- Author: Sarah L. Byrne Author Record # 182781
- Language: English
- Email: sarah@sarahbyrne.org
- Webpages: anewroom.blogspot.co.uk, sarahbyrne.org
- Used These Alternate Names: SL Byrne, Sarah Byrne
- Author Tags: science fiction (1), fantasy (1), dragons (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Short Fiction
- The Princess in the Tower (2012)
- Victoriana (2013)
- ReIntroduction (2013)
- Over the Sea (2013)
- Whose Side Are You on Anyway? (2013)
- Every Step You Take (2013)
- Loved and Lost (2013) [only as by Sarah Byrne]
- Legion (2013)
- A Winter Evening (2014)
- Li's Last Chance (2014)
- Princess Cosima and the Thousand Cats (2014)
- Tears of the Gods (2014)
- Joined (2016) [also as by Sarah Byrne]
- Black Annis and the Barguest (2017)
- Green Boughs Will Cover Thee (2017) [also as by Sarah Byrne]
- A Drop of Comfort, a Slice of Heart's Desire (2017)
- The Thing with Feathers (2018) [only as by SL Byrne]
- Kashika's Empty Nest (2020) [only as by Sarah Byrne]
- Author Interview: SL Byrne (2018) by A. C. Buchanan