Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- Blood and Iron (1990)
Caviar (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Leichenschmaus [German] (1975)
- Translation: Les cendres de la nuit [French] (1983)
- Interior Art: Caviar (1990)
The First Mayflower Book of Black Magic Stories (1974)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: The Devil's Wager [2] (1980)
- Interior Art: The Changeling Skull (1981)
- Translation: Im Reich der Satansaffen [German] (1986)
- Translation: La haine du Vorkul [French] (1987)
- Interior Art: 1st Mayflower Book of Black Magic (1990)
Terror by Night (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Game over [French] (1983)
- Interior Art: Terror by Night (1990)
The Second Mayflower Book of Black Magic Stories (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Planète-suicide [French] (1981)
- Interior Art: 2nd Mayflower Book of Black Magic (1990)
- Translation: Fenix, V4 #3, 1993 [Polish] (1993)
Black Aura (1975)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Stimmen der Nacht [German] (1984)
- Translation: Soleil pourpre, soleil noir [French] (1987)
Demons by Daylight (1975)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Demons by Daylight (1990)
The Third Mayflower Book of Black Magic Stories (1975)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: The Midnight Embrace [1] (1980)
- Translation: Rowena [French] (1985)
- Interior Art: 3rd Mayflower Book of Black Magic (1990)
- Who Fears the Devil? (1975)
Bloodstone (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ceux d'ailleurs [French] (1979)
- Interior Art: Tribal Guide (1981)
- Interior Art: Bloodstone (1987)
- Translation: Vazkor, figlio di Vazkor [Italian] (1996)
- Variant: The Paperback Fanatic #15 (2010)
Christopher Lee's New Chamber of Horrors (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Horror-Zeit [German] (1977)
- Star Book of Horror No. 1 (1976)
The Fifth Mayflower Book of Black Magic Stories (1976)
also appeared as:
Translation: Zehn Teufelsküsse?Zehn Teufelskuesse[German] (1978)
- Translation: Le fou [French] (1986)
- Translation: Écailles [French] (1987)
The Ghoul (1976)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Comme un orgue d'enfer... [French] (1979)
- Interior Art: Masque of the Red Death [1] (1980)
Translation: Das dämonische Serum?Das daemonische Serum[German] (1980)
- Interior Art: Obsession (1981)
The Fourth Mayflower Book of Black Magic Stories (1976)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Echoes of Terror (title page) (1980)
Translation: Les cavaliers dorés?Les cavaliers dores[French] (1986)
Raritäten aus des Teufels Küche?Raritaeten aus des Teufels Kueche[German] (1976) also appeared as:
- Translation: Ezraac Spell Weapon [English] (1980)
- Translation: Les malvivants [French] (1980)
Legend of the Werewolf (1976)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: The Werewolf [6] (1980)
The Star Book of Horror No. 2 (1976)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Hades (1979)
- Translation: Luzifers rechte Hand [German] (1979)
- Interior Art: Earth Elemental (1981)
Translation: Les fœtus d'acier?Les foetus d'acier[French] (1984)
- Translation: I racconti dell'orrore [Italian] (1988)
- Translation: Chasse à mort [French] (1990)
- Revelations in Black (1977)
The Djinn (1977)
also appeared as:
Translation: Odyssée sous contrôle?Odyssee sous controle[French] (1979)
- Translation: Das Erbe des Magiers [German] (1979)
- Interior Art: Masque of the Red Death [3] (1980)
- Interior Art: The Archdemon Zimmer (1981)
- Translation: Das zweite Leben des Mortimer K. [German] (1984)
- Variant: Manitou Man: The Worlds of Graham Masterton (1998)
- Interior Art: The Djinn (cover) (2022)
The Tenth Fontana Book of Great Horror Stories (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: En direct d'ailleurs [French] (1986)
The Tomb from Beyond (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Fallait-il tuer Dieu ? [French] (1981)
When Evil Wakes (1977)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: The Monkey's Paw [1] (1980)
- Interior Art: Phantasm Tours (Husband) (1981)
- Translation: L'autre race... [French] (1984)
- Interior Art: When Evil Wakes (1990)
Savage Heroes: Tales of Sorcery and Black Magic (1977)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Horgath the Deathbringer (1980)
- Interior Art: Warrior-Magician of the Elodimh (1981)
- Translation: Cyrion in Bronze [German] (1983)
Translation: Фата-Моргана 9?Fata-Morgana 9[Russian] (1994) [as byЛес Эдвардс?Les Edwards]
Les Edvards
Messenger of Zhuvastou (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Moi, un robot [French] (1979)
- Interior Art: Messenger of Zhuvastou (1987)
Translation: Конан унищожителя?Konan unishtozhitelya[Bulgarian] (1996)
The Fifth Fontana Book of Great Horror Stories (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Im Bann des Puppenmachers [German] (1985)
- Translation: Demi-portion [French] (1985)
- Archives of Evil (1977)
- Reign of Terror: The 3rd Corgi Book of Great Victorian Horror Stories (1977)
The Sixth Mayflower Book of Black Magic Stories (1977)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: The Furnished Room [3] (1980)
- Translation: Aus dem Reich der Toten [German] (1981)
Translation: Ambulance cannibale non identifiée?Ambulance cannibale non identifiee[French] (1985)
- Variant: Shadows 6 (1986)
A Book of Contemporary Nightmares (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ballet des ombres [French] (1979)
Translation: Parasiten der Hölle?Parasiten der Hoelle[German] (1979)
- Interior Art: Three in a Bed (1980)
Translation: Tödliche Kälte?Toedliche Kaelte[German] (1994)
Planet of No Return (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le virus mystérieux [French] (1979)
- Translation: Sternenkrieger [German] (1979)
- Interior Art: Malaccan Marauder (1980)
- Interior Art: The Marauders of Pherkard Part II - Federal Attack (1980)
- Interior Art: Planet of No Return (1987)
- Variant: Armageddon! (1989)
Shield (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Libérez l'homme! [French] (1978)
- Translation: Der Gott des Zorns [German] (1979)
- Variant: Transmaniacon (1979)
The Castle Keeps (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: N'ooma [French] (1979)
- Translation: Zeit der Wanderungen [German] (1981)
Weird Tales Vol. 1 (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: ... Ou que la vie renaisse ! [French] (1979)
- Interior Art: The Forsaken of God [4] (1980)
Weird Tales Vol. 2 (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: N'approchez pas [French] (1978)
- Interior Art: Aquatica (1979)
- Interior Art: More Weird Tales (1987)
Reign of Terror: The 4th Corgi Book of Great Victorian Horror Stories (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Schwarze Todesengel [German] (1980)
- Interior Art: The Devil's Wager [4] (1980)
