- Author: 天野喜孝?あまのよしたかAuthor Record # 26000
Amano Yoshitaka - Legal Name: 天野喜孝?Amano, Yoshitaka
- Birthplace: Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan
- Birthdate: 26 March 1952
- Language: Japanese
- Webpages: ameblo.jp, artvivant-fantasyart.net, SFE, Wikipedia-EN, Wikipedia-JA
- Used These Alternate Names:
Yoshitka Amano, Yoshitaka Amano, 天野嘉孝?あまのよしたか, Y. Amano,
Amano YoshitakaYoşitaka Amano?Yositaka Amano
Yoshitaka Amano
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Fiction Series
- DC Comics Metaverse
- The Dreaming
- Sandman
- Sandman: The Dream Hunters [English] (1999) [graphic format] with Neil Gaiman [only as by Yoshitaka Amano and Neil Gaiman]
- Sandman
- The Dreaming
- Deva Zan [English] (2013) [graphic format] [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- アルスラーン戦記?Arusurān Senki
Arusuraan Senki
天馬之夢 アルスラーン戦記イラスト集?てんばのゆめ アルスラーンせんきイラストしゅう(1991)
Tenba no Yume: Arusuraan Senki Irasuto Shuu
Tenba no Yume: Arusurān Senki Irasuto Shū
- ファイナルファンタジー?Fainaru Fantajī
Fainaru Fantajii
Final Fantasy- ファイナルファンタジーイラスト集?ファイナルファンタジーイラストしゅう
Fainaru Fantajī Irasuto Shū
Fainaru Fantajii Irasuto Shuu
Final Fantasy Illust Shuu-
ファイナルファンタジー モンスターマニュアル―天野喜孝イラスト集?ファイナルファンタジー モンスターマニュアル―あまのよしたかイラストしゅう(1989)
Fainaru Fantajī 2 Monsutā Manyuaru: Amano Yoshitaka Irasuto Shū
Fainaru Fantajii 2 Monsutaa Manyuaru: Amano Yoshitaka Irasuto Shuu
- Guin Saga Universe
- グイン・サーガ画集?グイン・サーガがしゅう
Guin Sāga Gashū
Guin Saaga Gashuu-
天野喜孝 グイン・サーガ画集?Amano Yoshitaka Guin Sāga Gashū(1996)
Amano Yoshitaka Guin Saaga Gashuu
あまのよしたか グイン・サーガがしゅう
あまのよしたか グインサーガがしゅう
- Hiten: The Art of Yoshitaka Amano [English] (1989) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Fairies [English] (2006) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Coffin: The Art of Vampire Hunter D [English] (2006) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Worlds of Amano [English] (2007) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
Yoshitaka Amano: The Collected Art of Vampire Hunter D [English] (2007)
菊地秀行?Kikuchi Hideyuki[only as by Yoshitaka Amano and
きくちひでゆき菊地秀行?Kikuchi Hideyuki]
きくちひでゆき - Yoshitaka Amano: Illustrations [English] (2016) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Yoshitaka Amano: The Illustrated Biography-Beyond the Fantasy [English] (2018) with Florent Gorges [only as by Yoshitaka Amano and Florent Gorges]
エイリアン秘宝街?Eirian Hihōgai(1983)
Eirian Hihougai -
インベーダー・サマー?Inbēdā Samā(1983)
Inbeedaa Samaa -
Kaze no Na ha Amunejia
Kaze no Na wa Amunejia -
Eirian Majūkyō 1
Eirian Majuukyou 1 -
Eirian Majūkyō 2
Eirian Majuukyou 2 -
Eirian Mokushiroku -
エイリアン怪猫伝?Eirian Kaineko Den(1984)
メルニボネの皇子?メルニボネのみこ(1984) [only as by
Merunibone no Miko天野嘉孝?あまのよしたか]
Amano Yoshitaka -
Eirian Makai Kōro
Eirian Makai Kouro -
この世の彼方の海?このよのあちらのうみ(1984) only appeared as:
Kono Yo no Achira no Umi-
Variant: この世の彼方の海?このよのあちらのうみ(1984) [as by
Kono Yo no Achira no Umi天野嘉孝?あまのよしたか]
Amano Yoshitaka - Translation: Earl Aubec and Other Stories [English] (1993)
- Translation: Earl Aubec [English] (1997)
