- Author: Peter Mennim Author Record # 25901
- Legal Name: Mennim, Peter
- Birthplace: UK
- Birthdate: 1955
- Language: English
- Email: peter@petermennim.com
- Webpages: petermennim.com, Wikipedia-EN
- Used These Alternate Names: Peter Menim
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Cover Art
- The Hall of the Mountain King (1988)
- Expatria Incorporated (1992)
- A Dangerous Energy (1992)
The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy: A Trilogy in Four Parts (1992)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: A Trilogy in Four Parts (1992)
- The Positronic Man (1992)
- And Then Put Out the Light (1993)
- Angel (1993)
The Hammer of God (1993)
also appeared as:
Translation: Чукът на бога?Chukat na boga[Bulgarian] (1993)
- By Space Possessed: Essays on the Exploration of Space (1993)
- Dark Voices 5: The Pan Book of Horror (1993)
- Host (1993)
- The Opoponax Invasion (1993)
- Archangel (1994)
- Shadows Fall (1994)
- The Enchanted Castle (1994) [only as by Peter Menim]
- The Man in the Moss (1994)
- Justice City (1994)
The Dragons of Heorot (1995)
also appeared as:
- Translation: De Draken van Heorot [Dutch] (1996)
- Sophies Kurs [German] (1996)
- Deathstalker War (1997)
- Deep Secret (1997)
- A Sudden Wild Magic (1997)
- Deathstalker Honour (1998)
- Deathstalker Prelude (1998)
- Minor Arcana (1998)
- Deathstalker Destiny (1999)