- Author: John Matthews Author Record # 20684
- Legal Name: Matthews, John Kentigern
- Birthplace: Wales, UK
- Birthdate: 14 January 1948
- Language: English
- Webpages: Library of Congress, Wikipedia-EN
- Author Tags: juvenile fantasy (4), historical fantasy (2), paranormal (2), Robin Hood (1), King Arthur (1), Arthurian fantasy (1), pirates (1), tarot cards (1), steampunk (1), Holy Grail (1), arthurian (1), Galahad (1), alternative history (1), alternate history (1), erotica (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Fiction Series
- Henry Hunter
- 1 Henry Hunter and the Beast of Snagov (2014)
- 2 Henry Hunter and the Cursed Pirates (2015)
- Jameson & Argenti Mysteries
- 2 Diary from the Grave (2019)
- Red Dragon Rising
- 1 The Sword of Ice and Fire (2018)
- Robin Hood: Green Lord of the Wildwood (1993)
- The Fourth Gwenevere (2014) with John James and Caitlín Matthews
- Past Imperfect (2018)
- Filling the Galaxy (2021)
- The Song of Taliesin: Stories and Poems from the Books of Broceliande (1992)
- Classic Celtic Fairy Tales (1997)
- Tales of the Celtic Otherworld (1998)
- The Barefoot Book of Giants, Ghosts and Goblins (1999)
- The Song of Taliesin: Tales from King Arthur's Bard (2001)
- The Book of Arthur: Lost Tales from the Round Table (2002)
- The Song of Arthur: Celtic Tales from the King's Court (2002)
- Arthur of Albion (2008)
- The Great Book of King Arthur & His Knights of the Round Table (2022)
- An Arthurian Reader (1988)
- From the Isles of Dream: Visionary Stories and Poems of the Celtic Renaissance (1993)
- A Fairy Tale Reader (1993) with Caitlín Matthews
- How to See Faeries (2011) with Brian Froud
- Grisandole (1987)
- The Perilous Bed (1987)
- The Story of Grisandole (1987)
- The Tenth Muse (1989)
- The Cauldron-Born (abridged) (1991)
- Beira, Queen of Winter (1997)
- Coldfeet and the Queen of Lonesome Island (1997)
- In the Kingdom of the Seals (1997)
- Kil Arthur (1997)
- The Bare-Stripping Hangman (1997)
- The Battle of the Birds (1997)
- The Bird of the Golden Land (1997)
- The Eagle of Loch Treig (1997)
- The Lad of the Skin Coverings (1997)
- The Leeching of Kayn's Leg (1997)
- The Legend of the Llyn-Y-Fan-Fach (1997)
- The Princess of Land-Under-Waves (1997)
- The Quest of Everlasting Life (1997)
- The Shee An Gannon and the Gruagach Gaire (1997)
- The Son of the King of Erin and the Queen of the Moving Wheel (1997)
- The Spirit of Eld (1997)
- The Stones of Plouvinec (1997)
- Cormac's Adventures in the Land of Promise (1998)
- Gold Apple, Son of the King of Erin (1998)
- Pwyll in Annwvyn (1998)
- The Adventure of Cian's Son Teigue (1998)
- The Adventures of Art Son of Conn (1998)
- The Adventures of Connla the Fair (1998)
- The Adventures of Nera (1998)
- The Sick-Bed of Cu Chulainn (1998)
- The Story of Bóänd (1998)
- The Story of Conn-Eda; or, the Golden Apples of Loch Erne (1998)
- The Tuairisgeal (1998)
- The Urisk of the Corrie of the Howlings (1998)
- The Voyage of Bran Son of Febal, and His Expedition Here Below (1998)
- The Voyage of Maildun (1998)
- The Voyage of Snedgus and Mac Riagla (1998)
- The Wooing of Étaín (1998)
- A-Man-Among-Men (1999)
- Little Oonyani (1999)
- Onna and the Giant (1999)
- The Bunyip (1999)
- The Ghost with Two Faces (1999)
- The Giant with No Heart in His Body (1999)
- The Goblin, the Grocer and the Student (1999)
- The Lass Who Couldn't Be Frightened (1999)
- Abduction and Rescue of Gwenhwyfar the Queen (2002)
- Bride of the Spear (2002)
- Collen and the Lord of the Mound (2002)
- Drustan's Ghost (2002)
- Galahad and the Holy Things (2002)
- In the Prison of Arianrhod (2002)
- Island of Sorrow and Joy (2002)
- Joscelyn's Tale (2002)
- Kingly Shadow (2002)
- Lugh of the Strong Arm and the Three Queens (2002)
- Maze (2002)
- Owein of the Ravens (2002)
- Singer (2002)
- The Falling (2002)
- The Hostel of the Quicken Trees (2002)
- The Vision of the Mother of God (2002)
- Third Awakening (2002)
- Thomas and the Book (2002)
- How to See Faeries (2011)
- Drustan and Issylt (2002)
- Grail (2002)
- Lady of the Lake (2002)
- Seasons of the Land (2002)
- Snow Wives (2002)
- Song of Pelles the Grail King (2002)
- Song of the Grail Lord (2002)
- Song of the Returning (2002)
- Taliesin and Raven (2002)
- Taliesin and the Song of Tradition (2002)
- Taliesin in Winter (2002)
- Taliesin Sings of His Knowledge (2002)
- Taliesin the Shaman (2002)
- Taliesin to the Crows (2002)
- Taliesin's Madness (2002)
- Taliesin's Quest (2002)
- The Dream of Macsen Wleldig (2002)
- The Salmon of Wisdom (2002)
- Wasteland Healed (2002)
- Merlin's Esplumoir (1988)
- Introduction (An Arthurian Reader) (1988)
- Foreword (The Encyclopaedia of Arthurian Legends) (1991)
- Introduction: Companions of the Sidhe (1993)
- Introduction: Tales of Wonder, Tales of Life (1997)
- Introduction: Journeys to the Otherworld (1998)
- 5 Things You (Probably) Didn't Know About King Arthur (2017)
- A Roundtable Chat with John Matthews (2017) by uncredited