白き狼の宿命?しろきおおかみのしゅくめい(1985) [only as by
Shiroki Ōkami no Shukumei
Shiroki Ookami no Shukumei天野嘉孝?あまのよしたか]
Amano Yoshitaka -
サリアの娘?Saria no Musume(1985)
エイリアン妖山記?Eirian Yōsanki(1985)
Eirian Yousanki -
暁の女王マイシェラ?あかつきのじょおうマイシェラ(1985) [only as by
Akatsuki no Joō Maishera
Akatsuki no Joou Maishera天野嘉孝?あまのよしたか]
Amano Yoshitaka -
黒曜宮の陰謀?Kokuyōkyū no Inbō(1985)
黒き剣の呪い?くろきつるぎののろい(1985) [only as by
Kuroki Tsurugi no Noroi天野嘉孝?あまのよしたか]
Amano Yoshitaka -
ストームブリンガー?Sutōmuburingā(1985) [only as by
Amano Yoshitaka -
運命の一日?Unmei no Ichinichi(1985)
風のゆくえ?Kaze no Yukue(1985)
ヴァラキアの少年?Varakia no Shōnen(1986) also appeared as:
Varakia no Shounen
ヴァラキアのしょうねん- Translation: Count Brass [English] (1993)
赤い街道の盗賊?Akai Kaidō no Tōzoku(1986)
Eirian Jakaiden -
Outo Enjou
Ōto Enjō -
パロのワルツ?Paro no Warutsu(1986)
十六歳の肖像?Jūroku-sai no Shōzō(1986)
Juuroku-sai no Shouzou
Jūrokusai no Shōzō
Juurokusai no Shouzou
じゅうろくさいのしょうぞう -
はっこう -
Ouji Futari
Ōji Futari -
エイリアン京洛異妖篇?Eirian Kyōraku Iyōhen(1987)
Eirian Kyouraku Iyouhen -
光の公女?Hikari no Kōjo(1987)
Hikari no Koujo
ひかりのこうじょ -
Rakujitsu Hika -
アルセイスの秘密?Aruseisu no Himitsu(1988)
アルセイスのひみつ -
Kanketsu Kouro
Kanketsu Kōro -
闇の司祭?Yami no Shisai(1988)
やみのしさい - The Roots of Fantasy: Myth, Folklore & Archetype [English] (1989)
ファイナルファンタジー モンスターマニュアル―天野喜孝イラスト集?ファイナルファンタジー モンスターマニュアル―あまのよしたかイラストしゅう(1989) also appeared as:
Fainaru Fantajī 2 Monsutā Manyuaru: Amano Yoshitaka Irasuto Shū
Fainaru Fantajii 2 Monsutaa Manyuaru: Amano Yoshitaka Irasuto Shuu- Translation: Yoshitaka Amano: The Illustrated Biography-Beyond the Fantasy [English] (2018) [as by Yoshitaka Amano]
Seima Koei -
Fainaru Fantajī 2: Muma no Meikyū
Fainaru Fantajii 2: Muma no Meikyuu -
エイリアン魔神国 (上)?エイリアンまじんこく (じょう)(1989)
Eirian Majinkoku (Jō)
Eirian Majinkoku (Jou) -
サイロンの豹頭将軍?Sairon no Hyōtō Shōgun(1989)
Sairon no Hyoutou Shougun
サイロンのひょうとうしょうぐん - Hiten [English] (1989)
エイリアン魔神国 (中)?Eirian Majinkoku (Chū)(1989)
エイリアンまじんこく (ちゅう)
Eirian Majinkoku (Chuu) -
Fuujin Ranbu
Fuujin Rambu
Fūjin Rambu
Fūjin Ranbu -
ヤーンの日?Yān no Hi(1989)
Yaan no Hi
ヤーンのひ -
星の船、風の翼?Hoshi no Fune, Kaze no Tsubasa(1990)
ほしのふね、かぜのつばさ -
Outo Dakkan
Ohto Dakkan
Ōto Dakkan -
ヤヌスの戦い?Yanus no Tatakai(1990)
ヤヌスのたたかい -
モンゴールの復活?Mongōru no Fukkatsu(1990)
モンゴールのふっかつ -
エイリアン魔神国 (下)?エイリアンまじんこく (か)(1990)
Eirian Majinkoku (Ka) -
真珠の砦?しんじゅのとりで(1990) [only as by
Shinju no Toride天野嘉孝?あまのよしたか]
Amano Yoshitaka -
愛の嵐?Ai no Arashi(1990)
あいのあらし -
マグノリアの海賊?Magunoria no Kaizoku(1990)
マグノリアのかいぞく -
エイリアン魔神国 完結編1?エイリアンまじんこく かんけつへん1(1991)
Eirian Majinkoku Kanketsuhen 1 -
神の手?Kami no Te(1991)
かみのて -
天馬之夢 アルスラーン戦記イラスト集?てんばのゆめ アルスラーンせんきイラストしゅう(1991)
Tenba no Yume: Arusuraan Senki Irasuto Shuu
Tenba no Yume: Arusurān Senki Irasuto Shū -
剣の誓い?Ken no Chikai(1991)
Tsurugi no Chikai
けんのちかい -
Kamen Heidan - Hawkmoon [English] (1992)
- Von Bek [English] (1992)
- D-昏い夜想曲 (1992)
クリスタルの婚礼?Kurisutaru no Konrei(1992)
クリスタルのこんれい -
虹の道?Niji no Michi(1992)
にじのみち -
黒い炎?Kuroi Honō(1992)
Kuroi Honoo
くろいほのお -
Seiki Ruten -
アムネリアの罠?Amuneria no Wana(1992)
アムネリアのわな - Corum [English] (1992)
- The Eternal Champion [English] (1992)
