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Fiction Series
- 三体系列 / Santi / Remembrance of Earth's Past?Sāntǐ xìliè
Santi Xilie- 1
三体?Sān tǐ(2006) also appeared as:
Variant: 三體?Sān tǐ(2011) [as by劉慈欣?Liu Cixin]
りゅう じきん
リウ ツーシン -
Translation: 삼체?Sam Che[Korean] (2013) [as by류츠신?Ryu Cheusin]
- Translation: The Three-Body Problem [English] (2014)
- Translation: Üç cisim problemi [Turkish] (2015)
Translation: Tam thể?Tam the[Vietnamese] (2016) [as byLưu Từ Hân?Luu Tu Han]
Translation: Le problème à trois corps?Le probleme a trois corps[French] (2016) [as by Liu Cixin]
- Translation: O Problema dos Três Corpos [Portuguese] (2016)
- Translation: El problema de los tres cuerpos [Spanish] (2016) [as by Liu Cixin]
Translation: ดาวซานถี่ อุบัติการณ์สงครามล้างโลก เล่ม 1?dao san thi ubat kan songkhram langlok lem 1[Thai] (2016) [as byหลิวฉือซิน?lio chue sin]
- Translation: A Háromtest-probléma [Hungarian] (2016)
Translation: Το πρόβλημα των τριών σωμάτων?To provlema ton trion somaton[Greek] (2017) [as by Liu Cixin]
Translation: Problém tří těles?Problem tri teles[Czech] (2017) [as by Liou Cch'-sin]
- Translation: Die drei Sonnen [German] (2017)
- Translation: Die drei Sonnen [German] (2017) [as by Liu Cixin]
Translation: Problem trzech ciał?Problem trzech cial[Polish] (2017)
Translation: Задача трёх тел?Zadacha trjoh tel[Russian] (2017) [as byЛю Цысинь?Lju Cysin']
Lyu Tsysin' - Translation: Il problema dei tre corpi [Italian] (2017) [as by Liu Cixin]
- Translation: Problema celor trei corpuri [Romanian] (2017)
Translation: Проблема трьох тіл?Problyema trʲokh tіl[Ukrainian] (2017) [as byЛю Цысинь?Lju Cysin']
Lyu Tsysin' - Translation: Kolmen kappaleen probleema [Finnish] (2018)
- Translation: Kolme keha probleem [Estonian] (2019)
Translation: 三体?san tai[Japanese] (2019) [as by劉慈欣?Liu Cixin]
りゅう じきん
リウ ツーシン - Translation: Trelegemeproblemet [Norwegian] (2019)
- Translation: Problem tri tela [Serbian] (2019) [as by Liju Cisin]
Translation: Трите тела?Trite tela[Bulgarian] (2020) [as byЛиу Цъсин?Liu Tsasin]
- Translation: Het drielichamenprobleem [Dutch] (2020)
- 2
黑暗森林?Heian senlin(2008) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Dark Forest [English] (2015)
Translation: 삼체. 2: 암흑의숲?Sam Che 2: am heug ui sup[Korean] (2016) [as by류츠신?Ryu Cheusin]
Translation: ดาวซานถี่ อุบัติการณ์สงครามล้างโลก เล่ม 2?dao san thi ubat kan songkhram langlok lem 2[Thai] (2017) [as byหลิวฉือซิน?lio chue sin]
- Translation: Ciemny las [Polish] (2017)
- Translation: El bosque oscuro [Spanish] (2017)
- Translation: A Floresta Sombria [Portuguese] (2017)
- Translation: La forêt sombre [French] (2017) [as by Liu Cixin]
- Translation: Temný les [Czech] (2017) [as by Liou Cch'-sin]
Translation: Темный лес?Temnyj les[Russian] (2018) [as byЛю Цысинь?Lju Cysin']
Lyu Tsysin' - Translation: Der dunkle Wald [German] (2018)
- Translation: La materia del cosmo [Italian] (2018)
Translation: A sötét erdő?A soeteet erdooe[Hungarian] (2018)
A sotet erdo -
Translation: Pădurea întunecată?Padurea intunecata[Romanian] (2018)
- Translation: Karanlik Orman [Turkish] (2018)
Translation: Темний ліс?Temniy lis[Ukrainian] (2019) [as byЛю Цысинь?Lju Cysin']
