième expédition ou les farces du roi Baleryon [French] (1968) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: The Fifth Sally, or The Mischief of King Balerion [English] (1974) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Expediția a cincea sau poznele regelui Baleryan?Expeditia a cincea sau poznele regelui Baleryan[Romanian] (1976)
- Translation: Vijfde Tocht of de Grillen van Koning Balerion [Dutch] (1978) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Femte resan eller om kung Baleryons skälmstycken?Femte resan eller om kung Baleryons skaelmstycken[Swedish] (1979)
Translation: Cinquième croisade ou les tours du roi Jambonnier?Cinquieme croisade ou les tours du roi Jambonnier[French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
Translation: Die fünfte Reise oder Die Possen des Königs Balerion?Die fuenfte Reise oder Die Possen des Koenigs Balerion[German] (1983)
- Translation: La quinta fatica ovvero Le burle di Re Balerion [Italian] (1995) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Expedición quinta, o las travesuras del rey Balerión [Spanish] (2005) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Wyprawa pierwsza A, czyli Elektrybałt Trurla?Wyprawa pierwsza A, czyli Elektrybalt Trurla(1965) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Première expédition A ou l'Électrolyre de Trurl [French] (1968) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: The First Sally (A), or Trurl's Electronic Bard [English] (1974) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Trual's Electronic Band [English] (1975) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Expediția întâi bis sau electrobardul lui Trurl?Expeditia intai bis sau electrobardul lui Trurl[Romanian] (1976)
- Translation: Tocht Nummer 1A of Trurls Elektribald [Dutch] (1978) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Resa ett (A) eller Trurls elektrubadur [Swedish] (1979)
Translation: Croisade No 1 bis ou l'électrouvère de Trurl?Croisade No 1 bis ou l'électrouvere de Trurl[French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Die Reise Eins A oder Trurls Elektrobarde [German] (1983)
Variant: Wyprawa pierwsza A czyli Elektrybałt Trurla?Wyprawa pierwsza A czyli Elektrybalt Trurla(1988)
- Translation: La prima fatica bis ovvero Il bardo elettronico [Italian] (1995) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Expedición primera A, o el electrobardo de Trurl [Spanish] (2005) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Expedição primeira A ou o Poetômato de Trurl [Portuguese] (2016)
Wyprawa pierwsza, czyli pułapka Gargancjana?Wyprawa pierwsza, czyli pulapka Gargancjana(1965) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Première expédition ou le piège de Gargancian [French] (1968) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Die Falle des Gargancjan [German] (1969)
- Translation: The First Sally, or The Trap of Gargantius [English] (1974) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Expediția întâi sau capcana lui Garganțian?Expeditia intai sau capcana lui Gargantian[Romanian] (1976)
- Translation: Eerste tocht of de valstrik van Gargantianus [Dutch] (1978) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Första resan eller Gargantianus fälla?Foersta resan eller Gargantianus faella[Swedish] (1979)
Translation: Première croisade ou le piège de Gargancien?Premiere croisade ou le piege de Gargancien[French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Die erste Reise oder Die Falle des Gargancjan [German] (1983)
- Translation: La prima fatica ovvero La trappola di Gargantius [Italian] (1995) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Expedición primera, o la trampa de Garganciano [Spanish] (2005) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Wyprawa siódma, czyli o tym, jak własna doskonałość Trurla do złego przywiodła?Wyprawa siodma, czyli o tym, jak wlasna doskonalosc Trurla do zlego przywiodła(1965) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Septième expédition ou comment la perfection de Trurl l'amena à faire une mauvaise action [French] (1968) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: The Seventh Sally, or How Trurl's Own Perfection Led to No Good [English] (1974) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Expediția a șaptea sau despre cum propria perfecțiune a lui Trurl a dus numai la rele?Expeditia a saptea sau despre cum propria perfectiune a lui Trurl a dus numai la rele[Romanian] (1976)
- Translation: Die Siebente Reise [German] (1978) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Die Siebente Reise oder Wie Trurls Vollkommenheit zum Bösen führte?Die Siebente Reise oder Wie Trurls Vollkommenheit zum Boesen fuehrte[German] (1978)
- Translation: Zevende tocht of hoe Trurls eigen perfectie ten kwade leidde [Dutch] (1978) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Sjunde resan eller hur Trurl fördes på villovägar av sin egen fullkomlighet?Sjunde resan eller hur Trurl foerdes pa villovaegar av sin egen fullkomlighet[Swedish] (1979)
Translation: Septième croisade ou comment la perfection de Trurl fut à la source de bien des maux?Septieme croisade ou comment la perfection de Trurl fut a la source de bien des maux[French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: La settima fatica ovvero Come Trurl, a causa della sua perfezione, finì per ottenere il contrario di quello che cercava [Italian] (1995) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Expedición séptima, o cómo su propia perfección puso a Trurl en un mal trance [Spanish] (2005) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Wyprawa szósta, czyli jak Trurl i Klapaucjusz demona drugiego rodzaju stworzyli, aby zbójcę Gębona pokonać?Wyprawa szosta, czyli jak Trurl i Klapaucjusz demona drugiego rodzaju stworzyli, aby zbojce Gebona pokonac(1965) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Sixième expédition ou comment Trurl et Klapaucius créèrent un démon du genre secondaire pour vaincre le brigand Gebon [French] (1968) [as by Stanislas Lem]
Translation: Wie Trurl und Klapaucius einen Dämon Zweiter Ordnung schufen, um Mäuler den Mörder zu besiegen?Wie Trurl und Klapaucius einen Daemon Zweiter Ordnung schufen, um Maeuler den Moerder zu besiegen[German] (1969)
Translation: Wie Trurl und Klapauzius einen Dämon Zweiter Ordnung schufen, um Mäuler den Räuber zu besiegen?Wie Trurl und Klapauzius einen Daemon Zweiter Ordnung schufen, um Maeuler den Raeuber zu besiegen[German] (1969)
Translation: Die sechste Reise oder Wie Trurl und Klapauzius einen Dämon Zweiter Ordnung schufen, um Mäuler den Räuber zu besiegen?Die sechste Reise oder Wie Trurl und Klapauzius einen Daemon Zweiter Ordnung schufen, um Maeuler den Raeuber zu besiegen[German] (1969)
- Translation: The Sixth Sally, or How Trurl and Klapaucius Created a Demon of the Second Kind to Defeat the Pirate Pugg [English] (1974) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Expediția a șasea sau cum au creat Trurl și Clapauțius un demon de gradul doi spre a-l învinge pe tâlharul Gurilă?Expeditia a sasea sau cum au creat Trurl si Clapautius un demon de gradul doi spre a-l invinge pe talharul Gurila[Romanian] (1976)
- Translation: Zesde Tocht of hoe Trurl en Klapautius een Demon van de Tweede Soort Schiepen om Piraat Bakkes te verslaan [Dutch] (1978) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Sjätte resan eller hur Trurl och Klapautius skapade en demon av andra slaget för att besegra rövaren Snytis?Sjaette resan eller hur Trurl och Klapautius skapade en demon av andra slaget foer att besegra roevaren Snytis[Swedish] (1979)
Translation: Sixième croisade ou comment comment Trurl et Clapaucius conçurent un démon de seconde espèce afin de terrasser l'infâme Grandgueulier?Sixieme croisade ou comment comment Trurl et Clapaucius concurent un demon de seconde espece afin de terrasser l'infame Grandgueulier[French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
Translation: Wie Trurl und Klapaucius einen Dämon zweiter Ordnung schufen, um Mäuler den Räuber zu besiegen?Wie Trurl und Klapaucius einen Daemon zweiter Ordnung schufen, um Maeuler den Raeuber zu besiegen[German] (1981)
- Translation: La sesta fatica ovvero Come Trurl e Klapaucius crearono un Demone di Seconda Classe per sconfiggere il pirata Pugg [Italian] (1995) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Expedición sexta, o cómo Trurl y Clapaucio crearon a un demonio de segunda especie, para vencer al pirata Morrón [Spanish] (2005) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Wyprawa trzecia, czyli smoki prawdopodobieństwa?Wyprawa trzecia, czyli smoki prawdopodobienstwa(1965) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Troisième expédition ou les dragons de la vraisemblance [French] (1968) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Von den Drachen der Wahrscheinlichkeit [German] (1969)
- Translation: Die dritte Reise oder Von den Drachen der Wahrscheinlichkeit [German] (1969)
- Translation: The Third Sally, or The Dragons of Probability [English] (1974) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Expediția a treia sau balaurii probabilității?Expeditia a treia sau balaurii probabilitatii[Romanian] (1976)
- Translation: Derde Tocht of de Draken van de Waarschijnlijkheid [Dutch] (1978) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Tredje resan eller Sannolikhetsdrakarna [Swedish] (1979)
Translation: Troisième croisade ou le dragon des probabilités?Troisieme croisade ou le dragon des probabilites[French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: La terza fatica ovvero I draghi della probabilità [Italian] (1995) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Expedición tercera, o los dragones de la probabilidad [Spanish] (2005) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Kobyszczę?Kobyszcze(1971) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: In Hot Pursuit of Happiness [English] (1973) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: A Léboló [Hungarian] (1974)
- Translation: Jacht naar Geluk [Dutch] (1976) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Experimenta Felicitologica [German] (1977)
- Translation: Alla disperata ricerca della felicità [Italian] (1997) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Edukacja Cyfrania (1976) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die demographische Implosion [German] (1980) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Die demographische Implosion [German] (1980)
- Translation: Ziffranios Erziehung [German] (1990)
Translation: L'éducation de Chiffrion?L'education de Chiffrion[French] (2021)
Powtórka?Powtorka(1979) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Wiederholung [German] (1990)
Cyberiada (excerpt) (unpublished) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Translation: Iz "Cyberiade" [Slovenian] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Dialogi
Dialogi (1957) [C]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dialoge [German] (1980)
Translation: Диалоги?Dialogi[Russian] (2005) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Dialogues [English] (2021)
I (1957) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Auferstehungsmaschine [German] (1980)
- Translation: I [German] (1980)
Translation: Диалоги?Dialogi[Russian] (2005) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
II (1957) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dialoge (Best of Lem) [German] (1980)
- Translation: II [German] (1980)
III (1957) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: III [German] (1980)
IV (1957) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: IV [German] (1980)
V (1957) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: V [German] (1980)
VI (1957) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: VI [German] (1980)
VII (1957) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: VII [German] (1980)
VIII (1957) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: VIII [German] (1980)
Dialogi (1957) [C]
also appeared as:
- Głos Pana?Glos Pana
- 0
Editor's Note (Polish) (1968) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Translation: Anmerkung des Herausgebers [German] (1981) [as by Professor Thomas V. Warren]
- Translation: Editor's Note [English] (1983) [as by Professor Thomas V. Warren]
- 0.1
Wstęp (Głos Pana)?Wstep (Glos Pana)(1968) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Vorwort (Die Stimme des Herrn) [German] (1981)
- Translation: Preface (His Master's Voice) [English] (1983) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Preface (His Master's Voice) [English] (1983)
- Translation: Vorwort [German] (1992)
- 1
Głos Pana?Glos Pana(1968) also appeared as:
Translation: Голос неба?Golos neba[Russian] (1971) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: La voix du maître [French] (1976) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Glas gospodara [Serbian] (1978) [as by Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Az Úr Hangja [Hungarian] (1980)
- Translation: Die Stimme des Herrn [German] (1981)
- Translation: His Master's Voice [English] (1983) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: His Master's Voice [English] (1983)
- Translation: A voz do Mestre [Portuguese] (1991)
- Translation: Glasul Domnului [Romanian] (1997) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- 0
Editor's Note (Polish) (1968) [SF]
only appeared as:
Ekstelopedia Vestranda w 44 magnetomach (1973) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Vestrands Extelopädie in 44 Magnetbänden?Vestrands Extelopaedie in 44 Magnetbaenden[German] (1976)
