- Author: Tamara Vardomskaya Author Record # 212308
- Language: English
- Webpages: vardomskaya.com
- Author Tags: fantasy (1), automata (1), robots (1), music (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- Acrobatic Duality (2015)
- The Metamorphoses of Narcissus (2015)
- Acrobatic Duality (2015)
- The Guardian's Head (2015)
- The Three Dancers of Gizari (2016)
- Polyglossia (2016)
- Suite for Accompanied Cello (2018)
- Drawing the Barriers (2018)
- Quoth the Raptor (2014)
- Unicorn Chaser (2014)
- Star War Poems (2015)
- The Opera of Pacific Rim (2013)
- The Science Fiction Hall of Fame—50 Years Later (2014)
- 2013 Nebula Short Fiction Nominees (2014) with Jonathan Crowe
- Ancillary Justice and Its Translators (2014)
- The Day I Saw Delany (2014)
- Conditional and Future Falsehoods: Thoughts on The Water That Falls on You from Nowhere (2014)
- Introduction to the Clarion Game (2014)
- Lee Killough's Aventine Formula (2014)
- Remembrances and Intolerance: On Meeting Somtow Sucharitkul (2015)
- Tolkien and I (2015)
- From Translation to Fanfiction to Fiction: Three Russian Fantasy Derivations and Divergences (2015)
- The Golem and the Jinni (2014) by Helene Wecker