Lyu Tsysin' -
Translation: Σκοτεινό δάσος?Skoteino dasos[Greek] (2019) [as by Liu Cixin]
- Translation: Synkkä metsä [Finnish] (2019)
Translation: 黒暗森林 (上)?Kokuan Shinrin (Jō)[Japanese] (2020) [as by
Kokuan Shinrin (Jou)
こくあんしんりん (じょう)劉慈欣?Liu Cixin]
りゅう じきん
リウ ツーシン -
Translation: 黒暗森林 (下)?Kokuan Shinrin (Ka)[Japanese] (2020) [as by
こくあんしんりん (か)劉慈欣?Liu Cixin]
りゅう じきん
リウ ツーシン - Translation: Het donkere woud [Dutch] (2021)
Translation: Тъмна гора?Tamna gora[Bulgarian] (2021) [as byЛиу Цъсин?Liu Tsasin]
- 3
死神永生?Sǐshén yǒngshēng(2010) only appeared as:
Variant: 死神永生?Sǐshén yǒngshēng(2010) [as by刘慈欣?Liu Cixin]
- Translation: Death's End [English] (2016)
Translation: ดาวซานถี่ อุบัติการณ์สงครามล้างโลก เล่ม 3?dao san thi ubat kan songkhram langlok lem 3[Thai] (2017) [as byหลิวฉือซิน?lio chue sin]
- Translation: El fin de la muerte [Spanish] (2018)
Translation: Koniec śmierci?Koniec smierci[Polish] (2018)
- Translation: Vzpomínka na Zemi [Czech] (2018) [as by Liou Cch'-sin]
Translation: Вечная жизнь Смерти?Vechnaja zhizn' Smerti[Russian] (2018) [as byЛю Цысинь?Lju Cysin']
Lyu Tsysin' - Translation: La mort immortelle [French] (2018)
- Translation: Nella quarta dimensione [Italian] (2018)
- Translation: Jenseits der Zeit [German] (2019)
- Translation: O fim da morte [Portuguese] (2019)
Translation: 삼체. 3: 사신의 영생?sam che. 3: sasinui yeongsaeng[Korean] (2019) [as by류츠신?Ryu Cheusin]
- Translation: A halál vége [Hungarian] (2019)
Translation: Capătul morții?Capatul mortii[Romanian] (2020) [as by Liu Cixin]
- Translation: Het einde van de Dood [Dutch] (2021)
- The Three-Body Problem (excerpt) [English] (2014) [SF]
- Die drei Sonnen (excerpt) [German] (2017) [SF]
- Jenseits der Zeit (excerpt) [German] (2018) [SF]
三体 / 黑暗森林 / 死神永生 (unpublished) [O/1-3]
only appeared as:
- Translation: Remembrance of Earth's Past [English] (2017) [O/1-3]
- Translation: Trisolaris: Die Trilogie [German] (2022) [O/1-3]
- Translation: The Three-Body Problem Trilogy [English] (2023) [O/1-3]
黑暗森林 (excerpt)?Heian senlin (excerpt)(unpublished) [SF] only appeared as:
- Translation: Der dunkle Wald (excerpt) [German] (2017)
黑暗森林 (excerpt)?Heian senlin (excerpt)(unpublished) [SF] only appeared as:
Translation: Extrait de La forêt sombre?Extrait de La foret sombre[French] (2017) [as by Liu Cixin]
黑暗森林 (excerpt)?Heian senlin (excerpt)(unpublished) [SF] only appeared as:
- Translation: The Dark Forest (excerpt) [English] (2016)
- 1
超新星纪元?chāo xīn xīng jì yuán(2003) only appeared as:
chaoxinxing jiyuan- Translation: Era supernowej [Polish] (2019)
- Translation: Supernova Era [English] (2019)
- Translation: The Supernova Era [English] (2019)
- Translation: La era de la supernova [Spanish] (2020)
- Translation: Supernova [German] (2021)
球状闪电?Qiúzhuàng shǎndiàn(2004) only appeared as:
- Translation: Ball Lightning [English] (2017)
- Translation: Piorun kulisty [Polish] (2019) [as by Liu Cixin]
- Translation: La esfera luminosa [Spanish] (2019)
Translation: Шаровая молния?Sharovaja molnija[Russian] (2019) [as byЛю Цысинь?Lju Cysin']
Lyu Tsysin' - Translation: Boule de foudre [French] (2019) [as by Liu Cixin]
- Translation: Kugelblitz [German] (2020)
