- Author: NASA Author Record # 21207
- Legal Name: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- Birthdate: 1 October 1958
- Language: English
- Webpages: NASA, Wikipedia-EN
- Author Tags: mars (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- Colonies in Space (1977)
- Man Into Space (1961)
Man and Space (1964)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Mensch und Weltraum [German] (1965)
- Analog Science Fiction -> Science Fact, January 1968 (1968)
- Environments Out There (1970)
- Asimov on Astronomy (1974)
- Les enfants de Pisauride [French] (1975)
Un monde de héros?Un monde de heros[French] (1975)
- Les translucides [French] (1976)
- Manned Spacecraft (1976) with Tony Mitchel and Jack Pelling and John W. Wood
- Colonies in Space: The Next Giant Step (1977)
- Signs of Life: The Search for Life in Space (1977)
- The Seeds of Tomorrow (1977)
- The Search for Life on Mars (1980)
- Trillion Year Spree: The History of Science Fiction (1986)
- Peacekeepers (1988)
- Frontiers: New Discoveries About Man and His Planet, Outer Space, and the Universe (1990)
- Voice of the Planet (1990)
- The Legend Book of Science Fiction (1991)
- Frontiers II: More Recent Discoveries About Life, Earth, Space, and the Universe (1993)
- Jahrtausendprojekt Mars: Chance und Schicksal der Menschheit [German] (1996)
- Vector 189 (1996)
- The War of the Worlds (2003)
- Astrofuturism: Science, Race, and Visions of Utopia in Space (2003)
- Worlds of Wonder: Readings in Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature (2004)
- Whale Rising (2005) with Michelle Mackintosh
- The Anthology at the End of the Universe: Leading Science Fiction Authors on Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005) with Melody Cadungog
- The Red Rose Rages (Bleeding) (2005) with Justin Kempton
- Absolute Uncertainty (2006)
- The Space Opera Renaissance (2006)
- Foundation, #101 Winter 2007 (2007)
- Asimov's Science Fiction, April-May 2007 (2007)
- Star Hunter (2007)
- Greylorn (2007)
- Short Science Fiction Collection 01 (2007)
- Foundation, #102 Spring 2008 (2008)
- Foundation, #103 Summer 2008 (2008)
- Foundation, #104 Winter 2008 (2008)
- Analog Science Fiction and Fact, April 2008 (2008) with Scott Grimando
- Beyond Centauri, April 2008 (2008)
- Valley of Day-Glo (2008) with Karen Thomas
- Planet of the Damned (2008)
- The Savage Humanists (2008) with Karen Thomas
- Space Tug (2008)
- Iterations and Other Stories (2008)
- Short Science Fiction Collection 28 (2009)
- Greylorn (2009)
- The Pirates of Ersatz (2009)
- Analog Science Fiction and Fact, January-February 2010 (2010)
- Analog Science Fiction and Fact, March 2010 (2010)
- Short Science Fiction Collection 35 (2010)
- Short Science Fiction Collection 40 (2010)
- Dream Thief (2010)
- Die Stimme des Herrn [German] (2011)
- Vector 265 Winter 2011 (2011)
- The Story of New Earth (2011)
- Asimov's Science Fiction, July 2011 (2011)
- Analog Science Fiction and Fact, September 2011 (2011) with Lynn Barranger
- Short Science Fiction Collection 44 (2011)
- Legacy Systems (2012)
- The Man in the Moone (2012)
- Marune: Alastor 933 (2012)
- Trullion: Alastor 2262 (2012)
- Wyst: Alastor 1716 (2012)
- Anomalies (2012)
- Short Science Fiction Collection 45 (2012)
- Rocket Science (2012)
- Big Planet (2012)
- The Lord of Death and the Queen of Life (2012)
- Hellhounds of the Cosmos (2012)
- Lord of the World (2012) with William Blake
- The Gods of Mars (2013)
- Asimov's Science Fiction, July 2013 (2013)
- Falsche Mesonen [German] (2013) with Dieter von Reeken
- Analog Science Fiction and Fact, November 2013 (2013)
