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Fiction Series
- Calamity
- 2
The Juice of Love (1970)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Juice of Love (1970) [as by John Cleve]
- Variant: Juice of Love (1975) [as by John Cleve]
- 2
The Juice of Love (1970)
only appeared as:
- Conan Universe
- Conan Pastiches
Conan and the Sorcerer (1978)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Conan und der Zauberer [German] (1983)
The Sword of Skelos (1979)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Sword of Skelos (1979) [as by Andrew Offutt]
- Translation: Conan und das Schwert von Skelos [German] (1982) [as by Andrew Offutt]
- Translation: Conan le brigand [French] (1983) [as by Andrew Offutt]
- Translation: Conan e la spada di Skelos [Italian] (1992)
Translation: Conan et l'épée de Skelos?Conan et l'epee de Skelos[French] (1995)
- Translation: La espada de Skelos [Spanish] (1996) [as by Andrew Offutt]
Translation: Conan a meč Skelosu?Conan a mec Skelosu[Czech] (2004) [as by Andrew Offutt]
Conan the Mercenary (1981)
also appeared as:
Translation: Conan der Söldner?Conan der Soeldner[German] (1983)
- Translation: Conan i najemnik [Polish] (1994)
Translation: Conan ˛oldnéř?Conan zoldner[Czech] (2011)
Conan und der Zauberer / Conan der Söldner: Zwei Romane der Conan-Saga?Conan und der Zauberer / Conan der Soeldner: Zwei Romane der Conan-Saga[German] (1998) [O]
Conan and the Sorcerer (1978)
also appeared as:
- Conan Pastiches
- Cormac Mac Art
- 2 Sword of the Gael (1975)
- 3 The Undying Wizard (1976)
- 4 The Sign of the Moonbow (1977)
- 5 The Mists of Doom (1977)
- 6 When Death Birds Fly (1980) with Keith Taylor
- 7 The Tower of Death (1982) with Keith Taylor
- Spaceways
- 1 Of Alien Bondage (1982) [only as by John Cleve]
- 2 Corundum's Woman (1982) [only as by John Cleve]
- 3 Escape from Macho (1982) [only as by John Cleve]
- 4 Satana Enslaved (1982) [only as by John Cleve]
- 5 Master of Misfit (1982) [only as by John Cleve]
- 6 Purrfect Plunder (1982) [only as by John Cleve]
- 7 The Manhuntress (1982) with Geo. W. Proctor [only as by John Cleve]
- 8 Under Twin Suns (1982) [only as by John Cleve]
- 9 In Quest of Qalara (1983) [only as by John Cleve]
- 10 The Yoke of Shen (1983) with Geo. W. Proctor [only as by John Cleve]
- 11 The Iceworld Connection (1983) with Jack C. Haldeman, II and Vol Haldeman [only as by John Cleve]
- 12 Star Slaver (1983) with G. C. Edmondson [only as by John Cleve]
- 13 Jonuta Rising! (1983) with Victor Koman [only as by John Cleve]
- 14 Assignment: Hellhole (1983) with Robin Kincaid [only as by John Cleve]
- 15 Starship Sapphire (1984) with Roland J. Green [only as by John Cleve]
- 16 The Planet Murderer (1984) with Dwight V. Swain [only as by John Cleve]
- 17 The Carnadyne Horde (1984) with Victor Koman [only as by John Cleve]
- 18 Race Across the Stars (1984) with Robin Kincaid [only as by John Cleve]
- 19 King of the Slavers (1985) [only as by John Cleve]
- Thieves' World
Shadowspawn (1979) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Shadowspawn (1979) [as by Andrew Offutt]
- Translation: Nachtschatten [German] (1986) [as by Andrew Offutt]
- Translation: Skuggynglet [Swedish] (1988) [as by Andrew Offutt]
Shadow's Pawn (1980) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: Shadow's Pawn (1980) [as by Andrew Offutt]
