- Author: Frank H. Shaw Author Record # 244075
- Legal Name: Shaw, Frank Hubert
- Birthplace: Yorkshire, England, UK
- Birthdate: 24 October 1878
- Deathdate: 12 October 1960
- Language: English
- Webpages: SFE, Wikipedia-FR
- Used These Alternate Names: Captain Frank H. Shaw, Captain Frank Shaw
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- Outlaws of the Air (1927) [only as by Captain Frank H. Shaw]
- The Wonderful Adventures of Captain Smith of the Astonian Navy
- The Prehistoric Terror (1906)
- An Astonian Revengs (1906)
- The King's Bath (1906)
- The Maelström (1906)
- The Basilisk (1906)
- Hoist with His Own Petard (1906)
- Held by the Sargasso Sea (1908)
- The City of the Sun (1917) [only as by Captain Frank Shaw]