- Author: Subodhana Wijeyeratne
Author Record # 230677
- Legal Name: Wijeyeratne, Nissanka Subodhana Megavarna
- Birthplace: UK
- Birthdate: 15 April 1981
- Language: English
- Email:
- Webpages: harvard.academia.edu, subowijeyeratne.com
Note: Subodhana "Subo" Wijeyeratne was born and raised in the UK. Currently, he is pursing a PhD in Japanese history at Harvard University. His work has appeared in various journals such as Expanded Horizons, Liquid Imagination, Lamplight Magazine, Future Fire, and The Colored Lens. His first short story collection, Tales from the Stone Lotus, was published in 2017.
- Author Tags:
mutant children (1), post apocalypse (1), ghosts (1), fantasy (1)