- Author: Della Van Hise Author Record # 2533
- Birthplace: Tampa, Florida, USA
- Birthdate: 8 May 1955
- Deathdate: 3 March 2021
- Language: English
- Webpages: Blogspot, SFE
- Author Tags: science fiction (2), immortality (2), star trek (1), star trek: the original series (1), alternate universe (1), Romulans (1), fantasy (1), vampires (1), post apocalypse (1), science-fiction romance (1)
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Fiction Series
- Star Trek Universe
- 1 Star Trek: The Original Series
Killing Time (1985)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Zeit zu töten [German] (1990)
- Translation: Tempo Assassino [Portuguese] (1993)
Killing Time (1985)
also appeared as:
- 1 Star Trek: The Original Series
Ragged Angels (1997)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Sons of Neverland (2014)
- Coyote (2013)
- No Forwarding Address (2014)
- The Effect of Moonlight on Tombstones: A Dark Little Collection of Poetry (2015)
- Rumors of Vampires (2017)
- Dangerous Playthings (2016)
- A Brief Moment of Light (1987)
- More Rare than Blood (1989)
- Glitch (1991)
- Belly Full of Midnight (1993)
- Infinity, Inc (1993)
- When Food Goes Bad (1994)
Kiss of the Black Angel (1995)
only appeared as:
- Serializations:
- Kiss of the Black Angel (Part 1 of 2) (1995)
- Kiss of the Black Angel (Part 2 of 2): The Morning After (1997)
- The Rust from His Heart (1996)
- Dangerous Playthings (2016)
- Virgin Sacrifice (1988)
- Ghost Writer (1991)
- Campfires (1997)
- Ghost Town (1997)
- House Guest (1997)
Vampyre Communion: The Dark Red Mass (1997)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Dark Red Mass (2015)
- Vampyre Land: Blueprints (1997)
- Addict (2015)
- Alchemy (2015)
- Artifacts (2015)
- Assassin (2015)
- Asylum in Umberlight (2015)
- Back to the Boat (2015)
- Black Book (2015)
- Burnt Offering (2015)
- Carnival Dark (2015)
- Creation (2015)
- Death Sentence (2015)
- Double Life (2015)
- Double, Double (2015)
- Drug (2015)
- Embers (2015)
- Fallen Angel (2015)
- Falling Stars (2015)
- False Autumn (2015)
- Fingerpainting (2015)
- Footsteps (2015)
- Fragile Sanctuary (2015)
- Going, Going, Gone (2015)
- Grim Little Snippets (2015)
- Harvest (2015)
- If (2015)
- Illumination (2015)
- Keeping Time (2015)
- Lady in Waiting (2015)
- Mortal Machinations (2015)
- Oh, Lonely Night (2015)
- Outcasts (2015)
- Paintings on the Devil's Inner Eye (2015)
- Paradox -xodaraP (2015)
- Past Lives (2015)
- Postcard (2015)
- Prince of the City (2015)
- Quanta (2015)
- Route 66 (2015)
- Stained Glass Dreamings (2015)
- Still Life (2015)
- Tarot (2015)
- The Cleansing (2015)
- The Effect of Moon light on Tombstones (2015)
- The Last Supper (2015)
- The Law of Autumn (2015)
- The Tao (2015)
- The Unborn (2015)
- The Vampyre King (2015)
- Those Who Wait (2015)
- Time and Tragedy (2015)
- Tomorrow's Dust (2015)
- Transformation (2015)
- Twigs (2015)
- Umberlight (2015)
- Unholy Communion (2015)
- Vagabond (2015)
- Vampyre Season (2015)
- Vampyreland (2015)
- Warnings to the Living (2015)
- Whispers from the Abyss (2015)
- Why Immortals Weep (2015)
- Wintersilk (2015)
- Prisoners of the Night, #11 (1999)