Translation: À la découverte du Graal?A la decouverte du Graal[French] (1983)
Translation: Im Banne des schwarzen Mönchs?Im Banne des schwarzen Moenchs[German] (1983)
The Devil's Footsteps (1978)
also appeared as:
Translation: Der entfesselte Dämon?Der entfesselte Daemon[German] (1979)
- Interior Art: The Forsaken of God [2] (1980)
- Translation: Als der Meister starb [German] (1984)
- Translation: Le syndrome Karelmann [French] (1984)
- Translation: Als der Meister starb (cover) [German] (1992)
- Translation: Auf der Spur des Hexers [German] (2012)
The Saliva Tree and Other Growths (1979)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Saliva Tree (1988)
- Thongor Fights the Pirates of Tarakus (1979)
John Sinclair, #43: Der Vampir von Manhattan [German] (1979)
also appeared as:
- Variant: John Sinclair, #93: Der Vampir von Manhattan (1983)
- Variant: Der Vampir von Manhattan (2015)
The Devils of D-Day (1979)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: The Monkey's Paw [2] (1980)
Translation: Les prophètes de l'apocalypse?Les prophetes de l'apocalypse[French] (1983)
- Translation: Creangas Blutbraut [German] (1985)
- Interior Art: Devils of D Day (2014)
Alien Landscapes (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Buitenaardse landschappen [Dutch] (1980)
- Translation: Unter fremden Sonnen [German] (1980)
- Translation: Un Drahl va naître [French] (1981)
- Translation: Der strahlende Tod [German] (1985)
- Interior Art: The Time Machine at the End of the World (1987)
- Variant: Tau Zero (1989)
- Translation: Il morbo scarlatto [Italian] (1996)
The Black Charade (1979)
also appeared as:
Translation: Der Dämonenjäger von Rom?Der Daemonenjaeger von Rom[German] (1981)
- Translation: Le passager de la nuit [French] (1982)
Translation: Bücher, die der Satan schrieb?Buecher, die der Satan schrieb[German] (1984)
Star Child (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Teufelsbrut [German] (1980)
- Translation: Au-delà de la mort d'Alice [French] (1988)
The Road of Kings (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La saga d'Arne Marsson [French] (1986)
- Interior Art: Conan Road of Kings (1990)
Ghoul (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Draco, der Drachenmensch [German] (1980)
- Interior Art: Belial (1981)
Translation: Les survivants de l'au-delà?Les survivants de l'au-dela[French] (1982)
- Interior Art: The Ghoul (1987)
- Translation: Atlantisz fantasztikus magazin, April 1990 [Hungarian] (1990)
- Interior Art: The Ghoul II (1990)
- Translation: Emaendor [Dutch] (1996)
Curse (1980)
also appeared as:
Translation: Der Würger aus dem Totenreich?Der Wuerger aus dem Totenreich[German] (1981)
- Interior Art: Phantasm Tours (Wife) (1981)
- Translation: Quand le temps soufflera [French] (1983)
- Translation: Der Blutgraf vom Totenacker [German] (1983)
- Variant: Shadows 4 (1985)
- Translation: Brume: La faucheuse [French] (1989)
Translation: Dzień śmierci?Dzien smierci[Polish] (1991)
Conan the Liberator (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Barbar [German] (1980)
- Translation: Le palais du roi Phédon [French] (1981)
- Interior Art: Conan, the Liberator (1987)
Gefangener im Schreckensgrab [German] (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ghost [English] (1981)
Ein Dämon erwacht?Ein Daemon erwacht[German] (1980) also appeared as:
- Translation: Enfer vertical en approche rapide [French] (1986)
- Translation: Blood and Iron [English] (1990)
- Die Satansklaue [German] (1980)
The Nameless (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Im Angesicht des schwarzen Gottes [German] (1985)
- Interior Art: The Nameless (1990)
- Variant: Kane's Scary Tales: Volume 1 (2018)
Doomflight (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Meine Seele dem Teufel [German] (1983)
- Interior Art: Doomflight (1990)
- Translation: Meine Seele dem Teufel (cover) [German] (1991)
Les plasmoïdes au pouvoir ? [French] (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: John Sinclair, #375: Bluthand aus dem Jenseits [German] (1985)
Necropolis (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vatican 2000 [French] (1981)
- Translation: Friedhof der Ghouls [German] (1985)
- Variant: The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume Twelve (2001)
Hexenjäger wider Willen?Hexenjaeger wider Willen[German] (1981) also appeared as:
- Translation: Ladygrove [English] (1981)
Variant: Mit den Augen der Hölle?Mit den Augen der Hoelle(1982)
- Variant: Der Seelenfresser (1985)
La traque d'été [French] (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Wizard of Lemuria [English] (1987)
- Angel Félina [French] (1981)
... Ou que la mort triomphe ! [French] (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Killer, der nicht sterben konnte [German] (1985)
- The Black Wheel (1981)
Sheena [French] (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Baby ist drei [German] (1985)
The Wine of Violence (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Wein des Frevels [German] (1983)
- Translation: La ville d'acier [French] (1986)
La jungle de fer [French] (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Sword of Skelos [English] (1982)
- Translation: Conan, Sword of Skelos [English] (1987)
- Translation: Atlantisz fantasztikus magazin, June 1990 [Hungarian] (1990) [as by Alan Craddock (in error)]
Translation: Conan a Démonova brána?Conan a Demonova brana[Czech] (1996)
Un autre monde [French] (1981)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Chrono-Vampire [German] (1985)
Deus Irae (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Un jeu parmi tant d'autres [French] (1983)
- Translation: Science Fiction Almanach 1986 [German] (1985)
The Boats of the "Glen Carrig" (1982)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Pieuvres [French] (1984)
- Translation: Im Schatten der Bestie [German] (1984)
La planète du jugement?La planete du jugement[French] (1982) also appeared as:
- Translation: Hot Favourites [English] (1987)
- Translation: Fantasy Tales, Spring 1989 [English] (1989)
- Translation: Hot Favourite [English] (1990)
Une odeur de sainteté?Une odeur de saintete[French] (1982)
- Les mangeurs de murailles [French] (1982)
Als der Seelenmeister starb [German] (1982)
also appeared as:
Translation: Dérive sur Kimelunga?Derive sur Kimelunga[French] (1983)
- Translation: Masques de clown [French] (1984)
- Variant: Die Rückkehr zur Erde (1987)
Berserker (1983)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Berserker (1987)
Translation: Opération "Serrures carnivores"?Operation "Serrures carnivores"[French] (1987)
- Translation: Atlantisz fantasztikus magazin, September 1990 [Hungarian] (1990)
- Translation: La maledizione eterna [Italian] (1992)
The Manitou (1983)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: The Manitou (cover) (2022)
- The Silver Stallion (1983)
- Le chasseur [French] (1983)
John Sinclair, #242: Werwolf-Terror in Soho [German] (1983)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Werwolf-Terror in Soho (2015)