- Translation: Proffertinc [English] (1984) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Pouczenie (GOLEM XIV) (1973) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Belehrung (GOLEM XIV) [German] (1976)
- Translation: Instructions [English] (1984) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Przedmowa (GOLEM XIV) (1973) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Przedmowa (GOLEM XIV) (1973) [as by Irving T. Creve]
- Translation: Vorrede (GOLEM XIV) [German] (1976)
- Translation: Vorrede (Also sprach GOLEM) [German] (1984) [as by Irving T. Creve]
- Translation: Foreword (Golem XIV) [English] (1984) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Vestranda Ekstelopedia: Arkusz próbny?Vestranda Ekstelopedia: Arkusz probny(1973) [SF] also appeared as:
Translation: Vestrands Extelopädie: Probebogen gratis!?Vestrands Extelopaedie: Probebogen gratis![German] (1976)
- Translation: Sample Pages [English] (1984) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Wstęp (GOLEM XIV)?Wstenp: Thomas B. Fuller (GOLEM XIV)(1973) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Vorwort (Golem XIV) [German] (1976)
- Translation: Introduction (Golem XIV) [English] (1984) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Wykład inauguracyjny Golema: O człowieku trojako?Wykwad inauguracyjny Golema: O człowieku trojako(1973) [SF] also appeared as:
Translation: Golems Antrittsvorlesung: Dreierlei über den Menschen?Golems Antrittsvorlesung: Dreierlei ueber den Menschen[German] (1976)
- Translation: Golems Inaugurationsvortrag [German] (1976)
Translation: GOLEMs Antrittsvorlesung: Dreierlei über den Menschen?GOLEMs Antrittsvorlesung: Dreierlei ueber den Menschen[German] (1984)
Translation: Golem's Inaugural Lecture—About Man Threefold?Golem's Inaugural Lecture-About Man Threefold[English] (1984) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: GOLEMs Antrittsvorlesung: Dreierlei über den Menschen (excerpt)?GOLEMs Antrittsvorlesung: Dreierlei ueber den Menschen (excerpt)[German] (2021)
GOLEM XIV (1981) [C]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Also sprach GOLEM [German] (1984)
- Translation: GOLEM XIV [Romanian] (1997)
Posłowie (GOLEM XIV)?Poslowie (GOLEM XIV)(1981) [SF] only appeared as:
Variant: Posłowie (GOLEM XIV)?Poslowie (GOLEM XIV)(1981) [as by Richard Popp]
- Translation: Nachwort (Also sprach GOLEM) [German] (1984) [as by Richard Popp]
- Translation: Afterword (Golem XIV) [English] (1984) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Wykład: O sobie?Wyklad: O sobie(1981) [SF] also appeared as:
Translation: XLIII. Vorlesung: Über mich?XLIII. Vorlesung: Ueber mich[German] (1984)
Translation: Lecture XLIII—About Itself?Lecture XLIII-About Itself[English] (1984) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Ekstelopedia Vestranda w 44 magnetomach (1973) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Ijon Tichy
Podróż dwudziesta czwarta?Podroz dwudziesta czwarta(1954) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Vierundzwanzigste Reise [German] (1961)
- Translation: The Twenty-Fourth Journey of Ion Tichy [English] (1970) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Ion Tichys vierundzwanzigste Reise [German] (1972) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Vingt-quatrième voyage?Vingt-quatrieme voyage[French] (1973) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: De vierentwintigste reis van Ion Tichy [Dutch] (1976) [as by Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Viaje vigésimo cuarto [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Phools [English] (1981) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Twenty-Fourth Voyage [English] (1981) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Twenty-Fourth Voyage [English] (1981)
Translation: Dvadeset četvrto putovanje?Dvadeset cetvrto putovanje[Croatian] (2021)
Podróż dwudziesta druga?Podroz dwudziesta druga(1954) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Zweiundzwanzigste Reise [German] (1961)
- Translation: The Twenty-Second Voyage [English] (1976) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Twenty-Second Voyage [English] (1976)
- Translation: Viaje vigésimo segundo [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Vingt-deuxième voyage [French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Dvadeset drugo putovanje [Croatian] (2021)
Podróż dwudziesta piąta?Podroz dwudziesta piata(1954) [SF] also appeared as:
Translation: Fünfundzwanzigste Reise?Fuenfundzwanzigste Reise[German] (1961)
- Translation: The Twenty-Fifth Voyage [English] (1976) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Twenty-Fifth Voyage [English] (1976)
- Translation: Viaje vigésimo quinto [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Vingt-cinquième voyage [French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
Translation: Vingt cinquième voyage?Vingt cinquieme voyage[French] (1981) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Dvadeset peto putovanje [Croatian] (2021)
Podróż dwudziesta szósta i ostatnia?Podroz dwudziesta szosta i ostatnia(1954) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Sechsundzwanzigste und letzte Reise [German] (1961)
Podróż dwudziesta trzecia?Podroz dwudziesta trzecia(1954) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Dreiundzwanzigste Reise [German] (1961)
- Translation: The Twenty-Third Voyage [English] (1976) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Twenty-Third Voyage [English] (1976)
- Translation: Viaje vigésimo tercero [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Vingt-troisième voyage [French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
Translation: Vingt troisième voyage?Vingt troisieme voyage[French] (1981) [as by Stanislas Lem]
Translation: Dvadeset treće putovanje?Dvadeset trece putovanje[Croatian] (2021)
Dzienniki gwiazdowe (1957) [C]
also appeared as:
Translation: Die Sterntagebücher des Weltraumfahrers Ijon Tichy?Die Sterntagebuecher des Weltraumfahrers Ijon Tichy[German] (1961)
Translation: Sterntagebücher?Sterntagebuecher[German] (1973)
- Translation: The Star Diaries [English] (1976)
Translation: Mémoires d'Ijon Tichy?Memoires d'Ijon Tichy[French] (1977) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: The Star Diaries [English] (1977) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Diarios de las estrellas: Viajes [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Diarios de las estrellas: Viajes y memorias [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Les voyages électriques d'Ijon Tichy [French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
Translation: Le bréviaire des robots?Le breviaire des robots[French] (1981) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Memoirs of a Space Traveler: Further Reminiscences of Ijon Tichy [English] (1982) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Memoirs of a Space Traveler [English] (1982)
Translation: Stjärndagböckerna?Stjaerndagboeckerna[Swedish] (1983)
- Translation: Viagens de Ijon Tichy [Portuguese] (1987) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Diarios de Las Estrellas [Spanish] (1988) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Memoirs of a Space Traveller [English] (1991) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Star Diaries: Further Reminiscences of Ijon Tichy [English] (2003) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: 7. & 8. Reise [German] (2005) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Zvjezdani dnevnici [Croatian] (2021)
Podróż czternasta?Podroz czternasta(1957) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Vierzehnte Reise [German] (1961)
- Translation: The Fourteenth Voyage [English] (1976) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Fourteenth Voyage [English] (1976)
- Translation: Viaje décimocuarto [Spanish] (1978)
Translation: Quatorzième voyage?Quatorzieme voyage[French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Fjortonde resan [Swedish] (1983)
Translation: Četrnesto putovanje?Cetrnesto putovanje[Croatian] (2021)
Podróż dwunasta?Podroz dwunasta(1957) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Expedition nach Amauropien [German] (1961) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Zwölfte Reise?Zwoelfte Reise[German] (1961)
- Translation: The Twelfth Voyage [English] (1976) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Twelfth Voyage [English] (1976)
- Translation: Viaje duodécimo [Spanish] (1978)
Translation: Douzième voyage?Douzieme voyage[French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Tolfte resan [Swedish] (1983)
- Translation: Dvanaesto putovanje [Croatian] (2021)
Podróż trzynasta?Podroz trzynasta(1957) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: The Thirteenth Journey of Ion Tichy [English] (1970) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Ion Tichys dreizehnte Reise [German] (1972) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Dreizehnte Reise [German] (1973)
- Translation: Die Fahrt zum Meister Oh [German] (1973) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Treizième voyage?Treizieme voyage[French] (1973) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: De dertiende reis van Ion Tichy [Dutch] (1976) [as by Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: The Thirteenth Voyage [English] (1976) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Thirteenth Voyage [English] (1976)
- Translation: Viaje décimotercero [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Trettonde resan [Swedish] (1983)
- Translation: Trinaesto putovanje [Croatian] (2021)
Podróż jedenasta?Podroz jedenasta(1961) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Elfte Reise [German] (1973)
- Translation: The Eleventh Voyage [English] (1976) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Eleventh Voyage [English] (1976)
- Translation: Viaje undécimo [Spanish] (1978)
Translation: Onzième voyage?Onzieme voyage[French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Elfte resan [Swedish] (1983)
- Translation: Jedanesto putovanje [Croatian] (2021)
Podróż siódma?Podroz siodma(1964) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Die 7. Reise [German] (1973) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Siebente Reise [German] (1973)
- Translation: The Seventh Voyage [English] (1976)
- Translation: The Seventh Voyage [English] (1977) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Viaje séptimo [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Septième voyage [French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Sjunde resan [Swedish] (1983)
- Translation: Il settimo viaggio [Italian] (1986)
- Translation: "The Seventh Voyage" from The Star Diaries [English] (2010) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Sedmo putovanje [Croatian] (2021)
Podróż dwudziesta ósma?Podroz dwudziesta osma(1966) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Achtundzwanzigste Reise [German] (1973)
- Translation: The Twenty-Eighth Voyage [English] (1976) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Twenty-Eighth Voyage [English] (1976)
- Translation: Viaje vigésimo octavo [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Vingt-huitième voyage [French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Dvadeset osmo putovanje [Croatian] (2021)
Podróż ósma?Podroz osma(1966) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Achte Reise [German] (1973) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Achte Reise [German] (1973)
- Translation: Die 8. Reise [German] (1973) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Eighth Voyage [English] (1976) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Eighth Voyage [English] (1976)
- Translation: Viaje octavo [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Huitième voyage [French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
Translation: Åttonde resan?Attonde resan[Swedish] (1983)
- Translation: Osmo putovanje [Croatian] (2021)
Podróż dwudziesta?Podroz dwudziesta(1971) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Zwanzigste Reise [German] (1973)
- Translation: The Twentieth Voyage [English] (1976) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Twentieth Voyage [English] (1976)
- Translation: Viaje vigésimo [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Vingtième voyage [French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Tjugonde resan [Swedish] (1983)
- Translation: Dvadeseto putovanje [Croatian] (2021)
Podróż dwudziesta pierwsza?Podroz dwudziesta pierwsza(1971) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Einundzwanzigste Reise [German] (1973)
- Translation: The Twenty-First Voyage [English] (1976) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Twenty-First Voyage [English] (1976)
- Translation: Viaje vigésimo primero [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Vingt et unième voyage [French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Dvadeset prvo putovanje [Croatian] (2021)
Podróż osiemnasta?Podroz osiemnasta(1971) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Achtzehnte Reise [German] (1973)
Translation: Viaje décimoctavo?Viaje decimoctavo[Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Dix-huitième voyage [French] (1980) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Project Genesis [English] (1981) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Eighteenth Voyage [English] (1981) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Eighteenth Voyage [English] (1981)
- Translation: Artonde resan [Swedish] (1983)
- Translation: Osamnaesto putovanje [Croatian] (2021)
