- Author: S. J. Byrne Author Record # 17734
- Legal Name: Byrne, Stuart James
- Birthplace: St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
- Birthdate: 26 October 1913
- Deathdate: 23 September 2011
- Language: English
- Webpages: IMDB, SFE, thepulp.net, Wikipedia-EN
- Used These Alternate Names:
Rothayne Amare, Джон Бладстоун?Dzhon Bladstoun, John Bloodstone, J. Bloodstone, Stuart J. Byrne, Stuart James Byrne, Howard Dare, Marx Kaye
- Author Tags: science fiction (1), space travel (1), space pirates (1), Tarzan (1), mars (1), Barsoom (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Fiction Series
- Larry Buchanan
- 1
Power Metal (1953)
also appeared as:
- Serializations:
- Power Metal (Part 1 of 3) (1953)
- Power Metal (Part 2 of 3) (1953)
- Power Metal (Part 3 of 3) (1953)
- 2
Star Man (1969)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Star Man (1969) [as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- Translation: Een spelletje imperium [Dutch] (1971) [as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- Translation: Os homens das estrelas [Portuguese] (1975) [as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- 1
Power Metal (1953)
also appeared as:
- Star Man
- 1 Supermen of Alpha (1979) [SF] [also as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- 2 Time Window (1979) [SF] [also as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- 3 Interstellar Mutineers (1979) [SF] [also as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- 4 The Cosmium Raiders (1979) [SF] [also as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- 5 The World Changer (1979) [SF] [also as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- 6 The Slaves of Venus (1980) [SF] [also as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- 7 Lost in the Milky Way (1980) [SF] [also as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- 8 Time Trap (1980) [SF] [also as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- 9 The Centaurian (1980) [SF] [also as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- 10 The Emperor (1980) [SF] [also as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- 11 The Return of Star Man (1980) [SF] [also as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- 12 The Second Empire (2014) [SF] [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- 13 Summit Conference (2015) [SF] [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- The Star Man Papers (2015) [ES] [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- Star Man Omnibuses
- 1 The First Star Man Omnibus (2005) [C] [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- 2 The Second Star Man Omnibus (2006) [C] [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- 3 The Third Star Man Omnibus (2010) [C] [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- 4 The Fourth Star Man Omnibus (2014) [C] [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- 5 The Fifth Star Man Omnibus (2014) [C] [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- 6 The Sixth Star Man Omnibus (2014) [C] [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- 7 The Final Star Man Omnibus (2015) [C] [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- Star Man 6-11 (1980) [C]
- Stephen Germain
- 1
Prometheus II (2012)
also appeared as:
- Serializations:
- Prometheus II (Complete Novel) (1948)
- 2
The Golden Guardsmen (2013)
also appeared as:
- Serializations:
- The Golden Guardsmen (Part 1 of 3) (1952)
- The Golden Guardsmen (Part 2 of 3) (1952)
- The Golden Guardsmen (Part 3 of 3) (1952)
- 1
Prometheus II (2012)
also appeared as:
- Tarzan Universe
- Unauthorized Tarzan
Tarzan on Mars (1966)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Tarzan on Mars (1966) [as by John Bloodstone]
- Translation: Tarzan sur Mars [French] (1999) [as by John Bloodstone]
Translation: Тарзан на Марсе?Tarzan na Marse[Russian] (2021) [as byДжон Бладстоун?Dzhon Bladstoun]
- Translation: Tarzán en Marte [Spanish] (2022) [as by John Bloodstone]
- Serializations:
- Tarzan on Mars (Part 1 of 6) (1994) [as by John Bloodstone]
- Tarzan on Mars (Part 2 of 6) (1995) [as by John Bloodstone]
- Tarzan on Mars (Part 3 of 6) (1995) [as by John Bloodstone]
- Tarzan on Mars (Part 4 of 6) (1996) [as by John Bloodstone]
- Tarzan on Mars (Part 5 of 6) (1996) [as by John Bloodstone]
- Tarzan on Mars (Part 6 of 6) (1997) [as by John Bloodstone]
- Tarzan on Mars (excerpt) (1999) [SF] [only as by John Bloodstone]
Tarzan on Mars (1966)
only appeared as:
- Unauthorized Tarzan
- The David Duquayne Saga
- 1 The Alpha Trap (1976) [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- 2 Lord of the Djinn (2008) [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
The Last Days of Thronas (1954)
[also as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- Serializations:
- Last Days of Thronas (Complete Novel) (1954) [as by John Bloodstone]
- Godman (1970) [only as by John Bloodstone]
Thundar: Man of Two Worlds (1971)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Thundar (1971) [as by John Bloodstone]
- Variant: Thundar: Man of Two Worlds (2009) [as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- The Visitation (1977) [only as by Rothayne Amare]
- Star Quest (2006) [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- The Music of the Spheres & Other Classic Science Fiction Stories (2006) [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- The Golden Gods / The Return of Michael Flannigan (2015)
The Naked Goddess / The God Business (2017)
Philip José Farmer?Philip Jose Farmer
The Golden Gods (1957)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Im Banne der Mondwelt [German] (1957) [as by John Bloodstone]
- Translation: De gouden goden [Dutch] (1962) [as by John Bloodstone]
- Variant: The Golden Gods (2013) [as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- Priesteres van Sun Lall [Dutch] (1963)
- Tarzan on Mars (1999) [only as by John Bloodstone]
The Land Beyond the Lens (2013)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Het land achter de koepel [Dutch] (1961) [as by J. Bloodstone]
