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Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- The Butterfly Disjunct (2024)
- Astropolis Orbital Habitat
- Something on Your Mind (2017) with Anatoly Belilovsky and Robert Dawson and Kate Heartfield and Holly Heisey and C. L. Holland and Gareth D. Jones and Laurie Tom and Deborah Walker
- Captain Invincible (2011) [only as by Stewart Baker]
- Behind the First Years (2013)
- Raising Words (2013)
- Butterflies (2014)
- Oubliette (2014)
- The Robotic Poet Reads Basho (2014)
The Mother of Sands (2014)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Mother of Sands (2018)
- Little More Than Shadows (2014)
- Some Salient Details About Your Former Lives (2015)
- How to Configure Your Quantum Disambiguator (2015)
- Masks (2015)
- Selections from the Arne-Thompson Index for After the End of Things (2015)
- Concerning Your Recent Creation of Sentient Horse-things on the Next Planet Over (2015)
- Love and Relativity (2015)
- Elements of a Successful Exit Broadcast (2015)
- Fugue in a Minor Key (2015)
- Just Another Night at the Abandoned Draft Bar and Grill (2016)
- Images Across a Shattered Sea (2016)
- The View from Driftwise Spindle (2016)
- Five Recipes You Can't Live Without (2016)
- The Butterfly Disjunct (2016)
- Fallinghome: A Re-Evaluation (2016)
- The Plumes of Enceladus (2016)
- Proceedings from the First and Only Sixteenth Annual One-Woman Symposium on Time Manipulation (2016)
- How I Became Coruscating Queen of All the Realms, Pierced the Obsidian Night, Destroyed a Legendary Sword, and Saved My Heart's True Love (2017) with Matt Dovey [only as by Baker & Dovey]
- The Thing About Heisenball (2017)
- Kuriko (2017) [only as by Stewart Baker]
- First and Only Sixteenth Annual One-Woman Symposium on Time Manipulation (2017)
- Blood-Stained Letters Found in a Roadside Shrine on the Outskirts of Kyoto (2017)
- Cut-Rate Weekend at the Witch House Inn and Tavern (9 Reviews) (2017)
- Excerpt from the Diagnostic and Necromantic Manual, 5th edition: Regarding the Departed (2017)
Mercy at Eltshan-Time (2017)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Mercy Comes Last to the Vigilant (2020)
- Failsafes (2018)
- Words I've Redefined Since Your Dinosaurs Invaded My Lunar Lair (2018)
- Memorial Park (2018)
- Communications from the Honeymoon Suite (2019)
- Birds of New Atlantis (2019)
- How to Break Causality and Write the Perfect Time Travel Story (2019)
- Three Tales the River Told (2019)
- Music, Love, and Other Things That Damned Cat Has Peed on (2019)
- Against the Dying of the Light (2020)
- At the Edge of a Human Path (2020)
- How They Name the Ships (2020)
- Five Things I Hate About Phobos (2020)
- How to Break Causality (2021)
- How to Escape the Marches (2021)
Five Books from the Alnif Crater Travelling Library (2021)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Five Books from the Alnif Crater Traveling Library (2023)
- A Lay of Light and Anger (2021)
- My Decohering Heart (2022)
- An Endless Vibrato (2022)
- A Difference of Opinion (2022)
- Mercy Comes Last to the Vigilante (2022)
- The Calligrapher's Granddaughter (2022)
- The Nature of Stones (2022)
- No Blood of My Heart, No Breath of My Lungs, But Love (2022)
- What Not to Do When You're Polymorphed and Stuck in a Time Warp (2022)
- The Spread of Space and Endless Devastation (2022)
- Six Ways to Get Past the Shadow Shogun's Goons, and One Thing to Do When You Get There (2023)
- The Spreads of Space and Endless Devastation (2023) [only as by Stewart Baker]
Companion Animals in Mahō Shōjo Kira Kira Sunlight?Companion Animals in Maho Shojo Kira Kira Sunlight(2024)
- Flowers for an Infinite Grave (2024)
- The List-Making Habits of Heartbroken Ships (2024)
- A Dust Mote (2013)
- "dragon-smoke" (2014)
- "plop! a frog" (2014)
- Night Shift (2015)
- The Fragmented Poet Files a Police Report (2017)
- "infinity--" (2018)
- "left behind..." (2018)
- "mossy cliff face--" (2018)
- "sky dancing" (2018)
- "Saturn's rings" (2019)
- "her tangled hair" (2019)
- "sealskin..." (2020)
- The Priestess Considers Her Fate (2021)
- Halsing for the Anchylose (2021)
- Atom-Scattered (2022)
- Rewilding (2022)
- "winter gardening..." (2022)
- Transformation Sequence (2022)
- The Three Laws of Poetics (2022)
- Cut-Rate Couples Weekend at the Witch House Inne and Tavern (9 reviews) (2019) [only as by Stewart Baker]