- Author: Marcie Lynn Tentchoff Author Record # 18823
- Birthplace: Canada
- Birthdate: 16 February 1968
- Language: English
- Webpages: LiveJournal, web.archive.org
- Used These Alternate Names: Marcie Tenchoff, Marcie Tentchoff
- Author Tags: zombies (1), tanka (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Collections Magazine Editor Series
- SFPA-Sponsored Poetry Contests
- SFPA-Sponsored Poetry Contests - 2006 (2006) with Marge Simon and S. C. Virtes [only as by Marge Simon and Marcie Lynn Tentchoff and Scott Virtes]
- SFPA-Sponsored Poetry Contests - 2008 (2008)
- Spaceports & Spidersilk
- Spaceports & Spidersilk - 2013 (2013) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Spaceports & Spidersilk - 2014 (2014) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Spaceports & Spidersilk - 2015 (2015) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Spaceports & Spidersilk - 2016 (2016) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Spaceports & Spidersilk - 2017 (2017) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Spaceports & Spidersilk - 2019 (2019) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Spaceports & Spidersilk - 2020 (2020)
- Spaceports & Spidersilk - 2022 (2022)
- Spaceports & Spidersilk - 2023 (2023)
- Raven Song (1998)
- Choice (1999)
- Light (1999)
- Dances with Crows (1999)
- Places Underground (2000)
- Surrendering the Blade (2000)
- The Eighth Princess (2000)
- Eye of the Storm (2003)
- This Girl on a Train (2006)
- Just Another Work Day In Fairyland (2007)
- In the Company of Women (2007) with Mikal Trimm
- Star Gypsies (2007)
- River of Stars (2008) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Timeless (2008) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- The Caregiver (2008)
- That Boy (2008)
- The Ghost of Onions (2009)
- Outside These Walls (2009)
- The Woman of Ebonstone Hill (2010) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Letters from Camp (2010)
- The Promise (2011)
- On Lost Cultures - Report 197A (2018)
- Go Lovely Rose (2020)
- Affinity (unknown) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Drifting (1999)
- Mirror (1999)
- Water's Lament (1999) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Where Beauty Reigns (1999)
- The Dragon's Villanelle (2000) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Archaeology (2000)
- Fan Letter (2000) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Fallen (2001)
- Hush (2001)
- The Deed of Snigli (2001)
- The Catalyst (2001)
- Nimue's Song (2002)
- Diggers (2003)
- Like Carrots (2003)
- The Spice of Life (2004)
- Stardust (2005)
- Tale Told to a Truant Officer (2005)
- In Retirement (2005)
- The Water Sprite's Lament (2005)
- Water Sprite's Lament (2005) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- After the Change (2005)
- Lust Sulks: A Sin-Quain (2005)
- The Necromancer Considers the Site for Her Next Boneyard (2005) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Plastic Surgery (2005)
Testimony Given at the Firing of the Weapon (2006)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Testimony Given on the Firing of the Weapon (2006) [as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Burning Bright (2006)
- Chasing Rainbows (2006)
- Moving On (2006)
- Terror at the Cross Dimensional Tavern (2006)
- The Space Between (2006) [also as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- The Traveler's Tale (2006)
- But You Don't Remember.... (2006)
- Narcissus Regrets (2006)
- In the Closet (2006)
- Shopping List for a Fallen Deity (2006)
- Embers (2006)
- Ice-cream & Absent Lovers (2006)
- Star Pilot's Grave (2006)
- Jacky (2006)
- Spider Silk (2006)
- DWI (2006)
- The Milk Maid (2006)
- Advice for Modern Demon Lovers (2006)
- Lamia (2007)
- Immortal Blood (2007)
- Trailing (2007)
- Snow Melt (2007) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Arbutus (2007)
- Wood Worm (2007)
- Homeless Shelter (2007) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Reflections (2007)
- Five Wisdoms of the Snow Queen (2007)
- Ash (2007) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- The Reluctant Orc Maid to Her Swain (2007) [only as by Marcie Tenchoff]
- Dogwood Winter (2007)
- Horror Poetry and Sublety (2007)
- Passing Beneath Stars (2007)
- Snow Blind (2007)
- The Song of the Dragon-Prowed Ships (2007)
- The Witch Boy (2007)
- When the Queen of the Seas Sought the Sky (2007)
- On Davies Street (2007)
- Star Boarding (2007)
- The Dance of the Seven Veils (2007)
- Abandoned (2008)
- Furious (2008)
- Near Bailey's Pond (2008)
- The Root of It All (2008)
- Hag-Rid (2008)
- Here There Once Were Dragons (2008) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Not Dealing Well (2008)
- Paper Cut (2008)
- Holiday (2008)
- Sea Ball (2008) with Terrie Leigh Relf
- Smoke and Shadows (2008)
- The Changeling's Song (2008)
- Star Fall (2008)
- Farm School (2008)
- Fearsome (2008)
- Sand Castles (2008)
- Shelter (2008)
- Tears of the New Girl (2008)
- The Apprentice's Fib (2008)
