- Author: Landry Q. Walker Author Record # 226657
- Legal Name: Walker, Landry Quinn
- Birthdate: 1 September 1971
- Language: English
- Webpages: Blogspot, comicbookdb.com, Wikipedia-EN, X/Twitter
- Author Tags: juvenile sf (2)
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Fiction Series
- Project: Terra
- 1 Crash Course (2017)
- 2 Bites Back (2018)
- Star Wars Universe
- House of Odd (2012) [graphic format] with Dean R. Koontz [only as by Dean Koontz and Landry Q. Walker]
- Star Wars nonfiction
Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles (2018)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Star Wars: Lexikon der Raumschiffe und Fahrzeuge [German] (2018)
Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles (2018)
also appeared as:
- Odd Thomas
- Odd Thomas Graphic Novels
- 3 House of Odd (2012) [graphic format] with Dean R. Koontz [only as by Dean Koontz and Landry Q. Walker]
- Odd Thomas Graphic Novels
- A Recipe for Death (2016)
- All Creatures Great and Small (2016)
- High Noon on Jakku (2016)
- The Crimson Corsair and the Lost Treasure of Count Dooku (2016)
- The Face of Evil (2016)
- True Love (2016)
- Alle Tiere groß und klein [German] (2016)
- Das Gesicht des Bösen [German] (2016)
- Der karmesinrote Korsar und der Schatz des Count Dooku [German] (2016)
- Duell auf Jakku [German] (2016)
- Ein Rezept für Mord [German] (2016)
- Wahre Liebe [German] (2016)