Wizja lokalna (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Lokaltermin [German] (1985)
Podwojenie (1983) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Translation: Die Verdoppelung [German] (1983)
Pokój na Ziemi (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Flop [German] (1986)
- Translation: Frieden auf Erden [German] (1986)
- Translation: Peace on Earth [English] (1994) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Serializations:
- Translation: Pace al mondo (Complete Novel) [Italian] (1995) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Pożytek ze smoka?Pozytek ze smoka(1993) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Vom Nutzen des Drachen [German] (1983)
- Translation: Vom Nutzen des Drachen [German] (1983) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Use of a Dragon [English] (1996) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Ostatnia Podroz Ijona Tichego (1996) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Translation: Ijon Tichy's Last Journey to Earth [English] (1999) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Ijon Tichys letzte Reise [German] (2001)
Wizja lokalna (excerpt) (unpublished) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Translation: Lokaltermin (excerpt) [German] (2021)
- Professor Tarantoga
Przedmowa (Dzienniki gwiazdowe Ijona Tichego) (1954) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Przedmowa profesora Tarantogi (1954) [as by Profesor A. S. Tarantoga]
Translation: Vorrede (Die Sterntagebücher des Weltraumfahrers Ijon Tichy)?Vorrede (Die Sterntagebuecher des Weltraumfahrers Ijon Tichy)[German] (1961)
- Translation: Predgovor (Zvjezdani dnevnici) [Croatian] (2021)
Czarna komnata Profesora Tarantogi (1963) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das schwarze Kabinett Professor Tarantogas [German] (1980)
Dziwny gość profesora Tarantogi: Widowisko telewizyjne?Dziwny gosc profesora Tarantogi: Widowisko telewizyjne(1963) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Der seltsame Gast des Professors Tarantoga [German] (1975)
Wyprawa profesora Tarantogi: Widowisko w sześciu częściach?Wyprawa profesora Tarantogi: Widowisko w szesciu czesciach(1963) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Forschungsreise des Professors Tarantoga [German] (1975)
Wstęp (Dzienniki gwiazdowe)?Wstep (Dzienniki gwiazdowe)(1966) [SF] only appeared as:
Variant: Wstęp (Dzienniki gwiazdowe)?Wstep (Dzienniki gwiazdowe)(1966) [as by Profesor A. S. Tarantoga]
Translation: Vorwort (Sterntagebücher)?Vorwort (Sterntagebuecher)[German] (1973) [as by Professor A. S. Tarantoga]
- Translation: Introduction (The Star Diaries) [English] (1976) [as by Professor A. S. Tarantoga]
- Translation: Introducción (Diarios de las estrellas) [Spanish] (1978) [as by Professor A. S. Tarantoga]
- Translation: Uvod (Zvjezdani dnevnici) [Croatian] (2021)
Wstęp (Dzieła wszystkie Ijona Tichego)?Wstep (Dziela wszystkie Ijona Tichego)(1971) [SF] only appeared as:
Variant: Wstęp (Dzieła wszystkie Ijona Tichego)?Wstep (Dziela wszystkie Ijona Tichego)(1971) [as by Prof. A. S. Tarantoga]
Translation: Vorwort zur erweiterten Ausgabe (Sterntagebücher)?Vorwort zur erweiterten Ausgabe (Sterntagebuecher)[German] (1973) [as by Prof. A. S. Tarantoga]
- Translation: Introduction to the Expanded Edition [English] (1976) [as by Prof. A. S. Tarantoga]
- Translation: Introducción a la edición ampliada (Diarios de las estrellas) [Spanish] (1978) [as by Prof. A. S. Tarantoga]
Translation: Uvod u prošireno izdanje (Zvjezdani dnevnici)?Uvod u prosireno izdanje (Zvjezdani dnevnici)[Croatian] (2021)
Godzina przyjęć Profesora Tarantogi?Godzina przyjec Profesora Tarantogi(1979) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Professor Tarantogas Sprechstunde [German] (1977)
Przedmowa (Dzienniki gwiazdowe Ijona Tichego) (1954) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Ze wspomnień Ijona Tichego / From the Memoirs of Ijon Tichy?Ze wspomnien Ijona Tichego / From the Memoirs of Ijon Tichy
I (Profesor Corcoran) (1961) [SF]
also appeared as:
Variant: Ze wspomnień Ijona Tichego?Ze wspomnien ljona Tichego(1966)
- Translation: I (Professor Corcoran) [German] (1973)
Translation: Mémoires de Ijon Tichy?Memoires de Ijon Tichy[French] (1977) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: I (Professor Corcoran) [Spanish] (1978)
Translation: Izumitelj duše?Izumitelj duse[Croatian] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Sudbinograf [Croatian] (1980) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: I (Professor Corcoran) [English] (1982) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: I (Professor Corcoran) [English] (1982)
- Translation: Din amintirile lui Lijon Tichy [Romanian] (1985)
- Translation: Novas memórias de Ijon Tichy [Portuguese] (1987) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
II (Profesor Decantor) (1961) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: II (Professor Decantor) [German] (1973)
- Translation: II (Professor Decantor) [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: II (Professor Decantor) [English] (1982) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: II (Professor Decantor) [English] (1982)
III (Profesor Zazul) (1961) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: III (Professor Sasul) [German] (1973)
- Translation: III (Professor Zazul) [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Zazul [Croatian] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: III (Professor Zazul) [English] (1982) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: III (Professor Zazul) [English] (1982)
IV (Fizyk Molteris) (1961) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: IV (Physiker Molteris) [German] (1973)
Translation: IV (Físico Molteris)?IV (Fisico Molteris)[Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: IV (Physicist Molteris) [English] (1982) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: IV (Physicist Molteris) [English] (1982)
V: (Tragedia pralnicza) (1963) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: V (Tragedia pralnicza) (1963)
- Translation: Mosógéptragédia [Hungarian] (1965) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Die Waschmaschinentragödie?Die Waschmaschinentragoedie[German] (1968)
Translation: V (Die Waschmaschinen-Tragödie)?V (Die Waschmaschinen-Tragoedie)[German] (1968)
- Translation: Tragedija strojeva za pranje rublja [Croatian] (1976) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Tragedia lavadoriana [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: The Washing-Machine Tragedy [English] (1981) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: V (The Washing Machine Tragedy) [English] (1981) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: V (The Washing Machine Tragedy) [English] (1981)
Doktor Diagoras (1964) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Doktor Diagoras [German] (1966)
- Translation: Doktor Diagoras [German] (1973)
- Translation: Le docteur Diagoras [French] (1977) [as by Stanislas Lem]
Translation: El Doctor Diágoras?El Doctor Diagoras[Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Doktor Diagoras [Croatian] (1980) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Doctor Diagoras [English] (1982) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Doctor Diagoras [English] (1982)
Translation: O Doutor Diágoras?O Doutor Diagoras[Portuguese] (1987) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Ratujmy kosmos (1964) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Ratujmy kosmos (List otwarty Ijona Tichego) (1964)
- Translation: Retten wir den Kosmos [German] (1973)
- Translation: Retten wir den Kosmos (Offener Brief Ijon Tichys) [German] (1973)
- Translation: Sauvons le cosmos (lettre ouverte de Ijon Tichy) [French] (1977) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Salvemos el cosmos: carta abierta de Ijon Tichy [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Let Us Save the Universe (An Open Letter from Ijon Tichy) [English] (1981) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Let Us Save the Universe (An Open Letter from Ijon Tichy) [English] (1981)
- Translation: Spasimo svemir [Croatian] (1983) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Salvemos o universo [Portuguese] (1987) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Zakład Doktora Vliperdiusa?Zaklad Doktora Vliperdiusa(1964) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Anstalt des Doktor Vliperdius [German] (1973)
- Translation: The Sanatorium of Dr. Vliperdius [English] (1977) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: La clinique du docteur Vliperdius [French] (1977) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: El sanatorio del doctor Vliperdius [Spanish] (1978)
- Translation: Klinika dra Vliperdiusa [Croatian] (1978) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Die Anstalt des Doktors Vliperdiu [German] (1981)
- Translation: O sanatório do Doutor Uliperdius [Portuguese] (1987) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Kongres futurologiczny (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: A Futurológiai Kongresszussal [Hungarian] (1974)
Translation: Der futurologische Kongreß: Aus Ijon Tichys Erinnerungen?Der futurologische Kongress: Aus Ijon Tichys Erinnerungen[German] (1974)
- Translation: The Futurological Congress [English] (1974) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Futurological Congress [English] (1974)
- Translation: Le congrès de futurologie [French] (1976) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Den stora framtidskongressen [Swedish] (1978) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Waanzinnige Wereld: Uit de Memoires van Ijon Tichy [Dutch] (1978) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Congresso futurológico [Portuguese] (1986) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Futurološki kongres?Futuroloski kongres[Croatian] (2021)
Profesor A. Dońda?Profesor A. Donda(1974) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Le professeur A. Donda [French] (1977) [as by Stanislas Lem]
Translation: Professor A. Dońda?Professor A. Donda[German] (1978)
- Translation: Professor A. Donda [German] (1980)
- Translation: O Professor A. Donda [Portuguese] (1987) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Professor A. Donda [English] (2017)
Kongres futurologiczny (excerpt) (unpublished) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Translation: Der Futurologische Kongress [German] (1980)
Translation: Der Futurologische Kongreß. 1. Tag?Der Futurologische Kongress. 1. Tag[German] (1980) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Kongres futurologiczny (excerpt) (unpublished) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Translation: Die Wonnen der Psychemie [German] (1974)
Kongres futurologiczny (excerpt) (unpublished) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Translation: From the Futurological Congress [English] (1981) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Kongres futurologiczny: 4. 10. 2039 (unpublished) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Translation: Der futurologische Kongress: 4. 10. 2039 [German] (2021)
I (Profesor Corcoran) (1961) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Pamiętnik znaleziony w wannie?Pamietnik znaleziony w wannie
- 0
Wstęp (Pamiętnik znaleziony w wannie)?Wstep (Pamietnik znaleziony w wannie)(unknown) [SF] only appeared as:
- Translation: Introduction (Memoirs Found in a Bathtub) [English] (1973) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Inleiding (Het dagboek in de badkuip) [Dutch] (1977) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Einleitung (Memoiren, gefunden in der Badewanne) [German] (1979)
Translation: Uvod (Memoari pronađeni u kadi)?Uvod (Memoari pronadeni u kadi)[Croatian] (2021)
- Translation: Introduzione (Memorie trovate in una vasca da bagno) [Italian] (2023)
- 1
Pamiętnik znaleziony w wannie?Pamietnik znaleziony w wannie(1961) also appeared as:
- Translation: Memoirs Found in a Bathtub [English] (1973) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Memoiren gefunden in der Badewanne [German] (1974)
- Translation: Memoiren, gefunden in der Badewanne [German] (1974)
Translation: Mémoires trouvés dans une baignoire?Memoires trouves dans une baignoire[French] (1975) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Het dagboek in de badkuip [Dutch] (1977) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Memoarer funna i ett badkar [Swedish] (1980) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Memórias encontradas numa banheira [Portuguese] (1984) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Memorias Encontradas numa Banheira [Portuguese] (1985)
- Translation: Edificiul nebuniei absolute [Romanian] (1995)
Translation: Дневник, намерен във вана?Dnevnik, nameren vav vana[Bulgarian] (2020) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
Translation: Memoari pronađeni u kadi?Memoari pronadeni u kadi[Croatian] (2021)
- Translation: Memorie trovate in una vasca da bagno [Italian] (2023)
Pamiętnik znaleziony w wannie?Pamietnik znaleziony w wannie(2000) [SF] withJan Józef Szczepański?Jan Jozef Szczepanskialso appeared as:
- Translation: Memoiren, gefunden in der Badewanne [German] (1989)
Pamiętnik znaleziony w wannie (excerpt)?Pamietnik znaleziony w wannie(unpublished) [SF] only appeared as:
- Translation: Memoiren, gefunden in der Badewanne (excerpt) [German] (2021)
- 0
- Pilot Pirx
Test (1958) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Испытание?Ispytanie[Russian] (1959) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
