- Author: Shauna O'Meara Author Record # 191240
- Language: English
- Webpages: austlit.edu.au, WordPress
- Author Tags: Sri Lanka (1)
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Short Fiction
- Blood Lillies (2012)
- The Dream Tracker (2013)
- Beneath the Surface of Two Kills (2014)
- To Look Upon a Dream Tiger (2015)
- No One Here Is Going to Save You (2016)
- On Darwin Tides (2016)
- Memories of Fish (2017)
- Island Green (2017)
- #WhiteWitch (2018)
- The Sea Maker of Darmid Bay (2018)
- 'Scapes Made Diamond (2019)
- Without Lungs or Limbs to Stay (2021)
- Winds of Change (2011)
- Next (2013)
- The Never Never Land (2015)
- Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, Issue #61 (2015)
- Kaleidotrope, Summer 2018 (2018)
- A Hand of Knaves (2018)
- Winter's Tale (2019)
- The Widow's Face (2009)
- Saint Olivia's Light (2011)
- Animal the Colour of Waiting (2013)
- Vandiemensland (2013)
- The Dog Pit (2015)
- In Sheep's Clothing (2015)
- Zoopoiesis, with Mountains (2016)
- Her Cactus Heart (2017)
- Wide Brown Land: Stories of Titan (2018)
- A Hand of Knaves (2018)
- Winter's Tale (2019)