Menschensohn [German] (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Best of Frank Herbert [English] (1987)
- Translation: The Best of Frank Herbert I [English] (1990)
- Translation: Science Fiction Age, March 1993 [English] (1993)
- Mon pote, le martien... [French] (1983)
Wizardry and Wild Romance: A Study of Epic Fantasy (1983)
also appeared as:
Translation: Après les déluges?Apres les deluges[French] (1983)
- Interior Art: Absolute Power (1987)
- Interior Art: The Wizard (1990)
- Interior Art: Wizard (2014)
Into the Silence (1983)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Into the Silence (cover) (2008)
Rome doit être détruite?Rome doit etre detruite[French] (1983) also appeared as:
- Translation: Conan [English] (1987)
- Lord of the Trees (1983)
Prince of the Godborn (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Sohn des Hexers [German] (1992)
Translation: Die Rückkehr des Hexers?Die Rueckkehr des Hexers[German] (1993)
- Chiller (1983)
- Voyeur [French] (1983)
Lost Dorsai (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Und fürchtet keine Finsternis! [German] (1985)
- Translation: Le migliori opere di fantascienza [Italian] (1987)
- Variant: Call to Battle! (1988)
- Interior Art: The Lost Dorsai (1990)
The Castle of Darkness (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Schrei des Vampirs [German] (1985)
- Variant: The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror 16 (2005)
- The Den Of Dragons (1984)
- The Twentieth Fontana Book of Great Ghost Stories (1984)
- The Farm (1984)
Wenn die Echsenbrut erwacht [German] (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cocons [French] (1987)
Conan and the Spider God (1984)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Conan, The Spider God (1987)
- Translation: Das goldene Horn [German] (1987)
Translation: Конан авантюриста?Konan avantyurista[Bulgarian] (1997)
- The Children of the Wind (1984)
- Caverns of the Snow Witch (1984)
- The Dead Kingdom (1984)
- The Karma Corps (1984)
The Gateway of Doom (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Medusenblick [German] (1985)
Paradis zéro?Paradis zero[French] (1984) also appeared as:
- Translation: Chiller [English] (1990)
- Translation: The Year's Best Horror Stories: XXII [English] (1994)
- Der Mann mit Draculas Augen [German] (1984)
Creangas Blutbraut [German] (1984)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vampire junction [French] (1990)
Cadavres à tout faire [French] (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Haus unter dem Meer [German] (1985)
- Translation: Shadows 8 [English] (1987)
- Conan the Defender (1985)
- Interzone, #13 Autumn 1985 (1985)
- Kingdom of Horror (1985)
The Final Encyclopedia (1985)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: The Final Encyclopedia (1987)
- Interior Art: Final Encyclopedia (1990)
- Translation: Invasion von Scorpio [German] (1992)
- The Wood (1985)
- Voyage of Terror (1985)
- The Seventh Gate (1985)
- The Windrider (1985)
Zerberus, der dreiköpfige Tod?Zerberus, der dreikoepfige Tod[German] (1985) also appeared as:
- Translation: Ordinator-Craignos [French] (1985)
- Translation: The Giant Book of Horror Stories [English] (1991)
Man Plus (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Mensch+ [German] (1989)
- Interior Art: Man Plus (1990)
- Variant: Nexus #1, April 1991 (1991)
- Variant: Best New SF 7 (1993)
- The Humanoid Touch (1985)
Swamp! (1985)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Swamp (1990)
End As a Hero (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sternenschiffe (1) [German] (1987)
- Interior Art: End As a Hero (1990)
The King Beyond the Gate (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Runstaven [Swedish] (1993)
Manitou Doll (1985)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Night Visions: Hardshell (1988)
Translation: Der Mordgötze?Der Mordgoetze[German] (1992)
- Conan the Triumphant (1985)
- Ten-Ton Monster (1985)
Alive and Screaming (1986)
only appeared as:
- Interior Art: Alive and Screaming (cover) (2020)
- Realm of Chaos (1986)
Demons of the Deep (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les démons des profondeurs [French] (1987)
Dämonenkiller, #150: Demaskierung der Ungeheuer?Daemonenkiller, #150: Demaskierung der Ungeheuer[German] (1986)
- The Kundalini Equation (1986)
City Jitters (1986)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: City Jitters (1990)
- Variant: The Year's Best Horror Stories: XVIII (1990)
- Translation: Renegaci [Polish] (1991)
- Variant: Murky Depths, March 2007 (2007)
- The Blue Ice Pilot (1986)
- Conan the Magnificent (1986)
Entombed (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: John Sinclair, #645: Das Teufels-Denkmal [German] (1990)
Translation: Flüche aus dem Jenseits?Flueche aus dem Jenseits[German] (1993)
The City (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Die Farm & Die Stadt [German] (2019)
Der Seelensauger [German] (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Supermonsters [English] (1986)
- Translation: Croglin Vampire [English] (1990)
- Translation: Best New Horror [English] (1990)
- Translation: The Croglin Vampire [English] (2014)
Conan the Rebel (1986)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cacophonie du nouveau monde [French] (1986)
- Interior Art: Conan, the Rebel (1987)
- Interior Art: Conan the Rebel (1990)
Brightness Falls from the Air (1986)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Brightness Falls from the Air (1990)
- Variant: The Goblin Reservation (1993)
Alqua Dreams (1987)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Country of the Dead (1990)
- Conan the Victorious (1987)
Crypt of the Sorcerer (1987)
also appeared as:
- Translation: La crypte du sorcier [French] (1987)
- Translation: Troldkarlens krypt [Danish] (1988)
- Cadre Lucifer (1987)
- After the Zap (1987)
- Survivors (1987)
- The Burning Land (1987)
- The Deep (1987)
- Die Walroß-Straße [German] (1987)
- Thunder Mountain (1987)
- Inhuman (1987)
- These Green Foreign Hills (1987)
- Deathworld 1 (1988)
- Daggers of Darkness (1988)
- Chasms of Malice (1988)
- Shockwave (1988)
- Mindhopper (1988)
Fiend (1988)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Fiend (1990)
- Variant: The Year's Best Horror Stories: XIX (1991)
- Sky Lord (1988)
The War of the Worlds (1988)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: H. G. Wells Anthology (1990)
Cadre Messiah (1988)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Cadre Messiah (1990)
- Naked Came the Robot (1988)
Cannibals (1988)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Cannibals (1990)
- The Master (1988)
- The Lurker at the Threshold (1989)
Mania (1989)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Mania (1990)
- Variant: The Year's Best Horror Stories: XXI (1993)
