- Author: Ellisa Mitchell Author Record # 27176
- Legal Name: Mitchell, Ellisa Hawke
- Language: English
- Webpages: lair2000.net
- Used These Alternate Names: Elissa Martin, Ellisa Martin, Ellisa Martin-Schobe, Elisa Mitchell, Elissa Mitchell, Ellisa H. Mitchell
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
Cover Art Interior Art Series
- First North Americans
- People of the Fire (maps) (1991)
- Homecoming (Orson Scott Card)
- Homecoming (maps) (1992)
- Westria
- The Jewel of Fire (maps) (1992) [only as by Ellisa Martin]
- Wheel of Time
- The Great Hunt (map) (1990)
- The Dragon Reborn (maps) (1991) with Thomas Canty [only as by Thomas Canty and Ellisa Martin]
- The Shadow Rising (maps) (1992) with Thomas Canty
- The Fires of Heaven (maps) (1993) with Thomas Canty
- Lord of Chaos (maps) (1994)
- A Crown of Swords (maps) (1996)
- Leap of the Lion (1988) [only as by Ellisa Martin]
- Return of the White Witch (1988) [only as by Ellisa Martin]
- Return to Deathwater (1988) [only as by Ellisa Martin-Schobe]
- The Lost Crowns of Cair Paravel (1988) [only as by Ellisa Martin]
- The Sorceress and the Book of Spells (1988) [only as by Ellisa Martin]
- The Eye of the World (maps) (1990)
- The Dragon Reborn (1991) with Matthew C. Nielsen [only as by Ellisa Martin and Matthew C. Nielsen]
- Tar Valon (1991) [only as by Ellisa Martin]
- The Memory of Earth (maps) (1992)
A Fire Upon the Deep (map) (1992)
only appeared as:
- Variant: A Fire Upon the Deep (map) (1992) [as by Elissa Martin]
- Translation: Un feu sur l'abîme (map) [French] (2022) [as by uncredited]
- Playgrounds of the Mind (1992)
- The Shadow Rising (1992) with Matthew C. Nielsen
- Lord of the Two Lands (map) (1993)
- The Call of Earth (maps) (1993)
- Darker Jewels (map) (1993) with Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
- The Realms of the Sunborn (1993)
- Planet of Adventure (map) (1993)
- The Fires of Heaven (1993) with Matthew C. Nielsen
- The Kingdoms of the Green Isles (map) (1993)
- Wraeththu (map) (1993)
- New Spring (map) (1994)
- The Ships of Earth (map) (1994)
- The Streeter (map) (1994)
- Homecoming: Harmony (maps) (1994)
- Moonheart (1994)
- The First Part of Book One of The Wheel of Time (maps) (1994)
- People of the Lakes (1994)
- Child of an Ancient City (chapter openings) (1994)
- Child of an Ancient City (map) (1994)
- Lord of Chaos (1994) with Matthew C. Nielsen
- Conan the Liberator (Map of Hyboria) (1995)
- People of the Lightning (1995)
- The Eagles' Brood (maps) (1995) [only as by Ellisa H. Mitchell]
- Demon Moon (Path of Black Hole) (1995)
- Earthborn (maps) (1995)
Ganwold's Child (map) (1995)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Echoes of Issel (map) (1996)
The Wheel of Time (maps) (1995)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Secrets (map) [French] (2011) [as by uncredited]
- The Conan Chronicles (Map of Hyborian Age) (1995)
- Candar and Recluce (map) (1995)
The World (map) (1995)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Recluce (maps) [German] (2000)
- De herrezen draak (map) [Dutch] (1996) with Thomas Canty [only as by Thomas Canty and Ellisa Martin]
- The Skystone (maps) (1996)
- Wind from a Foreign Sky (map) (1996)
- The Bones of Time (map) (1996) [also as by Ellisa H. Mitchell]
