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Summary Bibliography: Harold Lamb

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Author Picture
  • Author: Harold Lamb Author Record # 19453
  • Legal Name: Lamb, Harold Albert
  • Birthplace: Alpine, New Jersey, USA
  • Birthdate: 1 September 1892
  • Deathdate: 9 April 1962
  • Language: English
  • Webpages: Encyclopedia of Fantasy,,, IMDB, Library of Congress, SFE, Wikipedia-EN
  • Used These Alternate Names: H. A. Lamb (pseudonym)
  • Note: Lamb's Khlit the Cossack stories are technically non-genre, but they are close to the boundary and are predecessors to later genre swords and sorcery tales. As such, they have been included in ISFDB. Howard Andrew Jones (editor of the University of Nebraska Press' collections) states "Lamb never wrote overtly of the fantastic or the supernatural like Robert E. Howard, keeping his historical fiction grounded in reality, but he did play around its edges, frequently exposing his characters to the strange and macabre. Some of his villains masquerade as sorcerors and miracle workers of great power."
  • Author Tags: lost race (2), Escape (Radio) (1), Internet Archive (1), Google Books (1)
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