- Author: David Clink Author Record # 22618
- Legal Name: Clink, David Livingstone
- Birthplace: Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
- Birthdate: 20 June 1962
- Language: English
- Email: davidlclink@gmail.com
- Webpages: davidlivingstoneclink.com, Goodreads, poetrymachine.com
- Used These Alternate Names: David Livingstone Clink
- Note: Brother of Carolyn Clink.
- Author Tags: prose poem (1)
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- His Name Was Gord and He Used to Run with the Bulls (2001)
- The Surly Blondes of Earth (2002)
- Crouching Yak, Hidden Emu (2012)
- If the World Were to Stop Spinning (2014)
- The Role of Lightning in Evolution (2016)
- The Black Ship (2023)
- A Verdant Green (2010) [only as by David Livingstone Clink]
- Dreamcatcher (1998)
- The Head of Lettuce in my Fridge Is an X-file (1998)
- 30th anniversary (1999)
- Crackpot of Science (1999)
- Alternate Reality (1999) [only as by David Livingstone Clink]
- Watching (2000)
- Yeti (2000) [only as by David Livingstone Clink]
- Cereal Killer (2000)
- Little Robots (2000) [only as by David Livingstone Clink]
- Elegance, If You're a Mummy (2000) [only as by David Livingstone Clink]
- First Contact (2000)
- Alone (2001)
- Attic Window (2001)
- Cemetery (2001)
- Climbing Trees (2001)
- Cold Century (2001)
- Condemned (2001)
- Exhumation (2001)
- His Name Was Gord, & He Used to Run with the Bulls (2001)
- Hotline (2001)
- Loud, Obnoxious Moon (2001)
- New Country (2001) [only as by David Livingstone Clink]
- On Manifestation (2001)
- Spider Love (2001)
- The Creaking Cottage Door (2001)
- The Murphys (2001)
- The Poetry Police (2001)
- The Way Back (2001)
- Ticket #35439750 (2001)
- Why Words Fail (2001)
- Shipwreck (2001) [also as by David Livingstone Clink]
- Steel Rail (2001)
- Businessman from the Black Lagoon (2002)
- Curved Space (2002)
- Dust (2002)
- Exhibit (2002)
- Leeches (2002)
- Necropolitan (2002)
- Old Haunt (2002)
- Previous Occupants (2002)
- Stars (2002) [only as by David Livingstone Clink]
- The Surly Blondes of Earth (2002)
- Toxic Girl (2002)
- Trophy (2002)
- Weathered Remains (2002)
- Alien Address at the UN (2002) [also as by David Livingstone Clink]
- Atlantis (2002)
- Sailing to Atlantis (2002)
- Knots and Hollows (2004)
- Frankenstein vs. The Flying Squirrels (2006) [only as by David Livingstone Clink]
- Copyright Notice, 2525 (2006) [also as by David Livingstone Clink]
- Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner (2007)
- Falling (2007) [also as by David Livingstone Clink]
- My Father's Office (2008)
- Darkness then a Blown Kiss (2008)
- The Airships Take Us, Even As We Blow Out the Last Candle (2009)
- Rock Candy (2009)
- Skippy the Robot (2010) [only as by David Livingstone Clink]
- A Ghost in the Window (2010)
- Alien Spaceship (2010)
- At the Temporal Café (2010)
- Catman (2010)
- Collecting Bird Farts for Dummies (2010)
- The Mad Scientist's Shopping List for Hosting a Barbeque (2010)
- The Monster At Our Door (2010)
- The Monster Home (2010)
Nothing But Sky Overhead (2011)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Nothing but sky overhead (2011) [as by David Livingstone Clink]
- William (2011)
- "the undead" (2012)
- Bigfoot Romance (2012)
- Carpenter Road (2012)
- If the World Were to Stop Spinning (2012)
- White Teeth (2012) [also as by David Livingstone Clink]
A Sea Monster Tells His Story (2012)
also appeared as:
- Variant: A sea monster tells his story (2012) [as by David Livingstone Clink]
- Ossuary (2012)
- My Teenage Ångström Poem (2012)
Sixteen Colors (2012)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Sixteen Colours (2013) [as by David Livingstone Clink]
- Variant: Sixteen Colours (2014)
- Hourglass (2013) [also as by David Livingstone Clink]
- A City of Buried Rivers (2013)
- A Conversation Between a Time Traveler and His Apprentice (2013) [also as by David Livingstone Clink]
- Home (2014)
- The Machine (2014)
- The Perfect Library (2014)
- The Perfect UFO Picture (2014)
- The Role of Lightning in Evolution (2014)
- Tin Man (2014)
- Upon Finding a Letter Lost in Antiquity (2014)
- Death Smile (2014)
- The Lady in White (2014)
- You, the Dark Wood (2014)
- Short Forms (2014) [also as by David Livingstone Clink]
- Early Man (2014) [also as by David Livingstone Clink]
- Elegy for WLC (2014)
- Portrait (2014)
- A Natural History of Snow (2016)
- Birdman (2016)
- Christina's World (2016)
- Goodyear Blimp (2016)
- If Train "A" Leaves Chicago (2016)
- In Defence of Science (2016)
- Mr. Sandman and the Tooth Fairy on the Morning of Your Death (2016)
- Pumpkin (2016)
- Retweet of the Light Brigade (2016)
- Revenant (2016)
- Roc (2016)
- Seance (2016)
- Seaweed (2016)
- Skinchanger (2016)
- Snow Globe (2016)
- Surviving a Canadian Poem (2016)
- The City of Bones (2016)
- The Fence (2016)
- The Fountain (2016)
- The Red Barn (2016)
- The Woods Are Losing Their Cohesion (2016)
- The Word Dragon (2016)
- Thoughts Become Arms Become Hands (2016)
- The Advent of Machines (2016)
- A Shapeshifter Approaches Retirement (2016)
- The Reports (2016)
- Witching (2016)
- My Response to Your Mayday Call (2017) with Herb Kauderer
- After Midnight (2017)
- The Dead Languages of the Wind (2017)
- The Valet of the Shadow of Death (2017)
- Planktivorous Fish and the Structure of Pelagic Plankton (2018)
- Steampunk Christmas (2019)
- Back Story (2020)
- The Rope Bridge (2020)
- How Noah Saved the Dinosaurs--a Litany (2023)
- I Was on My Way to Tell You There Is a Vast Machine Intelligence Plotting Our Downfall, Or, the Time Machine (2023)