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Cover Art Series
- Detail from The Garden of Earthly Delights
Honeymoon in Hell [English] (1958)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Poséidonis [French] (1981)
- The Hunger and Other Stories [English] (1959) with Heinrich Kley
- Een faun met kille horentjes (1966)
Australian Science Fiction Review, December 1966 [English] (1966)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Oryx and Crake (2000)
Vrli novi svet [Serbian] (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Galaktika 1: Tudományos-fantasztikus antológia [Hungarian] (1972) [as by Hyeronimus Bosch]
- Translation: The Last World [English] (1996)
- Translation: Collected Fictions [English] (1999)
- Translation: Gardens of Earthly Delight [English] (2011)
Painters of Fantasy: From Hieronymus Bosch to Salvador Dali [English] (1974)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Fantastische Schilders: Van Hieronymus Bosch tot Salvador Dali [Dutch] (1974)
- Variant: Anatomy of Wonder: Science Fiction (1976)
- Variant: Fantastic Worlds: Myths, Tales, and Stories (1979)
- Variant: Fantasy: The Literature of Subversion (1981)
- Variant: Fantasy: The Literature of Subversion (1981) [as by Bosch (1450-1516)]
- Variant: The Gardens of Delight (1982)
- Variant: SFX Presents Classic Vampire Tales (1998)
- Variant: The Mad Man (2002)
- Translation: Una temporada en el infierno / Iluminaciones [Spanish] (2005)
- Translation: La casa en el límite [Spanish] (2016)
La loterie [French] (1980)
[only as by Jérôme Bosch?Jerome Bosch]
Les écarlates [French] (1980)
only appeared as:
Variant: Les écarlates (1980)
[as by Jérôme Bosch?Jerome Bosch]
Variant: La pierre d'achoppement (1991)
[as by Jérôme Bosch?Jerome Bosch]
Variant: Les écarlates (1980)
[as by
- The Gardens of Delight [English] (1980)
- A Proposito di Eva: Una Commedia di Foglie di Fico [Italian] (1981)
Die Gärten des Meisters [German] (1983)
also appeared as:
- Translation: The Sinners of Erspia [English] (2005)
Translation: Alçaklığın Evrensel Tarihi?Alcakligın Evrensel Tarihi[Turkish] (2011)
- Translation: Ficciones: Hayaller ve Hikâyeler [Turkish] (2012)
- Fantastic Metamorphoses, Other Worlds [English] (2002)
- Other Edens [English] (2010)
- Yaratan [Turkish] (2011)
Kum Kitabı?Kum Kitabi[Turkish] (2015)
- Ficciones: Hayaller ve Hikâyeler [Turkish] (2015)
- Deceiver [English] (2017)
Honeymoon in Hell [English] (1958)
also appeared as:
La fin du monde [French] (1989)
[only as by Jérôme Bosch?Jerome Bosch]
Démons et merveilles?Demons et merveilles[French] (1996) [only as byJérôme Bosch?Jerome Bosch]
- Eden: The Novel [English] (2004)
- God Laughs When You Die [English] (2007)
- Brodie Raporu [Turkish] (2010)
Kaygı veren dostluklar?Kaygi veren dostluklar[Turkish] (2011)
Ascent of the Blessed (unknown)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Alef [Turkish] (2012)
- Translation: Ascent of the Blessed [English] (2013)
- Translation: Alpha & Omega: Apokalypse für Anfänger [German] (2014)
Christ Carrying the Cross (unknown)
only appeared as:
Translation: Izopačene životinje?Izopacene zivotinje[Serbian] (1967)
Izopachene zhivotinje - Translation: Christ Carrying the Cross, ca. 1510-1535 [English] (2019)
De dood van een vrek (unknown)
only appeared as:
- Translation: The Dedalus Book of Dutch Fantasy [English] (1993)
Johannes de Evangelist op Patmos (unknown)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Yaratan [Turkish] (2015)
The Haywain (left panel) (unknown)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Paradox #2, Summer 2003 [English] (2003)
- Translation: The Solitudes [English] (2007)
The Haywain (right panel) [English] (unknown)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Demons of Sandorra (1970)
Translation: La reine des épées [French] (1988)
[as by Jérôme Bosch?Jerome Bosch]
The Last Jugement 1 (left panel) (unknown)
only appeared as:
Translation: Dantevari Denemeler / Shakespeare'in Belleği?Dantevari Denemeler / Shakespeare'in Bellegi[Turkish] (2016)
The Last Jugement 2 (central panel) (unknown)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Nightmares and Geezenstacks [English] (1961)
- Variant: 1999 was me 't jaartje wel (1967) [as by Hieronymus Bosch and Dick Bruna]
- Translation: Reklamokratija [Serbian] (1967)
- Variant: Kleine Fredric Brown omnibus (1976) [as by Hieronymus Bosch and Dick Bruna]
- Translation: Discesa all'inferno [Italian] (1991) [as by Hyeronimus Bosch]
- Translation: Only Begotten Daughter [English] (1996)
- Translation: The Plague Tales [English] (1997) [as by Hieronymus Bosch and Honi Werner]
- Translation: Other Edens [English] (2005)
The Last Jugement 2 (right panel) (unknown)
only appeared as:
Translation: Le roi des épées [French] (1988)
[as by Jérôme Bosch?Jerome Bosch]
Translation: Le roi des épées [French] (1988)
[as by
The Last Jugement 3 (unknown)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Zvezdane spore [Serbian] (1967)
- Variant: Het grote gebeuren (1971) [as by Jeroen Bosch]
- Translation: The Slaying of the Dragon [English] (1984)
- The Midnight People [English] (unknown)
The Ship of Fools (unknown)
only appeared as:
- Translation: The Ship of Fools [English] (2002)
- Translation: Mappamundi [English] (2009)
Translation: Alçaklığın Evrensel Tarihi?Alcakligin Evrensel Tarihi[Turkish] (2016)
The Temptation of Saint Anthony (central panel) (unknown)
only appeared as:
Translation: Die phantastischen Erzählungen?Stanislaw Lem: Die phantastischen Erzaehlungen[German] (1980)
Translation: Imajica: Tome 1 [French] (1996)
[as by Jérôme Bosch?Jerome Bosch]
- Translation: Ficciones [Spanish] (1997)
- Translation: Brodie Raporu [Turkish] (2015)
The Temptation of Saint Anthony (left panel) [English] (unknown)
only appeared as:
- Translation: Tahmasib [Serbian] (1967)
- Variant: Australian Science Fiction Review, #6, January 1967 (1967) [as by J. van Aeken]
Translation: Histoires de délires?Histoires de delires[French] (1988) [as byJérôme Bosch?Jerome Bosch]
Translation: Imajica: Tome 2 [French] (1996)
[as by Jérôme Bosch?Jerome Bosch]
- Translation: Das Wägen von Luft [German] (2000)
- Variant: A Universal History of Iniquity (2001)
- Translation: Alef [Turkish] (2015)
The Temptation of Saint Anthony (right panel) (unknown)
only appeared as:
Translation: Le chevalier des épées [French] (1988)
[as by Jérôme Bosch?Jerome Bosch]
- Translation: Missing the Midnight: Hauntings & Grotesques [English] (1997)
Translation: Tout Corum [French] (1998)
[as by Jérôme Bosch?Jerome Bosch]
Translation: Dantevari Denemeler / Shakespeare'in Belleği?Dantevari Denemeler / Shakespeare'in Bellegi[Turkish] (2011)
Translation: Le chevalier des épées [French] (1988)
[as by
Tondal's Vision (unknown)
only appeared as:
Translation: Gotham [French] (2001)
[as by Jérôme Bosch?Jerome Bosch]
Translation: Gotham [French] (2001)
[as by
The Last Judgment [English] (1482)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Detail from The Last Judgment (2019)
- Nova Sekundär [German] (1505)
- Hell (detail) [English] (1965)
- Guises of the Reaper [English] (1984)
- The Book of Hieronymus Bosch [English] (1988)
- Hieronymus Bosch: Art Retrospective [English] (2007)
- Studies of Monsters to Populate Bosch's Nightmarish Landscapes [English] (2019)
- Studies of Monsters to Populate Bosch's Nightmarish Landscapes [2] [English] (2019)
- Study for The Garden of Earthly Delights [English] (2019)
- The Haywain Triptych [English] (2019)
- The Source: Hieronymus Bosch [English] (2019)
- The Harrowing of Hell [English] (2020)
The Garden of Earthly Delights [English] (unknown)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Der Garten der irdischen Lüste [German] (2007)
- Translation: Der Garten der Lüste [German] (2007)
- Variant: A Detail from the Garden Triptych (2019)
- Variant: Detail of Creatures from The Garden of Earthly Delights (2019)