- Variant: The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror Seventeen (2006)
- Variant: The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror 17 (2006)
Desolation Road (1989)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Desolation Road (1989)
Translation: Bespuće?Bespuce[Serbian] (1999)
- The Mountain Walks (1989)
- The Camp (1989)
- Deathworld 2 (1990)
The Pendragon Chronicles (1990)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Classic Rock (1990)
- Master of Chaos (1990)
Plague Daemon (1990)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Nurgle (1990)
- Der Schockwellenreiter [German] (1990)
- Sunglasses After Dark (1990)
- The Unseen (1990)
- Katzenauge [German] (1991)
Drakfursten [Swedish] (1991)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Blut von Amber [German] (1995)
- Holocaust Horror (1991)
Firestarter (1992)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Firestarter [Polish] (1992)
- Translation: Galilea [Czech] (2005)
- Nach dem Zap [German] (1992)
- Villains! (1992)
- Conan the Valorous (1992)
- The Inquisitor (1992)
- Grunts! (1992)
Return to Firetop Mountain (1992)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Retour à la Montagne de Feu [French] (1993)
- Variant: Battle Magic (1998)
Dark Voices 4 (1992)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Dark Voices #4 (cover) (2001)
- Interior Art: Dark Voices (2014)
- Cabale [French] (1993)
- Hydra (1993)
- The Thousand Eyes of Night (1993)
Űrgárdista?Urgardista[Hungarian] (1994)
Uuergaardista - Clive Barker: Mythmaker for the Millennium (1994)
- Dagon's Bell and Other Discords (1994)
- The Don Sebastian Vampire Chronicles (1994)
The List of Seven (1994)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: The List of Seven (1993)
- Translation: Duivelsdans [Dutch] (1996)
- Inside the Worm (1994)
- Timesnatch (1994)
- The Priest: A Gothic Romance (1994)
Sea Kings of Mars (1994)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Parlainth (2014)
- Shudder Again (1994)
- The Thing in Bablock Dip (1994)
- Die Trümpfe des Jüngsten Gerichts [German] (1995)
- The Second Wish and Other Exhalations (1995)
- Yellow Fog (1995)
The Time Ships (1995)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Foundation, #65 Autumn 1995 (1995)
- Translation: L'incognita tempo [Italian] (1997)
- Translation: Il secondo viaggio «L'incognita tempo» [Italian] (2002)
- Werewolves (1995)
The Knights of the Black Earth (1995)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Beyond Fantasy & Science Fiction #3, September-October 1995 (1995) [as by Les Edwards and Boris Vallejo]
Intersection Programme Book (1995)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Intersection Souvenir Book Cover (2023)
- No Blood Spilled (1996)
- Robot Blues (1996)
- Victorian Ghost Stories (1996)
- Thirsty (1997)
- Dark of the Night (1997)
- Isaac Asimov's Christmas (1997)
- Dark Terrors 4 (1998)
- Escardy Gap (1998)
- Horror Stories (1998)
- Hung Out (1998)
Fantasy Stories (1998)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Fantasy Stories (1998)
- Noise & Other Night Terrors (1998) [only as by Leslie Jermaine Edwards]
- The Eagles' Brood (1998) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Witching Time (1998) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Double Edge (1998)
- Ghosts and Grisly Things (1998)
- Shadows of Light and Dark (1998)
- The Reel Stuff (1998)
- The Shadow Stone (1998)
- Reborn (1998)
Separate Skins (1998)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Very Best of the Best of New Horror (2011)
Dark Detectives (1999)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Dark Horizons, Spring 2006 (2006)
Dark Detectives: Adventures of the Supernatural Sleuths (1999)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Dark Detectives: Adventures of the Supernatural Sleuths (cover) (1999)
- Dragonshadow (1999)
Fortress of Eagles (1999)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Fortress of Eagles (1999)
- The Singing Sword (1999) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Ports of Call (1999)
- Stone & Sky (1999)
- The Fort at River's Bend (1999) [only as by Edward Miller]
Brotherly Love: and Other Tales of Trust and Knowledge (1999)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Fengriffen & Other Gothic Tales (2015)
- White of the Moon: New Tales of Madness and Dread (1999)
- Der Spiegel von Caledon [German] (1999)
- Earth Abides (1999)
- Last and First Men (1999)
- Metamorphosis (1999) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Wishmaster and Other Stories (1999)
- Star Maker (1999)
- Fortress of Owls (2000)
- Frost (2000)
- Frost (slipcase) (2000)
Perdido Street Station (2000)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Foundation, #79 Summer 2000 (2000) [as by Edward Miller]
- Variant: Perdido Street Station (2000) [as by Edward Miller]
- Translation: Station Perdido [Dutch] (2001)
- Interior Art: Perdido Street Station (2012) [as by Edward Miller]
- The Fall of the House of Usher & Other Stories (2000)
Knight of the Demon Queen (2000)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Knight of the Demon Queen (original cover art) (2001)
- Stone & Sea (2000)
- My Favorite Fantasy Story (2000)
- Phantoms and Fiends (2000) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Dragonsong (2001)
- Uther (2001) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Raven Waits (2001)
The Skies of Pern (2001)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Elfenkracht [Dutch] (2002)
- Villains Victorious (2001)
- The Haunting of Alaizabel Cray (2001) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Starlight 3 (2001) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Creature Fantastic (2001)
- Stone & Sun (2001)
- The Mammoth Book of Vampire Stories by Women (2001)
- The Mammoth Book of Vampire Stories by Women (2001)
- The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume Twelve (2001)
- Victorian Ghost Stories (2002)
The Skystone (2002)
only appeared as:
- Interior Art: The Skystone (1999) [as by Edward Miller]
- Variant: The Skystone (2002) [as by Edward Miller]
- A Year in the Linear City (2002) [only as by Edward Miller]
Blood Follows (2002)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Blood Follows (2002) [as by Edward Miller]
- Interior Art: Blood Follows (2002)
- Interior Art: Blood Follows (2014) [as by Edward Miller]
- Storm of Wings (2002)
The Darkest Part of the Woods (2002)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Darkest Part of the Woods (2002) [as by Edward Miller]
- Interior Art: Darkest Part of the Woods (2014) [as by Edward Miller]
- Interior Art: The Darkest Part of the Woods (2014)
The Scar (2002)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Scar (2002) [as by Edward Miller]
- Translation: Armada [Dutch] (2003) [as by Edward Miller]
- Interior Art: Cover Art from First Edition (2019) [as by Edward Miller]
- The Uglimen (2002) [only as by Edward Miller]