Translation: Тест?Test[Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic] (1963) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Test [German] (1968)
- Translation: Test [Croatian] (1977) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: De test [Dutch] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Test [English] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Testul [Romanian] (1986) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Albatros (1959) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Альбатрос?Albatros[Russian] (1960) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
Translation: Албатрос?Albatros[Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic] (1963) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Albatros [German] (1968)
- Translation: De Albatros [Dutch] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Albatross [English] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Patrol (1959) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Патруль?Patrul[Russian] (1961) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
Translation: Патрола?Patrola[Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic] (1963) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: The Patrol [English] (1970) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Die Patrouille [German] (1972)
- Translation: Die Patrouille [German] (1972) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Vol de patrouille [French] (1973) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: De Patrouille [Dutch] (1976) [as by Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: De Patrouille [Dutch] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: On Patrol [English] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Terminus (1960) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Терминус?Terminus[Russian] (1963) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Terminus [German] (1968)
- Translation: Terminus [English] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Terminus [Dutch] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Terminus (excerpt) [German] (2021)
Odruch warunkowy (1962) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Условный рефлекс?Uslovnye refleks[Russian] (1965) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Feltételes reflex [Hungarian] (1965) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Der bedingte Reflex [German] (1968)
- Translation: De voorwaardelijke reflex [Dutch] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Conditioned Reflex [English] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Opowiadanie Pirxa (1965) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Рассказ Пиркса?Rasske Pirksa[Russian] (1969) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
Translation: Pirx erzählt?Pirx erzaehlt[German] (1972)
- Translation: Pirx vertelt [Dutch] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Pirx's Tale [English] (1982) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Polowanie (1965) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Охота на Сэтавра?Okota na Setavra[Russian] (1965) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Die Jagd [German] (1972)
- Translation: The Hunt [English] (1977) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Hunt [English] (1977)
- Translation: De jacht [Dutch] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Hunt [English] (2021)
Wypadek (1965) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Несчастный случай?Neschastiyj sluchaj[Russian] (1970) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Der Unfall [German] (1972)
- Translation: Het ongeval [Dutch] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Accident [English] (1982) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Opowieści o pilocie Pirxie?Opowiesci o pilocie Pirxie(1968) [C] also appeared as:
Translation: Навигатор Пиркс?Navigator Pirks[Russian] (1971) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Die Jagd: Neue Geschichten des Piloten Pirx [German] (1972)
- Translation: Pilot Pirx [German] (1978)
- Translation: Pirx in de Kosmos [Dutch] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Tales of Pirx the Pilot [English] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Terminus [Dutch] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Eintritt nur für Sternenpersonal?Eintritt nur fuer Sternenpersonal[German] (1980)
- Translation: Terminus und andere Geschichten des Piloten Pirx [German] (1981)
- Translation: More Tales of Pirx the Pilot [English] (1982) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Rozprawa (1968) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Дознание?Doznanie[Russian] (1970) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Die Verhandlung [German] (1972)
Translation: 審問?しんもん[Japanese] (1976) [as by
Shinmonスタニスラフ・レム?Sutanisurafu Remu] - Translation: De rechtszitting [Dutch] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Inquest [English] (1982) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Ananke (1971) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ananke [German] (1972)
- Translation: Ananké [Hungarian] (1974)
- Translation: Ananke [Dutch] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Ananke [English] (1982) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Odruch warunkowy (excerpt) (unpublished) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Translation: Der bedingte Reflex (excerpt) [German] (1996)
Test (1958) [SF]
also appeared as:
- The Apocryphs
"Do yourself a book" (1971) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Do yourself a book [German] (1973)
- Translation: U-Write-It [English] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: "Do yourself a book" [German] (1984)
"Les Robinsonades" par Marcel Coscat (1971) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Les Robinsonades par Marcel Coscat (Ed. du Seuil — Paris)?Les Robinsonades par Marcel Coscat (Ed. du Seuil - Paris)[German] (1973)
- Translation: Les Robinsonades by Marcel Coscat [English] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Marcel Coscat: Les Robinsonades: (Editions du Seuil, Paris) [English] (1981) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: "Les Robinsonades" par Marcel Coscat (Ed. du Seuil — Paris)?"Les Robinsonades" par Marcel Coscat (Ed. du Seuil - Paris)[German] (1984)
"Rien du tout, ou la consequence" par Solange Marriot (1971) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Rien du tout, ou la conséquence par Solange Marriot [German] (1973)
Translation: Rien du tout, ou la conséquence par Solange Marriot (Ed. du Midi)?Rien du tout, ou la conséquence par Solange Marriot (Ed. du Midi)[German] (1973)
- Translation: Rien du tout, ou la consequence by Solange Marriot [English] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: "Rien du tout, ou la consequence" par Solange Marriot (Ed. du Midi) [German] (1984)
Alfred Testa: "Nowa Kosmogonia" (1971) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Alfred Testa: Die Neue Kosmogonie [German] (1972)
- Translation: Die neue Kosmogonie [German] (1972)
- Translation: The New Cosmogony [English] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Die Neue Kosmogonie [German] (1984)
Alfred Zellermann: "Gruppenführer Louis XVI"?Alfred Zellermann: "Gruppenfuehrer Louis XVI"(1971) [SF] also appeared as:
Translation: Alfred Zellermann: Gruppenführer Louis XVI. (Suhrkampf Verlag)?Alfred Zellermann: Gruppenfuehrer Louis XVI. (Suhrkampf Verlag)[German] (1973)
Translation: 集団指揮官ルイ十六世?しゅうだんしきかんルイじゅうろくせい[Japanese] (1976) [as by
Shūdan Shikikan Rui Jūrokusei
Shuudan Shikikan Rui Juurokuseiスタニスラフ・レム?Sutanisurafu Remu] - Translation: Gruppenfuhrer Louis XVI by Alfred Zellermann [English] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Alfred Zellermann: "Gruppenführer Louis XVI." (Suhrkampf-Verlag)?Alfred Zellermann: "Gruppenfuehrer Louis XVI." (Suhrkampf-Verlag)[German] (1984)
Alistar Waynewright: "Being Inc." (1971) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Alistar Waynewright: Being Inc. [German] (1973)
- Translation: Alistar Waynewright: Being Inc. (American Library) [German] (1973)
- Translation: Being Inc. by Alastair Waynewright [English] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Alistar Waynewright: "Being Inc." (American Library) [German] (1984)
Arthur Dobb: "Non serviam" (1971) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Arthur Dobb: "Non serviam" [German] (1973)
- Translation: Non serviam [Hungarian] (1974)
- Translation: Non Serviam [English] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Cezar Kouska: "De Impossibilitate Vitae" / "De Impossibilitate Prognoscendi" (1971) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Cezar Kouska: De Impossibilitate Vitae / De Impossibilitate Prognoscendi (2 Bände) (Praha, Statni Nakladatalstvi N. Lit.)?Cezar Kouska: De Impossibilitate Vitae / De Impossibilitate Prognoscendi (2 Baende) (Praha, Statni Nakladatalstvi N. Lit.)[German] (1973)
- Translation: De Impossibilitate Vitae and De Impossibilitate Prognoscendi by Cezar Kouska [English] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Cezar Kouska: De Impossibilitate Vitae, De Impossibilitate Prognoscendi [German] (1981)
Translation: Cäsar Kouska: "De Impossibilitate Vitae"; "De Impossibilitate Prognoscendi"?Caesar Kouska: "De Impossibilitate Vitae"; "De Impossibilitate Prognoscendi"[German] (1984)
Doskonała próżnia?Doskonala proznia(1971) [C] also appeared as:
- Translation: Die vollkommene Leere [German] (1973)
- Translation: Det perfekta tomrummet [Swedish] (1975)
- Translation: A Perfect Vacuum [English] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Das absolute Vakuum [German] (1984)
Gian Carlo Spallanzani: "Idiota" (1971) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Gian Carlo Spallanzani: Der Idiot (Mondadori Editore) [German] (1973)
- Translation: Idiota by Gian Carlo Spallanzani [English] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Gian Carlo Spallanzani: "Der Idiot" (Mondadori Editore) [German] (1984)
Joachim Fersengeld: "Perycalypsis" (1971) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Joachim Fersengeld: Perycalypsis (Editions de Minuit — Paris)?Joachim Fersengeld: Perycalypsis (Editions de Minuit - Paris)[German] (1973)
- Translation: Pericalypsis by Joachim Fersengeld [English] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Joachim Fersengeld: "Pericalypsis" (Editions de minuit — Paris)?Joachim Fersengeld: "Pericalypsis" (Editions de minuit - Paris)[German] (1984)
Kuno Mlatje: "Odys z Itaki" (1971) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Kuno Mlatje: Odysseus aus Ithaka [German] (1973)
- Translation: Odysseus of Ithaca by Kuno Mlatje [English] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Kuno Mlatje: "Odyss aus Ithaka" [German] (1984)
Patrick Hannahan: "Gigamesh" (1971) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Patrick Hannahan: Gigamesh (Transworld Publishers — London)?Patrick Hannahan: Gigamesh (Transworld Publishers - London)[German] (1973)
- Translation: Gigamesh by Patrick Hannahan [English] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Patrick Hannahan: "Gigamesh" (Transworld Publishers — London)?Patrick Hannahan: "Gigamesh" (Transworld Publishers - London)[German] (1984)
Raymond Seurat: "Toi" (1971) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Raymond Seurat: Toi (Ed. Denoël)?Raymond Seurat: Toi (Ed. Denoel)[German] (1973)
- Translation: Toi by Raymond Seurat [English] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Raymond Seurat: "Toi" (Ed. Denoel) [German] (1984)
Simon Merril: "Sexplosion" (1971) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Simon Merril: Sexplosion (Walker and Company — New York)?Simon Merril: Sexplosion (Walker and Company - New York)[German] (1973)
- Translation: Sexplosion by Simon Merrill [English] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Simon Merril: Sexplosion [German] (1981)
Translation: Simon Merril: "Sexplosion" (Walker and Company — New York)?Simon Merril: "Sexplosion" (Walker and Company - New York)[German] (1984)
Translation: サイモン・メリル著『セックスプロージョン』?サイモン・メリルちょ『セックスプロージョン』[Japanese] (1986) [as by
Saimon Meriru Cho "Sekkusupuroojon"
Saimon Meriru Cho "Sekkusupurōjon"スタニスワフ・レム?Sutanisuwafu Remu]
St. Lem: "Doskonała próżnia"?St. Lem: "Doskonala proznia"(1971) [SF] also appeared as:
Translation: Stanisław Lem: Die vollkommene Leere ("Czytelnik" — Warschau)?Stanislaw Lem: Die vollkommene Leere ("Czytelnik" - Warschau)[German] (1973)
- Translation: A Perfect Vacuum by S. Lem [English] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Stanisław Lem: "Das absolute Vakuum" ("Czytelnik" — Warszawa)?Stanislaw Lem: "Das absolute Vakuum"[German] (1984)
Stanislaw Lem: "Das absolute Vakuum" ("Czytelnik" - Warszawa)
Wilhelm Klopper: "Die Kultur als Fehler" (1971) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Wilhelm Klopper: Die Kultur als Fehler (Universitas Verlag) [German] (1973)
- Translation: Die Kultur als Fehler by Wilhelm Klopper [English] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Wilhelm Klopper: "Die Kultur als Fehler" (Universitas Verlag) [German] (1984)
Wstęp ("Historia literatury bitycznej")?Wstep ("Historia literatury bitycznej")(1973) [SF] also appeared as:
Translation: Einführung (Geschichte der bitischen Literatur)?Einfuehrung (Geschichte der bitischen Literatur)[German] (1976)