- Translation: Schattenpfand [German] (1987) [as by Andrew Offutt]
- Translation: Skuggans redskap [Swedish] (1989) [as by Andrew Offut]
Translation: Заложник теней?Zalozhnik teney[Russian] (1995) [as byЭндрю Оффут?Andrew Offout]
The Vivisectionist (1981) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Vivisectionist (1981) [as by Andrew Offutt]
- Translation: Der Vivisezierer [German] (1987) [as by Andrew Offutt]
Translation: Vivisektören?Vivisektoeren[Swedish] (1989)
Godson (1982) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Gottsohn [German] (1992)
Rebels Aren't Born in Palaces (1984) [SF]
also appeared as:
Translation: Rebellen werden nicht in Palästen geboren?Rebellen werden nicht in Palaesten geboren[German] (1989)
The Veiled Lady, or A Look at the Normal Folk (1985) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Veiled Lady, or A Look at the Normal Folk (1985) [as by Andrew Offutt]
- Translation: Die verschleierte Dame [German] (1990) [as by Andrew Offutt]
Spellmaster (1986) [SF]
Jodie Offutt
only appeared as:
- Variant: Spellmaster (1986) [as by Andrew Offutt and Jodie Offutt]
- Translation: Der Bann der Magie [German] (1992) [as by Andrew Offutt and Jodie Offutt]
- Shadowspawn (1987)
Homecoming (1987) [SF]
only appeared as:
- Variant: Homecoming (1987) [as by Andrew Offutt]
- Translation: Heimkehr [German] (1992) [as by Andrew Offutt]
Night Work (1989) [SF]
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nachtarbeit [German] (1993) [as by Andrew Offutt]
- The Shadow of Sorcery (1993)
- Role Model (2002) [SF] [only as by Andrew Offutt]
- Dark of the Moon (2004) [SF] [only as by Andrew Offutt]
Shadowspawn (1979) [SF]
also appeared as:
- War of the Gods on Earth
- 1 The Iron Lords (1979)
- 2 Shadows Out of Hell (1980)
- 3 The Lady of the Snowmist (1983)
- War of the Wizards
- 1
The Demon in the Mirror (1978)
Richard K. Lyon
also appeared as:
- Variant: Demon in the Mirror (1978) [as by Richard Lyon and Andrew Offutt]
- Variant: The Demon in the Mirror (1980) [as by Richard Lyon and Andrew Offutt]
- 2 The Eyes of Sarsis (1980) with Richard K. Lyon [only as by Richard Lyon and Andrew Offutt]
- 3 Web of the Spider (1981) with Richard K. Lyon [only as by Richard Lyon and Andrew Offutt]
- 1
The Demon in the Mirror (1978)
Richard K. Lyon
also appeared as:
- Devil's Degradation (1966) [only as by J. X. Williams]
- Her (1967) [only as by J. X. Williams]
- ESP Orgy (1968) [only as by J. X. Williams]
- Sex Toy (1968) [only as by J. X. Williams]
- The Sex Pill (1968) [only as by J. X. Williams]
- Under-Covers Agent (1968) [only as by Alan Marshall]
- Barbarana (1970) [only as by John Cleve]
- Fruit of the Loins (1970) [only as by John Cleve]
- Jodinareh (1970) [only as by John Cleve]
- The Devoured (1970) [only as by John Cleve]
- Evil Is Live Spelled Backwards (1970)
Pleasure Us! (1971)
D. Bruce Berry
only appeared as:
- Variant: Pleasure Us! (1971) [as by John Cleve]
- Variant: The Pleasure Principle (1975) [as by Baxter Giles]
- The Balling Machine (1971) with D. Bruce Berry [only as by Jeff Douglas]
- The Great 24-Hour Thing (1971)
The Castle Keeps (1972)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les visages du chaos [French] (1974)
- The Galactic Rejects (1973)
- Messenger of Zhuvastou (1973)
- Ardor on Aros (1973)
- Manlib! (1974) [only as by John Cleve]