- Short Science Fiction Collection 49 (2013)
- The Short Anthology: Fiction from Photography (2014)
- Shipstar (2014)
- Launch (2014)
- Das Science Fiction Jahr 2014 [German] (2014)
- The Astral Plane (2015)
- Short Science Fiction Collection 52 (2015)
- The Accidental Explorer (2015) with John Lemieux and Junichi Shimazaki [only as by John Lemieux and NASA and tsuneomp]
- Das Science Fiction Jahr 2015 [German] (2015)
- Prime Difference (2016)
- Hwarhath Stories: Transgressive Tales by Aliens (2016)
- Analog Science Fiction and Fact, September 2016 (2016)
- Das Science Fiction Jahr 2016 [German] (2016)
- The Memory of Whiteness (2016) with Walter Myers
- Asimov's Science Fiction, December 2016 (2016)
- Storm Divers (2017) with Kirschner and Maxmag97.mail.ru and Mode-List
- Analog Science Fiction and Fact, May-June 2017 (2017)
- Blockbuster Science: The Real Science in Science Fiction (2017) with Shutterstock
- Das Science Fiction Jahr 2017 [German] (2017)
- Swimmer Among the Stars (2018)
- Different Futures: A Collection of Science Fiction Fables (2018)
- Analog Science Fiction and Fact, July-August 2018 (2018)
- Das Science Fiction Jahr 2018 [German] (2018)
- The Day the Electricals Ended: Tales from Out There (2019)
- Das Lied der Norne [German] (2019) with Johann Ludwig Lund and Dieter von Reeken
- Quantum Visions Next (2019)
- Das Science Fiction Jahr 2019 [German] (2020)
- Das Science Fiction Jahr 2020 [German] (2020)
- Asimov's Science Fiction, March-April 2021 (2021)
- The Martian (2021)
- El metal de la Luna [Spanish] (2021)
- Dirk's Secret Mission (2021) with Chaos07 and WaveBreakMedia [only as by Chaos07 and DepositPhotos.com and NASA]
- Das Science Fiction Jahr 2021 [German] (2021)
- Analog Science Fiction and Fact, May-June 2022 (2022)
- Das Science Fiction Jahr 2022 [German] (2022)
- NewMyths.Com, Winter 2022 (2022)
- Das Science Fiction Jahr 2023 [German] (2023)
- Analog Science Fiction and Fact, September-October 2024 (2024)
- Das Science Fiction Jahr 2024 [German] (2024)
- Manned Spacecraft (1976)
- A House in Space (1976)
- Flying the Space Shuttle (1977)
- An IDEA for Energy (1978)
- Saturn Celebration [3] (1980)
- Construction of Environmental Enclosure for Mars Colony (1981)
- Lunar Base III (1981)
- Lunar Base IV (1981)
- Mars (photograph) (1985)
- Olympus Mons (photograph) (1985)
- Ships of Exploration (1990)
- Rude Astronauts: Real and Imagined Stories (1992)
- Return to the Moon (1994)
- Onward to the Pole! (1999)
- Almost Home (2003)
- Faces of Enceladus (2005)
- George's Secret Key to the Universe (2007)
- Irdische Marsbewohner unter sich [German] (2009)
- Sagittarius A* [German] (2009)
- Schneller als das Licht reist auf absehbare Zeit niemand [German] (2009)
Wer das Rennen für sich entscheidet ...?Wer das Rennen fuer sich entscheidet ...[German] (2009)
- Spiralgalaxie M64 [German] (2009)
- Planetoid 433 Eros [German] (2009)
- 13,7 Milliarden Jahre Entwicklung des Universums [German] (2010)
- Details vom Mare Nubium auf dem Mond [German] (2010)
- Schwerkraftmonster im All [German] (2011)
- The UNIVAC machines inspired the Enterprise consoles in Star Trek (photo) (2011)
- Perry Rhodan Journal Nr. 133 [German] (2011)
- Pluto (2014) with Pat Rawlings
- Sunrise in Space (2014)
- Blockbuster Science: The Real Science in Science Fiction (2017)
- Energy Flash (2018)
- Echoes Through the Vacuum (2019)
- A Stellar Journey (2022)
The Day the Storm Ends (2022)
also appeared as:
- Cover Art: James Gunn's Ad Astra, September 2022 (2022)
- The Dragon Queen of Mars (2022)
- Ausdehnung des Alls [German] (2022)
- Universelle Explosion [German] (2022)