当恐龙遇上蚂蚁?Dāng kǒnglóng yùshàng mǎyǐ(2004) also appeared as:
Dang konglong yushang mayi- Translation: Of Ants and Dinosaurs [English] (2020)
- Translation: The Cretaceous Past [English] (2021)
流浪地球?Liúlàng dìqiú(2008) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Wandering Earth [English] (2013)
- Translation: Die wandernde Erde [German] (2019)
- Translation: La Tierra errante [Spanish] (2019)
- 魔鬼积木·白垩纪往事 (2008)
动物园里的救世主?dòng wù yuán lǐ de jiù shì zhǔ(2015) only appeared as:
十亿分之一的文明?shí yì fèn zhī yī de wén míng(2015) only appeared as:
shiyi fen zhiyi de wenming -
孤独的进化者?gū dú de jìn huà zhě(2015) only appeared as:
爱因斯坦赤道?ài yīn sī tǎn chì dào(2015) only appeared as:
aiyinsitan chidao -
第三次拯救未来世界?dì sān cì zhěng jiù wèi lái shì jiè(2015) only appeared as:
disanci zhengjiu weilai shijie -
Hold Up the Sky [English] (2020)
also appeared as:
- Variant: To Hold Up the Sky (2020)
- A View from the Stars [English] (2024)
宇宙工程师之歌:中国工程师硬核科幻精选集?Songs of Space Engineers: A Collection of Hard-core Science Fiction by Chinese Engineers(2023) [only as by刘慈欣?Liu Cixin]
- The Weight of Memories [English] (2016)
- Spiegel [German] (2017)
- Weltenzerstörer [German] (2018)
- Die Sonne Chinas [German] (2019)
- Gipfelstürmer [German] (2019)
- Um Götter muss man sich kümmern [German] (2019)
圆圆的肥皂泡 (unpublished)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Le bolle di Yuanyuan [Italian] (2016)
流浪地球 (unpublished)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Terre errante [French] (2020)
- End of the Microcosmos [English] (1999)
鲸歌?jīng gē(1999) only appeared as:
- Whale Song [English] (1999)
宇宙坍缩?Yǔ zhòu tān suō(1999) only appeared as:
Yuzhou tansuo-
Translation: 붕괴 [Korean] (2019)
[as by 류츠신?Ryu Cheusin]
- Translation: Contraction [English] (2020)
Translation: 붕괴 [Korean] (2019)
[as by
带上她的眼睛?Dàishàng tā de yǎnjīng(1999) only appeared as:
Daishang ta de yanjing- Translation: With Her Eyes [English] (2013)
- Translation: With Her Eyes [English] (2016)
- Translation: Avec ses yeux [French] (2017)
- Translation: Mit ihren Augen [German] (2019)
Translation: 타인의 눈 [Korean] (2019)
[as by 류츠신?Ryu Cheusin]
- Translation: Con sus ojos [Spanish] (2019)
地火?Dì huǒ(2000) only appeared as:
Translation: 땅불 [Korean] (2019)
[as by 류츠신?Ryu Cheusin]
- Translation: Fire in the Earth [English] (2020)
Translation: 地火?じか[Japanese] (2020) [as by
Jika劉慈欣?Liu Cixin]
りゅう じきん
リウ ツーシン
Translation: 땅불 [Korean] (2019)
[as by
流浪地球?Liúlàng dìqiú(2000) only appeared as:
Liulang diqiu-
Translation: さまよえる地球?さまよえるちきゅう[Japanese] (2008) [as by
Samayoeru Chikyū
Samayoeru Chikyuu劉慈欣?Liu Cixin]
りゅう じきん
リウ ツーシン - Translation: Pianeta errante [Italian] (2010) [as by Liu Cixin]
- Translation: The Wandering Earth [English] (2013)
Translation: Wędrująca Ziemia?Wedrujaca Ziemia[Polish] (2014)
- Translation: The Wandering Earth [English] (2016)
- Translation: Die wandernde Erde [German] (2019)
- Translation: La tierra errante [Spanish] (2019)
- Translation: Terre errante [French] (2020)
命运?mìng yùn(2001) only appeared as:
纤维?xiān wéi(2001) only appeared as:
- The Messenger [English] (2001)
鄉村教師?Xiāngcūn jiàoshī(2001) only appeared as:
Xiangcun jiaoshi- Translation: The Village Schoolteacher [English] (2012) [as by Liu Cixin]
Translation: 산골 마을 선생님 [Korean] (2019)
[as by 류츠신?Ryu Cheusin]
- Translation: The Village Teacher [English] (2020)
微纪元?Wēi jìyuán(2001) only appeared as:
Wei jiyuan- Translation: Micro-Era [English] (2013)
- Translation: The Micro-Era [English] (2016)
- Translation: Das Mikrozeitalter [German] (2019)
Translation: 미시 세계의 끝 [Korean] (2019)
[as by 류츠신?Ryu Cheusin]
Translation: 미세기원 [Korean] (2019)
[as by 류츠신?Ryu Cheusin]
- Translation: La era micro [Spanish] (2019)
全频带阻塞干扰?Quán pín dài zǔ sāi gàn rǎo(2001) only appeared as:
Quan pindai zusai ganrao- Translation: Full-Spectrum Barrage Jamming [English] (2020)
信使?xinshi(2001) only appeared as:
xìn shǐ - Butterfly [English] (2002)
- Destiny [English] (2002)
- Heard It in the Morning [English] (2002)
中国太阳?Zhōngguó tàiyáng(2002) only appeared as:
Zhongguo taiyang- Translation: Sun of China [English] (2013)
- Translation: Sun of China [English] (2016)
- Translation: Die Sonne Chinas [German] (2019)
- Translation: El sol de China [Spanish] (2019)
朝闻道?zhao wen dao(2002) only appeared as:
梦之海?Mèng Zhī Hǎi(2002) only appeared as:
- Translation: Sea of Dreams [English] (2018)
Translation: 꿈의 바다 [Korean] (2019)
[as by 류츠신?Ryu Cheusin]
吞食者?Tūnshí zhě(2002) only appeared as:
Tunshi zhe- Translation: Devourer [English] (2013)
- Translation: Weltenzerstörer [German] (2018)
Translation: 탐식제국의 침공 [Korean] (2019)
[as by 류츠신?Ryu Cheusin]
- Translation: El gran devorador [Spanish] (2019)
思想者?Sīxiǎng Zhě(2002) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Thinker [English] (2011) [as by Liu Cixin]
Translation: 최초의 빛 [Korean] (2019)
[as by 류츠신?Ryu Cheusin]
- Translation: The Thinker [English] (2020)
诗云?Shī yún(2003) only appeared as:
Shi yun- Translation: The Poetry Cloud [English] (2012) [as by Liu Cixin]
- Translation: The Poetry Cloud [English] (2016)
Translation: 시 구름 [Korean] (2019)
[as by 류츠신?Ryu Cheusin]
- Translation: Cloud of Poems [English] (2020)
地球大炮?Dìqiú dàpào(2003) only appeared as:
Diqiu dapao- Translation: The Longest Fall [English] (2013)
- Translation: Cannonball [English] (2016)
- Translation: Durch die Erde zum Mond [German] (2019)
Translation: 지구 대포 [Korean] (2019)
[as by 류츠신?Ryu Cheusin]
- Translation: El gran cañón de la Tierra [Spanish] (2019)
圆圆的肥皂泡?Yuán yuán de féizào pào(2004) only appeared as:
Yuan yuan de feizao pao- Translation: Yuanyuan's Bubbles [English] (2015) [as by Liu Cixin]
- Translation: Le bolle di Yuanyuan [Italian] (2016)
Translation: 위안위안의 비눗방울?wianwianui binusbangul[Korean] (2018) [as by류츠신?Ryu Cheusin]
- Translation: Le bolle di Yuanyuan [Italian] (2018) [as by Liu Cixin]
Translation: 위안위안의 비눗방울 [Korean] (2019)
[as by 류츠신?Ryu Cheusin]
- Translation: Yuanyuan's Bubbles [English] (2019)
- Translation: Baloanele lui Yuanyuan [Romanian] (2020) [as by Liu Cixin]
球状闪电(节选)?qiú zhuàng shǎn diàn (jiē xuǎn)(2004) only appeared as:
- Translation: Ball Lightning (excerpt) [English] (2009) [as by Liu Cixin]
- 白垩纪往事 (2004) also appeared as:
当恐龙遇上蚂蚁?Dāng kǒnglóng yùshàng mǎyǐ(2004) only appeared as:
Dang konglong yushang mayi- Translation: Of Ants and Dinosaurs [English] (2013)