- Variant: The Land Beyond the Lens (2013) [as by Stuart J. Byrne]
The Return of Michael Flannigan (2013)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Terugkeer van de maan [Dutch] (1962) [as by John Bloodstone]
- Variant: The Return of Michael Flannigan (2013) [as by Stuart J. Byrne]
Children of the Chronotron (2021)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Kinderen van de tijdmachine [Dutch] (1963)
- Translation: Opfer der Zukunft [German] (1966) [as by John Bloodstone]
- Beware the Star Gods (2021)
The Metamorphs (unpublished)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Die Invasion der Seelenlosen [German] (1959)
- Translation: Kameleons bedreigen de Aarde [Dutch] (1962)
- Saved by an Angel and Other Strange, True and Untold Tales from the Life of a Maverick Science Fiction Writer (2013) [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- Colossus (S. J. Byrne)
- Colossus (1950)
- Colossus II (1950)
- Colossus III (1950)
- Michael Flannigan
- 1
Land Beyond the Lens (1952)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Land Beyond the Lens (1952) [as by John Bloodstone]
- Translation: Het land achter de koepel [Dutch] (1961) [as by J. Bloodstone]
- Variant: The Land Beyond the Lens (2013) [as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- 2
The Golden Gods (1952)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Golden Gods (1952) [as by John Bloodstone]
- Translation: Im Banne der Mondwelt [German] (1957) [as by John Bloodstone]
- Translation: De gouden goden [Dutch] (1962) [as by John Bloodstone]
- Variant: The Golden Gods (2013) [as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- 3
The Return of Michael Flannigan (1952)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Return of Michael Flannigan (1952) [as by John Bloodstone]
- Translation: Terugkeer van de maan [Dutch] (1962) [as by John Bloodstone]
- Variant: The Return of Michael Flannigan (2013) [as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- 1
Land Beyond the Lens (1952)
also appeared as:
- Perry Rhodan Universe
- Perry Rhodan shortfiction
Test Flight to Eden (1975)
Clark Darlton
only appeared as:
- Translation: Der Flug nach Eden [German] (1979) [as by Clark Darlton]
- Translation: De tocht naar eden [Dutch] (1981) [as by Clark Darlton]
- Serializations:
- Test Flight to Eden (Part 1 of 2) (1975) [as by Stuart J. Byrne and Clark Darlton]
- Test Flight to Eden (Part 2 of 2) (1975) [as by Stuart J. Byrne and Clark Darlton]
Test Flight to Eden (1975)
Clark Darlton
only appeared as:
- Perry Rhodan shortfiction
The Music of the Spheres (1935)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Music of the Spheres (2006) [as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- Beyond the Darkness (1951)
- A Matter of Perspective (1951) [also as by Stuart J. Byrne]
Qsrthnxrpqrpf* (1952)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Gsrthnxrpqrpf (*) (2006) [as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- The Ultimate Death (1952) [only as by Howard Dare]
The Naked Goddess (1952)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Lady of Flame (1953)
- Translation: Priesteres van Sun Lall [Dutch] (1963)
Children of the Chronotron (1952)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Kinderen van de tijdmachine [Dutch] (1963)
- Translation: Opfer der Zukunft [German] (1966) [as by John Bloodstone]
- Potential Zero (1953) [also as by John Bloodstone]
- The Bridge (1953) [also as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- Beware the Star Gods (1954) [also as by Stuart J. Byrne]
The Metamorphs (1957)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Invasion der Seelenlosen (excerpt) [German] (1959) [as by uncredited]
- Translation: Die Invasion der Seelenlosen [German] (1959)
- Translation: Kameleons bedreigen de Aarde [Dutch] (1962)
Spaceship Named Desire (1957)
also appeared as:
- Variant: A Spaceship Named Desire (2006) [as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- A Star Fell on Okajuma (2006) [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- The Ghost of Future-Past (2006) [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- The Man Who Challenged God (2006) [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- Martian Honeymoon (excerpt) (2013) [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- The Metamorphs [excerpt] (2013) [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- Song of the Hamarian Slaves (2006) [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- Songs (From the Flannigan Trilogy) (2006) [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- The Upturned Glass: Intuitional Quatrains (2006) [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- Letter (Amazing Stories, June 1928) (1928) [only as by Stuart James Byrne]
- Mystery of the Peruvian Giants (1947) [only as by Marx Kaye]
- Letter (Amazing Stories, June 1947) (1947) [only as by Marx Kaye]
- Fortean Aspects of the Flying Disks (1948) [only as by Marx Kaye]
- Introducing the Author: S. J. Byrne (1952)
- The People Who Make Other Worlds No. 13: S. J. Byrne (1953)
Foreword (Star Man) (1969)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Foreward (Star Man) (1969) [as by Stuart James Byrne]
- Translation: Prefácio (Os homens das estrelas) [Portuguese] (1975) [as by Stuart James Byrne]
- Introduction: From the Roaring Fifties (2006) [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- About the Author: Stuart J. Byrne, Man of Two Worlds (2013) [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- Introduction: Of Fantasy and Things "Beyond" (2013) [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- Introduction: The Undying Quest - Another Eye to See (2013) [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- Introduction: Was there a Thronas? (2013) [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- Introduction: When Muses Go Wild (2013) [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]
- Stuart J. Byrne on Stuart J. Byrne (2013) [only as by Stuart J. Byrne]