- V.A.O. (2002) [only as by Edward Miller]
- De vijfde tovenares [Dutch] (2002) with Rien van der Kraan
Keep Out the Night (2002)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Keep Out the Night (2002) [as by Edward Miller]
- Interior Art: Keep Out the Night (cover) (2002) [as by Edward Miller]
The Devil in Green (2002)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Devil in Green (2014)
Crypt of the Sorcerer (2002)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Troldkarlens krypt [Danish] (2003)
- Variant: Weird Tales, Spring 2003 (2003)
- Translation: La crypte du sorcier [French] (2005)
- Cretaceous Sea (2002)
- Frights and Fancies (2002) [only as by Edward Miller]
The Tain (2002)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Tain (2002) [as by Edward Miller]
- Interior Art: The Tain (2014) [as by Edward Miller]
Reis voorbij het Einde (2003)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Reis voorbij het Einde [Dutch] (2003) [as by Edward Miller]
Wachters van de Leegte (2003)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Wachters van de Leegte [Dutch] (2003) [as by Edward Miller]
- Deep Magic, #8, January 2003 (2003)
- In de geest van Tolkien [Dutch] (2003)
- In Springdale Town (2003) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Jupiter Magnified (2003) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Light Stealer (2003) [only as by Edward Miller]
Cities (2003)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Cities (2003) [as by Edward Miller]
- Interior Art: Cities (2003) [as by Edward Miller]
- White Crow (2003)
- Knighthood of the Dragon (2003)
- The Light Ages (2003) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Great Fantasy Art Themes from the Frank Collection (2003)
- Dear Abbey (2003) [only as by Edward Miller]
Floater (2003)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Floater (2003) [as by Edward Miller]
- Interior Art: Floater (2003)
- By Moonlight Only (2003) [only as by Edward Miller]
Exorcising Angels (2003)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Exorcising Angels (2003) [as by Edward Miller]
- Interior Art: Exorcising Angels (2004) [as by Edward Miller]
The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume Fourteen (2003)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror Volume Fourteen (cover) (2003)
- 1610: A Sundial in a Grave (2003)
- Dragon's Kin (2003)
- Cartomancy (2004) with Stephen Raw
- Grendel (2004) [only as by Edward Miller]
Postscripts, Spring 2004 (2004)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Postscripts, #1 Spring (2004) [as by Edward Miller]
- Variant: Postscripts, Spring 2004 (2004) [as by Edward Miller]
- Postscripts, Summer 2004 (2004) [only as by Edward Miller]
Solar Pons Versus the Devil's Claw (2004)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Basil Copper: A Life in Books (back end papers) (2008)
- Interior Art: Solar Pons Versus the Devil's Claw (2008)
- Interior Art: Solar Pons Versus the Devil's Claw (cover) (2008)
- Simulacrum: The Magazine of Speculative Transformation, January 2004 (2004)
The Year of Our War (2004)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Foundation, #92 Autumn 2004 (2004) [as by Edward Miller]
- Variant: The Year of Our War (2004) [as by Edward Miller]
- Best Short Novels: 2004 (2004)
- Banquet for the Damned (2004) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Night Visions 11 (2004) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Mammoth Book of Vampires (2004)
- Mayflower II (2004) [only as by Edward Miller]
- My Favorite Fantasy Story (2004)
- The Healthy Dead (2004) [only as by Edward Miller]
- No Traveller Returns (2004) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Dragon's Treasure (2004)
Nightscape (2004)
only appeared as:
- Variant: NightScape (2004) [as by Edward Miller]
- Interior Art: Nightscape (2014)
Songs of Leaving (2004)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Songs of Leaving (2004) [as by Edward Miller]
- Interior Art: Songs of Leaving (2004)
- A Wizard of Earthsea (2004)
- Het groot drakenboek [Dutch] (2004)
- The Lance Thrower (2004) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror 15 (2004)
- The Twisted Root of Jaarfindor (Elriad Myth & Legend S.) (2004)
- Ghosts in the Snow (2004)
- The State of the Art (2004)
Rotten Relations (2004)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Weird Sisters (2014)
- Turns and Chances (2004) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Under the Penitence (2004) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Postscripts, Spring 2005 (2005) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Postscripts, Summer 2005 (2005) [only as by Edward Miller]
Solar Pons: The Final Cases (2005)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Basil Copper: A Life in Books (front end papers) (2008)
- Interior Art: Solar Pons: The Final Cases (cover) (2008)
- Interior Art: The Adventure of the Haunted Rectory (2008)
Dragonsblood (2005)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Dragonsblood (2014)
Don't Turn Out the Light (2005)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Don't Turn Out the Light (cover) (2005)
- The Devil Delivered (2005) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Last Battle (2005)
- The Hounds of Avalon (2005)
- Night of Knives (2005) [only as by Edward Miller]
The Extraordinary Voyage of Jules Verne (2005)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Extraordinary Voyage of Jules Verne (2005) [as by Edward Miller]
- Interior Art: The Extraordinary Voyage of Jules Verne (2014)
- Fourbodings (2005) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Great Ghost Stories: Tales of Mystery and Madness (2005)
- Horror Stories (2005)
- Horror: Another 100 Best Books (2005)
- Blood Red (2005) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Fishin' With Grandma Matchie (2005) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Forever and the Earth: Yesterday and Tomorrow Stories (2005) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Clock King and the Queen of the Hourglass (2005) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Bronze (2005) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Threads of Malice (2005) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Cuckoo's Boys (2005) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Dragonriders' Dawn (2006)
- Weird Tales, May-June 2006 (2006)
- Best Short Novels 2006 (2006)
Science Fiction: The Best of the Year, 2006 Edition (2006)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Cioburi de onoare [Romanian] (2013)
Development Hell (2006)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Development Hell (2014)
- Dragon's Fire (2006)
Weird Tales, August-September 2006 (2006)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Caverns of the Snow Witch (2014)