- Translation: Introduction (Juan Rambellais et al., A History of Bitic Literature, Volume I) [English] (1984) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Wstęp (Cezary Strzybisz: "Nekrobie")?Wstep (Cezary Strzybisz: "Nekrobie")(1973) [SF] only appeared as:
Variant: Wstęp (Cezary Strzybisz: "Nekrobie")?Wstep (Cezary Strzybisz: "Nekrobie")(1973) [as byStanisław Estel?Stanislaw Estel]
Translation: Einführung (Cezary Strzybisz: Nekrobien)?Einfuehrung (Cezary Strzybisz: Nekrobien)[German] (1976) [as byStanisław Estel?Stanislaw Estel]
- Translation: Introduction (Cezary Strzybisz, Necrobes) [English] (1984) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Wstęp (Reginald Gulliver: "Eruntyka")?Wstep (Reginald Gulliver: "Eruntyka")(1973) [SF] also appeared as:
Translation: Einführung (Reginald Gulliver: Eruntik)?Einfuehrung (Reginald Gulliver: Eruntik)[German] (1976)
- Translation: Introduction (Reginald Gulliver, Eruntics) [English] (1984) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Reginald Gulliver: Eruntica [Romanian] (1989)
Wstęp do II wydania ("Historia literatury bitycznej")?Wstep do II wydania ("Historia literatury bitycznej")(1973) [SF] also appeared as:
- Translation: Vorwort zur 2. Auflage (Geschichte der bitischen Literatur) [German] (1976)
- Translation: Introduction to the Second Edition [English] (1984) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Prowokacja (1980) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Provokation: Besprechung eines ungelesenen Buches [German] (1981)
- Translation: Provokation [German] (1985)
Jedna minuta (1984) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Eine Minute der Menschheit [German] (1983)
- Translation: Eine Minute der Menschheit: Eine Momentaufnahme [German] (1983)
- Translation: One Human Minute [English] (1986) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Um minuto de humanidade [Portuguese] (1991) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Prowokacja (1984) [C]
Biblioteka XXI wieku (1986) [C]
also appeared as:
- Translation: One Human Minute [English] (1986) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Biblioteca do Século XXI: Novelas Fantásticas [Portuguese] (1991) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Das kreative Vernichtungsprinzip: The World as Holocaust (1986) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Das Katastrophenprinzip: Die kreative Zerstörung im Weltall?Das Katastrophenprinzip: Die kreative Zerstoerung im Weltall[German] (1983)
- Translation: The World As Cataclysm [English] (1986) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: O princípio do cataclismo criador. O Mundo como Holocausto [Portuguese] (1991) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Weapon Systems of the Twenty First Century or the Upside-Down Evolution (1986) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Waffensysteme des 21. Jahrhunderts oder The Upside Down Evolution [German] (1983)
- Translation: The Upside-Down Evolution [English] (1986) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Sistemas de armamento do século XXI, ou a evolução de pernas para o ar [Portuguese] (1991) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Provokationen [German] (1988) [C]
"Do yourself a book" (1971) [SF]
also appeared as:
Astronauci (1951)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Planet des Todes [German] (1954)
- Translation: Die Astronauten [German] (1954)
- Translation: Astronauti [Czech] (1956) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Astronauti [Slovak] (1956) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Астронавты?Astronavty[Russian] (1957) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Asztronauták [Hungarian] (1957) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: De Dreigende Planeet [Dutch] (1957) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Астронавти?Astronavti[Bulgarian] (1958) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Kuoleman planeetta [Finnish] (1960) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Vorstoß zum Abendstern: 1. Teil?Vorstoss zum Abendstern: 1. Teil[German] (1961) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Vorstoß zum Abendstern: 2. Teil?Vorstoss zum Abendstern: 2. Teil[German] (1961) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: 金星応答なし?Kinsei Ōtō Nashi[Japanese] (1961) [as byスタニスラフ・レム?Sutanisurafu Remu]
Translation: Feu Vénus?Feu Venus[French] (1962) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Il pianeta morto [Italian] (1963) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Astronauții?Astronautii[Romanian] (1964)
Translation: 金星応答なし?Kinsei Ōtō Nashi[Japanese] (1981) [as byスタニスワフ・レム?Sutanisuwafu Remu]
Obłok Magellana?Oblok Magellana(1955) also appeared as:
- Translation: Gast im Weltraum [German] (1956)
- Translation: Norul lui Magellan [Romanian] (1959)
- Translation: Ana sa zvijezda [Croatian] (1965) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Śledztwo?Sledztwo(1959) also appeared as:
- Translation: The Investigation [English] (1974) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Die Untersuchung [German] (1975)
- Translation: L'indagine [Italian] (1989) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Eden (1959)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Eden [German] (1960) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Gli esploratori dell'astro ignoto [Italian] (1963) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Эдем?Edem[Russian] (1967) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Eden [German] (1971)
- Translation: Eden [French] (1972) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Éden [Hungarian] (1973)
- Translation: Eden [Dutch] (1977) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Eden [Serbian] (1989) [as by Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Eden [English] (1989) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Éden [Portuguese] (1990) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Eden [Italian] (1996) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Eden [Romanian] (1999)
- Translation: Edén [Spanish] (2005) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Powrót z gwiazd?Powrot z gwiazd(1961) also appeared as:
- Translation: Povratak sa zvijezda [Croatian] (1964) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Rückkehr von den Sternen?Rueckkehr von den Sternen[German] (1974)
- Translation: Transfer [German] (1974)
Translation: Завръщане от звездите?Zavrashtane ot zvezdite[Bulgarian] (1979) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Retour des étoiles [French] (1979) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Return from the Stars [English] (1980) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Return from the Stars [English] (1980)
- Translation: Regresso das estrelas [Portuguese] (1983) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Yıldızların Dönüşü?Yildizlarin Donusu[Turkish] (1984) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Yildizlarin Donushu - Translation: Ritorno dall'universo [Italian] (1989) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Întoarcerea din Stele?Intoarcerea din Stele[Romanian] (1997)
Solaris (1961)
also appeared as:
Translation: Солярис?Solyaris[Russian] (1962) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Solaris [French] (1966) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Solaris [English] (1970) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Solaris [Dutch] (1972) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Solaris [German] (1972)
- Translation: Solaris [Swedish] (1973)
- Translation: Solaris [Romanian] (1974)
- Translation: Solaris [Spanish] (1977) [as by Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Solaris [Italian] (1982) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Solaris [Portuguese] (1983) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Solaris [German] (1983)
- Translation: Solaris [Portuguese] (1984)
- Translation: Solaris [Serbian] (1988) [as by Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Solaris [Croatian] (2004)
- Translation: Solaris: The Definitive Edition [English] (2011) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Solaris [English] (2016)
- Translation: Solaris [English] (2017)
- Translation: Solaris [Portuguese] (2017)
- Serializations:
- Translation: Solaris (part 1 of 6) [Romanian] (1967) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Solaris (part 2 of 6) [Romanian] (1967) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Solaris (part 3 of 6) [Romanian] (1967) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Solaris (part 4 of 6) [Romanian] (1967) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Solaris (part 5 of 6) [Romanian] (1968) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Solaris (part 6 of 6) [Romanian] (1968) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Niezwyciężony?Niezwyciezony(1964) also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Unbesiegbare [German] (1967)
- Translation: L'invincible [French] (1972) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: The Invincible [English] (1973) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Invincible [English] (1973)
- Translation: L'invincibile [Italian] (1974) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: De Onoverwinnelijke [Dutch] (1975) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Nepobedivi [Serbian] (1976) [as by Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: A nave invencível [Portuguese] (1979) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: El invencible [Spanish] (1986) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Invincible [English] (2020) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Nepobjedivi [Croatian] (2023)
Katar (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Schnupfen [German] (1977)
- Translation: Der Schnupfen [German] (1977)
- Translation: The Chain of Chance [English] (1978) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Le rhume [French] (1978) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Keten van Kansen [Dutch] (1980) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Snuvan [Swedish] (1981)
Translation: Catârul?Catahrul[Romanian] (1998)
Fiasko (1987)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Fiasko [German] (1986)
- Translation: Fiasko [German] (1986)
- Translation: Fiasco [English] (1987) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Fiasco [Portuguese] (1988) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Fijasko [Serbian] (1988) [as by Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Il pianeta del silenzio [Italian] (1988) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Fiasco [Spanish] (1991) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Fiasco [Romanian] (2022)
Sezam i inne opowiadania (1954)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Sezam (1955)
Inwazja z Aldebarana (1959)
also appeared as:
Translation: Инвазија са Алдебарана?Invazija sa Aldebarana[Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic] (1963) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
Księga robotów?Ksiega robotow(1961)
Noc księżycowa?Noc ksiezycowa(1963)
Niezwyciężony i inne opowiadania?Niezwyciezony i inne opowiadania(1964)
- Polowanie (1965)
- Ratujmy kosmos i inne opowiadania (1966)
Le bréviaire des robots?Le breviaire des robots[French] (1966) [only as by Stanislas Lem]
Opowiadania (1969)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nacht und Schimmel [German] (1972)
Translation: Mögelmörkret?Mogelmorkret[Swedish] (1975) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Bezsenność?Bezsennosc(1971) also appeared as:
- Translation: Álmatlanság [Hungarian] (1974)
- Opowiadania wybrane (1973)
Wielkość urojona?Wielkosc urojona(1973) also appeared as:
Translation: Imaginäre Größe?Imaginaere Groesse[German] (1976)
- Translation: Imaginary Magnitude [English] (1984) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Maska (1976)
- Mortal Engines [English] (1977) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Mondnacht [German] (1977)
- Golem XIV und andere Prosa [German] (1978)
- Die Falle des Gargancjan [German] (1979)
- Powtórka (1979)
- Eden / Die Maske [German] (1980)
Die phantastischen Erzählungen?Die phantastischen Erzaehlungen[German] (1980)
Mehr phantastische Erzählungen?Mehr phantastische Erzaehlungen[German] (1981)
- The Cosmic Carnival of Stanislaw Lem [English] (1981) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Die Ratte im Labyrinth [German] (1982)
- Le masque [French] (1983) [also as by Stanislas Lem]
Memoiren, gefunden in der Badewanne [German] (1989)
Jan Józef Szczepański?Jan Jozef Szczepanski
A máscara?A mascara[Portuguese] (1990) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
Irrläufer?Irrlaeufer[German] (1992)
Pożytek ze smoka i inne opowiadania?Pozytek ze smoka i inne opowiadania(1993)
Die Entdeckung der Virtualität?Die Entdeckung der Virtualitaet[German] (1996)
Przekładaniec?Przekladaniec(2000) also appeared as:
- Translation: Der getreue Roboter: Fernsehspiele [German] (1975)
- Lata czterdzieste / Dyktanda (2005)
- Best of Lem [German] (2021)
- The Truth and Other Stories [English] (2021)
Maska / Pan F. (unpublished)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Die Maske / Herr F. [German] (1977)
Powtórka / Edukacja Cyfrania / Pożytek ze smoka?Powtorka / Edukacja Cyfrania / Pozytek ze smoka(unpublished) only appeared as:
- Translation: Vom Nutzen des Drachen [German] (1990)
Test (unpublished)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Test [German] (1968)
Doskonała próżnia / Wielkość urojona?Doskonala proznia / Wielkosc urojona(1974) [O]