獅子の星座?Shishi no Seiza(1992)
ししのせいざ - Sailing to Utopia [English] (1993)
- The Prince with the Silver Hand [English] (1993)
エイリアン魔神国 完結編2?エイリアンまじんこく かんけつへん2(1993)
Eirian Majinkoku Kanketsuhen 2 - Blue Bamboo: Tales of Fantasy and Romance [English] (1993) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
カレーヌの邂逅?Karēnu no Kaikō(1993)
Kareenu no Kaikou
カレーヌのかいこう -
エルザイムの戦い?Eruzaimu no Tatakai(1994)
エルザイムのたたかい -
薔薇の復讐?ばらのふくしゅう(1994) [only as by
Bara no Fukushū
Bara no Fukushuu天野嘉孝?あまのよしたか]
Amano Yoshitaka -
エイリアン魔神国 完結編3?エイリアンまじんこく かんけつへん3(1994)
Eirian Majinkoku Kanketsuhen 3 -
炎のアルセイス?Honō no Aruseisu(1994)
ほのおのアルセイス -
ユラニアの少年?Yurania no Shōnen(1994)
Yurania no Shounen
Yurania no Shonen
ユラニアのしょうねん -
闇の中の怨霊?Yami ni Naka no Onryō(1994)
Yami ni Naka no Onryou
Yami ni Naka no Onryo
やみのなかのおんりょう -
アムネリスの婚約?Amunerisu no Kon'yaku(1995)
Amunerisu no Konyaku
アムネリスのこんやく -
美しき虜囚?Utsukushiki Ryoshū(1995)
Utsukushiki Ryoshuu
Utsukushiki Ryoshu
うつくしきりょしゅう -
緋の陥穽?Hi no Kansei(1995)
ひのかんせい -
闇の微笑?Yami no Bishō(1995)
Yami no Bishou
Yami no Bisho
やみのびしょう -
天野喜孝 グイン・サーガ画集?Amano Yoshitaka Guin Sāga Gashū(1996)
Amano Yoshitaka Guin Saaga Gashuu
あまのよしたか グイン・サーガがしゅう
あまのよしたか グインサーガがしゅう -
ドールの時代?Dōru no Jidai(1996)
Dooru no Jidai
ドールのじだい -
異形の明日?Ikei no Ashita(1996)
いけいのあした -
ガルムの標的?Garumu no Hyōteki(1996)
Garumu no Hyouteki
Garumu no Hyoteki
ガルムのひょうてき -
紅玉宮の惨劇?Kōgyoku Miya no Sangeki(1996)
Kougyoku Miya no Sangeki
Kogyoku Miya no Sangeki
こうぎょくみやのさんげき -
ゴーラの一番長い?Gōra no Ichiban Nagai(1997)
Goura no Ichiban Nagai
Gora no Ichiban Nagai
ゴーラのいちばんながい -
野望の序曲?Yabō no Jokyoku(1997)
Yabou no Jokyoku
やぼうのじょきょく - Sandman: The Dream Hunters [English] (1999)
Youun Gunkou
Yōun Gunkō -
エイリアン蒼血魔城?Eirian Aoichi Majō(2000)
Eirian Aoichi Majou - The Dream Hunters [English] (2001)
- Raiser of Gales [English] (2005) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Demon Deathchase [English] (2006) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Fairies [English] (2006)
- Tale of the Dead Town [English] (2006) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- The Stuff of Dreams [English] (2006) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Coffin: The Art of Vampire Hunter D [English] (2006)
- Pilgrimage of the Sacred and the Profane [English] (2006) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Worlds of Amano [English] (2007)
- Mysterious Journey to the North Sea: Part One [English] (2007) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Mysterious Journey to the North Sea: Part Two [English] (2007) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
Nippon2007 Souvenir Book [English] (2007)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Nippon2007 Souvenir Book (2007) [as by Yoshitka Amano]
- Interior Art: Nippon2007 Souvenir Book (contents) (2007)
- The Rose Princess [English] (2007) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Dark Nocturne [English] (2008) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Pale Fallen Angel Parts One and Two [English] (2008) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Pale Fallen Angel Parts Three and Four [English] (2009) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Twin-Shadowed Knight, Parts 1 and 2 [English] (2009)
