- Author: William H. Patterson, Jr. Author Record # 21552
- Birthplace: St. Louis, Missouri, USA
- Birthdate: 28 October 1951
- Deathdate: 22 April 2014
- Language: English
- Webpages: file770.com, whpattersonjr.com
- Used These Alternate Names: Bill Patterson, William H. Patterson
- Author Tags: Essays on Robert Heinlein (11), convention books (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Nonfiction Series
- Worldcon Program Books
- 36 Iguanacon Program Book (1978) [only as by Bill Patterson]
- The Martian Named Smith: Critical Perspectives on Robert A. Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land (2001) with Andrew Thornton
- Robert A. Heinlein: In Dialogue with His Century: Volume 1: 1907-1948: Learning Curve (2010)
- Robert A. Heinlein: In Dialogue with His Century: Volume 2: 1948-1988: The Man Who Learned Better (2014)
- Harlan Ellison: FIction in a Jugular Vein (1978) [only as by Bill Patterson]
- Letter (Science Fiction Review #42) (1982) [only as by Bill Patterson]
- "The Ideology of Robert A. Heinlein": Responses (1998) [only as by Bill Patterson]
- ...and Transfiguration: Stranger as Text (2001) with Andrew Thornton
- Anagogy in Stranger (2001) with Andrew Thornton
- Appendix: The Significance of Names in Stranger (2001) with Andrew Thornton
- Carnival and Monkey House (2001) with Andrew Thornton
- Certainties Destroyed: Ironic Use of Irony (2001) with Andrew Thornton
- Composition and Publishing History (2001) with Andrew Thornton
- Esthetic Theory (2001) with Andrew Thornton
- Fosterism as a Foil for CAW (2001) with Andrew Thornton
- Heinlein and the Culture of Science Fiction (2001) with Andrew Thornton
- Heterodoxy and Orthodoxy: A Paradoxical Dialectic (2001) with Andrew Thornton
- Ironic Dualism (2001) with Andrew Thornton
- Martyrdom... (2001) with Andrew Thornton
- Minor Digressions (2001) with Andrew Thornton
- Myth, Satire, Realism (2001) with Andrew Thornton
- Philosophy and Logos (2001) with Andrew Thornton
- Satire as a Literary Form (2001) with Andrew Thornton
- Sex and Religion (2001) with Andrew Thornton
- Stranger as Myth (2001) with Andrew Thornton
- Stranger in Context (2001) with Andrew Thornton
- Subjects of the Satire (2001) with Andrew Thornton
- Synthesis of Religions (2001) with Andrew Thornton
- The Apolloian-Dionysian Dichotomy (2001) with Andrew Thornton
- The Martian Named Smith: Critical Perspectives on Robert A. Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land (2001) with Andrew Thornton
- The Technique of Satire: Ironic Inversion (2001) with Andrew Thornton
- Incest and Archetype in Robert Heinlein's World as Myth Books (2006)
- Re-Visioning Robert Heinlein's Career (2006) with Robert James
- Introduction (Red Planet) (2006)
- Introduction (I Will Fear No Evil) (2006)
- Introduction (Time Enough for Love) (2006)
- Introduction (Starship Troopers) (2006)
- Introduction (For Us, the Living; A Comedy of Customs) (2006)
- Introduction (The Door into Summer) (2006)
Introduction (Double Star) (2007)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vorwort (Doppelstern) [German] (2018) [as by William H. Patterson]
- Introduction (Beyond This Horizon) (2008)
- Introduction (Farmer in the Sky) (2008)
- Introduction (Between Planets) (2008)
- Introduction (Between Planets) (2008) with Robert James
- Introduction (Citizen of the Galaxy) (2008) with Robert James
- Introduction (Farmer in the Sky) (2008) with Robert James
- Introduction (Have Space Suit - Will Travel) (2008) with Robert James
- Introduction (How to Be a Politician) (2008)
- Introduction (Red Planet) (2008) with Robert James
- Introduction (Rocket Ship Galileo) (2008) with Robert James