The Sexorcist (1974)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Sexorcist (1974) [as by John Cleve]
- Variant: Unholy Revelry (1976) [as by John Cleve]
- Genetic Bomb (1975) with D. Bruce Berry
Chieftain of Andor (1976)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Clansman of Andor (1979)
My Lord Barbarian (1977)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Valeron der Barbar [German] (1982) [as by Andrew J. Offut]
- King Dragon (1980)
Rails Across the Galaxy (1982)
Richard K. Lyon
only appeared as:
- Serializations:
- Rails Across the Galaxy (Part 1 of 3) (1982) [as by Richard Lyon and Andrew J. Offutt]
- Rails Across the Galaxy (Part 2 of 3) (1982) [as by Richard Lyon and Andrew J. Offutt]
- Rails Across the Galaxy (Part 3 of 3) (1982) [as by Richard Lyon and Andrew J. Offutt]
- Deathknight (1990)
- Swords Against Darkness
- 1 Swords Against Darkness (1977)
- 2 Swords Against Darkness II (1977)
- 3 Swords Against Darkness III (1978)
- 4 Swords Against Darkness IV (1979)
- 5 Swords Against Darkness V (1979)
Atlantis ist überall?Atlantis ist ueberall[German] (1981)
- The Black Sorcerer of the Black Castle (1976)
- And Gone Tomorrow (2019) [also as by Andy Offut]
- Druin
- 1 The Inn at World's End (1980) with Richard K. Lyon [only as by Richard Lyon and Andrew Offutt]
- 2
The Whispering Mirror (1980)
Richard K. Lyon
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Whispering Mirror (1980) [as by Richard Lyon and Andrew Offutt]
Translation: Der flüsternde Spiegel?Der fluesternde Spiegel[German] (1985) [as by Richard Lyon and Andrew Offutt]
- Tiana's World
- 1 The Hungry Apples (1979) with Richard K. Lyon [only as by Richard Lyon and Andrew Offutt]
- 2 Inn of the White Cat (1979) with Richard K. Lyon
- 3
Devil on My Stomach: A Tale of Tiana's World (1980)
Richard K. Lyon
also appeared as:
- Variant: Devil on My Stomach (1980)
- Translation: Duivel op Mijn Buik [Dutch] (1982)
- 4 The Iron Mercenary: A Tale of Tiana (2007) with Richard K. Lyon
- 5 Arachnis: A Tale of Tiana (2008) with Richard K. Lyon
- 6 Naked Before Mine Enemies: A Tale of Tiana (2008) with Richard K. Lyon
- Portrait of a Behemoth (2009) with Richard K. Lyon
- And Gone Tomorrow (1954) [also as by Andy Offut]
Blacksword (1959)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Blacksword (1959) [as by A. J. Offutt]
- Translation: Blacksword il Dittatore [Italian] (1961)
- Translation: Blacksword [French] (1972)
- Translation: Blacksword [French] (1975) [as by A. J. Offutt]
- Mandroid (1966) with Piers Anthony and Robert E. Margroff also appeared as:
- The Forgotten Gods of Earth (1966)
- Blowfly (1967)
Population Implosion (1967)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Implosione demografica [Italian] (1972)
- Translation: Die absolute Zahl [German] (1974)
Swordsmen of the Stars (1967)
Robert E. Margroff
also appeared as:
- Translation: Ceux qui vont mourir [French] (1974)
The Defendant Earth (1969)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Procčs contre la Terre [French] (1971)
- Ask a Silly Question (1970)
- The Book (1970) with Robert E. Margroff
- My Country, Right or Wrong (1971)
- For Value Received (1972)
Final Solution (1972)
also appeared as:
- Serializations:
- Final Solution (Part 1 of 2) (1976)
- Final Solution (Part 2 of 2) (1976)
