- Author: Albert Nuetzell Author Record # 27344
- Legal Name: Nuetzel, Albert Augustus
- Birthplace: New Albany, Indiana, USA
- Birthdate: 18 January 1901
- Deathdate: 19 June 1969
- Language: English
- Webpages: haldolen.com
- Used These Alternate Names: Albert Neutzel, Albert A. Nuetzel, Albert Augustus Nuetzel, Albert Nuetzel, Albert A. Nuetzell, Nuetzell, A. Nuetzell
- Note: Artist's real name is Nuetzel (one "l") (per SFE3 entry for his son), but commonly credited as two "l"s. Per ISFDB standard, canonical name set to Nuetzell since that is the most common.
Other views: | Awards Alphabetical Chronological |
- People Who Write Science Stories (1954) [only as by Albert A. Nuetzell]
Science Stories, February 1954 (1954)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Science Stories, February 1954 (1954) [as by Albert A. Nuetzell]
- Translation: Freiheit ohne Schranken [German] (1955)
- Variant: The Mammoth Book of Golden Age Science Fiction (2007) [as by Corbis]
- Variant: The Last Days of Thronas (2016)
- Utopia-Sonderband, #1 [German] (1955)
- Der Ring um die Sonne [German] (1956) [only as by A. Nuetzell]
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April 1957 (1957)
only appeared as:
- Variant: The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, April 1957 (1957) [as by Nuetzell]
- Translation: Utopia-Science-Fiction-Magazin, #11 [German] (1958)
- Gefangene des Mondes [German] (1957) [only as by A. Nuetzell]
Amazing Science Fiction Stories, March 1959 (1959)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Green Odyssey (2003)
- Variant: The Galaxy Primes (2012)
Amazing Science Fiction Stories, July 1959 (1959)
also appeared as:
- Variant: Thrilling Science Fiction, August 1974 (1974)
Amazing Science Fiction Stories, September 1959 (1959)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Most Thrilling Science Fiction Ever Told, No. 5 (1967)
- Variant: The Most Thrilling Science Fiction Ever Told, Fall 1968 (1968)
- Translation: Duisternis Over Diamondia [Dutch] (1975)
- Interior Art: Long Ago, Far Away (2007)
- Fantastic Science Fiction Stories, January 1960 (1960) also appeared as:
Amazing Science Fiction Stories, March 1960 (1960)
also appeared as:
- Translation: Een weg tussen de sterren [Dutch] (1972)
- Translation: Godenschemering en Andere Verhalen [Dutch] (1975)
Amazing Science Fiction Stories, April 1960 (1960)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Issahar Artifacts (2011)
Fantastic Science Fiction Stories, August 1960 (1960)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The Most Thrilling Science Fiction Ever Told, No. 6, Fall 1967 (1967)
- Translation: Banneling van de tijd [Dutch] (1972)
- Variant: The Timeless Man (2018)
- Amazing Science Fiction Stories, September 1960 (1960)
Amazing Stories, July 1961 (1961)
also appeared as:
- Variant: The 20th Golden Age of Science Fiction Megapack (2015)
Lost City of the Damned (1961)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Lost City of the Damned (1961) [as by Albert Augustus Nuetzel]
- Variant: Lost City of the Damned (2006)
- The Coming of the Rats (1961) [only as by Albert Neutzel]
- The Sex Life of the Gods (1962) [also as by Albert Augustus Nuetzel]
- If This Goes On (1965)
- Planets for Sale (1965)
- Out of the Unknown (1969)
- Swordmen of Vistar (1969) [only as by Albert Nuetzel]
- Images of Tomorrow (1969) [only as by Albert Nuetzel]
- Warriors of Noomas (1969) [only as by Albert Nuetzel]
Raiders of Noomas (1969)
only appeared as:
- Variant: Raiders of Noomas (1969) [as by Albert Nuetzel]
- Variant: Torlo Hannis of Noomas (2007) [as by Albert Nuetzel]
- Jarga van Krell [Dutch] (1973)
- The Island of Doctor Moreau (2021)
- Swordmen of Vistar (1969) [only as by Albert Nuetzel]
- Dreamer of Tomorrow: Albert A. Nuetzel (1973) [only as by Albert A. Nuetzel]