- Dark Road: Parts 1 and 2 [English] (2010)
- Dark Road: Part 3 [English] (2010)
- Tyrant's Stars: Parts 1 and 2 [English] (2011) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Tyrant's Stars: Parts 3 and 4 [English] (2011) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Fortress of the Elder God [English] (2012)
- Deva Zan [English] (2013)
- Yoshitaka Amano: Illustrations [English] (2016) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Noble Front [English] (2020)
- Vampire Hunter D: Omnibus Book One [English] (2021) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Gold Fiend [English] (2022) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
吸血鬼ハンターD?Kyūketsuki Hantā D(unknown) also appeared as:
- Translation: Vampire Hunter D [English] (2005) [as by Yoshitaka Amano]
Translation: Ди, охотник на вампиров?Di, ohotnik na vampirov[Russian] (2009) [as by Yoshitaka Amano]
Translation: Vampir Avcısı D?Vampir Avcisi D[Turkish] (2020) [as byYoşitaka Amano?Yositaka Amano]
Yoshitaka Amano
魔法がいっぱい!?Mahō ga Ippai!(1981)
吸血鬼ハンターD (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Vampire Hunter D [English] (2005) [as by Yoshitaka Amano]
Translation: Ди, охотник на вампиров?Die, ohotnik na vampirov[Russian] (2009) [as by Yoshitaka Amano]
Translation: Vampir Avcısı D?Vampir Avcisi D[Turkish] (2020) [as byYoşitaka Amano?Yositaka Amano]
Yoshitaka Amano
- Vampire Hunter D [English] (1987) [only as by Y. Amano]
- Introduction: Mr. Yoshitaka Amano [English] (1989) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Introduction: Mr. Yoshitaka Amano [2] [English] (1989) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Introduction: Mr. Yoshitaka Amano [3] [English] (1989) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- The Roots of Fantasy: Myth, Folklore & Archetype [English] (1989) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- The Roots of Fantasy: Myth, Folklore & Archetype [2] [English] (1989) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
Yanusu no Tatakai -
Mongōru no Fukkatsu
Mongooru no Fukkatsu -
Ai no Arashi -
Kami no Te -
Tsurogi no Mai -
D―想秋譜?D-Sō aki fu(1992) also appeared as:
D-Sou aki fu- Translation: Notes on Imagined Autumn [English] (2008) [as by Yoshitaka Amano]
D-戦鬼伝?D-Ikusa oni tsute(1992) also appeared as:
- Translation: Legend of the War Demons [English] (2008) [as by Yoshitaka Amano]
D-昏い夜想曲?D-Kurai Yasōkyoku(1992) also appeared as:
- Translation: Dark Nocturne [English] (2008) [as by Yoshitaka Amano]
Kurisutaru no Konrei -
Niji no Michi -
Kuroi Honō
Kuroi Honoo -
Amuneria no Wana -
Shishi no Seiza -
カレーヌの邂逅?Karēnu no Kaikō(1993)
Kareenu no Kaikou
カレーヌのかいこう -
Eruzaimu no Tatakai -
Honō no Aruseisu
Honoo no Aruseisu -
Yurania no Shōnen
Yurania no Shounen -
Yami ni Naka no Onryō
Yami ni Naka no Onryou
Yami ni Naka no Onryo -
Amunerisu no Kon'yaku
Amunerisu no Konyaku -