- The Real Reason Ogres Died Out (2008)
- Plague (2008)
- Tailed (2008)
- Princess (2008)
- Your Fairy Goth Mother (2008)
- Some Random Hero (2008)
- Schooling (2008)
- Shears (2008)
- "my membrane mirrors" (2008)
- Heat Thief Tanka (2008)
- Unearthed (2008)
- On Waking (2008)
- Pure of Heart (2008)
- The Bookseller's Tale (2009)
- His Nature (2009)
- The Cat of Nabeshima (2009)
- Casual Friday (2009)
- In the Court of the Night (2009)
- Owner's Manual (2009)
- The Sages of Planet Aziveko Nine Respond to Queries ... (2009)
- Museum Piece (2009)
- Sun-Kissed (2009)
- Grace in the Desert (2009)
- Riding Herd (2009)
- Safe as Houses (2009)
- Midnight (2009)
- Scars (2009)
- Wolf Girls (2009) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- The Sages of Planet Azivekeo Nine Respond to Queries from the Intergalactic Missionary Society (2009)
- Blood Waltz (2009)
- Nostalgia (2009)
- Snowbound, by the Furnace (2009)
- The Call of Mountains (2009)
- Five Days After (2009)
- A Nuclear Winter's Carol (2010)
- An Open Letter Circulated Across the Web (2010)
- Sea Song (2010)
- Appetite (2010)
- Holes (2010) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Invasion Thwarted (2010)
- Remnants (2010)
- Nesting (2010)
- Silt (2010)
- Pathways Marked in Silver (2010)
- Breathless (2010)
- Moonshine (2010)
- Oolong (2010)
- The Taxidermist's Daughter (2010)
- "ten months out from Earth" (2010)
- Bleached (2010)
- Behind the Greasepaint Door (2011)
- Other Attics (2011)
- Small Gifts (2011)
- Winter's End (2011)
- But Sometimes They Play Tricks... (2011)
- Chores (2011)
- This Too (2011)
- Midnight Munchies (2011)
- There Will Be Tea (2011)
- When the Music Stops (2011)
- monster mash tanka (2011)
- Things Lost to Shadow (2011)
- Recalled (2011)
- The Changeling's Fornyrxislag (2011)
- Voices (2012)
- Spirit Week (2012)
- "familiar bridge" (2012)
- "smiling over" (2012)
- Absent Fiends (2012)
- Rapunzel's Shadow (2012)
- Grace Notes (2015)
- untitiled ("lonely here in space...") (2016) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- In the Convent (2016) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Fossils (2016)
- On Colonization (2016)
- On Neris 5 (2016)
- "rain in the desert" (2016) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- "sunshine on water" (2016) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Blending Scents (2016)
- Grit (2016)
- Homecoming (2017)
- Necromatic (2017)
- Lines Found in Nyarlathotep's Notebook (2017)
- Lovecraft's Legacy (2017)
- Dzunkwa (2018)
- Witness (2018)
- "two particles" (2018)
- Trophy Wife (2019)
- five haiku of the apocalypse (2019) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Flying (2019) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- The Fourth Sister (2019) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Upcycled (2019) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- When the Streets Changed (2019) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Coins for the Ferryman (2019)
- "eyes in the shadow" (2019) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- "she knows she hurt him" (2019) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Other Hungers (2019)
- Driven (2019) [also as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- In the Trophy Room (2019) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Like Ants (2019) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Stilted (2019) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Stories (2019) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- Go Bag (2019)
- Red Tide (2020)
- Not the Old West (2020)
- The Fairy Kitten Prowls (2020)
- Stone Walls (2020)
- The Selkie Wife (2020)
- At the Playground (2021)
- Autumn Bacchanal (2021)
- "alternate world" (2021)
- Children of the Dreamways (2021)
- The Perils of Using Traditional Practices in Modern Cults (2021)
- Classic (2021)
- The Placebo Effect (2021)
- Climate Change (2021)
- The Frozen North (2021)
- Pushing Boundaries (2022)
- There Will Be a Short Prayer After the Ceremony—RSVP (2022)
- Thought I'd Fixed It (2022)
- Circus Aqua (2022)
- "a gentle lover" (2022)
- Third Watch (2023)
- What Drives You (2023)
- Invasive (2023)
- "ignoring warnings" (2023)
- Lost in Translation (2023)
- The Real Explanation for Sunspots (2023)
- Late (2024)
- Mindless (2024)
- The Price (2024)
- Lofty Goals (2024)
- Second Thoughts (2024)
- Afterimages (2024)
- Identified (2024)
- The Swamp Witch's Lament (2024)
- Feature Creature (2000)
- Spellbinding Recipes (Spellbound, Summer 2001) (2001)
- Spellbound Crossword (Spellbound, Summer 2001) (2001)
- Welcome (Spellbound, Summer 2001) (2001)
- Speculative Poetic Foci (2005)
- Skaldic Verse—A Very Basic Primer (2007)
- Poetry and the Magic of the Sea (2008)
- Poetic Forms: Introducing the Roundel (2013)
- From the Editor (Spaceports & Spidersilk, July 2015) (2015) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]
- From the Editor (Spaceports and Spidersilk, April 2017) (2017) [only as by Marcie Tentchoff]