- Past Magic (2006) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Valley of the Soul (2006) [only as by Edward Miller]
Flavors of My Genius (2006)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Flavors of My Genius (2006) [as by Edward Miller]
- Interior Art: The Flavors of My Genius (2014) [as by Edward Miller]
- Interior Art: The Flavors of My Genius (2014)
- Julian: A Christmas Story (2006) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Lurulu (2006)
- Postscripts, Winter 2006 (2006) [only as by Edward Miller]
The Painted Bride (2006)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Painted Bride (2006) [as by Edward Miller]
- Interior Art: The Painted Bride (2014) [as by Edward Miller]
- Interior Art: The Painted Bride (2014)
H. P. Lovecraft in Britain (2007)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: H.P. Lovecraft in Britain (2007)
- Interior Art: Lovecraft in Britain (2014)
- Postscripts, Winter 2007 (2007)
Subterranean, Issue #6 (2007)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Subterranean, Issue #6 (2007) [as by Edward Miller]
- Interior Art: Auriga (2014)
- The Eagle (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Weird Tales, February-March 2007 (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Lees of Laughter's End (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Scalding Rooms (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
This Is Now (2007)
only appeared as:
- Variant: This Is Now (2007) [as by Edward Miller]
- Interior Art: This Is Now (2014)
- The Magic of Reason (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
Rabensturm [German] (2007)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Rabengott (2009)
- The Colorado Kid (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Lies of Locke Lamora (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Bauchelain and Korbal Broach: The Collected Stories, Volume One (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Summer Chills: Strangers in Stranger Lands (2007)
- The Mammoth Book of Monsters (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Subterranean Online, Summer 2007 (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Palace of the Plague Lord (2007)
- Strange Tales #10 (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
Phantoms of Venice (2007)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Phantoms of Venice (2007) [as by Edward Miller]
- Interior Art: Phantoms of Venice (2014) [as by Edward Miller]
- The Fade (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume Eighteen (2007)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Terror Time (2014)
- Plots and Misadventures (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Red Seas Under Red Skies (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Challenging Destiny, December 2007 (2007)
- Hello Summer, Goodbye (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Hello Summer, Goodbye / I Remember Pallahaxi (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
- I Remember Pallahaxi (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Lion's Eye (2007)
- Dragon Harper (2008)
- Necronomicon: The Best Weird Tales of H. P. Lovecraft (2008)
- Or Else My Lady Keeps the Key (2008) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Conscientious Inconsistencies (2008) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Return of the Crimson Guard (2008) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Sturmkämpfer [German] (2008)
- Song Of Time (2008) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Vault of Deeds (2008) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Houses on the Borderland (2008)
- Dragonheart (2008)
- Postscripts, Winter 2008 (2008) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Subterranean Online, Fall 2009 (2009)
- Subterranean Online, Spring 2009 (2009) [only as by Edward Miller]
British Invasion (2009)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: The British Invasion (2008)
- Interior Art: British Invasion (2009)
- Sturmbote [German] (2009)
Metatropolis (2009)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Metatropolis (2009) [as by Edward Miller]
- Interior Art: Metatropolis (2014) [as by Edward Miller]
- Interior Art: Metatropolis (2014)
Enemy of the Good (2009)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Enemy of the Good (2009) [as by Edward Miller]
- Interior Art: Enemy of the Good (2014) [as by Edward Miller]
Cemetery Dance, #62 (2009)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Regan (2014)
- The Dead That Walk: Flesh-Eating Stories (2009)
Železná rada?Zelezna rada[Czech] (2010) only appeared as:
Zhelezna rada- Translation: Cover Art from Czech Edition [English] (2020) [as by Edward Miller]
- Back from the Dead: The Legacy of The Pan Book of Horror Stories (2010)
- Not Quite Atlantis: A Selection of Poems (2010)
Pelican Cay & Other Disquieting Tales (2010)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Pelican Cay (2010)
Looking for Something to Suck: The Vampire Stories of R. Chetwynd-Hayes (2010)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: The Bitten Word (2010)
- Variant: Phantasmagoria Special Edition Series, December 2019 (2019)
- What Will Come After (2010)
- Last Exit for the Lost (2010)
- Dragongirl (2010)
Journeys (2010)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Journeys (2010) [as by Edward Miller]
- Interior Art: Journeys (2014) [as by Edward Miller]
- The Complete Lyonesse (2010)
- Catastrophia (2010) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Rats and the Ruling Sea (2010)
- A Princess of the Linear Jungle (2010) [only as by Edward Miller]
Stonewielder (2010)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Stonewielder (2010) [as by Edward Miller]
- Interior Art: Stonewielder (2010)
- The Best of Larry Niven (2010) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Rumours of the Marvellous (2011)
- Subterranean Online, Spring 2011 (2011) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Conan's Brethren (2011)
- Chilling Tales: Evil Did I Dwell; Lewd I Did Live (2011)
- The River of Shadows (2011) [also as by Edward Miller]
- Dragon's Time (2011)
- Terra Damnata (2011) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Eldritch Tales: A Miscellany of the Macabre (2011)
A Book of Horrors (2011)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: A Book of Horrors (2012)
- Interior Art: A Book of Horror (2014)
Blood Harvest (2011)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Blood Harvest (2011) [as by Edward Miller]
- Interior Art: Blood Harvest (2014) [as by Edward Miller]
- Lest You Should Suffer Nightmares: A Biography of Herbert Van Thal (2011)
- Snow Shadows (2012)
The Mailman: 20th Anniversary Special Edition (2012)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: The Mailman (2014)
The Dropper (2012)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: The Dropper (2014)
- Curious Warnings: The Great Ghost Stories of M.R. James (2012)
