- Author: Emmi Itäranta?Emmi ItarantaAuthor Record # 202394
Emmi Itaeranta - Legal Name: Itäranta, Emmi Elina?Itaeranta, Emmi Elina
Itaranta, Emmi Elina - Birthplace: Tampere, Finland
- Birthdate: 1976
- Language: Finnish
- Webpages: emmiitaranta.com, SFE, Wikipedia-EN, X/Twitter
- Author Tags: dystopia (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Teemestarin kirja (2012)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Memory of Water [English] (2014)
- Translation: La fille de l'eau [French] (2015)
Kudottujen kujien kaupunki (2015)
only appeared as:
- Translation: The City of Woven Streets [English] (2016)
- Translation: The Weaver [English] (2016)
Kuunpäivän kirjeet?Kuunpaeivaen kirjeet(2020) also appeared as:
Kuunpaivan kirjeet- Translation: The Moonday Letters [English] (2022)
- Never Stop: Finnish Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories [English] (2017)
Luukanteleen kantaja (2010)
only appeared as:
- Translation: The Bearer of the Bone Harp [English] (2017)
- Roads of Silver, Paths of Gold [English] (2018)
- The Wings that Slice the Sky [English] (2023)
- Foreword: Light from Distant Stars [English] (2017)