- Author: Paul van Herck Author Record # 19870
- Legal Name: van Herck, Paul
- Birthplace: Berchem, Antwerp, Belgium
- Birthdate: 19 May 1938
- Deathdate: 19 June 1989
- Language: Dutch
- Webpages: De Boekenplank, geronimohoorspelen.nl, SFE, Wikipedia-NL
- Author Tags: conspiracy (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Sam, of de pluterdag (1968)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Where Were You Last Pluterday? [English] (1973)
- Translation: żDónde estabas el pasado Pluterday? [Spanish] (1975)
- Translation: Vi ses pĺ plurdag [Swedish] (1976)
Translation: Crésudi dernier ??Cresudi Dernier ?[French] (1977)
- Translation: Framstag Sam [German] (1981)
Translation: Viszlát jövő plutónap!?Viszlat jovo plutonap![Hungarian] (1991)
Viszlaat joevooe plutoonap!
- Apollo XXI (1973)
Caroline, Oh Caroline (unpublished)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Caroline Oh! Caroline [French] (1976)
- De cirkels (1965)
- De kinderrevolutie (1965)
- Depannage (1965)
- Dorpsgek (1965)
- Feestmaal (1965)
- Hallo (1965)
- M. Lawson (1965)
- Mijn vriend DX5 (1965)
- Paranoia (1965)
Polsuurwerk (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Plagiatoren [German] (1980)
Regen (1965)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Rain [English] (1982)
- Theorie (1965)
- Het project Bonaparte (1967)
- Finish (1969)
- Iets over vuiligheid (1970)
- Het Leland experiment (1971)
- Carol (1973)
- De laatste (1973)
- Katalysator (1974)
- Twark (1974)
- De wind (1978)
- Ouwe (1978)
Parallel (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Parallel Worlds [English] (1981)
- Tweede leven (1978)
- Sol 3 (1979)
Phil, of het VIde continent (1984)
also appeared as:
- Variant: 't VIde continent (1985)
- De spin met de tien poten (1986)
- Lampen (1988)
Non-Genre Titles
Short Fiction