- Translation: Das Ende der Kreidezeit [German] (2019)
镜子?Jìngzi(2004) only appeared as:
jìng zǐ -
赡养上帝?Shànyǎng shàngdì(2005) only appeared as:
Shanyang shangdi- Translation: Taking Care of God [English] (2012) [as by Liu Cixin]
- Translation: Taking Care of God [English] (2012)
- Translation: ¿Quién cuidará de los dioses? [Spanish] (2014) [as by Liu Cixin]
- Translation: Cuidando de Dios [Spanish] (2017) [as by Liu Cixin]
- Translation: Den Herrgott versorgen [German] (2018) [as by Liu Cixin]
Translation: 神様の介護係?かみさまのかいごがかり[Japanese] (2018) [as by
Kamisama no Kaigo Gakari劉慈欣?Liu Cixin]
りゅう じきん
リウ ツーシン -
Translation: Um Götter muss man sich kümmern?Um Goetter muss man sich kuemmern[German] (2019)
- Translation: ¿Quién cuidará de los dioses? [Spanish] (2019)
欢乐颂?Huān lè sòng(2005) only appeared as:
Huanlesong- Translation: Ode to Joy [English] (2020)
赡养人类?Shànyǎng rénlèi(2005) only appeared as:
Shanyang renlei- Translation: The Wages of Humanity [English] (2013)
- Translation: For the Benefit of Mankind [English] (2016)
- Translation: Die Versorgung der Menschheit [German] (2019)
- Translation: En beneficio de la humanidad [Spanish] (2019)
山?Shān(2006) only appeared as:
Shan - 魔鬼积木 (2008)
2018年4月1号?2018 nian 4 yue 1 hao(2009) only appeared as:
2018 nián 4 yuè 1 hào- Translation: 4/1/2018 [English] (2013) [as by Liu Cixin]
- Translation: 2018-04-01 [English] (2020)
月夜?yuè yè(2009) only appeared as:
yue ye- Translation: Moonlight [English] (2019) [as by Liu Cixin]
Translation: 달밤 [Korean] (2019)
[as by 류츠신?Ryu Cheusin]
Translation: 月の光?Tsuki no hikari[Japanese] (2020) [as by劉慈欣?Liu Cixin]
りゅう じきん
リウ ツーシン - Translation: Mondnacht [German] (2020)
Translation: Лунный свет?Lunnyy svet[Russian] (2020) [as byЛю Цысинь?Lju Cysin']
Lyu Tsysin' - Translation: Luz de luna [Spanish] (2020) [as by Liu Cixin]
- Translation: Moonlight [English] (2021)
人生?Rénshēng(2010) only appeared as:
Rensheng- Translation: The Weight of Memories [English] (2016)
Translation: 人生?じんせい[Japanese] (2020) [as by
Jinsei劉慈欣?Liu Cixin]
りゅう じきん
リウ ツーシン
太原之恋?Tàiyuán zhī liàn(2010) only appeared as:
Taiyuan zhi lian -
时间移民?Shijian yimin(2010) only appeared as:
Shi jian yi min- Translation: The Time Migration [English] (2020)
圆?Yuán(2015) only appeared as:
Yuan- Translation: The Circle [English] (2014) [as by Liu Cixin]
- Translation: Kruh [Czech] (2015) [as by Liou Cch'-sin]
- Translation: El círculo [Spanish] (2017) [as by Liu Cixin]
Translation: 円?えん[Japanese] (2018) [as by
En劉慈欣?Liu Cixin]
りゅう じきん
リウ ツーシン
不能共存的节日?bù néng gòng cún de jiē rì(2016) only appeared as:
buneng gongcun de jieri- Translation: The Two Festivals that Cannot Coexist [English] (2021) [as by Liu Cixin]
黄金原野?Huángjīn Yuányě(2018) only appeared as:
- Translation: Fields of Gold [English] (2018) [as by Liu Cixin]
- Supernova Era (excerpt) [English] (2019)
- Civilization's Expansion in Reverse [English] (2001)
- The "Church" of Sci-Fi: On Depictions of the Universe in Science Fiction [English] (2001)
- The Battle Between Sci-Fi and Fantasy [English] (2002)
- We're Sci-Fi Fans [English] (2002)
- The World in Fifty Tears [English] (2005)
