- Author: Russell Nichols Author Record # 205888
- Language: English
- Webpages: russellnichols.com
- Author Tags: science fiction (2), scifaiku (2), fantasy (1), telepathy (1), senryu (1), prose poem (1)
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Short Fiction
- Schadenfreude (2014)
- Blood on Beacon Hill (2015)
- You Too Shall Pass (2016)
- Tie Goes to the Runner (2016)
- u wont remember dying (2016)
- The Taming of the Tongue (2016)
- The Hard Shell (2017)
- How to Sync Your Spouse (2017)
- Man of Straw (2018)
- What Man Knoweth (2018)
- e-race (2019)
- Beyond Comprehension (2019)
- Curse Like a Savior (2019)
- Rage Against the Vending Machine (2019)
- Giant Steps (2020)
- Trash Can Rap (2020)
- No Lies Detected (2021)
- Death of the Private Eye (2022)
- To Live and Die in Dixieland (2022)
- A, B, B, A (2022)
- The Family Tree (2022)
- Mami Wataworks (2022)
- Cloak by Ralph Ellison (2021)
- Mission: Ares (2021)
- You Have Died of Dysentery (2021)
- Man Made Machine God (2021)
- Married with Benefits (2021)
- Blood Spatter of the Solar System (2021)
- One-Way Ticket (via Teleportation) (2021)
- Move, Mountain, Move (2022)
- oh to be (2022)
- "eternal winter..." (2022)
- "fall: digital leaves" (2022)
- "flag on the moon" (2022)
- "popular mouthpiece" (2022)
- "reluctant hero" (2022)
- "she" (2022)
- "tandem hand gliding" (2022)
- you're paying for the view (2022)
- microcosm (2023)
- The Frida Train (a golden shovel) (2024)
- Everything Burns Going Down (2024)
- Interview with Russell Nichols (2015) by Andrea Johnson
- Author Spotlight: Russell Nichols (2016) by Isabel Yap
- Author Spotlight: Russell Nichols (2020) by Alex Puncekar
- Interview: Short Fictioneers (2022) by Arley Sorg (co-interviewed with Christopher Caldwell and W. C. Dunlap and Jaymee Goh and Tenea D. Johnson and Sam J. Miller and Suzan Palumbo and Pamela Rentz and Eden Royce and A. C. Wise)