- Pride of Lions (map) (1996)
- The Two Georges (maps) (1996)
- A Crown of Swords (1996) with Matthew C. Nielsen
- Drum Calls (maps) (1996)
- Drum Warning (maps) (1996)
- People of The Silence (maps) (1996)
- Dominion's Reach (map) (1997)
- Song in the Silence (map) (1997)
- Frozen Planet (map) (1997) [only as by Ellisa H. Mitchell]
- Pride of Lions (maps) (1997)
- Children of Amarid (map) (1997)
- The Last Hawk (map) (1997)
- The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time (maps and ornaments) (1997) with John M. Ford
- Een Kroon van Zwaarden (map) [Dutch] (1998) with Thomas Canty
- Midnight Louie's Pet Detectives (1998)
- Midnight Louie's Pet Detectives (frontispiece) (1998)
- The Path of Daggers (1998) with Matthew C. Nielsen
- A Tremor in the Bitter Earth (maps) (1998)
- In Legend Born (map) (1998)
- The Outlanders (map) (1998)
- The Path of Daggers (maps) (1998)
- Het Pad der Dolken (map) [Dutch] (1999) with Thomas Canty
- Het rad des tijds: Een vroege lente (map) [Dutch] (1999)
- Het rad des tijds: Een vroege lente (map) [2] [Dutch] (1999)
- Medalon (map) (2000)
- Obernewtyn (map) (2000)
- Sirkara (map) (2000)
- Winter's Heart (2000) with Matthew C. Nielsen
- Winter's Heart (maps) (2000)
Eagle-Sage (map) (2001)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Eagle-Sage (maps) (2001) [as by Ellisa H. Mitchell]
- Kundala (Map) [German] (2001)
- Map of Kundala (The Ring of Five Dragons) (2001)
- The Ring of Five Dragons (map) (2001)
- The Farseekers (map) (2001)
- Illumination (map) (2001)
- Ashling (map) (2001)
- Mother Ocean, Daughter Sea (map) (2001)
- Conan the Rebel (2001)
- Map of Corus (Soarer's Choice) (2002)
- Map of Kundala (The Veil of a Thousand Tears) (2002)
- From the Two Rivers: Part One of The Eye of the World (map) (2002)
The Wheel of Time (map) (2002)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Das Rad der Zeit (map) [German] (2004)
Winds of the Forelands (maps) (2002)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Les Terres du Devant (map) [French] (2005)
- Translation: Royaume d'Eibithar (map) [French] (2005)
- Kushiel's Chosen (map) (2002)
- The Veil of a Thousand Tears (map) (2002)
- Alector's Choice (map) (2002)
- Darknesses (map) (2002)
- Legacies (maps) (2002)
- Scepters (map) (2002)
- Conan the Swordsman (map) (2002)
- The Sea Lark's Song (map) (2002)
- Crossroads of Twilight (2003) with Matthew C. Nielsen
- Hades' Daughter (maps) (2003)
- The Binder's Road (map) (2003)
- Jaws of Darkness (maps) (2003)
- Mistress of the Pearl (map) (2003)
- The Wraiths of Will and Pleasure (map) (2003)
- People of the Owl (maps) (2003)
- Prince of Fire and Ashes (maps) (2003)
- Godslayer (map) (2004)
- New Spring: The Novel (2004) with Matthew C. Nielsen
- New Spring: The Novel (maps) (2004)
- Sagas of Conan (Map of the Hyborian Age) (2004)
- Gods' Concubine (map) (2004)
- Glass Dragons (map) (2004)
- Faragon Fairingay (maps) (2004)
- Conan of Venarium (map) (2004)
- Scepters (maps) (2004)
- Twilight Rising, Serpent's Dream (map) (2004)
- People of the Raven (2004)
- Viersprong van de Schemer (maps) [Dutch] (2004) with Thomas Canty
- The Shades of Time And Memory (map) (2004)
- Banewreaker (map) (2004)
- Knife of Dreams (2005) with Matthew C. Nielsen