- A Journey in Search of Home: On the Inclusion of "The Wandering Earth" in the 30th Anniversary of Science Fiction World [English] (2009)
- Thirty Years of Making Magic Out of Ordinariness: Celebrating Science Fiction World's Thirtieth Anniversary [English] (2009)
- On Finishing Death's End, the Last Book in the Remembrance of Earth's Past Trilogy [English] (2010)
- One and One Hundred Thousand Earths [English] (2012)
- The Dark Forest Theory [English] (2015)
- Poetic Science Fiction [English] (2015)
- Another Word: Chinese Science Fiction and Chinese Reality [English] (2015) [only as by Liu Cixin]
《三体》英文版后记?《Sāntǐ 》Yīngwén Bǎn Hòujì(2015) only appeared as:
- Translation: Author's Postscript for the American Edition (The Three-Body Problem) [English] (2014)
- Translation: Nachwort des Autors (Die drei Sonnen) [German] (2017)
最糟的宇宙,最好的地球?Zuìzāo de Yǔzhòu, Zuìhǎo de Dìqiú(2015) only appeared as:
- Translation: The Worst of All Possible Universes and the Best of All Possible Earths: "Three Body" and Chinese Science Fiction [English] (2016) [as by Liu Cixin]
- Translation: El peor de todos los universos posibles y la mejor de todas las tierras posibles: 'El problema de los tres cuerpos' y la ciencia-ficción china [Spanish] (2017) [as by Liu Cixin]
Translation: ありとあらゆる可能性の中で最悪の宇宙と最良の地球:三体と中国SF?ありとあらゆるかのうせいのなかでさいあくのうちゅうとさいりょうのちきゅう:さんたいとちゅうごくSF[Japanese] (2018) [as by
Ari to Arayuru Kanōsei no Naka de Saiaku no Uchū to Sairyō no Chikyū: Santai no Chūgoku SF
Ari to Arayuru Kanousei no Naka de Saiaku no Uchuu to Sairyou no Chikyuu: Santai no Chuugoku SF劉慈欣?Liu Cixin]
りゅう じきん
リウ ツーシン
- Time Enough for Love [English] (2016)
- Anmerkungen (Die drei Sonnen) [German] (2017) with uncredited
- Preface to the Special Edition (Remembrance of Earth's Past) [English] (2017)
- Anmerkungen (Der dunkle Wald) [German] (2018)
- Afterword (Ball Lightning) [English] (2018)
- Anmerkungen (Jenseits der Zeit) [German] (2019)
- Afterword (Supernova Era) [English] (2019)
『三体II 黒暗森林』プロローグ?『さんたいII こくあんしんりん』プロローグ[Japanese] (2020) [only as by
"Santai II: Kokuan Shinrin" Purorōgu
"Santai II: Kokuan Shinrin" Puroroogu劉慈欣?Liu Cixin]
りゅう じきん
リウ ツーシン -
Vorwort (Quantenträume: Erzählungen aus China über Künstliche Intelligenz)?Vorwort (Quantentraeume: Erzaehlungen aus China über Kuenstliche Intelligenz)[German] (2020)
- Foreword (Hold Up the Sky) [English] (2020)
- Anmerkungen (Trisolaris) [German] (2022)
- Vorwort (Trisolaris) [German] (2022)
- On Ball Lightning, an Interview with Liu Cixin [English] (2004) by uncredited
- 刘慈欣: 中国读者关心整个人类文明?Liú Cíxīn: Zhōngguó dúzhě guānxīn zhěnggè rénlèi wénmíng(2017) by Salik Shah
- Aliens gefährlicher als der Klimawandel [German] (2018) by Lea Deuber
- Phỏng vấn Lưu Từ Hân, tác giả Tam Thể?Phong van Luu Tu Han, tac gia Tam The[Vietnamese] (2020) byTô Giang?To Giang
- "Ich schreibe Science Fiction nicht, um über die Realität nachzudenken"?"Ich schreibe Science Fiction nicht, um ueber die Realitaet nachzudenken"[German] (2020) byChristian Wehrschütz?Christian Wehrschuetz
- An Encounter in Space and Science Fiction – Interview with Liu Cixin, Ken Liu, and Kjell Lindgren [English] (2023) by Regina Kanyu Wang (co-interviewed with Ken Liu and Kjell Lindgren)