- A Book of Horrors (2012)
- Sky Dragons (2012)
- Edge of Dark Water (2012)
The Night of the Swarm (2012)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Night of the Swarm (2012)
The Night Boat (2012)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: The Night Boat (2013)
- Across the Event Horizon (2013) [only as by Edward Miller]
Das Erbe der Dämonen?Das Erbe der Daemonen[German] (2013)
- It Sustains (2013) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Asimov's Science Fiction, August 2013 (2013)
- Jewels in the Dust (2013) [only as by Edward Miller]
The Bones of You (2013)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Bones of You (2013) [as by Edward Miller]
- Interior Art: The Bones of You (2013)
Psycho-Mania! (2013)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Psychomania: Killer Stories (2014)
- Interior Art: Psycho-Mania (2014)
Weirder Shadows Over Innsmouth (2013)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Weirder Innsmouth (2014)
- Weirder Shadows Over Innsmouth (2013)
- Ghosts (2013) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Der stählerne Traum [German] (2014)
- The Republic of Thieves (2014) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Barrayar [Romanian] (2014)
- Screamplays (2014)
Smoke and Mirrors (2014)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: Smoke and Mirrors (2014)
- Variant: Death (2017)
- The Alchemy Press Book of Urban Mythic 2 (2014) [only as by Edward Miller]
- They Thirst (2014)
- World Fantasy Convention 2014 (2014) also appeared as:
Almanah Anticipația 2015?Almanah Anticipatia 2015[Romanian] (2014)
- Viriconium: Intégrale [French] (2015) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Windy City Pulp Stories #15 (2015)
- Death Angel's Shadow (2015)
- Darker Terrors (2015)
- The Cell & Other Transmorphic Tales (2015)
- Stinger (2015)
- Tales from the Kingdoms (2016)
- The PI's Tale (2016) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Drowned Worlds (2016)
- In Times of Want and Other Stories (2016) [only as by Edward Miller]
The Searching Dead (2016)
also appeared as:
- Interior Art: The Searching Dead (cover) (2016)
- A Long December (2016) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Spirit of the Place and Other Strange Tales: The Complete Short Stories of Elizabeth Walter (2017) only appeared as:
- Born to the Dark (2017)
- Best of British Science Fiction 2017 (2018)
- Learning How to Drown (2018)
- A Voice in the Night (2018)
- The Way of the Worm (2018)
- The Scar (2019) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Back from the Dead: The Legacy of the Pan Book of Horror Stories (2019)
- Iron Council (2020) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Dead Trouble & Other Ghost Stories (2020)
- Galaxies nouvelle série, Juillet 2020 [French] (2020)
- Best of British Science Fiction 2019 (2020)
- Phantasmagoria Special Edition Series, October 2020 (2020)
- Traumas (2020)
- Gideon the Ninth (2020) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Gaslight, Ghosts, & Ghouls: A Centenary Celebration (2021)
- Harrow the Ninth (2021) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Phantasmagoria Special Edition Series, October 2021 (2021)
- Return to Glory (2022) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Weird Tales Boys: H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Clark Ashton Smith and "The Unique Magazine" (2023) also appeared as:
- Doorway to the Stars (2024) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Perdido Street Station (unpublished) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Perdido Street Station: Lettered Edition (unpublished) [only as by Edward Miller]
- A Wizard of Earthsea (unknown)
- Dragonsinger (unknown)
- The White Dragon (unknown)
Gralph (1979)
also appeared as:
- Cover Art: Charnel House (1979)
- End of the World (1979)
End of the World: The Time Machine (1979)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Le secret d'Irgoun [French] (1982)
- The Number of the Beast (Part 1 of 2) (1979)
- Crystal Planet (1980)
Dreadhulk (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Dreadhulk [German] (1981)
Fenryl, champion of the Denador (1980)
also appeared as:
Translation: Les envoyés de Méga?Les envoyes de Mega[French] (1981)
- Variant: Thongor, the Wizard of Lemuria (1987)
- Translation: Atlantisz fantasztikus magazin, October 1990 [Hungarian] (1990)
- Hall of a Thousand Races (1980)
Susan Calvin (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: N'aboyez pas trop fort, Mr. Brenton [French] (1981)
- Translation: Meine Freunde, die Roboter [German] (1982)
Translation: Der Zweihundertjährige?Der Zweihundertjaehrige[German] (1985)
- Variant: The Immortals (1987)
- Cover Art: The Mammoth Book of Classic Science Fiction: Short Novels of the 1930s (1988)
Susan Calvin [2] (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Elle s'appelait Loan [French] (1982)
- Susan Calvin [3] (1980)
- The Time Machine (1980)
Tombworld (1980)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Tombworld [German] (1981)
Translation: La planète géante?La planete geante[French] (1982)
- Translation: Ketters van Duin [Dutch] (1984)
- Variant: Tomb World (1987)
- A Madman's Manuscript [1] (1980)
- A Madman's Manuscript [3] (1980)
The Devil's Wager [1] (1980)
also appeared as:
Translation: Avant les déluges?Avant les deluges[French] (1983)
Translation: Dämonenkiller, #148: Die Satan GmbH?Daemonenkiller, #148: Die Satan GmbH[German] (1986)
- The Werewolf [1] (1980)
- The Thing (1982)
- Aztec (1987)
- Conan, the Unconquered (1987)
- The Bishop's Heir (1987)
- The Priestess (1987)
- Thongor Fights the Pirates of Tarakus (1987)
- Tiger, Tiger (1987)
- Dark Future Skirmish (1989)
- After the Zap (1990)
- Alien Landscape (1990)
- Battlecars (1990)
- Bishop's Heir (1990)
- Conan the Invincible (1990)
- Conan the Raider (1990)
- Conan the Triumphant (1990)
- Confrontation 40K (1990)
- Crypt of the Sorcerer (1990)
- Daggers of Darkness (1990)
- Dark Future (1990)
- Dark Future Skirmish (1990)
- Darkness Binding (1990)
- Dread Hulk (1990)
- H (1990)
- Hero Quest (1990)
- Incubus (1990)
- Incubus [1] (1990)
- Incubus [2] (1990)
- Incubus [3] (1990)
- Incubus [4] (1990)
- Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1990)
- Kellar's Keep (1990)
- Mekon (1990)
- Return of the Living Dead (1990)
- Return of the Witch Lord (1990)
- Slazenger Gold (1990)
- Snark (1990)
- The Amulet (1990)
- The Best of Frank Herbert II (1990)
- The Curse (1990)
- The Farm II (1990)
- The Ghoul I (1990)
- The Karma Corps (1990)
- The Punishment (1990)
- Twala (1990)
- untitled (1990)
- untitled [1] (1990)
- untitled [2] (1990)
- untitled [3] (1990)
- untitled [4] (1990)
- untitled [5] (1990)
Vault of the Vampire (1990)
also appeared as:
- Cover Art: The Vampire Stories of R. Chetwynd-Hayes (1997)
- White Line Fever (1990)
- The Time Ships (1995)