- Clabbernappers (map) (2005)
- It Sleeps in Me (map) (2005)
- Treason Keep (map) (2005)
- Dragon Blade: The Book of the Rowan (map) (2005)
- Talyn (maps) (2005)
- Knife of Dreams (maps) (2005)
- Triad (map) (2005)
- Eifelheim (map) (2006)
- Harshini (map) (2006)
- Paragaea: A Planetary Romance (map) (2006)
- The Ghosts of Blood and Innocence (map) (2006)
- It Wakes in Me (map) (2006)
- Malden (map) (2006)
- Map of Valing and the Three Kingdoms (2006)
- Wolfblade (map) (2006)
- Soarer's Choice (2006)
- The Sorcerers' Plague (maps) (2007)
- Midst Toil and Tribulation (Map of Safehold) (2007)
Off Armageddon Reef (maps) (2007)
also appeared as:
- Variant: At the Sign of Triumph (map) (2016)
- Fantasms (map) (2007)
- Mother of Lies (maps) (2007)
- Cadmian's Choice (map) (2007)
- It Dreams in Me (map) (2007)
- Terre d'Ange (map) (2007)
- Warlord (map) (2007)
- Warrior (map) (2007)
- Hamor (map) (2007)
- A Sword from Red Ice (map) (2007)
- Queen Ferris (map) (2007) [also as by Elisa Mitchell]
- The Companion Lakes Region (map) (2007)
- The Southlands (map) (2007)
- Der Schatten erhebt sich (map) [German] (2008)
- People of the Weeping Eye (2008)
- People of the Weeping Eye (maps) (2008)
- Kushiel's Justice (map) (2008)
- By Schism Rent Asunder (maps) (2008) with Jennifer Hanover
- The Lord-Protector's Daughter (map) (2008)
- The Horsemen's Gambit (maps) (2009)
- Hawkspar (maps) (2009)
- Kushiel's Mercy (map) (2009)
- By Heresies Distressed (map) (2009)
- By Heresies Distressed (maps) (2009) with Jennifer Hanover [only as by Jennifer Hanover and Elissa Mitchell]
- The Clan Lands of Whitecliff (2009)
- The Gathering Storm (2009) with Matthew C. Nielsen
- The Knight of the Red Beard (2009)
- The Dark-Eyes' War (maps) (2010)
- A Mighty Fortress (maps) (2010)
- People of the Longhouse (2010)
- The Gathering Storm (maps) (2010)
- Towers of Midnight (maps) (2010)
- Towers of Midnight (2010) with Matthew C. Nielsen
- Lady-Protector (map) (2011)
- How Firm a Foundation (maps) (2011)
- The Children of the Sky (map) (2011)
- People of the Black Sun (2012)
- Range of Ghosts (map) (2012)
- La Roue du Temps (map) [French] (2012)
- Midst Toil and Tribulation (maps) (2012)
- Zwielichtige Pfade (map) [German] (2013)
- A Memory of Light (2013) with Matthew C. Nielsen
A Memory of Light [maps] (2013)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Het licht van weleer (map) [Dutch] (2013)
- Shattered Pillars (map) (2013)
- Die Traumklinge (map) [German] (2013)
- Sturm der Finsternis (map) [German] (2013)
Mitternachtstürme (map)?Mitternachtstuerme (map)[German] (2013)
- Like a Mighty Army (maps) (2014)
- Steles of the Sky (map) (2014)
- Unwrapped Sky (map) (2014)
- Caeli-Amur (map) (2014)
- The Silver Witch (2015)
- People of the Songtrail Map (2015)
- People of the Songtrail Timeline (2015)
- Hell's Foundations Quiver (maps) (2015)
- Hell's Foundations Quiver (maps) (2015) with Jennifer Hanover
Das Vermächtnis des Lichts (map)?Das Vermaechtnis des Lichts (map)[German] (2017)
- Each of Us a Desert (2020)
- Interior Illustrations (New Spring) (2021) with Matthew C. Nielsen
- Maps (New Spring) (2021)
- The Eye of the World (map) (2021)
- Crossroads of Twilight (maps) (unknown)
- The Eye of the World (unknown) with Matthew C. Nielsen