- Der Unbesiegbare / Die Jagd [German] (1980) [O]
Śledztwo / Katar?Sledztwo / Katar(1982) [O]
- Tales of Pirx the Pilot / Return from the Stars / The Invincible [English] (1982) [O] [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Kongres futurologiczny / Maska (1983) [O]
- Dialogi (1984) [O]
Întoarcerea din Stele / GOLEM XIV?Intoarcerea din Stele. Golem XIV[Romanian] (1997) [O]
Opowieści o pilocie Pirxie / Glos Pana?Opowiesci o pilocie Pirxie / Glos Pana(unpublished) [O] only appeared as:
Translation: Навигатор Пиркс / Голос неба?Navigator Pirks / Golos neba[Russian] (1971) [O] [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
Solaris / Eden (unpublished) [O]
only appeared as:
Translation: Солярис / Эдем?Solaris / Edem[Russian] (1973) [O] [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
Solaris / Katar / Doskonała próżnia?Solaris / Katar / Doskonala proznia(unpublished) [O] only appeared as:
- Translation: Solaris / The Chain of Chance / A Perfect Vacuum [English] (1981) [O] [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Ist Gott ein Taoist? und andere Rätsel: Ein phantastisches Lesebuch?Ist Gott ein Taoist? und andere Raetsel: Ein phantastisches Lesebuch[German] (1988)
Das Katastrophenprinzip: Die kreative Zerstörung im Weltall?Das Katastrophenprinzip: Die kreative Zerstoerung im Weltall[German] (1983)
- Eine Minute der Menschheit [German] (1983)
- Waffensysteme des 21. Jahrhunderts oder The Upside Down Evolution [German] (1983)
Człowiek z Marsa?Czlowiek z Marsa(1985) also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Mensch vom Mars [German] (1989)
- Provokation [German] (1985)
- Professor A. Donda [German] (2012)
Podróż czternasta?Podroz czternasta(unpublished) only appeared as:
- Translation: Vierzehnte Reise [German] (1974)
Wyprawa pierwsza, czyli pułapka Gargancjana?Wyprawa pierwsza, czyli pulapka Gargancjana(unpublished) only appeared as:
- Translation: Die Falle des Gargancjan [German] (2019)
- Rozmowy ze Stanisławem Lemem?Rozmowy ze Stanislawem Lemem
- 1
Rozmowy ze Stanisławem Lemem?Rozmowy ze Stanislawem Lemem(1987) withStanisław Bereś?Stanislaw Beresalso appeared as:
Translation: Lem über Lem: Gespräche?Lem ueber Lem: Gespraeche[German] (1986)
- 1
Summa technologiae (1964)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Summa technologiae [German] (1976)
- Translation: Summa Technologiae [Serbian] (1977) [as by Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Summa Technologiae [English] (2013) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Wysoki Zamek (1966)
only appeared as:
Translation: Das Hohe Schloß?Das Hohe Schloss[German] (1974)
- Translation: Highcastle: A Remembrance [English] (1995) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Highcastle: A Remembrance [English] (1995)
Fantastyka i futurologia (1970)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Phantastik und Futurologie I [German] (1977)
- Translation: Phantastik und Futurologie II [German] (1984)
- Variant: Fantastyka i futurologia: Tom 1 (2003)
- Variant: Fantastyka i futurologia: Tom 2 (2003)
Filozofia przypadku (1975)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Philosophie des Zufalls: Zu einer empirischen Theorie der Literatur I [German] (1983)
- Translation: Philosophie des Zufalls: Zu einer empirischen Theorie der Literatur II [German] (1985)
- Translation: Philosophie des Zufalls I [German] (1988)
- Translation: Philosophie des Zufalls: Zu einer empirischen Theorie der Literatur [German] (1989)
- Translation: Philosophie des Zufalls II [German] (1990)
- Rozprawy i szkice (1975)
- Essays [German] (1981)
- Microworlds: Writings on Science Fiction and Fantasy [English] (1985) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Science-fiction: ein hoffnungsloser Fall mit Ausnahmen [German] (1987)
- Technologie und Ethik: Ein Lesebuch [German] (1990)
Этика технологии и технология этики; Модель культуры?Etika tekhnologii i tekhnologiya etiki; Model' kul'tury[Russian] (1993) [only as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
- Sex Wars (1996)
Tajemnica chińskiego pokoju?Tajemnica chinskiego pokoju(1996) only appeared as:
- Translation: Die Technologiefalle [German] (2000)
- A Stanislaw Lem Reader [English] (1997) with Peter Swirski [only as by Stanislaw Lem and Peter Swirski]
- Bomba megabitowa (1999)
Świat na krawędzi?Swiat na krawedzi(2000) withTomasz Fiałkowski?Tomasz Fialkowskialso appeared as:
Translation: Свят на ръба?Svyat na raba[Bulgarian] (2021) [as byТомаш Фиалковски?Tomash FialkovskiandСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
Okamgnienie (2000)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Riskante Konzepte [German] (2001)
Mój pogląd na literaturę: Rozprawy i szkice?Moj poglad na literature: Rozprawy i szkice(2003)
- Selected Letters to Michael Kandel [English] (2014) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
Człowiek z Marsa?Czlowiek z Marsa(1946) also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Mensch vom Mars [German] (1989)
D-Day (1946)
also appeared as:
- Translation: D-Day [German] (1992)
- Dzieje jednego odkrycia (1946)
- KW-1 (1946)
Obcy (1946)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Fremdling [German] (1988) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Człowiek z Hiroshimy?Czlowiek z Hiroshimy(1947) also appeared as:
- Translation: Unser Mann in Hiroshima [German] (1989)
Koniec świata o ósmej?Koniec swiata o osmej(1947) also appeared as:
- Translation: Weltuntergang um acht [German] (1979)
Miasto atomowe (1947)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Atomstadt [German] (1992)
Plan Anti-V (1947)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Plan Anti-V [German] (1992)
- V nad Londynem (1947)
Historia o wysokim napięciu?Historia o wysokim napieciu(1948)
Trust Twoich Marzeń?Trust Twoich Marzen(1948)
- Electric Subversive Ideas Detector (1954)
- Hormon agatotropowy (1954)
- Klient Panaboga (1954)
Kryształowa kula?Krysztalowa kula(1954)
- Sezam (1954)
- Topolny i Czwartek (1954)
Czy pan istnieje, Mr. Johns? (1957)
also appeared as:
Translation: Gibt es Sie überhaupt, Mr. Johns??Gibt es Sie ueberhaupt, Mr. Johns?[German] (1962)
- Translation: Esiste davvero Mr. Johns? [Italian] (1964) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Existieren Sie, Mr. Jones? [German] (1969)
- Translation: Are You There, Mr. Jones? [English] (1969) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Existieren Sie, Mr. Johns? [German] (1972)
- Translation: Gibt es Sie, Mister Johns? [German] (1972)
- Translation: Finns ni till, Mr. Jones? [Swedish] (1975) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Koniec świata o ósmej: (Bajka amerykańska)?Koniec swiata o osmej: (Bajka amerykanska)(1957)
Szczur w labiryncie (1957)
also appeared as:
Translation: Крыса в лабиринте?Krysa v labirinte[Russian] (1970) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Die Ratte im Labyrinth [German] (1971) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Råttan i labyrinten?Rattan i labyrinten[Swedish] (1975) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Die Ratte im Labyrinth [German] (1979)
- Translation: Die Ratte im Labyrinth [German] (1982)
- Translation: Rat in the Labyrinth [English] (2021)
Ciemność i pleśń?Ciemnosc i plesn(1959) also appeared as:
Translation: Тама и плесан?Tama i plesan[Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic] (1963) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
Translation: L'obscurité et la moisissure?L'obscurite et la moisissure[French] (1966) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Nacht und Schimmel [German] (1972)
- Translation: Mögelmörkret [Swedish] (1975) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Darkness and Mildew [English] (2011) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Darkness and Mildew [English] (2011)
Exodus (1959)
also appeared as:
Translation: Ексодус?Eksodus[Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic] (1963) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Exodus [German] (1992)
Inwazja (1959)
also appeared as:
Translation: Инвазија?Invaziya[Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic] (1963) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Die Invasion [German] (1972)
- Translation: Invasion [German] (1972) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Invasionen [Swedish] (1975) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Invasion [English] (2021)
Inwazja z Aldebarana (1959)
also appeared as:
Translation: Инвазија са Алдебарана?Invaziya sa Aldebarana[Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic] (1963) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Invasion vom Aldebaran [German] (1968)
- Translation: Invasionen från Aldebaran [Swedish] (1975) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: アルデバランからの侵略?アルデバランからのしんりゃく[Japanese] (1976) [as by
Arudebaran kara no Shinryakuスタニスラフ・レム?Sutanisurafu Remu] - Translation: Invazija s Aldebarana [Croatian] (1976)
- Translation: Invasion vom Aldebaran [German] (1981)
Translation: L'invasion aldébaranaise?L'invasion aldebaranaise[French] (1983) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: A invasão Aldebaranesa [Portuguese] (1990) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Invasion from Aldebaran [English] (2011) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Invasion from Aldebaran [English] (2011)
Młot?Mlot(1959) also appeared as:
Translation: Чекић?Chekich[Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic] (1963) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Le marteau [French] (1966) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Der Hammer [German] (1972)
- Translation: Hammaren [Swedish] (1975) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Čekić?Cekic[Serbian] (1986) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Hammer [English] (2021)
Przyjaciel (1959)
also appeared as:
Translation: Пријатељ?Priyatel[Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic] (1963) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: L'ami [French] (1966) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Der Freund [German] (1972)
- Translation: Vännen [Swedish] (1975) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Friend [English] (2021)
Formuła Lymphatera?Formula Lymphatera(1961) also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Lymphatersche Formel [German] (1972)
- Translation: Lymphaters formel [Swedish] (1975) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: La formule de Lymphater [French] (1983) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: A fórmula de Lymphater [Portuguese] (1990) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Lymphater's Formula [English] (2021)
Pamiętnik?Pamietnik(1963) also appeared as:
- Translation: >Tagebuch< [German] (1972)
- Translation: Dagboken [Swedish] (1975) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Tagebuch [German] (1981)
- Translation: Journal [French] (1983) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Diário [Portuguese] (1990) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Journal [English] (2021)
Wierny robot (1963)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der getreue Roboter [German] (1975)
Prawda (1964)
also appeared as:
Translation: Правда?Pravda[Russian] (1972) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Die Wahrheit [German] (1972)
- Translation: Sanningen [Swedish] (1975) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Istina [Serbian] (1976) [as by Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Az igazság [Hungarian] (1977) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: La vérité?La verite[French] (1983) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: A verdade [Portuguese] (1990) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: The Truth [English] (2021)
Dwóch młodych ludzi?Dwoch mlodych ludzi(1965) also appeared as:
Translation: Zwei junge Männer?Zwei junge Maenner[German] (1972)
- Translation: Två unga män [Swedish] (1975) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Deux jeunes gens [French] (1983) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Dois jovens [Portuguese] (1990) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Le bréviaire des robots [French] (1966) [only as by Stanislas Lem]
Przekładaniec?Przekladaniec(1968) also appeared as:
Przekladaniec: Scenariusz filmowy- Translation: Schichttorte [German] (1973)
- Translation: Létezik-e Mr. Jones? [Hungarian] (1974)
- Eine Art Credo [German] (1972)
137 sekund (1976)
also appeared as:
Variant: Sto trzydzieści siedem sekund?Sto trzydziesci siedem sekund(1976) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Hundertsiebenunddreissig Sekunden [German] (1982)
- Translation: Cent trente-sept secondes [French] (1983) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Cento e trinta e sete segundos [Portuguese] (1990) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: One Hundred and Thirty-Seven [English] (2021)
Maska (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Maske [German] (1976) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Die Maske [German] (1976)
- Translation: The Mask [English] (1977) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Die Maske [German] (1978)
- Translation: Le masque [French] (1983) [as by Stanislas Lem]
Translation: A máscara?A mascara[Portuguese] (1990) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Die Maske (excerpt) [German] (2021)
Noc księżycowa: Słuchowisko radiowe?Noc ksiezycowa: Sluchowisko radiowe(1979) also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Mondnacht [German] (1977)