- The Time Ships [2] (1995)
- The Time Ships [3] (1995)
- The Time Ships [4] (1995)
- Dark Voices 4 (1995)
- Grunts (1995)
- The Don Sebastian Vampire Chronicles (1995)
- The Final Encyclopedia (1995)
- The Lost Dorsai (1995)
- Yellow Fog (1995)
- Rawhead Rex (1995)
- Ring (1996)
- The Book of Exploration (1996)
- Victorian Ghost Stories: The Open Door (1996)
- Victorian Ghost Stories (1996)
- Rigger Sourcebook (1998)
- The Visitor II (1999)
- Frost (2000)
- Avalon Heights (2000) [also as by Edward Miller]
- Star Maker (2000)
- Cygnus (2001)
- Creature of Havoc (2002)
- Vampire Trilogy: The Ball (2003)
- Vampire Trilogy: The Visitor 1 (2003)
- Vampire Trilogy: The Visitor 2 (2003)
- Featured Artist: Les Edwards (2004)
- Featured Artist: Les Edwards [2] (2004)
- Featured Artist: Les Edwards [3] (2004)
- Featured Artist: Les Edwards [4] (2004)
- Weird Shadows Over Innsmouth (2005)
- No Present Like Time (2006)
- Songs of Leaving (2006) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Complete Chronicles of Conan: Centenary Edition (2006)
- Icarus (2006)
- Hearing Aid (2007)
- REMtemps™ (2007)
- Open Doors (2007)
- The Seventeenth Kind (2007)
- This Is Now (2007)
The Colorado Kid-On the Beach (2007)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Colorado Kid-On the Beach (2014) [as by Edward Miller]
- Variant: The Colorado Kid: On the Beach (2014)
- Bug (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Hancock Lights (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
- On the Beach (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Plague Ship (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Autopsy Room (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Grey King (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Island Ferry (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
The Last Elevator (2007)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Last Elevator (2007) [as by Edward Miller]
- Translation: The Last Elevator [German] (2013) [as by Edward Miller]
The Lies of Locke Lamora (2007)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Father Chains (2007) [as by Edward Miller]
- The Sinspire (2007)
- Down the Golden Steps (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The House of Azura Gallardine (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Red Messenger before the Wind (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Sinspire (2007) [only as by Edward Miller]
Necronomicon: The Best Weird Tales of H. P. Lovecraft (2008)
also appeared as:
- Variant: From the Deep (2014)
- Variant: From the Deep [2] (2014)
- Ray Bradbury (2009)
- There Will Come Soft Rains (2009)
- The Martian Chronicles: The Complete Edition (2009) [only as by Edward Miller]
- A Portfolio (2010)
- Not Quite Atlantis: A Selection of Poems (frontispiece) (2010)
- Darkness, Mist and Shadow: Volume 1 (2010)
- Darkness, Mist and Shadow: Volume 2 (2010)
- The Complete Lyonesse: Melancthe (2010)
- The Complete Lyonesse (2010)
- The Invisible Man (2010)
- The Island of Doctor Moreau: Puma (2010)
- H. G. Wells Classic Collection (2010)
- Conan's Brethren (2011)
- Eldritch Tales: A Miscellany of the Macabre (2011)
- A Book of Horrors (2011)
- Perdido Street Station (2011) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Fenstanton Witch (2012)
- The Five Jars (2012)
- The Stalls of Barchester Cathederal (2012)
- Triple Zombie (2012)
- Beauty (2013)
- Poison (2013)
- Rolemaster Mentalismus (2013)
- It Sustains (2013) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Darkness, Mist and Shadow: Volume 3 (2013)
- Charm (2013)
- The Night Boat (2013)
- Alchemy (2014) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Demi-Silk (2014) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Resolve (2014) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Weeping Tower (2014) [only as by Edward Miller]
- They Thirst (2014)
- Think Yourself Lucky (2014)
- Atkinson Revenant (2014) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Yagharek (2014) [only as by Edward Miller]
Bag Lady (2014)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Bag Lady (2014)
- City of the Carven God (2014)
- Cyborg Moon (2014)
- Herbert Van Thal (2014)
- Mean Streets (2014) [also as by Edward Miller]
- Out of Time (2014)
- Tarzan in the Lost City (2014)
- The Garden of Adompha (2014)
- The Tea Party (2014)
- Stinger (2015)
- Death Angel's Shadow (2015)
Das Chorgestühl der Kathedrale von Barchester?Das Chorgestuehl der Kathedrale von Barchester[German] (2016)
- Der Rosengarten [German] (2016)
- Die Hexe von Fenstanton [German] (2016)
- Die Stiftsresidenz in Whitminster [German] (2016)
- Eine Herzenssache [German] (2016)
Eine Warnung für die Neugierigen?Eine Warnung fuer die Neugierigen[German] (2016)
- Es war einmal ein Mann, der wohnte am Friedhof [German] (2016)
Fünf Flakons?Fuenf Flakons[German] (2016)
- Graf Magnus [German] (2016)
- Ratten [German] (2016)
Sämtliche Geistergeschichten?Saemtliche Geistergeschichten[German] (2016)
Sämtliche Geistergeschichten [2]?Saemtliche Geistergeschichten [2][German] (2016)
Sämtliche Geistergeschichten [3]?Saemtliche Geistergeschichten [3][German] (2016)
- The Complete Adventures of Solar Pons (2017)
- Acheron (2018)
- Blacktop (2018)
- Crimes and Ashes (2018)
- Faith (2018)
- Samsara (2018)
- The Bardo of Becoming (2018)
- The Burning Woods (2018)
- The Final Stage (2018)
- Torn (2018)
- Machinery Breach (2019) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Tanner's Remaking (2019) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Bathyscaphos (2019) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Morning Walker (2019) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Scar (2019) [only as by Edward Miller]
- An Obscurity of Ghosts (2019)
- A Chelona (2020) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Jack (2020) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Oil Bill (2020) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Aerostat (2020) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Toro (2020) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Dawn of Steel (2020)
- Les Edwards: A Jamesian Portfolio (2020)
- Gideon the Ninth (2020) [only as by Edward Miller]
- The Best of Michael Marshall Smith (2020)
- Ramsey Campbell: A Portfolio (2021)
- Harrow the Ninth (2021) [only as by Edward Miller]
- Kane: A Les Edwards Portfolio (2021)
- The Year's Best Horror Stories: A Les Edwards Portfolio (2021)
- 'And then-it was a moment which will haunt me as long as I live-that tiny mouth opened' (unknown)
- 'He called out a challenge to us in a language which, at first, I failed to recognise.' (unknown)
- 'Nebogipfel and I could do nothing but cower in the water.' (unknown)
- 'The Watcher regarded me with a cool analysis.' (unknown)
- The War of the Worlds (2005) by H. G. Wells
- Featured Artist: Les Edwards (2003) by uncredited
- Featured Artist: Les Edwards (2004) by Lynne Jamneck