Sareva: In Memoriam (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Sareva : In memoriam [French] (1973)
- Translation: Sareva, meine Hexe [German] (1974)
Meanwhile, We Eliminate (1973)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Il trasgressore, o la cittą sicura [Italian] (1974)
- The Black Sorcerer of the Black Castle (1974) [also as by Andrew J. Black-Offutt]
- Tribute (1974) with Robert E. Margroff [only as by Robert E. Margroff and Andrew Offutt]
- From the Treasurer [2] (The SFWA Forum #32, January 1974) (1974)
- Gone with the Gods (1974)
- Enchante (1975)
- The Greenhouse Defect (1976)
The Blade of Serazene (1977)
only appeared as:
- Serializations:
- The Blade of Serazene (Part 1 of ?) (1977)
- The Sign of the Moonbow (excerpt) (1977)
Nekht Semerkeht (1977)
Robert E. Howard
also appeared as:
- Translation: Nekht Semerkeht [German] (1981)
- Translation: Nekht Semerkeht [French] (1986) [as by Robert E. Howard]
- Translation: Nekht Semerkeht [German] (1988)
- Translation: Nekht Semerketh [Hungarian] (1990) [as by Robert E. Howard]
- Translation: Nekht Semerkeht [French] (2015) [as by Robert E. Howard]
- Last Quest (1977)
- The Essence of the Cimmerian (1978)
- At the Beach (1978)
- Lord General of Nemedia (Part 7 of 17) (1978)
- Conan the Mercenary, Chapter Eight (1978)
- Symbiote (1980)
- Little Boy Waiting at the Edge of the Darkwood (1981)
- The Hungry Apples: a Tale of Tiana (2008) with Richard K. Lyon
- Inn of the White Cat: a Tale of Tiana (2008) with Richard K. Lyon
- Locus Obituary
- See You Later, Leigh (1978) [only as by Andrew Offutt]
- Letter (Fantastic Adventures, August 1951): Sex---Or Sexgestive! (1951) [only as by A. J. Offutt, Jr.]
- A Chatty, Preferably Controversial, Column (Trumpet #2) (1965)
- A Chatty, Preferably Controversial Column (Trumpet #3) (1965) [only as by Andy Offutt]
- Letter (Trumpet #3) (1965) [only as by Andy Offutt]
- A Chatty, Preferably Controversial, Column (Trumpet #4) (1966)
- CPCC: When You and I Were Young, Maggie (1967)
- A Dull Thud Rang Out in the Grey Dawn, etc. (1967)
- Letter (Trumpet #6) (1967)
Letter to The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, June 1967 (1967)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Letter to Damon Knight (SFWA Bulletin, June 1967) (1967) [as by Andy Offutt]
- CPCC: The Man with the Power (1968)
- Letter to Psychotic, July 1968 (1968)
- CPCC: Dracula Was a Bad Guy (1968)
- Letter to Psychotic, September 1968 (1968)
- CPCC: Your Therapist Is a Good Guy (1969)
- Letter (Trumpet #10) (1969)
- Trumpet People: Andrew J. Offutt (1969)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review, January 1969) (1969)
- Letter to Science Fiction Review, June 1969 (1969)
- Paper Tiger, Burning Bright (1969)
- Letter to Science Fiction Review, October 1969 (1969)
- Letter (Science Fiction Review, April 1970) (1970) [only as by Andrew Offutt]
- Letter (Riverside Quarterly, July 1971) (1971)
- Afterword (For Value Received) (1972)
- Letter to Dennis McHaney, no date ("A few days ago you sent me...") (1973) [only as by Offutt]
- Letter to Dennis McHaney, no date ("I just read every word...") (1973) [only as by Offutt]
- Letter to Dennis McHaney, no date ("offutt to McHaney, peace...") (1973) [only as by Offutt]
- Letter (Moebius Trip Library: Science Fiction Echo 17) (1973) [only as by Andy Offutt]