- Die Rekonstruktion der Gattung (excerpt from Summa technologiae) [German] (1980)
- Mémoires d'Ijon Tichy [French] (1981) [only as by Stanislas Lem]
Das Märchen vom lachenden Turing?Das Maerchen vom lachenden Turing[German] (1983)
- Two Ends of the World [English] (1984) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Golem XIV [Serbian] (1989) [only as by Stanislav Lem]
Ogród ciemności?Ogrod ciemnosci(1992) only appeared as:
- Translation: Der Garten der Dunkelheit [German] (1992)
- Ferconex [Romanian] (1994)
- Intermezzo 1 ovvero della sfericità [Italian] (1995) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
- La storia della prima macchina ovvero Il Consigliere Perfetto [Italian] (1995) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
- La storia della seconda macchina ovvero Il benefattore del pianeta [Italian] (1995) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
- La storia della terza macchina ovvero Mymosh il Figlio di Se Stesso [Italian] (1995) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Premessa: Il cavaliere sferico [Italian] (1995) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Secondo intermezzo [Italian] (1995) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
Katar: Scenariusz filmowy (2000)
Jan Józef Szczepański?Jan Jozef Szczepanskialso appeared as:
- Translation: Der Schnupfen [German] (1989)
- Dyktanda (2001)
Man from Mars (excerpts) [English] (2009)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Man from Mars (excerpt) (2009) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- The Lilo [English] (2011) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
Chronde (unpublished)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Chronde [German] (1980)
Człowiek z Marsa (excerpt)?Czlowiek z Marsa (excerpt)(unpublished) only appeared as:
- Translation: Der Mensch vom Mars (excerpt) [German] (2021)
Katar (excerpt) (unpublished)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Der Schnupfen (excerpt) [German] (2021)
Niezwyciężony (excerpt)?Niezwyciezony (excerpt)(unpublished) only appeared as:
- Translation: "The Conder" from the Invincible [English] (1981) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Niezwyciężony (excerpt)?Niezwyciezony (excerpt)(unpublished) only appeared as:
- Translation: Der Unbesiegbare (excerpt) [German] (2021)
Obłok Magellana (excerpt)?Oblok Magellana (excerpt)(unpublished) only appeared as:
Translation: Töte mich! (excerpt from Gast im Weltraum)?Toete mich! (excerpt from Gast im Weltraum)[German] (1969)
Obłok Magellana (excerpt)?Oblok Magellana (excerpt)[German] (unpublished) only appeared as:
Variant: Ein altes Märchen (excerpt from Gast im Weltraum)?Ein altes Maerchen (excerpt from Gast im Weltraum)(1969)
Obłok Magellana (excerpt)?Oblok Magellana (excerpt)(unpublished) only appeared as:
Translation: Die Formel des Schönen (excerpt from Gast im Weltraum)?Die Formel des Schoenen (excerpt from Gast im Weltraum)[German] (1969)
Powrót z gwiazd (excerpt)?Powrot z gwiazd (excerpt)(unpublished) only appeared as:
- Translation: Chapter Seven of Return from the Stars [English] (1980) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Powrót z gwiazd (excerpt)?Powrot z gwiazd (excerpt)(unpublished) only appeared as:
- Translation: Return from the Stars (excerpt) [English] (1980) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Solaris (excerpt) (unpublished)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Solaris (excerpt) [English] (1984) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Solaris (excerpt) (unpublished)
only appeared as:
- Translation: From Solaris [English] (1981) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Solaris (excerpt) (unpublished)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Solaris (excerpt) [German] (2021)
Czarne i białe?Czarne i biale(unknown) only appeared as:
Translation: Schwarz und Weiß?Schwarz und Weiss[German] (1984)
Pan F. (unknown)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Herr F. [German] (1977)
Zlatni gejzir (Polish) (unknown)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Zlatni gejzir [Croatian] (1965) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
* * * (Gołębie wpisywały...)?* * * (Golebie wpisywaly...)(1948)
* * * (Nie wiem, czy ręka ślepca...)?* * * (Nie wiem, czy reka slepca...)(1948)
* * * (W ścieżkach orlich...)?* * * (W sciezkach orlich...)(1948)
Beethoven, symfonia piąta?Beethoven, symfonia piata(1948)
- Cmentarz polny (1948)
List miłosny?List milosny(1948)
Małe wiersze?Male wiersze(1948)
Piątką przez Kraków?Piatka przez Krakow(1948)
- Triolet (1948)
- Valse triste (1948)
- Z cyklu "Owady" (1948)
- Introductions, notes and afterwords for Lem's own works
Wstęp (Obłok Magellana)?Wstep (Oblok Magellana)(1955) only appeared as:
- Translation: Vorwort (Gast im Weltraum) [German] (1956)
- Translation: Predgovor (Ana sa zvijezda) [Croatian] (1965) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Przedmowa (Fantastyka i futurologia) (1970)
Przedmowa do drugiego wydania (Dialogi) (1971)
also appeared as:
Translation: Предисловие (Диалоги)?Predisloviye (Dialogi)[Russian] (2005) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
Wstęp (Rozprawy i szkice)?Wstep (Rozprawy i szkice)(1975)
Wstęp (Solaris)?Wstep (Solaris)(unpublished) only appeared as:
Translation: Предисловие автора к русскому изданию "Соляриса"?Predislovye autora k russkomu ledaniyu "Solarisa"[Russian] (1973) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
- Translation: Vorwort des Autors zur russischen Ausgabe von Solaris [German] (1974)
Wstęp (Astronauci)?Wstep (Astronauci)(unknown) only appeared as:
- Translation: Vorwort (Die Astronauten) [German] (1974)
- The Profession of Science Fiction
- 15 Answers to a Questionnaire [English] (1979) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
"Lolita", czyli Stawrogin i Beatrycze (1962)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Lolita oder Stawrogin und Beatrice [German] (1981)
Dokad idziesz, świecie??Dokad idziesz, swiecie?(1962)
- Miniatura nihilisty (1962)
Niebezpieczne związki?Niebezpieczne zwiazki(1962)
O Dostojewskim niepowściągliwie?O Dostojewskim niepowsciagliwie(1962)
"Summa technologiae": Posłowie do dyskusji?"Summa technologiae": Poslowie do dyskusji(1965)
"Summa technologiae": Wprowadzenie do dyskusji (1965)
also appeared as:
Translation: Введение в интеллектронику (главы из монографии Сумма технологии, переводчик не указан)?Vvedenie v intellektroniku (glavy iz monografii Summa tekhnologii, perevodchik ne ukazan)[Russian] (1965) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
Przedmowa do "Torpedy czasu" A. Słonimskiego?Przedmowa do "Torpedy czasu" A. Slonimskiego(1966)
Etyka technologii i technologia etyki (1967)
also appeared as:
Translation: Этика технологии и технология этики?Etika tekhnologii i tekhnologiya etiki[Russian] (1993) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
Translation: Этика технологии и технология этики?Etika tekhnologii i tekhnologiya etiki[Russian] (2005) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
Biologia i wartości?Biologia i wartosci(1968) also appeared as:
Translation: Биология и ценности?Biologiya i tsennosti[Russian] (2005) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
Wprowadzenie w metakrytyke (1968)
only appeared as:
Translation: Модель культуры?Model' kul'tury[Russian] (1993) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
Rozmyślania na ćwierćwiecze?Rozmyslania na cwiercwiecze(1969)
- Poland: Science Fiction in the Linguistic Trap [English] (1969) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
The Ten Commandments [English] (1969)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Ten Commandments (1969) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Variant: The Ten Commandments for Reading the Magazines (1969) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Roboter in der Science Fiction [German] (1969)
- Nauka ziemska i cywilizacje kosmiczne (1970)
Roboty i ludzie (1970)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Robotok és emberek [Hungarian] (1973) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Unitas oppositorum (1970)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Unitas oppositorum [German] (1971)
- Translation: Unitas oppositorum: Das Prosawerk des J. L. Borges [German] (1971)
- Translation: Unitas Oppositorum: The Prose of Jorge Luis Borges [English] (1971) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Unitas Oppositorum: The Prose of Jorge Luis Borges [English] (1971)
- Introduction to a Structural Analysis of SF [English] (1970) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
Science Fiction – strukturalistisch gesehen?Science Fiction - strukturalistisch gesehen[German] (1970)
- Letter (SF Commentary 14) [English] (1970) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
Głos autora w dyskusji nad "Filozofią przypadku"?Glos autora w dyskusji nad "Filozofia przypadku"(1971)
- Robots in Science Fiction [English] (1971) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Sex in Science Fiction [English] (1971) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Lost Opportunities [English] (1971) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
Cybernetyka stosowana: przykład z dziedziny socjologii?Cybernetyka stosowana: przyklad z dziedziny socjologii(1972) also appeared as:
Translation: Прикладная кибернетика: пример из области социологии?Prikladnaya kibernetika: primer iz oblasti sotsiologii[Russian] (2005) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
Tracone złudzenia, czyli od intelektroniki do informatyki?Tracone zludzenia, czyli od intelektroniki do informatyki(1972) also appeared as:
Translation: Утраченные иллюзии, или От интеллектроники к информатике?Utrachennyye illyuzii, ili Ot intellektroniki k informatike[Russian] (2005) [as byСтанислав Лем?Stanislav Lem]
- Wyznania antysemioty (1972)
Science Fiction: ein hoffnungsloser Fall – mit Ausnahmen?Science Fiction: ein hoffnungsloser Fall - mit Ausnahmen[German] (1972) also appeared as:
Variant: Science-fiction: ein hoffnungsloser Fall – mit Ausnahmen?Science-fiction: ein hoffnungsloser Fall - mit Ausnahmen(1972)
- Translation: Science Fiction: A Hopeless Case with Exceptions [English] (1973) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Science Fiction: A Hopeless Case – With Exceptions?Science Fiction: A Hopeless Case - With Exceptions[English] (1975) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Naučna fantastika, aksiologija, kritika?Naucna fantastika, aksiologija, kritika[Serbian] (1976) [as by Stanislav Lem]
Nauchna fantastika, aksiologija, kritika -
Translation: Science fiction: beznadziejny przypadek – z wyjątkami?Science fiction: beznadziejny przypadek - z wyjatkami[Polish] (2003)
- Letter (SF Commentary 26) [English] (1972) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Stanislaw Lem in Selbstzeugnissen [German] (1972) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
- A Letter to Mr Farmer [English] (1972) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Letter (SF Commentary 29) [English] (1972) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Do moich czytelników (1973)
Od strukturalizmu do tradycjonalizmu (1973)
only appeared as:
- Translation: On the Structural Analysis of Science Fiction [English] (1973) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: Strukturalna analiza naučne fantastike?Strukturalna analiza naucne fantastike[Serbian] (1976) [as by Stanislav Lem]
Strukturalna analiza nauchne fantastike
- Przedmowa do II wydania (Fantastyka i futurologia) (1973)
Wstęp (Wielkość urojona)?Wstep (Wielkosc urojona)(1973) also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Kunst, Vorworte zu schreiben [German] (1976)
Translation: Einführung (Imaginäre Größe)?Einfuehrung (Imaginaere Groesse)[German] (1976)
- Translation: Introduction (Imaginary Magnitudes) [English] (1984) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Cywilizacje kosmiczne (1974)
also appeared as:
Translation: Kosmičke civilizacije?Kosmicke civilizacije[Serbian] (1977) [as by Stanislav Lem]
- Die Astronauten [German] (1974)
Dwie ewolucje (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dve evolucije [Serbian] (1977) [as by Stanislav Lem]
Dylematy (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dileme [Serbian] (1977) [as by Stanislav Lem]
Fantomologia (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Fantomologija [Serbian] (1977) [as by Stanislav Lem]
Intelektronika (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Intelektronika [Serbian] (1977) [as by Stanislav Lem]
Literatura omawiana w tekście (Summa technologiae)?Literatura omawiana w tekscie (Summa technologiae)(1974) also appeared as:
- Translation: Literatura razmatrana u tekstu (Summa Technologiae) [Serbian] (1977) [as by Stanislav Lem]
- O niekonsekwencji w literaturze (1974)
O poznaniu pozazmysłowym?O poznaniu pozazmyslowym(1974)
Paszkwil na ewolucję?Paszkwil na ewolucje(1974) also appeared as:
- Translation: Pamflet protiv evolucije [Serbian] (1977) [as by Stanislav Lem]
Polish Market Report (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Fall 1974) [English] (1974)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Polish Market Report (SWFA Bulletin, Fall 1974) (1974) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Posłowie do "Wojny światów" H.G. Wellsa?Poslowie do "Wojny swiatow" H.G. Wellsa(1974)
Prolegomena wszechmocy (1974)
also appeared as:
Translation: Prolegomena svemoći?Prolegomena svemoci[Serbian] (1977) [as by Stanislav Lem]