- Introduction (Space Cadet) (2008) with Robert James
- Introduction (Starman Jones) (2008) with Robert James
- Introduction (Stranger in a Stranger Land) (2008)
- Introduction (The Rolling Stones) (2008) with Robert James
- Introduction (The Star Beast) (2008) with Robert James
- Introduction (Time for the Stars) (2008) with Robert James
- Introduction (Tunnel in the Sky) (2008) with Robert James
- Introduction (The Rolling Stones) (2009)
- Introduction (Friday) (2010) with Robert James
- Introduction (Job: A Comedy of Justice) (2010) with Robert James
- Introduction (Podkayne of Mars) (2010) with Robert James
- Introduction (Sixth Column) (2010) with Robert James
- Introduction (The Cat Who Walks Through Walls) (2010) with Robert James
- Introduction (The Future History of Robert Heinlein: Volume I) (2010)
- Introduction (The Future History of Robert Heinlein: Volume II) (2010)
- Introduction (The Number of the Beast) (2010) with Robert James
- Introduction (To Sail Beyond the Sunset) (2010) with Robert James
- Futures, Histories (2010)
Introduction (The Puppet Masters) (2010)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Introduction to the Puppet Masters (2013)
- Letter (NYRSF, September 2010) (2010) [only as by Bill Patterson]
- Introduction (Creating a Genre) (2010) with Robert James
- Introduction (Glory Road) (2010) with Robert James
- Introduction (New Worlds to Conquer) (2010) with Robert James
- Introduction (The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress) (2010) with Robert James
- Introduction (The Puppet Masters) (2010) with Robert James
- Introduction (Starman Jones) (2011)
- The World of Farnham's Freehold (2011)
- Introduction (Farnham's Freehold) (2011) with Robert James
- Introduction (The Heinlein Letters: Volume I) (2011) with Robert James
- Introduction (The Heinlein Letters: Volume II) (2011) with Robert James
- Introduction (The Nonfiction of Robert Heinlein: Volume I) (2011) with Robert James
- Introduction (The Nonfiction of Robert Heinlein: Volume II) (2011) with Robert James
- Introduction (Assignment in Eternity) (2012)
- Introduction (The Star Beast) (2012)
- Introduction (Sixth Column) (2012)
- Introduction (Abbott & Costello Move to the Moon) (2012)
- Introduction (Crater Base One) (2012)
- Introduction (Destination Moon) (2012)
- Introduction (Project Moonbase) (2012)
- Introduction (Screen Writing of Robert A. Heinlein: Volume I) (2012)
- Introduction (Screen Writings of Robert A. Heinlein: Volume II) (2012)
- Introduction (The Heinlein Letters: Volume III) (2012) with Robert James
- Introduction (The World Beyond) (2012)
- Introduction (Tramp Royale) (2012) with Robert James
- Letter (Broken Toys 10) (2012) [only as by Bill Patterson]
- Letter (Broken Toys 12) (2013) [only as by Bill Patterson]
- Letter (Broken Toys 13) (2013) [only as by Bill Patterson]
- Letter (Broken Toys 15) (2013) [only as by Bill Patterson]
- Letter (Broken Toys 18) (2013) [only as by Bill Patterson]
- Letter (Broken Toys 19) (2013) [only as by Bill Patterson]
- Introdcution (The Man Who Sold the Moon / Orphans of the Sky) (2013)
- Letter (Broken Toys 21) (2013) [only as by Bill Patterson]
- Letter (Broken Toys 22) (2013) [only as by Bill Patterson]
- Introduction (Beyond This Horizon) (2014)
- Letter (Broken Toys 25) (2014) [only as by Bill Patterson]
- Letter (Broken Toys 26) (2014) [only as by Bill Patterson]
- "Watermelon and Mustard" (2014)
- Letter (Broken Toys 27) (2014) [only as by Bill Patterson]
- Letter (Broken Toys 28) (2014) [only as by Bill Patterson]
- Introduction (Have Space Suit Will Travel Graphic Novel) (2018) with Robert James [only as by Robert James, Ph.D. and William H. Patterson, Jr.]