- Author: Абрам Терц?Abram TertzAuthor Record # 1710
- Legal Name: Синявский, Андрей Донатович?Sinyavskij, Andrej Donatovich
- Birthplace: Moscow, Russia, USSR
- Birthdate: 8 October 1925
- Deathdate: 25 February 1997
- Language: Russian
- Webpages: FantLab, SFE, Wikipedia-EN, Wikipedia-RU
- Used These Alternate Names: Abram Tertz
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Любимов?Lyubimov(1963) also appeared as:
- Translation: The Makepeace Experiment [English] (1965) [as by Abram Tertz]
Фантастические повести?Fantasticheskie povesti(1961) only appeared as:
- Translation: Fantastic Stories [English] (1963) [as by Abram Tertz]
- Translation: The Icicle and Other Stories [English] (1963) [as by Abram Tertz]
Пхенц?Pkhents(1959) only appeared as:
- Translation: Pkhentz [English] (1966) [as by Abram Tertz]
- Translation: Pkhentz [French] (1984) [as by Abram Tertz]
В цирке?V tsirke(1961) only appeared as:
- Translation: At the Circus [English] (1963) [as by Abram Tertz]
Гололедица?Gololeditsa(1961) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Icicle [English] (1963) [as by Abram Tertz]
Графоманы?Grafomany(1961) only appeared as:
- Translation: Graphomaniacs [English] (1963) [as by Abram Tertz]
Квартиранты?Kvartiranty(1961) only appeared as:
- Translation: Tenants [English] (1963) [as by Abram Tertz]
Ты и я?Ty i ya(1961) only appeared as:
- Translation: You and I [English] (1963) [as by Abram Tertz]