Przypisy (Summa technologiae) (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Napomene (Summa Technologiae) [Serbian] (1977) [as by Stanislav Lem]
Stwarzanie światów?Stwarzanie swiatow(1974) also appeared as:
- Translation: Stvaranje svetova [Serbian] (1977) [as by Stanislav Lem]
The Time Travel Story and Related Matters of SF Structuring [English] (1974)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Time-Travel Story and Related Matters of SF Structuring (1976) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Variant: The Time Travel Story and Related Matters of Science-Fiction Structuring (1984) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Zakończenie (Summa technologiae)?Zakonczenie (Summa technologiae)(1974) also appeared as:
Translation: Završetak (Summa Technologiae)?Zavrsetak (Summa Technologiae)[Serbian] (1977) [as by Stanislav Lem]
Refleksje 1974 (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Reflexionen 1974 [German] (1974)
Aus einem Interview mit Stanisław Lem?Aus einem Interview mit Stanislaw Lem[German] (1974)
Fußnoten (Aus einem Interview mit Stanisław Lem)?Fussnoten (Aus einem Interview mit Stanislaw Lem)[German] (1974)
Posłowie do "Niesamowitych opowieści" S. Grabińskiego?Poslowie do "Niesamowitych opowiesci" S. Grabinskiego(1975)
Posłowie do "Ubika" Ph. Dicka?Poslowie do "Ubika" Ph. Dicka(1975) also appeared as:
- Translation: Nachwort: Ubik als Science-fiction [German] (1972) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Philip K. Dick: A Visionary Among the Charlatans [English] (1975) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Nachwort zu Philip K. Dick Ubik [German] (1981)
- Translation: Un visionnaire parmi les charlatans [French] (1986) [as by Stanislas Lem]
- Translation: Philip K. Dick, un visionario entre charlatanes [Spanish] (1996)
Translation: Philip K. Dick: un vizionar printre șarlatani?Philip K. Dick: un vizionar printre sharlatani[Romanian] (2014)
Philip K. Dick: un vizionar printre sarlatani
Posłowie do »Niesamowitych opowieści« S. Grabińskiego?Poslowie do »Niesamowitych opowiesci« S. Grabinskiego(1975) only appeared as:
- Translation: Nachwort (Das Abstellgleis) [German] (1978)
- Science and Reality in Philip K. Dick's Ubik [English] (1975) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
Tzvetana Todorova fantastyczna teoria literatury (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Tzvetan Todorovs Theorie des Phantastischen [German] (1973)
- Translation: Todorov's Fantastic Theory of Literature [English] (1974) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Vorwort (Das Hospital der Verklärung)?Vorwort (Das Hospital der Verklaerung)[German] (1975)
- Letter (SF Commentary 41/42) [English] (1975) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Letter (SF Commentary 44/45) [English] (1975) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Die Phantomologie I [German] (1976)
- Die Phantomologie II [German] (1977)
Posłowie do "Pikniku na skraju drogi" i "Lasu" A. i B. Strugackich?Poslowie do "Pikniku na skraju drogi" i "Lasu" A. i B. Strugackich(1977)
- Predgovor III izdanju (Summa Technologiae) [Serbian] (1977) [only as by Stanislav Lem]
- Science Fiction und Kosmologie [German] (1977)
- Cosmology and Science Fiction [English] (1977) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Markiz w grafie (1979)
Przedmowa (Smutek spełnionych baśni)?Przedmowa (Smutek spelnionych basni)(1979)
Meine drei Wünsche?Meine drei Wuensche[German] (1980)
- Letter (SF Commentary 60/61) [English] (1980) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
Über das Science-fiction-Ghetto (excerpt from Przedmowa do "Torpedy czasu" A. Słonimskiego)?Ueber das Science-fiction-Ghetto (excerpt from Przedmowa do "Torpedy czasu" A. Slonimskiego)[German] (1981)
- Bekenntnisse eines Antisemioten [German] (1981)
- Metafantasia: The Possibilities of Science Fiction [English] (1981) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Sade und die Spieltheorie [German] (1981)
Über Inkonsequenzen in der Literatur?Ueber Inkonsequenzen in der Literatur[German] (1981)
- Die Tobine [German] (1981)
- Nachwort (Picknick am Wegesrand) [German] (1981)
About the Strugatskys' Roadside Picnic [English] (1983)
only appeared as:
- Variant: About the Strugatskys' Roadside Picnic (1983) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Translation: About the Strugatskys' Roadside Picnic [Japanese] (1986)
[as by スタニスワフ・レム?Sutanisuwafu Remu]
- Nachwort (Auf dem Silbermond) [German] (1983)
Mein Leben [German] (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Reflections on My Life [English] (1984) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Prognose über die Entwicklung der Biologie bis zum Jahr 2040?Prognose ueber die Entwicklung der Biologie bis zum Jahr 2040[German] (1983)
Posłowie: Dwadzieścia lat później?Poslowie: Dwadziescia lat pozniej(1984)
Vorwort (Ist Gott ein Taoist? und andere Rätsel: Ein phantastisches Lesebuch)?Vorwort (Ist Gott ein Taoist? und andere Raetsel: Ein phantastisches Lesebuch)[German] (1988)
- Vorwort (Philosophie des Zufalls I) [German] (1988)
- Vorwort zur 2. Auflage (Philosophie des Zufalls I) [German] (1988)
- Nachwort (Der Mensch vom Mars) [German] (1989)
Mój pogląd na literaturę?Moj poglad na literature(1990)
- Nachwort (Philosophie des Zufalls II) [German] (1990)
- Vorwort (Philosophie des Zufalls II) [German] (1990)
- H. G. Wells's The War of the Worlds [English] (1990) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
Trzydzieści lat później?Trzydziesci lat pozniej(1991) also appeared as:
- Translation: Thirty Years Later [English] (1997) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Andrzeja Kijowskiego poema narodowe (1992)
Die Zukunft hält einmalige Bedrohungen und einmalige Chancen bereit?Die Zukunft haelt einmalige Bedrohungen und einmalige Chancen bereit[German] (1994)
Rozważania sylwiczne?Rozwazania sylwiczne(1996)
Dilemmata (2000)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Dilemmata [German] (2001)
Tertio millennio adveniente (2000)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Tertio Millennio adveniente [German] (2001)
- On Stapledon's Star Maker [English] (2001) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
O powstaniu powieści "Wizja lokalna"?O powstaniu powiesci "Wizja lokalna"(2003)
Orzeł biały na tle narodowym?Orzel bialy na tle narodowym(2004)
Sex Wars, czyli świat i Polska?Sex Wars, czyli swiat i Polska(2004)
[Die Zuneigung, die ich dem gefallenen Mädchen Science-Fiction ...]?[Die Zuneigung, die ich dem gefallenen Maedchen Science-Fiction ...][German] (2023)
Dzieje pewnego pomysłu?Dzieje pewnego pomyswu(unpublished) only appeared as:
- Translation: Die Geschichte eines Einfalls [German] (1978)
Emelen (unpublished)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Emelen [German] (1980)
- Translation: Das Hohe Schloss (excerpt) [German] (2021)
Kosmologia porównawcza (unpublished)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Vergleichende Kosmologie [German] (1983)
Posłowie (Dialogi)?Poslowie (Dialogi)(unpublished) only appeared as:
- Translation: Nachwort (Dialoge) [German] (1980)
Summa technologiae (excerpt) (unpublished)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Summa technologiae (excerpt) [German] (2021)
Cartoon: Brutalik woczykij (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cartoon: A Brutalacean Rollipede [English] (1982)
- Cartoon: Cegtaz gwiazd (1971)
Cartoon: Chronocykl (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cartoon: A Chronocycle [English] (1976)
Cartoon: Czajak potkliwy noca z tupem (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cartoon: A Swallurker at Night with Victim [English] (1982)
Cartoon: Dwojak (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cartoon: A Bibod [English] (1976)
Cartoon: Dychtonczyk antyzadysta (Kontestator, XXXVI usek) (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cartoon: Dichotican Anti-Rumpist [English] (1976)
Cartoon: Feterówka obrzydlnica (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cartoon: A Foul-Tailed Fetido [English] (1982)
- Cartoon: Garbaty robot w depresji (1971)
Cartoon: Gauleiterium flagellans (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cartoon: Gauleiterium Flagellans [English] (1982)
Cartoon: Krzesławka dręczypupa zaczajona?Cartoon: Krzeslawka dreczypupa zaczajona(1971) also appeared as:
- Translation: Cartoon: Bottombiter Chair Ants Lying in Wait [English] (1982)
Cartoon: Mata stara planeta (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cartoon: A Small Old Planet [English] (1976)
- Cartoon: Mieszaniec Rurdla i Wedtowea (1971)
Cartoon: Narzeczona robota (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cartoon: Engaged to Be Married [English] (1976)
Cartoon: Ośmak?Cartoon: Osmak(1971) also appeared as:
- Translation: Cartoon: An Octabod [English] (1976)
Cartoon: Ośmioty?Cartoon: Osmioty(1971)
Cartoon: Pidłak w deszczu?Cartoon: Pidlak w deszczu(1971) also appeared as:
- Translation: Cartoon: A Wurbil in the Rain [English] (1976)
Cartoon: Pismaczek przedrzezniak (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cartoon: A Scribblemock [English] (1982)
Cartoon: Przebizad uparek (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cartoon: A Drillbeaked Borbit [English] (1982)
Cartoon: Robieta Taboreta (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cartoon: A Stoolmaid [English] (1976)
- Cartoon: S. E. Kalkulator (wg. oficjalnie dopusczonezo) (1971)
Cartoon: Stary robot parawy (Ludwik XIX) (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cartoon: An Old Steam Robot (Louis XIX) [English] (1976)
Cartoon: Szkielet Procyty (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cartoon: Skeleton of a Procyte [English] (1976)
Cartoon: Trojanka z dziec kiem (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cartoon: Tribocide with Child [English] (1976)
Cartoon: W pętli czasu?Cartoon: W petli czasu(1971) also appeared as:
- Translation: Cartoon: In the Time Loop [English] (1976)
Cartoon: Zmytek oczajduszny (1971)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cartoon: A Deadly Deceptorite [English] (1982)
- Lemistry: A Celebration of the Work of Stanislaw Lem [English] (2011) [only as by Stanislaw Lem]
Robbers of the Future [English] (1971)
小松左京?Komatsu Sakyou[only as by Stanislaw Lem]
Komatsu Sakyō
Komatsu Sakyo -
Le père éternel?Le pere eternel[German] (1974) by Philip Goy
- A Time of Changes [English] (1977) by Robert Silverberg
- You Must Pay for Any Progress [English] (1968) by Bozena Janicka
- Interview [English] (1972) by unknown
- Plauderei mit Stanislaw Lem [German] (1973) by Wolfgang Thadewald
- Plauderei mit Stanislaw Lem (II) [German] (1973) by Wolfgang Thadewald
- Plauderei mit Stanislaw Lem (III) [German] (1973) by uncredited
- An Interview with Stanlislaw Lem [English] (1974) by Daniel Say
- Interview mit Stanislaw Lem [German] (1976) by Birgit Meyer
- Razgovor sa Stanislawom Lemom [Croatian] (1979) by Marek Holynski
- Interview mit Stanisław Lem?Interview mit Staniswaw Lem[German] (1980) by Franz Rottensteiner
Interview mit Stanislaw Lem - Science Fiction langweilt mich [German] (1980) by Dieter Hasselblatt
- A Conversation with Stanislaw Lem [English] (1981) by L. W. Michaelson
- An Interview with Stanislaw Lem [English] (1984) by Peter Engel
- Interview mit Stanisław Lem?Interview mit Stanislaw Lem[German] (1985) byWalter Gröbchen?Walter Groebchen
- Filmische Enttäuschungen (Polish) (1987)
Stanisław Bereś?Stanislaw Beres
- Die Welt erklären (Polish) (1987)
Stanisław Bereś?Stanislaw Beres
- In der Höhle der Zivilisation (Polish) (1987)
Stanisław Bereś?Stanislaw Beres
- Die Leidenschaft des Philosophierens (Polish) (1987)
Stanisław Bereś?Stanislaw Beres
- Beschwerde- und Antragsbuch (Polish) (1987)
Stanisław Bereś?Stanislaw Beres
- Im Spinnennetz der Bücher (Polish) (1987)
Stanisław Bereś?Stanislaw Beres
- Diesmal nur über "Golem" (Polish) (1987)
Stanisław Bereś?Stanislaw Beres
- Genuß, Verdruß, Überdruß (Polish) (1987)
Stanisław Bereś?Stanislaw Beres
- Nicht ganz verlorene Zeit (Polish) (1987)
Stanisław Bereś?Stanislaw Beres
- Interview: Stanislaw Lem [English] (1990) by John H. Costello
- Stanislaw Lem: Es gibt eine enorme Gier bei uns [German] (1991) by uncredited
- Ein Gespräch mit Stanisław Lem?Ein Gespraech mit Stanislaw Lem[German] (1994) by Widmar Puhl
- Reflections on Literature, Philosophy, and Science [English] (1997) by Peter Swirski
- Lem in a Nutshell [English] (1997) by Peter Swirski
- Interview de Stanislaw Lem [French] (2021) by Wojciech Orlinski
Non-Genre Titles
Fiction Series
- Czas nieutracony
Czas nieutracony (1955)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Irrungen des Dr. Stefan T. [German] (1959)
Translation: Nepromarněný čas?Nepromarneny cas[Czech] (1959)
Nepromarneny chas
Dyżur doktora Trzynieckiego (excerpt from Czas nieutracony part 3)?Dyzur doktora Trzynieckiego (excerpt from Czas nieutracony part 3)(1955) [SF]
- Operation Reinhardt (excerpt from Czas nieutracony part 2) (1955) [SF]
Szpital przemienienia (1995)
also appeared as:
Translation: Das Hospital der Verklärung?Das Hospital der Verklaerung[German] (1975)
- Translation: Hospital of the Transfiguration [English] (1988) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
- Translation: Hospital of the Transfiguration [English] (1988)
- Translation: Donusum hastanesi [Turkish] (2000) [as by Stanislaw Lem]
Szpital przemienienia (excerpt) (unpublished) [SF]
only appeared as:
Translation: Das Hospital der Verklärung (excerpt)?Das Hospital der Verklaerung (excerpt)[German] (2021)
Czas nieutracony (1955)
also appeared as: