Note: There are other authors with the same name: Michael Gilbert (I)
- Author: Michael Gilbert Author Record # 1886
- Legal Name: Gilbert, Michael
- Birthplace: Buffalo, New York, USA
- Birthdate: 20 July 1947
- Deathdate: 14 August 2000
- Language: English
- Webpages: Fancyclopedia 3, Locus, Wikipedia-EN
- Used These Alternate Names: Mike Gilbert
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- The Day of the Ness (1975) with Andre Norton
- The General's Bane (2000) with Sheila E. Gilbert [only as by Mike Gilbert and Sheila Gilbert]
- The Brotherhood (1969)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review, April 1969) (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Letter to Science Fiction Review, June 1969 (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Letter to Science Fiction Review, June 1969 [2] (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Letter to Science Fiction Review, October 1969 (1969)
- Letter (The Alien Critic #9) (1974) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- On Mars With Mike Gilbert (1974) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #14) (1975) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #20) (1977) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #22) (1977) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Sabers, Lasers and Starships: An Introduction and Review of Science Fiction and Fantasy Wargaming (1979) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Sabers, Lasers and Starships: An Introduction and Review of Science Fiction and Fantasy Wargaming, Part Two (1979) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Letter, March 27, 1987 (1987) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Victory on Janus (1968)
- Locus, #31 June 24, 1969 (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Locus, #34 July 31, 1969 (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Locus, #36 August 23, 1969 (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Locus, #37 September 10, 1969 (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Locus, #45 December 31, 1969 (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, February 1970 (1970)
Worlds of If, March 1970 (1970)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Worlds of If, March 1970 (1970) [as by Mike Gilbert]
- Variant: If, April 1970 (UK) (1970) [as by Mike Gilbert]
- Locus, #51 April 9, 1970 (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Locus, #54 May 22, 1970 (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Locus, #65 October 20, 1970 (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Locus, #84 May 25, 1971 (1971) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
Noreascon Program Book (1971)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Noreascon Program Book (1971) [as by Mike Gilbert]
- Interior Art: Noreascon Program Book (cover) (1971)
- Locus, #105 January 22, 1972 (1972) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Aspidistra, Issue 5 (1973) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Breaking Point (1973)
- Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, December 1974 (1974) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- The New SF Bulletin Index to SF Books 1974 (1974) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- The Day of the Ness (1975)
- The Day of the Ness (1976)
- The Scream Factory #19, Summer 1997 (1997)
- Pierheads in Space (1968)
- Science Fiction Review, November 1968 (1968)
- Science Fiction Review, November 1968 [2] (1968)
- Bank 5 or the Transformation of the Beloved Myra (1969)
- Bank 5 or the Transformation of the Beloved Myra [2] (1969)
- Science Fiction Review, January 1969 (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, January 1969 (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, January 1969 (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, January 1969 (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, January 1969 (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, January 1969 (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, April 1969 (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, April 1969 [10] (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, April 1969 [11] (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, April 1969 [12] (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, April 1969 [2] (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, April 1969 [3] (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, April 1969 [4] (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, April 1969 [5] (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, April 1969 [6] (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, April 1969 [7] (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, April 1969 [8] (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, April 1969 [9] (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Cartoon: "Looks like another 'New Wave'" (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Locus #26 (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, August 1969 (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, August 1969 (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, August 1969 (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, August 1969 (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, August 1969 (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, August 1969 (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Granfalloon #7 (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Mike Gilbert Strikes Again (art portfolio) (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, October 1969 (1969) with John D. Berry and Ross Chamberlain and Stephen Fabian and Dick Flinchbaugh and Jack Gaughan and Doug Lovenstein and William Rotsler and James Shull and Bob Smith (II) [only as by John D. Berry and Ross Chamberlain and Steve Fabian and Richard Flinchbaugh and Jack Gaughan and Mike Gilbert and Doug Lovenstein and Bill Rotsler and Jim Shull and Bob Smith (II)]
- Science Fiction Review, December 1969 (1969) with ATom and George Foster, Jr. and Jack Gaughan and Cynthia Goldstone and Jay Kinney and Tim Kirk and Dave Lovenstein and William Rotsler and James Shull and Bernie Zuber [only as by George Foster and Jack Gaughan and Mike Gilbert and Cynthia Goldstone and Jay Kinney and Tim Kirk and Dave Lovenstein and Bill Rotsler and Jim Shull and Arthur Thompson and Bernard Zuber]
- Locus #45 (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Locus #45 [2] (1969) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Granfalloon #8 (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Riverside Quarterly, January 1970 (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, February 1970 (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, February 1970 [2] (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, February 1970 [3] (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, February 1970 [4] (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, February 1970 [5] (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, February 1970 [6] (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, February 1970 [7] (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, February 1970 [8] (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Book Reviews (Science Fiction Reviews, April 1970) (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Book Reviews (Science Fiction Reviews, April 1970) (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Hugo? (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Off the Deep End (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- P. O. Box 3116 (Science Fiction Review, April 1970) (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- P.O. Box 3116 (Science Fiction Review, April 1970) (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Tim Kirk vs. Mike Gilbert (Part 1 of 2) (1970) with Tim Kirk
- Tim Kirk vs. Mike Gilbert (Part 2 of 2) (1970) with Tim Kirk [only as by Mike Gilbert and Tim Kirk]
- Who's Afraid of Philip K. Dick? (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Zap (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, June 1970 (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, June 1970 [2] (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, June 1970 [3] (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, June 1970 [4] (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- An Endless Summer [3] (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, August 1970 (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, August 1970 [2] (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, August 1970 [3] (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, August 1970 [4] (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, October 1970 (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, October 1970 [2] (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, October 1970 [3] (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, October 1970 [4] (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, November 1970 (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, November 1970 [2] (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, November 1970 [3] (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, November 1970 [4] (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, November 1970 [5] (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Locus #70 (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Locus #70 [2] (1970) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- The Secret of the Time Vault (1971) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, January 1971 (1971) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, January 1971 [2] (1971) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, January 1971 [3] (1971) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, March 1971 (1971) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Science Fiction Review, March 1971 [2] (1971) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- The Habitat Manager (1971)
- The Habitat Manager [2] (1971)
- A Little Knowledge (1971)
- A Little Knowledge [2] (1971)
- Letter from an Unknown Genius (1971)
- Noreascon (cover) (1971)
- Unfair Trade (1972)
- How to Design a Flying Saucer (1972)
- Lupoff's Book Week (1973) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Alien Thoughts (The Alien Critic #7) [2] (1973) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- How Theodore Sturgeon Learned to Love Relevance and Ruined His Science Fiction (1973) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- The Shape of Science Fiction to Come (1973) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Anduril, #4, July 1974 (1974) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Philip José Farmer (1974) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Encounter Below Tharsis (1974) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Encounter Below Tharsis [2] (1974) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Encounter Below Tharsis [3] (1974) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- On Mars With Mike Gilbert (1974) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- The Day of the Ness (1975)
- Algol, Summer 1975 (1975)
- Blessing in Disguise (1976) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- The Napoleons of Eridanus (1976)
- Here Come the Clones: A Complete Short History of SF Writing with Fifty All-Purpose Footnotes (1977) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Oh, Those Trepidatious Eyes! (1977) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- "And Then There Were Nine ..." (1977)
- The Last Battalion (1977)
- The Last Battalion [2] (1977)
- Golden Blood (1977) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Trumpet #12 (1981) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Starship, Summer-Fall 1981 (1981) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Pohlemic: Coming Up on 1984 (1983) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- Sword Daughter's Quest (1984)
- Cartoon: "Why Not to Use Electrical Outlets in Dungeons" (1986)
- Love of Life (1986)
- Controversy in Review #15, February 1987 (1987)
- Controversy in Review #15, February 1987 (2) (1987)
- Controversy in Review #16, April 1987 (1987)
- Empire's Horizon (map) (1989)
- Cartoon: "The 1991 Nebula Awards Banquet" (1991) [only as by Mike Gilbert]
- The Last of the Renshai (map) (1992)
- The Western Wizard (map) (1992)
- Child of Thunder (map) (1993)
- The Legend of Nightfall (map) (1993)
- Map of Sholan Alliance and Valtegan Empire (1993)
- Turning Point (map) (1993)
- The Glass Dragon (map) (1994)
- Profiteer (maps) (1995)
- The Perfect Princess (map) (1995)
- Partisan (map) (1995)
- Fire Margins (maps) (1996)
- The Painter Knight (maps) (1997)
- To Sheila E. Gilbert (1997)
- King's Dragon (map) (1997)
- The Stone Prince (map) (1997)
- The Dragon's Touchstone (map) (1997)
- Essalieyan and Annagar (map) (1997)
- Razor's Edge (maps) (1997)
- Sunderlies Seeking (map) (1998)
- Prince of Dogs (map) (1999)
- Dark Nadir (maps) (1999)
- Guardian of the Balance (map) (1999)
- The Branion Realm and Surrounding Countries 638 DR (map) (1999)
- Guardian of the Trust (map) (2000)
- Map of Dzahai Stronghold (2000)
- The Burning Stone (map) (2000)
- Child of Flame (map) (2000)
- The Wizard's Treasure (Interior Montastery Map) (2000)
- The Branion Realm (map) (2001) with G-Force Design
- The Branion Realm and Surrounding Countries 492 DR (map) (2001)
- Guardian of the Vision (map) (2002)
- Cabbaran (2003)
- Prime Encounter Suit (2003)
- Touiban (2003)
- The Gathering Storm (map) (2003)
- The Hostile Takeover Trilogy (maps) (2004)
- The Return of Nightfall (map) (2005)
- Cartoon (Reap the Wild Wind) (2007)
- The Silent Dragon (map) (2013)
- The Broken Dragon (map) (2014)
- The Wandering Dragon (map) (2014)
- Circle's End (map) (2017)
- The Last Battlemage (map) (unknown)