Utsukushiki Ryoshū
Utsukushiki Ryoshuu
Utsukushiki Ryoshu -
Hi no Kansei -
Yami no Bishō
Yami no Bishou
Yami no Bisho -
天野喜孝 グイン・サーガ画集?Amano Yoshitaka: Guin Sāga Gashū(1996)
Amano Yoshitaka: Guin Saaga Gashuu
あまのよしたか グイン・サーガがしゅう -
ドールの時代?Dōru no Jidai(1996)
Dooru no Jidai
ドールのじだい -
Ikei no Ashita -
ガルムの標的?Garumu no Hyōteki(1996)
Garumu no Hyouteki
ガルムのひょうてき -
Kōgyoku Miya no Sangeki
Kougyoku Miya no Sangeki
Kogyoku Miya no Sangeki -
Gōra no Ichiban Nagai
Goora no Ichiban Nagai -
Yabō no Jokyoku
Yabou no Jokyoku - Raiser of Gales [English] (2005) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- The Stuff of Dreams [English] (2006) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Demon Deathchase [English] (2006) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Tale of the Dead Town [English] (2006) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Coffin: The Art of Vampire Hunter D [English] (2006)
- Pilgrimage of the Sacred and the Profane [English] (2006) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Mysterious Journey to the North Sea: Part Two [English] (2007) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Mysterious Journey to the North Sea: Part One [English] (2007) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
天野喜孝画集 吸血鬼ハンター"D" (cover)?Amano Yoshitaka Gashū Kyūketsuki Hantā "D" (cover)(2007) also appeared as:
- Translation: Vampire Hunter D (cover) [English] (2007)
- Translation: The Collected Art of Vampire Hunter D [English] (2007)
Chimera - Seiryu-Hen (cover) [English] (2007)
only appeared as:
Translation: キマイラ青龍変 (cover)?Kimaira Seiryū Hen (cover)[Japanese] (2007)
- Variant: Chimera - Seiryu-Hen (cover) (2007) [as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Final Fantasy VI [English] (2007) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Final Fantasy XI [English] (2007) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Gallery Amano [English] (2007) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Gallery Amano [2] [English] (2007) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Gallery Amano [3] [English] (2007) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- N.Y Salad [English] (2007) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Twin-Shadowed Knight, Parts 1 and 2 [English] (2009) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Dark Road: Parts 1 and 2 [English] (2010) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Dark Road: Part 3 [English] (2010) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Tyrant's Stars: Parts 1 and 2 [English] (2011) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Tyrant's Stars: Parts 3 and 4 [English] (2011) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Fortress of the Elder God [English] (2012) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Deva Zan [English] (2013) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Gold Fiend Part 1 [English] (2022) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]
- Gold Fiend Part 2 [English] (2022) [only as by Yoshitaka Amano]