- Author: Cliff Bird Author Record # 175656
- Legal Name: Bird, Clifford William
- Language: English
- Used These Alternate Names: C. W. Bird, Clifford Wm. Bird, Cliff W. Bird, Clifford W. Bird, Clifford Bird
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Magazine Editor Series
- Balik
- Balik, #1 June 1976 (1976)
- Balik, #2 February 1977 (1977)
- Simba
- Simba, #1 September 1976 (1976)
- Simba, #2 September 1978 (1978)
- Jungle Daze (1975)
- "Siren of Alcthoe" (1976) [only as by Clifford W. Bird]
- Acknowledgements (Simba #1) (1976)
- Synopsis: The Legend of Simba (1976)
- The Sands of Nakhlah (1976)
- Balik and the Siren of Alcathoe (1977) [only as by C. W. Bird]
- The Silver Ape (1977) [only as by C. W. Bird]
- Synopsis ("The Sands of Nakhlah") (1978)
- The Dweller of Klondu (1978)
- The Toad (1977) [only as by C. W. Bird]
- The Victor (1977) [only as by C. W. Bird]
- The Dweller of Klondu (1978) with Tevis Clyde Smith [only as by Clifford Wm. Bird and Tevis Clyde Smith]
- Editorial (Balik #1) (1976)
- Simba Reproductions (1976)
- The Assyrians: Masters of the East (1976) with L. Sprague de Camp
- Editorial (Simba #1) (1976) [only as by Clifford Wm. Bird]
- From the Editor (Balik #2) (1977) [only as by Clifford Wm. Bird]
- Mailing Comments (Balik #2) (1977)
- Conan of the Movies (1978)
- From the Editor (Simba #2) (1978) [only as by Clifford Bird]
- Astral Dimensions #6, August 1977 (1977) [only as by Clifford Bird]
Fantasy Crossroads #12, November 1977 (1977)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Fantasy Crossroads, November 1977 (1977) [as by Clifford Wm. Bird]
- The Diversifier, #26-27 May-July 1978 (1978)
- Conan & Other Fantasy Swordsmen Portfolio (1975) with Brent Anderson and Herb Arnold and Gene Day and Sam de la Rosa and Stephen Fabian and Ronn Foss and Tom Foster and Dennis Fujitake and Douglas Herring and Broc Sears and Randall Spurgin
- Fantasy Crossroads, August 1975 [5] (1975)
Fantasy Crossroads, November 1975 [13] (1975)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Fantasy Crossroads, November 1975 (1975) [as by Cliff W. Bird]
Fantasy Crossroads, November 1975 [7] (1975)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Fantasy Crossroads, November 1975 [2] (1975) [as by Cliff W. Bird]
- Jungle Daze (1975)
- Lord Greystoke's Africa (map) (1975) [only as by Clifford W. Bird]
- Fantasy Crossroads, February 1976 [3] (1976) [only as by Cliff W. Bird]
- "Siren of Alcthoe" (1976)
- Balik (1976)
- Balik #1 ("Avian") (1976)
- Balik #1 ("Conan") (1976) [only as by Clifford Bird]
- Balik #1 ("Sabertooth") (1976) [only as by Clifford Bird]
- Balik #1 ("Shalla and a three-horned lizard") (1976)
- Balik #1 (Balik in battle) (1976)
- Balik #1 (scene from "Balik") (1976)
- Balik #1 (Sheila Jayne Bird) (1976)
- Balik #1 (sketches in the style of Roy G. Krenkel) (1976)
- Balik I (1976)
- Balik II (1976)
- Cliff Bird (1976)
- Simba Reproductions (1976)
- The Assyrians: Masters of the East (The Assyrian Empire map) (1976)
- Imaginary Beasts of Africa ("Mwanga") (1976)
- Imaginary Beasts of Africa ("Tarzan") (1976) with Russ Manning
- Simba #1 (1976)
- Simba #1 ("Simba confronts Caro") (1976)
- Simba #1 ("Simba") (1976)
- Simba #1 (The Primal World of Simba map) (1976)
- Simba #1 [2] (1976)
- Simba #1 [3] (1976)
- Synopsis: The Legend of Simba (1976)
- The Sands of Nakhlah (1976)
- Fantasy Crosswinds #1 (Red Sonja) (1977)
- Fantasy Crosswinds #2 (Conan in Aquilonia) (1977)
- Balik #2 ("Criton") (1977)
- Balik #2 ("Queen Lydia") (1977)
- Balik #2 ("Tarzan") (1977)
- Balik and the Siren of Alcathoe ("... Scarcely had she taken a place behind the rocks just inside the cave... ") (1977)
- Balik and the Siren of Alcathoe ("...Balik and Shelomar rested...") (1977)
- Balik and the Siren of Alcathoe ("...Melodie put flame to the lavender-hued incense in the golden censer before her.") (1977)
- Balik and the Siren of Alcathoe ("With seeming little effort he tossed the chagrined Rabsaris...") (1977)
- Fantasy Crosswinds #3 (Conan and Belit) (1977)
- The Epoch of Kush (1977)
- Fantasy Crossroads, November 1977 (Balik & Shelomar) (1977) [only as by C. W. Bird]
- Fantasy Crossroads, November 1977 (John Carter Battles a Thark) (1977) [only as by C. W. Bird]
- Fantasy Crossroads, November 1977 (Tarzan & Jane) (1977) [only as by C. W. Bird]
- Fantasy Crossroads, November 1977 (Thunda) (1977) [only as by C. W. Bird]
- Fantasy Crossroads, November 1977 (Xaltotun Rises) (1977) [only as by Clifford Wm. Bird]
- The Silver Ape (map) (1977) [only as by C. W. Bird]
- Sun Thief (1978)
- The Diversifier #25 (1978)
- Conan of the Movies (Arnold Schwarzenegger) (1978)
- Delayed Death (1978)
- From the Editor (Simba #2) (1978)
- Harry the Oliad Men (1978)
- Of Time Past (1978)
- Simba #2 (1978)
- Simba #2 (1978)
- Simba #2 ("Arnold as Conan") (1978)
- Simba #2 ("Arnold Schwartzenegger as Conan") (1978)
- Simba #2 ("Conan and Atali") (1978)
- Simba #2 ("Vikings") (1978)
- The Dweller of Klondu ("Azaria") (1978)
- The Dweller of Klondu ("Simba, Shalla, Altus, Azaria and Sha-Kahn") (1978)
- The Dweller of Klondu (map of "The Primal World of Simba") (1978)
- Enemy, Enemy (1980) [only as by Clifford W. Bird]