Letter (Algol #20, May 1973) (1973)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Letter (Algol 20, May 1973) (1973) [as by Andy Offutt]
- Letter to The SFWA Forum # 31, September 1973 (1973)
- Tax Deductible Expenses for Writers (1973)
- Letter (Algol 21, November 1973) (1973) [only as by Andy Offut]
- From the Treasurer (The SFWA Forum #32, January 1974) (1974)
- Letter to The SFWA Forum #32, January 1974 (1974)
- Savings on Paper (1974)
- From the Treasurer (1974)
- Letter (The Alien Critic #10) (1974)
- Foreword (Sword of the Gael) (1975)
- A Dull Thud Rang Out in the Grey Dawn (1976)
- Money Is Valuable: Save It! (1976)
- Savings on Paper (1976)
- Savings on Postage (1976)
- Tax-Deductible Expense for Writers (1976)
- The Strange Facts in the "Black Sorcerer" Case (1976)
- The Undying Druids (1976)
- Letter (Algol, Winter 1976) (1976)
- From the President (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, August 1976) (1976)
- Intro to Simba #1 (1976)
- From the President (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, October 1976) (1976)
- Copyediting: An Obscene Act (1977) [only as by Andrew Offutt]
- From the President (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America, Fall 1977) (1977)
- Foreword (Swords Against Darkness) (1977)
- Call It What You Will (1977)
- Introduction: With Gratitude (The Mists of Doom) (1977)
- Letter (Fantasy Crossroads, November 1977) (1977) [only as by Andy Offutt]
- Kidnapped on Mars (1978)
- Smith on Mars!?! (1978)
- Foreword (Swords Against Darkness III) (1978)
- A Question (The Diversifier #26) (1978) with Marion Zimmer Bradley and Grant Carrington and David Gerrold and Stephen Goldin and Harry Harrison and H. Warner Munn and Frederik Pohl and Andrew Porter and Donald A. Wollheim
- Future Forum (Future, May 1978) (1978) with Gerry Anderson and Isaac Asimov and Dr. Geoffrey Canetti and Mark R. Chartrand, III and Jonathan Eberhart and Carolyn Henson and Jerry Pournelle [only as by Gerry Anderson and Dr. Isaac Asimov and Dr. Geoffrey Canetti and Dr. Mark R. Chartrand and Jonathan Eberhart and Carolyn Henson and Andrew J. Offutt and Dr. Jerry Pournelle]
- Letter (The Diversifier #26) (1978)
- Introduction (Kull) (1978)
- Letter (Simba #2) (1978)
- Dedication (1979)
- Ozymandias (Eternity, #1) (1979)
Foreword—In Two Parts?Foreword-In Two Parts(1979)
- Foreword to the Fifth Volume of Swords Against Darkness (1979)
- Letter (Dragonfields #3) (1980)
- Ozymandias (Eternity Science Fiction, #2) (1980)
- Writing Goodly (1980) [only as by Andrew Offutt]
- The Lyon of Fantasy and Science Fiction (1981)
Afterword: Some Blatantly Personal Observations (1985)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Afterword: Some Blatantly Personal Observations (1985) [as by Andrew Offutt]
- Translation: Nachwort (Magira #38) [German] (1992)
- Letter (Science Fiction Chronicle #78) (1986) [only as by Andrew Offutt]
- For My Friend Dick (2009)
- A Chatty, Preferably Controversial Column (Trumpet #3) (1965) [only as by Andy Offutt]
- An Interview with Andrew J. Offutt (1979) by David A. Truesdale
- An Interview with Andrew J. Offutt, Part Two (1979) by David A. Truesdale
Non-Genre Titles
- Bondage Babes (1968) [only as by Alan Marshall]
- Swapper Town (1968) [only as by Alan Marshall]
- Operation: Super Ms. (1974)