- Author: Andrea Tang Author Record # 244842
- Birthplace: Princeton, New Jersey, USA
- Language: English
- Webpages: andreatangwrites.com, Goodreads, SFE
- Author Tags: young-adult sf (3), near future (1), fantasy (1), fox spirits (1)
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Fiction Series
- Rebelwing
- 1 Rebelwing (2020)
- 2 Renegade Flight (2021)
- Kingdom of Without (2023)
- These Deadly Prophecies (2024)
- The Necromancer's Apprentice (2012)
- The Moons of Zaaros (2016)
- The Family Business (2017)
- Pro Patria Mori (2017)
- Cassandra Writes Out of Order (2017)
- The Man in the Crimson Coat (2017)
- Hungry Demigods (2017)
- Technicolor in the Time of Nostalgia (2018)
- On the Red Line, After the War (2018)
- Courtesans Tell Tales (2018)
- Graveyard Girls on Paper Phoenix Wings (2018)
- The Ruritanian Duke of Kunlun (2018)
- Requiem for Kingkillers and Queenmakers (2018)
- Portrait of a Pinup Boy at the End of the World (2020)