- Author: Eando Binder Author Record # 2617
- Language: English
- Webpages: SFE
- Used As Alternate Name By: Earl Binder, Otto Binder
- Note: "Eando Binder" stood for "Earl and Otto Binder" until Earl stopped contributing in late 1935-early 1936. See Otto's letter to Earl "on Earl's decision to no longer participate in the "Eando" pseudonym", 20 January 1936 at https://web.archive.org/web/20160317170032/http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/tamucush/00147/00147-P.html . Otto continued rewriting their old unsold stories, so some of the material published as by "Eando Binder" in 1936-1939 was at least partially by Earl. Anything published after 1939 was apparently written by Otto alone.
- Additional Bibliographic Comments: Author:Eando Binder
Alternate Name. See:
Earl Binder, Otto Binder
(or view all titles published using this alternate name)